
Defines functions print.anova.reitsma anova.reitsma calc_hsroc_coef AUC.reitsma plot.reitsma crosshair.reitsma ROCellipse.reitsma mcsroc.reitsma sroc.reitsma logLik.reitsma vcov.reitsma reitsma.default reitsma

Documented in anova.reitsma AUC.reitsma crosshair.reitsma mcsroc.reitsma plot.reitsma print.anova.reitsma reitsma reitsma.default ROCellipse.reitsma sroc.reitsma

reitsma <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("reitsma")

reitsma.default <-
  function(data = NULL, subset=NULL, formula = NULL,
           TP="TP", FN="FN", FP="FP", TN="TN", 
           alphasens = 1, alphafpr = 1, 
           correction = 0.5, correction.control = "all",
           method = "reml",  
           control = list(), ...)
    call <- match.call()
    mcall <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    stopifnot(is.numeric(correction), 0 <= correction,  
              correction.control %in% c("all", "single", "none"),
              0 <= alphasens, alphasens <= 2, 0 <= alphafpr, alphafpr <= 2,
              method %in% c("fixed", "ml", "reml", "mm", "vc"),
              is.numeric(TP) | (is.character(TP) & length(TP) == 1),
              is.numeric(FP) | (is.character(FP) & length(FP) == 1),
              is.numeric(TN) | (is.character(TN) & length(TN) == 1),
              is.numeric(FN) | (is.character(FN) & length(FN) == 1))
    if(is.null(formula)){formula <- cbind(tsens,tfpr)~1}
    if(!is(formula, "formula")){stop("formula must be of class formula")}
    if(!formula[2] == (cbind(tsens,tfpr)~1)[2]){stop("The left hand side of formula must be cbind(tsens, tfpr)")}
    if(!is.null(data) & is.character(c(TP,FP,TN,FN))){
      X <- as.data.frame(data)
      origdata <- data
      TP <- getElement(X,TP)
      FN <- getElement(X,FN)
      FP <- getElement(X,FP)
      TN <- getElement(X,TN)
    if(is.null(data) & !is.character(c(TP,FP,TN,FN))){
      origdata <- data.frame(TP = TP, FN = FN, FP = FP, TN = TN)
    freqdata <- cbind(TP,FN,FP,TN)
    N <- length(TP)	
    ## apply continuity correction to _all_ studies if one contains zero
    if(correction.control == "all"){if(any(c(TP,FN,FP,TN) == 0))
    {TP <- TP + correction;
    FN <- FN + correction;
    FP <- FP + correction;
    TN <- TN + correction}}
    if(correction.control == "single"){
      correction = ((((TP == 0)|(FN == 0))|(FP == 0))| (TN == 0)) * 
      TP <- correction + TP
      FN <- correction + FN
      FP <- correction + FP
      TN <- correction + TN
    tpi <- TP
    fni <- FN
    fpi <- FP
    tni <- TN
    freqdata1 <- cbind(tpi,fni,fpi,tni)
    number.of.pos <- TP + FN
    number.of.neg <- FP + TN
    fpr <- FP/number.of.neg
    senstrafo <- function(x){return(talpha(alphasens)$linkfun(x))}
    fprtrafo <- function(x){return(talpha(alphafpr)$linkfun(x))}
    sensinvtrafo <- function(x){return(talpha(alphasens)$linkinv(x))}
    fprinvtrafo <- function(x){return(talpha(alphafpr)$linkinv(x))}
    trafo.sens <- senstrafo(sens)
    trafo.fpr <- fprtrafo(fpr)
    var.trafo.sens <- (sens*(1-sens)/number.of.pos) * 
      (jacobiantrafo(alphasens, sens)^2)
    var.trafo.fpr <- (fpr*(1-fpr)/number.of.neg) * 
      (jacobiantrafo(alphafpr, fpr)^2)
    # preparations for call to mvmeta.fit
    mvmeta_S <- cbind(var.trafo.sens, rep(0,N), var.trafo.fpr)
    mvmeta_data <- data.frame(X,tsens = trafo.sens, tfpr = trafo.fpr)
    mvmeta_X <- model.matrix(formula,data=mvmeta_data)  
    mvmeta_y <- as.matrix(data.frame(tsens = trafo.sens, tfpr = trafo.fpr))
    fit <- mvmeta.fit(mvmeta_X, mvmeta_y, mvmeta_S, method = method, control = control)
    fit$call <- call
    fit$formula <- formula
    fit$control <- control
    fit$method <- method
    fit$alphasens <- alphasens
    fit$alphafpr <- alphafpr
    fit$data <- origdata
    fit$freqdata <- as.data.frame(freqdata)
    fit$freqdata1 <- as.data.frame(freqdata1)
    class(fit) <- "reitsma"
    ## modify log likelihood, especially add jacobian
    attr(fit$logLik, "df") <- 2*ncol(mvmeta_X) + 3
    fit$logLik  <-  fit$logLik + sum(log(jacobiantrafo(alphasens,sens)) + 
    fit$nobs <- 2*N
    class(output) <- "reitsma"

