
Defines functions sim_mHMM

Documented in sim_mHMM

#' Simulate data using a multilevel hidden Markov model
#' \code{sim_mHMM} simulates data for multiple subjects, for which the data have
#' either categorical or continuous (i.e., normally distributed)
#' observations that follow a hidden Markov model (HMM) with a
#' multilevel structure. The multilevel structure implies that each subject is
#' allowed to have its own set of parameters, and that the parameters at the
#' subject level (level 1) are tied together by a population distribution at
#' level 2 for each of the corresponding parameters. The shape of the population
#' distribution for each of the parameters is a normal distribution. In addition
#' to (natural and/or unexplained) heterogeneity between subjects, the subjects
#' parameters can also depend on a covariate.
#' In simulating the data, having a multilevel structure means that the
#' parameters for each subject are sampled from the population level
#' distribution of the corresponding parameter. The user specifies the
#' population distribution for each parameter: the average population transition
#' probability matrix and its variance, and the average population emission
#' distribution and its variance. For now, the variance of the mean population
#' parameters is assumed fixed for all components of the transition probability
#' matrix and for all components of the emission distribution.
#' One can simulate multivariate data. That is, the hidden states depend on more
#' than 1 observed variable simultaneously. The distributions of multiple
#' dependent variables for multivariate data are assumed to be independent, and
#' all distributions for one dataset have to be of the same type (either
#' categorical or continuous).
#' Note that the subject specific initial state distributions (i.e., the
#' probability of each of the states at the first time point) needed to simulate
#' the data are obtained from the stationary distributions of the subject
#' specific transition probability matrices gamma.
#' \code{beta}: As the first element in each row of \code{gamma} is used as
#' reference category in the Multinomial logistic regression, the first matrix
#' in the list \code{beta} used to predict transition probability matrix
#' \code{gamma} has a number of rows equal to \code{m} and the number of columns
#' equal to \code{m} - 1. The first element in the first row corresponds to the
#' probability of switching from state one to state two. The second element in
#' the first row corresponds to the probability of switching from state one to
#' state three, and so on. The last element in the first row corresponds to the
#' probability of switching from state one to the last state. The same principle
#' holds for the second matrix in the list \code{beta} used to predict
#' categorical emission distribution(s) \code{emiss_distr}: the first element in
#' the first row corresponds to the probability of observing category two in
#' state one. The second element in the first row corresponds to the probability
#' of observing category three is state one, and so on. The last element in the
#' first row corresponds to the probability of observing the last category in
#' state one.
#' Note that when simulating count data (\code{data_distr = 'count'}), by
#' default the emission distribution parameters \code{emiss_distr} and
#' \code{var_emiss} are specified in the natural (positive real numbers) scale
#' (as opposite to the logarithmic scale). If the user wants to manually
#' specify these values on the logarithmic scale, please set the argument
#' \code{log_scale = TRUE}. Also note that if covariates are used to predict a
#' count emission distribution, then the logarithmic scale should be used for
#' the inputs \code{emiss_distr}, \code{beta}, and \code{var_emiss}, and also
#' set \code{log_scale = TRUE}.
#' @inheritParams mHMM
#' @param n_t Numeric vector with length 1 denoting the length of the observed
#'   sequence to be simulated for each subject. To only simulate subject
#'   specific transition probability matrices gamma and emission distributions
#'   (and no data), set \code{t} to 0.
#' @param n Numeric vector with length 1 denoting the number of subjects for
#'   which data is simulated.
#' @param m The argument \code{m} is deprecated; please specify using the input
#'   parameter \code{gen}.
#' @param n_dep The argument \code{n_dep} is deprecated; please specify using
#'   the input parameter \code{gen}.
#' @param q_emiss The argument \code{q_emiss} is deprecated; please specify
#'   using the input parameter \code{gen} (only to be specified when simulating
#'   categorical data).
#' @param start_state Optional numeric vector with length 1 denoting in which
#'   state the simulated state sequence should start. If left unspecified, the
#'   simulated state for time point 1 is sampled from the initial state
#'   distribution (which is derived from the transition probability matrix
#'   gamma).
#' @param data_distr A character vector of length 1 denoting the distribution
#'   adopted for the data given the hidden states. It can take the values
#'   'categorical', 'continuous', or 'count', standing for the for categorical
#'   observations following a Multinomial logit, continuous observations
#'   following a normal distribution, and count observations following a
#'   Poisson distribution, correspondingly.
#' @param gamma A matrix with \code{m} rows and \code{m} columns containing the
#'   average population transition probability matrix used for simulating the
#'   data. That is, the probability to switch from hidden state \emph{i} (row
#'   \emph{i}) to hidden state \emph{j} (column  \emph{j}).
#' @param emiss_distr A list with \code{n_dep} elements containing the average
#'   population emission distribution(s) of the observations given the hidden
#'   states for each of the dependent variables. If \code{data_distr =
#'   'categorical'}, each element is a matrix with \code{m} rows and
#'   \code{q_emiss[k]} columns for each of the \code{k} in \code{n_dep} emission
#'   distribution(s). That is, the probability of observing category \emph{q}