print.reitsma <- function (x, digits = 4, ...) 
  methodname <- c("reml", "ml", "fixed")
  methodlabel <- c("REML", "ML", "Fixed")
  cat("Call:  ", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
      "\n\n", sep = "")
  cat("Fixed-effects coefficients:", "\n", sep = "")
  table <- formatC(x$coefficients, digits = digits, format = "f")
  table <- gsub("NA"," -",table)
  print(table, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = 2)
  cat(x$dim$m, " studies, ", 
      x$df$fixed, " fixed and ", x$df$random, " random-effects parameters", 
      "\n", sep = "")
  table <- c(x$logLik, AIC(x), BIC(x))
  names(table) <- c("logLik", "AIC", "BIC")
  table <- formatC(table, digits = digits, format = "f")
  print(table, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = 2)

summary.reitsma <- 
  function (object, level = 0.95, sroc.type = "ruttergatsonis", ...) 
    stopifnot(sroc.type %in% c("naive", "ruttergatsonis"))
    ci.level <- level
    if (ci.level <= 0 || ci.level >= 1) 
      stop("'ci.level' must be within 0 and 1")
    coef <- object$coefficients
    vcov <- object$vcov
    dim <- object$dim
    Psi <- object$Psi
    lab <- object$lab
    coef <- as.numeric(coef)
    coef.se <- sqrt(diag(vcov))
    zval <- coef/coef.se
    zvalci <- qnorm((1 - ci.level)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
    pvalue <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(zval)))
    ci.lb <- coef - zvalci * coef.se
    ci.ub <- coef + zvalci * coef.se
    cilab <- paste(signif(ci.level, 2) * 100, "%ci.", c("lb", 
                                                        "ub"), sep = "")
    tabfixed <- cbind(coef, coef.se, zval, pvalue, ci.lb, ci.ub)
    dimnames(tabfixed) <- list(if (dim$k > 1L) colnames(vcov) else lab$p, 
                               c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z", "Pr(>|z|)", cilab))
    if(nrow(tabfixed) == 2){
      tabfixed <- rbind(tabfixed,tabfixed)
      tabfixed[3,] <- inv.trafo(object$alphasens, tabfixed[3,])
      tabfixed[4,] <- inv.trafo(object$alphafpr, tabfixed[4,])
      tabfixed[3:4,c(2,3,4)] <- NA
      rownames(tabfixed)[3:4] <- c("sensitivity","false pos. rate")
    corFixed <- vcov/outer(coef.se, coef.se)
    ran.sd <- sqrt(diag(Psi))
    corRandom <- Psi/outer(ran.sd, ran.sd)
    #  qstat <- unclass(qtest(object)) 
    tau_a <- (tabfixed[1,2])^2
    tau_b <- (tabfixed[2,2])^2
    cor_sq <- (corRandom[1,2])^2
    theta_a <- (tabfixed[1,1])
    theta_b <- 0-(tabfixed[2,1])
    K <- 1/as.numeric(dim$m)
    k <- as.numeric(dim$m)
    Nia <- 1/(object$freqdata$TP + object$freqdata$FP)
    Nib <- 1/(object$freqdata$TN + object$freqdata$FN)
    NiA <- sum(Nia)
    NiB <- sum(Nib)
    tau <- (1-cor_sq)*tau_a*tau_b
    em <- ((exp((tau_a/2)+theta_a)+exp((tau_a/2)-theta_a)+2)*K*NiA)*((exp((tau_b/2)+theta_b)+exp((tau_b/2)-theta_b)+2)*K*NiB)
    i2_z <- (tau^0.5)/((em^0.5)+(tau^0.5))
    theta_i <-  log((object$freqdata1$tpi/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni)))/log((object$freqdata1$fpi/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni)))
    var_i <- ((1/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni))*((1-(object$freqdata1$tpi/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni)))/((object$freqdata1$tpi/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni))*(log((object$freqdata1$tpi/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni)))^2)))) + ((1/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni))*((1-(object$freqdata1$fpi/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni)))/((object$freqdata1$fpi/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni))*(log((object$freqdata1$fpi/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni)))^2)))) 
    weight_i <- 1/var_i
    var_i0 <- (((1-(object$freqdata1$tpi/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni)))/((object$freqdata1$tpi/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni))*(log((object$freqdata1$tpi/(object$freqdata1$tpi+object$freqdata1$fni)))^2))) + ((1-(object$freqdata1$fpi/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni)))/((object$freqdata1$fpi/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni))*(log((object$freqdata1$fpi/(object$freqdata1$fpi+object$freqdata1$tni)))^2))))
    weight_i0 <- 1/var_i0
    sq_weight_i <- weight_i*weight_i
    sq_weight_i0 <- weight_i0*weight_i0
    weighted_theta_i <- weight_i*log(theta_i)
    sum_var_i <- sum(var_i)
    sum_var_i0 <- sum(var_i0)
    sum_weight_i <- sum(weight_i)
    sum_weight_i0 <- sum(weight_i0)
    sum_sq_weight_i <- sum(sq_weight_i)
    sum_sq_weight_i0 <- sum(sq_weight_i0)
    sum_fe_estimator <- sum(weighted_theta_i)/sum_weight_i
    chisq_i <- weight_i*((log(theta_i)-sum_fe_estimator)^2)
    chi_sq <- sum(chisq_i)
    tau02 <- (chi_sq-(k-1)) / (sum_weight_i - (sum_sq_weight_i/sum_weight_i))
    tau2 <- max(c(0,tau02))
    var1 <- ((k-1)*sum_weight_i)/ ((sum_weight_i*sum_weight_i)-sum_sq_weight_i)
    var2 <- (k/sum_weight_i)
    var3 <- (sum_var_i/k)
    var10 <- ((k-1)*sum_weight_i0)/((sum_weight_i0*sum_weight_i0)-sum_sq_weight_i0)
    var20 <- (k/sum_weight_i0)
    var30 <- (sum_var_i0/k)
    i2_1 <- tau2/(tau2+var1)
    i2_2 <- tau2/(tau2+var2)
    i2_3 <- tau2/(tau2+var3)
    i2_10 <- tau2/(tau2+var10)
    i2_20 <- tau2/(tau2+var20)
    i2_30 <- tau2/(tau2+var30)
    i2 <- data.frame("Zhou"=i2_z,"HollingUnadjusted1"=i2_1,"HollingUnadjusted2"=i2_2,"HollingUnadjusted3"=i2_3,"HollingAdjusted1"=i2_10,"HollingAdjusted2"=i2_20,"HollingAdjusted3"=i2_30)
    if(attr(object$logLik,"df")== 5){
      AUC <- AUC.reitsma(object, sroc.type = sroc.type)
      coef_hsroc <- calc_hsroc_coef(object)
      AUC <- NULL
      coef_hsroc <- NULL}
    keep <- match(c("vcov", "Psi", "df.res", "rank", "logLik", 
                    "converged", "dim", "df", "lab", "na.action", "call", 
                    "terms", "method", "alphasens", "alphafpr"), names(object), 0L)
    out <- c(list(coefficients = tabfixed), object[keep], list(AIC = AIC(object), 
                                                               BIC = BIC(object), 
                                                               corFixed = corFixed, 
                                                               corRandom = corRandom, 
                                                               #                                                             qstat = qstat, 
                                                               ci.level = ci.level,
                                                               AUC = AUC,
    class(out) <- "summary.reitsma"