#'   (column \emph{q}) in state \emph{i} (row \emph{i}). If \code{data_distr =
#'   'continuous'}, each element is a matrix with \code{m} rows and 2 columns;
#'   the first column denoting the mean of state \emph{i} (row \emph{i}) and the
#'   second column denoting the standard deviation of state \emph{i}
#'   (row \emph{i}) of the Normal distribution. If \code{data_distr =
#'   'count'}, each element is a matrix with \code{m} rows and 1 column;
#'   the only column denoting the logmean of state \emph{i} (row \emph{i})
#'   of the lognormal distribution used as prior for the Poisson emissions
#'   (note: by default the logmeans should be specified in the natural scale;
#'   see argument \code{log_scale} below, unless covariates are used to predict
#'   a count emission distribution).
#' @param xx_vec List of 1 + \code{n_dep} vectors containing the covariate(s) to
#'   predict the transition probability matrix \code{gamma} and/or (specific)
#'   emission distribution(s) \code{emiss_distr} using the regression parameters
#'   specified in \code{beta} (see below). The first element in the list
#'   \code{xx_vec} is used to predict the transition matrix. Subsequent elements
#'   in the list are used to predict the emission distribution of (each of) the
#'   dependent variable(s). This means that the covariate used to predict
#'   \code{gamma} and \code{emiss_distr} can either be the same covariate,
#'   different covariates, or a covariate for certain elements and none for the
#'   other. At this point, it is only possible to use one covariate for both
#'   \code{gamma} and \code{emiss_distr}. For all elements in the list,
#'   the number of observations in the vectors should be  equal to the number of
#'   subjects to be simulated \code{n}. If \code{xx_vec} is omitted completely,
#'   \code{xx_vec} defaults to NULL, resembling no covariates at all. Specific
#'   elements in the list can also be left empty (i.e., set to \code{NULL}) to
#'   signify that either the transition probability matrix or (one of) the
#'   emission distribution(s) is not predicted by covariates.
#' @param beta List of 1 + \code{n_dep} matrices containing the regression
#'   parameters to predict \code{gamma} and/or \code{emiss_distr} in combination
#'   with \code{xx_vec} using (Multinomial logistic) regression. The first
#'   matrix is used to predict the transition probability matrix \code{gamma}.
#'   The subsequent matrices are used to predict the emission distribution(s)
#'   \code{emiss_distr} of the dependent variable(s). For \code{gamma} and
#'   categorical emission distributions, one regression parameter is specified
#'   for each element in \code{gamma} and \code{emiss_distr}, with the following
#'   exception. The first element in each row of \code{gamma} and/or
#'   \code{emiss_distr} is used as reference category in the Multinomial
#'   logistic regression. As such, no regression parameters can be specified for
#'   these parameters. Hence, the first element in the list \code{beta} to
#'   predict \code{gamma} consist of a matrix with the number of rows equal to
#'   \code{m} and the number of columns equal to \code{m} - 1. For categorical
#'   emission distributions, the subsequent elements in the list \code{beta} to
#'   predict \code{emiss_distr} consist of a matrix with the number of rows
#'   equal to \code{m} and the number of columns equal to \code{q_emiss[k]} - 1
#'   for each of the \code{k} in \code{n_dep} emission distribution(s). See
#'   \emph{details} for more information. For continuous and count emission
#'   distributions, the subsequent elements in the list \code{beta} consist of
#'   a matrix with the number of rows equal to \code{m} and 1 column.
#'   Note that if \code{beta} is specified, \code{xx_vec} has to be specified as
#'   well. If \code{beta} is omitted completely, \code{beta} defaults to NULL,
#'   resembling no prediction of \code{gamma} and \code{emiss_distr} using
#'   covariates. One of the elements in the list can also be left empty
#'   (i.e., set to \code{NULL}) to signify that either the transition
#'   probability matrix or a specific emission distribution is not predicted by
#'   covariates. If covariates are used to predict a count emission
#'   distribution (\code{data_distr = 'count'}), then the logarithmic scale
#'   should be used for the inputs \code{emiss_distr} and \code{var_emiss} in
#'   addition to \code{beta}, and also set \code{log_scale = TRUE}.
#' @param var_gamma Either a numeric vector with length 1 or a matrix of
#'   (\code{m} by \code{m} - 1) elements denoting the amount of variance
#'   between subjects in the transition probability matrix. Note that the
#'   value(s) correspond to the variance of the parameters of the Multinomial
#'   distribution (i.e., the intercepts of the regression equation of the
#'   Multinomial distribution used to sample the transition probability
#'   matrix), see details below. Also note that if only one variance value is
#'   provided, it will be adopted for the complete transition probability
#'   matrix, hence the variance is assumed fixed across all components. The
#'   default equals 0.1, which corresponds to little variation between
#'   subjects. If one wants to simulate data from exactly the same HMM for all
#'   subjects, var_gamma should be set to 0. Note that if data for only 1
#'   subject is simulated (i.e., n = 1), \code{var_gamma} is set to 0.
#' @param var_emiss Either a numeric vector with length \code{n_dep} or a
#'   list of \code{n_dep} matrices denoting the amount of variance between
#'   subjects in the emission distribution(s). When opting for a list of
#'   matrices: if \code{data_distr = 'categorical'}, each element of the list
#'   is a matrix with \code{m} rows and \code{q_emiss[k] - 1} columns for each
#'   of the \code{k} in \code{n_dep} emission distribution(s) between subject
#'   variances; if \code{data_distr = 'continuous'}, each element is a matrix
#'   with \code{m} rows and 1 column; the single column denoting the variance
#'   between the subjects' means of state \emph{i} (row \emph{i}) of the normal
#'   distribution used as prior for the Normal emissions. If \code{data_distr =