print.summary.reitsma <- function (x, digits = 3, ...){
  methodname <- c("reml", "ml", "fixed")
  methodlabel <- c("REML", "ML", "Fixed")
  cat("Call:  ", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), 
      "\n\n", sep = "")
  cat("Bivariate diagnostic ", 
      ifelse(x$method == "fixed", "fixed", "random"), 
      "-effects meta-", ifelse(x$dim$p > 2,"regression", "analysis"), "\n", sep = "")
  if (x$method != "fixed") {
    cat("Estimation method: ", methodlabel[which(x$method == 
                                                   methodname)], "\n", sep = "")
    #      cat("Variance-covariance matrix Psi: ", "unstructured", 
    #          "\n", sep = "")
  cat("Fixed-effects coefficients", "\n", sep = "")
  signif <- symnum(x$coefficients[, "Pr(>|z|)"], corr = FALSE, 
                   na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 
                   symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " "))
  tabletot <- formatC(x$coefficients, digits = digits, format = "f")
  tabletot <- gsub("NA"," -",tabletot)
  tabletot <- cbind(tabletot, signif)
  colnames(tabletot)[7] <- ""
  print(tabletot, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = 1)
  cat("---\nSignif. codes: ", attr(signif, "legend"), "\n\n")
  if (!x$method == "fixed") {
    cat("Variance components: between-studies Std. Dev and correlation matrix", 
        "\n", sep = "")
    corRan <- x$corRandom
    corRan[upper.tri(x$corRan)] <- NA
    table <- cbind(`Std. Dev` = sqrt(diag(x$Psi)), corRan)
    if (x$dim$k == 1L) 
      rownames(table) <- ""
    table <- formatC(table, digits = digits, format = "f")
    table[grep("NA", table)] <- "."
    print(table, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, na.print = "", 
          print.gap = 1)
  table <- c(x$logLik, x$AIC, x$BIC)
  names(table) <- c("logLik", "AIC", "BIC")
  table <- formatC(table, digits = digits, format = "f")
  print(table, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = 1)
    cat(c("AUC: ",as.character(round(x$AUC$AUC,3))))
    cat(c("Partial AUC (restricted to observed FPRs and normalized): ",as.character(round(x$AUC$pAUC,3))))
    cat("HSROC parameters \n")
    table <- as.numeric(x$coef_hsroc)
    names(table) <- names(x$coef_hsroc)
    table <- formatC(table, digits = digits, format = "f")
    print(table, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, print.gap = 1)
  cat("I2 estimates \n")
  cat("Zhou and Dendukuri approach: ", round(((x$i2$Zhou)*100),1) ,"% \n")
  cat("Holling sample size unadjusted approaches: ", round((min(c(x$i2$HollingUnadjusted1,x$i2$HollingUnadjusted2,x$i2$HollingUnadjusted3))*100),1),"-",round((max(c(x$i2$HollingUnadjusted1,x$i2$HollingUnadjusted2,x$i2$HollingUnadjusted3))*100),1) ,"% \n")
  cat("Holling sample size adjusted approaches: ", round((min(c(x$i2$HollingAdjusted1,x$i2$HollingAdjusted2,x$i2$HollingAdjusted3))*100),1),"-",round((max(c(x$i2$HollingAdjusted1,x$i2$HollingAdjusted2,x$i2$HollingAdjusted3))*100),1) ,"%")

vcov.reitsma <- function(object, ...){object$vcov}

logLik.reitsma <- function(object, ...){object$logLik}

sroc.reitsma <- function(fit, fpr = 1:99/100, type = "ruttergatsonis",
                         return_function = FALSE, ...){
  stopifnot(type %in% c("ruttergatsonis", "naive"))
  if(type == "ruttergatsonis"){
    coef_hsroc <- calc_hsroc_coef(fit)
  if(type == "naive"){
    f <- function(x){return(sroc2(fit, fpr=x, ...)[,2])}
      return(cbind(fpr, f(fpr)))
  if(type == "ruttergatsonis"){
    Lambda <- coef_hsroc$Lambda    
    Beta <- coef_hsroc$beta
    f <- function(x){
      return(inv.trafo(fit$alphasens, (Lambda*exp(-Beta/2) + exp(-Beta)*trafo(fit$alphafpr, x))))
      return(cbind(fpr, f(fpr)))

mcsroc.reitsma <- function(fit, fpr = 1:99/100, replications = 10000, lambda = 100, ...){
  mcsroc(fit, replications = replications, lambda = lambda, ...)

ROCellipse.reitsma <- function(x, level = 0.95, add = FALSE, pch = 1, ...){
  ROC.ellipse2(x, conf.level = level, add = add, pch = pch, ...)

crosshair.reitsma <- function(x, level = 0.95, length = 0.1, pch = 1, ...){
  s <- summary(x, level = level)  
  ch <- rbind(inv.trafo(x$alphasens,s$coefficients["tsens.(Intercept)",5:6]),
  pe <- c(inv.trafo(x$alphafpr,s$coefficients["tfpr.(Intercept)",1]),
  #  if(!add){
  #    plot(matrix(pe, ncol = 2), pch = pch, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, 
  #         ylab = "Sensitivity", xlab = "False Positive Rate", ...)
  #  }else{
  points(matrix(pe, ncol = 2), pch = pch, ...)
  #  }
  arrows(ch[2,1], pe[2], x1 =ch[2,2],  length = length, angle = 90, code = 3, ...)
  arrows(pe[1], ch[1,1],  y1 =ch[1,2],  length = length, angle = 90, code = 3, ...)

plot.reitsma <- function(x, extrapolate = FALSE, plotsumm = TRUE, level = 0.95, 
                         ylim = c(0,1), xlim = c(0,1), pch = 1, 
                         sroclty = 1, sroclwd = 1, 
                         predict = FALSE, predlty = 3, predlwd = 1,
                         type = "ruttergatsonis",
  plot(c(2,2), ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, 
       xlab = "False Positive Rate", ylab = "Sensitivity", ...)
  if(length(coef(x)) == 2){
    FP <- x$freqdata$FP
    negatives <- FP + x$freqdata$TN
    FPR <- FP/negatives
    if(extrapolate){bound = c(0,1)}
    if(!extrapolate){bound = c(min(FPR), max(FPR))}
    srocmat <- sroc(x, type = type)
    lines(srocmat[cut(srocmat[,1],bound, "withinbound") == "withinbound",], 
          lty = sroclty, lwd = sroclwd)
    warning("Not plotting any SROC for meta-regression")
  if(plotsumm){ROCellipse(x, level = level, add = TRUE, pch = pch, ...)}
    alpha.sens <- x$alphasens
    alpha.fpr <- x$alphafpr
    mu <- x$coefficients["(Intercept)",]
    Sigma <- x$Psi + vcov(x)
    talphaellipse <- ellipse(Sigma, centre = mu, level = level)
    predellipse <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(talphaellipse))
    predellipse[,1] <- inv.trafo(alpha.fpr, talphaellipse[,2])
    predellipse[,2] <- inv.trafo(alpha.sens, talphaellipse[,1])
    lines(predellipse, lty = predlty, lwd = predlwd)

confint.reitsma <- function (object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) 
  cf <- as.numeric(coef(object))
  if(missing(parm)){parm <- colnames(vcov(object))}
  a <- (1 - level)/2
  a <- c(a, 1 - a)
  pct <- paste(format(100 * a, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = 3),
  fac <- qnorm(a)
  ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, 
  ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(object)))
  ci[] <- cf + ses %o% fac