#'   'count'}, each element is a matrix with \code{m} rows and 1 column; the
#'   single column denoting the logvariance between the subjects' logmeans of
#'   state \emph{i} (row \emph{i}) of the lognormal distribution used as prior
#'   for the Poisson emissions (note: by default the logvariances should be
#'   specified in the natural scale; see argument \code{log_scale} below).
#'   For categorical data, this value corresponds to the variance of the
#'   parameters of the Multinomial distribution (i.e., the intercepts of the
#'   regression equation of the Multinomial distribution used to sample the
#'   components of the emission distribution), see details below. For
#'   continuous data, this value corresponds to the variance in the mean of the
#'   emission distribution(s) across subjects. For count data, it corresponds
#'   to the variance in the logmean of the emission distribution(s) across
#'   subjects and by should be specified in the natural scale (see argument
#'   \code{log_scale} below). Note that if only one variance value provided for
#'   each emission distribution, the variance is assumed fixed across states
#'   (and, for the categorical distribution, categories within a state) within
#'   an emission distribution. The default equals 0.1, which corresponds to
#'   little variation between subjects given categorical observations. If one
#'   wants to simulate data from exactly the same HMM for all subjects,
#'   var_emiss should be set to a vector of 0's. Note that if data for only 1
#'   subject is simulated (i.e., n = 1), \code{var_emiss} is set to a vector
#'   of 0's.
#' @param log_scale A logical scalar. If \code{data_distr = 'count'}, should
#'   \code{emiss_distr} (i.e., the sample average logmeans) and
#'   \code{var_emiss} (i.e., the between subject logvariances) of the lognormal
#'   prior adopted for the count be specified in the logarithmic scale
#'   (\code{log_scale = TRUE}) or the natural (i.e., real positive numbers)
#'   scale (\code{log_scale = FALSE}). The default equals
#'   \code{log_scale = FALSE}. Note that if covariates \code{beta} are used to
#'   predict the count emission distribution, then the logarithmic scale should
#'   be used for the inputs \code{emiss_distr}, \code{beta}, and
#'   \code{var_emiss}, and also set \code{log_scale = TRUE}.
#' @param return_ind_par A logical scalar. Should the subject specific
#'   transition probability matrix \code{gamma} and emission probability matrix
#'   \code{emiss_distr} be returned by the function (\code{return_ind_par =
#'   TRUE}) or not (\code{return_ind_par = FALSE}). The default equals
#'   \code{return_ind_par = FALSE}.
#' @return The following components are returned by the function \code{sim_mHMM}:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{states}}{A matrix containing the simulated hidden state
#'   sequences, with one row per hidden state per subject. The first column
#'   indicates subject id number. The second column contains the simulated
#'   hidden state sequence, consecutively for all subjects. Hence, the id number
#'   is repeated over the rows (with the number of repeats equal to the length
#'   of the simulated hidden state sequence \code{T} for each subject).}
#'   \item{\code{obs}}{A matrix containing the simulated observed outputs, with
#'   one row per simulated observation per subject. The first column indicates
#'   subject id number. The second column contains the simulated observation
#'   sequence, consecutively for all subjects. Hence, the id number is repeated
#'   over rows (with the number of repeats equal to the length of the simulated
#'   observation sequence \code{T} for each subject).}
#'   \item{\code{gamma}}{A list containing \code{n} elements with the simulated
#'   subject specific transition probability matrices \code{gamma}. Only
#'   returned if \code{return_ind_par} is set to \code{TRUE}.}
#'   \item{\code{emiss_distr}}{A list containing \code{n} elements with the
#'   simulated subject specific emission probability matrices
#'   \code{emiss_distr}. Only returned if \code{return_ind_par} is set to
#'   \code{TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{mHMM}} for analyzing multilevel hidden Markov data.
#' @examples
#' ## Examples on univariate categorical data
#' # simulating data for 10 subjects with each 100 categorical observations
#' n_t     <- 100
#' n       <- 10
#' m       <- 3
#' n_dep   <- 1
#' q_emiss <- 4
#' gamma   <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
#'                     0.2, 0.7, 0.1,
#'                     0.2, 0.2, 0.6), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
#' emiss_distr <- list(matrix(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
#'                              0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.0,
#'                              0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.9), nrow = m, ncol = q_emiss, byrow = TRUE))
#' data1 <- sim_mHMM(n_t = n_t, n = n, gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep, q_emiss = q_emiss),
#'                   gamma = gamma, emiss_distr = emiss_distr, var_gamma = 1, var_emiss = 1)
#' head(data1$obs)
#' head(data1$states)
#' # including a covariate to predict (only) the transition probability matrix gamma
#' beta      <- rep(list(NULL), 2)
#' beta[[1]] <- matrix(c(0.5, 1.0,
#'                      -0.5, 0.5,
#'                       0.0, 1.0), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)
#' xx_vec      <- rep(list(NULL),2)
#' xx_vec[[1]] <-  c(rep(0,5), rep(1,5))
#' data2 <- sim_mHMM(n_t = n_t, n = n, gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep, q_emiss = q_emiss),
#'                   gamma = gamma, emiss_distr = emiss_distr, beta = beta, xx_vec = xx_vec,
#'                   var_gamma = 1, var_emiss = 1)
#' # simulating subject specific transition probability matrices and emission distributions only
#' n_t <- 0
#' n <- 5
#' m <- 3
#' n_dep   <- 1
#' q_emiss <- 4
#' gamma <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
#'                   0.2, 0.7, 0.1,
#'                   0.2, 0.2, 0.6), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
#' emiss_distr <- list(matrix(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
#'                              0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.0,
#'                              0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.9), nrow = m, ncol = q_emiss, byrow = TRUE))
#' data3 <- sim_mHMM(n_t = n_t, n = n, gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep, q_emiss = q_emiss),
#'                   gamma = gamma, emiss_distr = emiss_distr, var_gamma = 1, var_emiss = 1)
#' data3
#' data4 <- sim_mHMM(n_t = n_t, n = n, gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep, q_emiss = q_emiss),
#'                   gamma = gamma, emiss_distr = emiss_distr, var_gamma = .5, var_emiss = .5)
#' data4
#' ## Example on multivariate continuous data
#' # simulating multivariate continuous data
#' n_t     <- 100
#' n       <- 10
#' m       <- 3
#' n_dep   <- 2
#' gamma   <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1,
#'                     0.2, 0.7, 0.1,
#'                     0.2, 0.2, 0.6), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
#' emiss_distr <- list(matrix(c( 50, 10,
#'                               100, 10,
#'                               150, 10), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE),
#'                     matrix(c(5, 2,
#'                              10, 5,
#'                              20, 3), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE))
#' data_cont <- sim_mHMM(n_t = n_t, n = n, data_distr = 'continuous',
#'                       gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep),
#'                       gamma = gamma, emiss_distr = emiss_distr,
#'                       var_gamma = .5, var_emiss = c(5^2, 0.2^2))
#' head(data_cont$states)
#' head(data_cont$obs)
#' ## Example on multivariate count data without covariates
#' n_t     <- 200     # Number of observations on the dependent variable
#' m       <- 3        # Number of hidden states
#' n_dep   <- 2        # Number of dependent variables
#' n_subj  <- 30        # Number of subjects
#' gamma   <- matrix(c(0.9, 0.05, 0.05,
#'                     0.2, 0.7, 0.1,
#'                     0.2,0.3, 0.5), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
#' emiss_distr <- list(matrix(c(20,
#'                              10,
#'                              5), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE),
#'                     matrix(c(50,
#'                              3,
#'                              20), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE))
#' # Define between subject variance to use on the simulating function:
#' # here, the variance is varied over states within the dependent variable.
#' var_emiss <- list(matrix(c(5.0, 3.0, 1.5), nrow = m),
#'                   matrix(c(5.0, 5.0, 5.0), nrow = m))
#' # Simulate count data:
#' data_count <- sim_mHMM(n_t = n_t,
#'                        n = n_subj,
#'                        data_distr = "count",
#'                        gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep),
#'                        gamma = gamma,
#'                        emiss_distr = emiss_distr,
#'                        var_gamma = 0.1,
#'                        var_emiss = var_emiss,
#'                        return_ind_par = TRUE)
#' ## Example on multivariate count data with covariates
#' # Simulate data with one covariate for each count dependent variable
#' n_t     <- 200     # Number of observations on the dependent variable
#' m       <- 3        # Number of hidden states
#' n_dep   <- 3        # Number of dependent variables
#' n_subj  <- 30        # Number of subjects
#' gamma   <- matrix(c(0.9, 0.05, 0.05,
#'                     0.2, 0.7, 0.1,
#'                     0.2,0.3, 0.5), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
#' emiss_distr <- list(matrix(c(20,
#'                              10,
#'                              5), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE),
#'                     matrix(c(15,
#'                              2,
#'                              5), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE),
#'                     matrix(c(50,
#'                              3,
#'                              20), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE))
#' # Since we have covariates, we specify inputs in the log scale:
#' emiss_distr_log <- lapply(emiss_distr, function(e) log(e))
#' # Define list of vectors of covariate values
#' set.seed(42)
#' xx_vec <- c(list(NULL),rep(list(rnorm(n_subj,mean = 0, sd = 0.1)),3))
#' # Define object beta with regression coefficients for the three dependent variables
#' beta      <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep+1)
#' beta[[2]] <- matrix(c(1,-1,0), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 1)
#' beta[[3]] <- matrix(c(2,0,-2), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 1)
#' beta[[4]] <- matrix(c(-1,3,1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 1)
#' # Calculate logvar to use on the simulating function:
#' logvar <- var_to_logvar(gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep),
#'                         emiss_mu = emiss_distr,
#'                         var_emiss =  list(rep(4, m),
#'                                           rep(2, m),
#'                                           rep(5, m)),
#'                         byrow = FALSE)
#' # Put logvar in the right format:
#' logvar <- lapply(logvar, function(q) matrix(q, nrow = m))
#' # Simulate count data:
#' data_count <- sim_mHMM(n_t = n_t,
#'                        n = n_subj,
#'                        data_distr = "count",
#'                        gen = list(m = m, n_dep = n_dep),
#'                        gamma = gamma,
#'                        emiss_distr = emiss_distr_log,
#'                        xx_vec = xx_vec,
#'                        beta = beta,
#'                        var_gamma = 0.1,
#'                        var_emiss = logvar,
#'                        return_ind_par = TRUE,
#'                        log_scale = TRUE)
#' head(data_count$states)
#' head(data_count$obs)