AUC.reitsma <- function(x, fpr = 1:99/100, 
                        sroc.type = "ruttergatsonis",
  stopifnot(sroc.type %in% c("naive", "ruttergatsonis"))
  if(!attr(x$logLik,"df") == 5){stop("AUC can not be calculated for meta-regression")}
  rsroc <- sroc.reitsma(x, type = sroc.type,
                        return_function = TRUE)
  AUC <- AUC.default(rsroc, fpr = fpr, ...)
  obsfprrange <- range(fpr(x$freqdata))
  obsfprrange[1] <- max(0.01,obsfprrange[1])
  obsfprrange[2] <- min(0.99,obsfprrange[2])
  obsfpr <- seq(from = obsfprrange[1], to = obsfprrange[2], length.out = 99)
  pAUC <- AUC.default(rsroc, fpr = obsfpr, ...)
  names(pAUC) <- c("pAUC")
  res <- c(AUC,pAUC)
  attr(res, "sroc.type") <- sroc.type

calc_hsroc_coef <- function(fit){
  coef <- fit$coefficients
  coef <- as.numeric(coef)
  Psi <- fit$Psi  
  ran.sd <- sqrt(diag(Psi))
  if(attr(fit$logLik,"df")== 5){
    ## HSROC parameters (formulae from Harbord et al)
    Theta <- 0.5*(sqrt(ran.sd[2]/ran.sd[1])*coef[1] + sqrt(ran.sd[1]/ran.sd[2])*coef[2]) ##coef[2] is the fpr, so need to change sign!
    Lambda <- sqrt(ran.sd[2]/ran.sd[1])*coef[1] - sqrt(ran.sd[1]/ran.sd[2])*coef[2] ##coef[2] is the fpr, so need to change sign!
    sigma2theta <- 0.5*(ran.sd[1]*ran.sd[2] + Psi[1,2]) ##coef[2] is the fpr, so need to change sign of Psi[1,2] as well!
    sigma2alpha <- 2*(ran.sd[1]*ran.sd[2] - Psi[1,2])  ##coef[2] is the fpr, so need to change sign of Psi[1,2] as well!
    beta <- log(ran.sd[2]/ran.sd[1])             
    coef_hsroc <- list(Theta = Theta,
                       Lambda = Lambda,
                       beta = beta,
                       sigma2theta = sigma2theta,
                       sigma2alpha = sigma2alpha)
    coef_hsroc <- lapply(coef_hsroc, function(x){attr(x, "names") <- NULL; x})
    coef_hsroc = NULL
    warning("Can only compute coefficients for SROC curves without covariates. Returning NULL.")

anova.reitsma <- function(object, fit2, ...){
  fit1 <- object
  if(!(is(fit1, "reitsma") & is(fit2, "reitsma"))){
    stop("This function is only for models of class 'reitsma'.")
  if(!(fit1$method == "ml" & fit2$method == "ml")){
    stop("Both models have to be fitted with maximum likelihood. Set method = 'ml' in reitsma.")
    if(!(identical(fit1$data, fit2$data))){
      stop("Both models have to be fitted to the same data set.")
    if(!(fit1$nobs == fit2$nobs)){
      stop("Both models have to be fitted to the same number of primary studies. Make sure missing data did not lead to the omission of studies.")
  df1 <- fit1$df$fixed
  df2 <- fit2$df$fixed
  df_diff <- df1 - df2
  if(df_diff == 0){stop("Models have the same degrees of freedom, so they cannot be nested!")}
  logLik_diff <- fit1$logLik - fit2$logLik
  if((df_diff > 0 & logLik_diff < 0) | (df_diff < 0 & logLik_diff > 0)){
    stop("log-likelihoods not consistent, models probably not nested")}
  out <- c(2*abs(logLik_diff), abs(df_diff),
           pchisq(2*abs(logLik_diff), abs(df_diff), lower.tail = FALSE))
  names(out) <- c("Chi-squared", "Df", "Pr(>Chi-squared)")
  out <- list(statistic = out, fit1 = fit1, fit2 = fit2)
  class(out) <- "anova.reitsma"

print.anova.reitsma <- function(x, digits = 4, ...){
  cat("Likelihood-ratio test \n")
  cat("Model 1: ")
  cat("Model 2: ")
  ret <- data.frame(ChiSquared = x$statistic[1], 
                    Df = x$statistic[2], 
  names(ret)[3] <- "Pr(>ChiSquared)"
  rownames(ret) <- ""
               digits = digits,
               tst.ind = 1,
               zap.ind = 2,
               P.values = TRUE,
               has.Pvalue = TRUE,
               cs.ind = NULL)

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