#' @export

sim_mHMM <- function(n_t, n, data_distr = 'categorical', gen, gamma, emiss_distr, start_state = NULL,
                     xx_vec = NULL, beta = NULL, var_gamma = 0.1, var_emiss = NULL,
                     return_ind_par = FALSE, m, n_dep, q_emiss, log_scale = FALSE){

    warning("The argument m is deprecated; please specify using the input parameter gen.")
    warning("The argument n_dep is deprecated; please specify using the input parameter gen.")
    warning("The argument q_emiss is deprecated; please specify using the input parameter gen.")

  if(!any(data_distr %in% c('categorical','continuous','count'))){
    stop("The input argument data_distr should be one of 'categorical', 'continuous', or 'count'.")
  if(data_distr == 'count' & !any(log_scale %in% c(TRUE,FALSE))){
    stop("The input argument log_scale should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  if(data_distr == 'count' & log_scale == TRUE){
    # warning("The argument log_scale is set to TRUE, so the input arguments 'emiss_distr', 'beta', and 'var_emiss' will be assumed
    #         to be in the logarithmic scale.")
  } else if(data_distr == 'count' & log_scale == TRUE){
    # warning("The argument log_scale is set to FALSE, so the input arguments 'emiss_distr' and 'var_emiss' will be assumed
    #         to be in the natural scale.")
  } else if(data_distr == 'count' & log_scale == FALSE & !is.null(beta)){
    stop("Covariates have been used to predict the count emission distribution. Please use the logarithmic scale to specify emiss_distr, beta, and var_emiss, and set `log_scale = TRUE`.")

    if(sum(objects(gen) %in% "m") != 1 | sum(objects(gen) %in% "n_dep") != 1 | (sum(objects(gen) %in% "q_emiss") != 1 & data_distr == 'categorical')){
      stop("The input argument gen should contain the elements m, n_dep and q_emiss.")
    m <- gen$m
    n_dep <- gen$n_dep
    if(data_distr == 'categorical'){
      q_emiss <- gen$q_emiss

  if(missing(m) & missing(gen)){
    stop("Please specify the number of hidden states m via the input parameter gen.")
  if(missing(n_dep) & missing(gen)){
    n_dep <- 1
    warning("Please specify the number of dependent variables n_dep via the input parameter gen. Model now assums n_dep = 1")
  if(data_distr == 'categorical'){
    if(missing(q_emiss) & missing(gen)){
      stop("Please specify the number of observed categories for each categorical emission distribution q_emiss via the input parameter gen.")

  if (dim(gamma)[1] != m | dim(gamma)[2] != m){
    stop(paste("The transiton probability matrix gamma should be a", m, "by", m, "matrix."))
  if(!isTRUE(all.equal(apply(gamma,1,sum), rep(1,m)))){
    stop("The elements in each row of the transition probability matrix gamma should sum up to 1")
    stop("The format of emiss_distr should be a list with", n_dep, "elements.")
  if(length(emiss_distr) != n_dep){
    stop("The number of dependent variables specified in n_dep and the number of elements specified in the list emiss_distr should be equal")
  if(data_distr == 'categorical'){
    if(length(q_emiss) != n_dep){
      stop("The lenght of q_emiss specifying the number of output categories for each of the number of dependent variables should equal the number of dependent variables specified in n_dep")
  for(q in 1:n_dep){
    if (dim(emiss_distr[[q]])[1] != m){
      stop(paste("The number of rows of emission distribution matrix in element", q, "should be
             equal to the number of states, which is", m, "."))
    if(data_distr == 'categorical'){
     if (dim(emiss_distr[[q]])[2] != q_emiss[q]){
       stop(paste("The number of columns of the emission distribution matrix should be
                 equal to the number of observable categories, which is", q_emiss[q], ". See emission distribution in element", q, "."))
      if(!isTRUE(all.equal(apply(emiss_distr[[q]], 1, sum), rep(1, m)))){
       stop("The elements in each row of the emission distribution matrix should sum up to 1, see emission distribution in element", q, ".")
   if(data_distr == 'continuous'){
     if (dim(emiss_distr[[q]])[2] != 2){
       stop(paste("For continuous data, the number of columns of the emission distribution matrix should be 2, where the first column denotes the state dependent mean and the
                  second column the state dependent standard deviation of the Normal emission distribution. See emission distribution in element", q, "."))
   } else if (data_distr == 'count'){
     if (dim(emiss_distr[[q]])[2] != 1){
       stop(paste("For count data, the number of columns of the emission distribution matrix should be 1, where the column denotes the state dependent logmean of
                  the lognormal prior used for the Poisson emission distribution. See emission distribution in element", q, "."))
  if((is.null(xx_vec) & !is.null(beta)) | (!is.null(xx_vec) & is.null(beta))){
    stop("Either only xx_vec or only beta is specified. Please specify both 1) the values for the covariate
         in xx_vec and 2) the values of the regression parameters in beta, to allow correct simulation of the
    if((!is.null(xx_vec[[1]]) & is.null(beta[[1]])) |
       (!is.null(xx_vec[[2]]) & is.null(beta[[2]]))){
      stop("Either only xx_vec or only beta is specified in one of the elements.
            Please specify both 1) the values for the covariate in xx_vec and 2)
            the values of the regression parameters in beta if either one is not
            empty, to allow correct simulation of the data.")
  # extend to all 1 + n_dep
      if((!is.null(beta[[1]]) & is.null(xx_vec[[1]])) |
       (!is.null(beta[[2]]) & is.null(xx_vec[[2]]))){
      stop("Either only xx_vec or only beta is specified in one of the elements.
            Please specify both 1) the values for the covariate in xx_vec and 2)
            the values of the regression parameters in beta if either one is not
            empty, to allow correct simulation of the data.")
  # extend to all 1 + n_dep
    if((!is.null(xx_vec[[1]]) & length(xx_vec[[1]]) != n) |
      (!is.null(xx_vec[[2]]) & length(xx_vec[[2]]) != n)){
      stop("The length of the vectors in xx_vec should be equal to the number of subjects to be simulated,
         set in n, if (the element in) xx_vec is not set to NULL.")
  if (!is.null(beta)){
    if (!is.null(beta[[1]])){
      if ((dim(beta[[1]])[1] != (m)) | (dim(beta[[1]])[2] != (m-1))){
      stop(paste("The first element of beta to predict the transiton probability matrix gamma should be a m (", m, " ) by m - 1 (", m - 1, ") matrix."))
    if (!is.null(beta[[2]]) & data_distr == 'categorical'){
    # extend to all 1 + n_dep and continuous
      if((dim(beta[[2]])[1] != (m)) | (dim(beta[[2]])[2] != (q_emiss[1]-1))){
      stop(paste("The second element of beta to predict the emission distribution should be a m (", m, ") by q_emiss - 1 (", q_emiss[1] - 1, ") matrix."))
    xx_vec <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep + 1)
    for(i in 1:(n_dep + 1)){
      xx_vec[[i]] <- rep(1,n)
  } else {
    for(i in 1:(n_dep + 1)){
      if(is.null(xx_vec[[i]])) {
        xx_vec[[i]] <- rep(1,n)
    beta <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep + 1)
    beta[[1]] <- matrix(0, ncol = m - 1, nrow = m)
    for(i in 2:(n_dep + 1)){
      if(data_distr == 'categorical'){
        beta[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol = q_emiss[i-1] - 1, nrow = m)
      } else if (data_distr == 'continuous'){
        beta[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = m)
      } else if (data_distr == 'count'){
        beta[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = m)
  } else {
    if(is.null(beta[[1]])) {
      beta[[1]] <- matrix(0, ncol = m - 1, nrow = m)
    for (i in 2:(n_dep + 1)){
      if (is.null(beta[[i]])) {
        if(data_distr == 'categorical'){
          beta[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol = q_emiss[i-1] - 1, nrow = m)
        } else if (data_distr == 'continuous'){
          beta[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = m)
        } else if (data_distr == 'count'){
          beta[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = m)

  # If only 1 subject
  if(n == 1){
    var_gamma <- 0
    var_emiss <- rep(0, n_dep)

  # If a single value of var_gamma specified, use for all transitions
  if(length(var_gamma) == 1){
    var_gamma <- matrix(rep(var_gamma, m*(m-1)),nrow = m, byrow = TRUE)
    # warning("A single value of var_gamma was provided, which will be used for all states.")
  } else if(is.matrix(var_gamma)){
    if (dim(var_gamma)[1] != m){
      stop(paste("The between-subject variance matrix for the transition distribution should be a", m, "by", m-1, "matrix."))
    if (dim(var_gamma)[2] != m-1){
      stop(paste("The between-subject variance matrix for the transition distribution should be a", m, "by", m-1, "matrix."))

  if(data_distr == 'categorical'){

    # If a single value of var_emiss specified, use for all categories and n_dep
      var_emiss <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep)
      for(i in 1:n_dep){
        var_emiss[[i]] <- matrix(rep(0.1, m*(q_emiss[i]-1)),nrow = m, byrow = TRUE)
    } else if(is.numeric(var_emiss) & length(var_emiss) == n_dep){
      # warning("A single value of var_emiss was provided per dependent variable, which will be used for all states.")
      arg_var_emiss <- var_emiss
      var_emiss <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep)
      for(i in 1:n_dep){
        var_emiss[[i]] <- matrix(rep(arg_var_emiss[i], m*(q_emiss[i]-1)),nrow = m, byrow = TRUE)
    } else if(is.list(var_emiss)){
      for(i in 1:n_dep){
        if(dim(var_emiss[[i]])[2] != q_emiss[i]-1){
          stop(paste("The number of columns of the between-subject variance for the emission distribution should be
                           equal to the number of observable categories minus one, which is", q_emiss[i], ". See emission distribution in element", i, "."))
    } else if(length(var_emiss) != n_dep){
      stop("The length of var_emiss specifying variance between subjects in each of the number of dependent variables should equal the number of dependent variables specified in n_dep. Note that var_emiss can either by a list of matrices, or a numeric vector.")

  } else if(data_distr %in% c('continuous','count')){

    # If a single value of var_emiss specified, use for all states and n_dep
      var_emiss <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep)
      for(i in 1:n_dep){
        var_emiss[[i]] <- matrix(rep(0.1, m), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE)
    } else if(is.numeric(var_emiss) & length(var_emiss) == n_dep){
      # warning("A single value of var_emiss was provided per dependent variable, which will be used for all states.")
      arg_var_emiss <- var_emiss
      var_emiss <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep)
      for(i in 1:n_dep){
        var_emiss[[i]] <- matrix(rep(arg_var_emiss[i], m), nrow = m, byrow = TRUE)
    } else if(is.list(var_emiss)){
      for(i in 1:n_dep){
        if(dim(var_emiss[[i]])[1] != m){
          stop(paste0("The number of rows of the between-subject variance for the emission distribution should be
                           equal to ",m,", the number of hidden states chosen."))
        if(dim(var_emiss[[i]])[2] != 1){
          stop(paste0("The number of columns of the between-subject variance for the emission distribution should be
                           equal to one."))
    } else if(length(var_emiss) != n_dep){
      stop("The length of var_emiss specifying variance between subjects in each of the number of dependent variables should equal the number of dependent variables specified in n_dep. Note that var_emiss can either by a list of matrices, or a numeric vector.")


  # Simulating the data ---------------------

  states <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = n_t*n)
  states[,1] <- rep(1:n, each = n_t)
  obs <- matrix(ncol = 1 + n_dep, nrow = n_t*n)
  obs[,1] <- rep(1:n, each = n_t)
  sub_gamma <- rep(list(NULL), n)
  sub_emiss <- rep(list(vector("list", n_dep)), n)
  mnl_gamma <- prob_to_int(gamma)
  if(data_distr == "categorical"){
    mnl_emiss <- rep(list(NULL), n_dep)
    for(i in 1:n_dep){
      mnl_emiss[[i]] <- prob_to_int(emiss_distr[[i]])
  if(data_distr == "count" & log_scale == FALSE){
    var_emiss  <- var_to_logvar(gen = gen, emiss_distr, var_emiss, byrow = FALSE)
    for(i in 1:n_dep){
      # var_emiss[[i]]        <- var_to_logvar(emiss_distr[[i]][,1], var_emiss[[i]])
      emiss_distr[[i]][,1]  <- log(emiss_distr[[i]][,1])
      # beta[[1+i]] # Check: do anything with beta?
  for(j in 1:n){
    sub_gamma[[j]] <- int_to_prob(mnl_gamma + xx_vec[[1]][j] * beta[[1]] +
                                    rnorm(n = m * (m-1), mean = 0, sd = sqrt(as.numeric(var_gamma))))
    for(i in 1:n_dep){
      if(data_distr == "categorical"){
        sub_emiss[[j]][[i]] <- int_to_prob(mnl_emiss[[i]] + xx_vec[[1+i]][j] * beta[[1+i]] +
                                           rnorm(n = m * (q_emiss[i]-1), mean = 0, sd = sqrt(as.numeric(var_emiss[[i]]))))
      } else if(data_distr == "continuous"){
        sub_emiss[[j]][[i]] <- emiss_distr[[i]]
        sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][,1] <- emiss_distr[[i]][,1] +  xx_vec[[1+i]][j] * beta[[1+i]] +
        rnorm(n = m, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(as.numeric(var_emiss[[i]])))
      } else if(data_distr == "count"){
        sub_emiss[[j]][[i]] <- emiss_distr[[i]]
        sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][,1] <- exp(emiss_distr[[i]][,1] +  xx_vec[[1+i]][j] * beta[[1+i]] +
                                         rnorm(n = m, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(as.numeric(var_emiss[[i]]))))

    if(n_t != 0){
      init <- solve(t(diag(m) - sub_gamma[[j]] + 1), rep(1, m))
      if (is.null(start_state)){
        states[((j-1) * n_t + 1), 2] <- sample(x = 1:m, size = 1, prob = init)
      } else {
        states[((j-1) * n_t + 1), 2] <- start_state
      if(data_distr == "categorical"){
        for(i in 1:n_dep){
          obs[((j-1) * n_t + 1), (1+i)] <- sample(x = 1:q_emiss[i], size = 1, prob = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + 1), 2],])
      } else if (data_distr == "continuous"){
        for(i in 1:n_dep){
          obs[((j-1) * n_t + 1), (1+i)] <- rnorm(1, mean = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + 1), 2],1],
                                                 sd = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + 1), 2],2])
      } else if (data_distr == "count"){
        for(i in 1:n_dep){
          obs[((j-1) * n_t + 1), (1+i)] <- stats::rpois(1, lambda = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + 1), 2],1])
      for(t in 2:n_t){
        states[((j-1) * n_t + t), 2] <- sample(x = 1:m, size = 1, prob = sub_gamma[[j]][states[((j-1) * n_t + t - 1), 2],])
        if(data_distr == "categorical"){
          for(i in 1:n_dep){
            obs[((j-1) * n_t + t), (1+i)] <- sample(x = 1:q_emiss[i], size = 1, prob = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + t), 2],])
        } else if (data_distr == "continuous"){
          for(i in 1:n_dep){
            obs[((j-1) * n_t + t), (1+i)] <- rnorm(1, mean = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + t), 2],1],
                                                   sd = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + t), 2],2])
        } else if (data_distr == "count"){
          for(i in 1:n_dep){
            obs[((j-1) * n_t + t), (1+i)] <- stats::rpois(1, lambda = sub_emiss[[j]][[i]][states[((j-1) * n_t + t), 2],1])

  # Returning output  ---------------------
  colnames(states) <- c("subj", "state")
  colnames(obs)    <- c("subj", paste("observation", 1:n_dep))
  if (return_ind_par == FALSE & n_t != 0){
    return(list(states = states, obs = obs))
  } else if (return_ind_par == TRUE & n_t != 0){
    return(list(states = states, obs = obs, subject_gamma = sub_gamma, subject_emiss = sub_emiss))
  } else if (n_t == 0){
    return(list(subject_gamma = sub_gamma, subject_emiss = sub_emiss))

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