
Defines functions simHMM

Documented in simHMM

#' Simulates data from Hidden Markov Model 
#' Creates a set of data from a specified HMM model for capture-recapture data.
#' The specification for the simulation includes a set of data with at least 2 unique ch and freq value to 
#' specify the number of ch values to simulate that start at the specified occasion. For example, 
#' 1000 50
#' 0100 50
#' 0010 50
#' would simulate 150 capture histories with 50 starting at each of occasions 1 2 and 3. The data can also 
#' contain other fields used to generate the model probabilities and each row can have freq=1 to use individual
#' covariates. Either a dataframe (data) is provided and it is processed and the design data list are created
#' or the processed dataframe and design data list are provided. Formula for the model parameters for generating 
#' the data are provided in model.parameters and parameter values are provided in initial.  
#' @param data Either the raw data which is a dataframe with at least one column named ch (a character field containing the capture history) or a processed dataframe
#' @param ddl Design data list which contains a list element for each parameter type; if NULL it is created
#' @param begin.time Time of first capture(release) occasion
#' @param model Type of c-r model 
#' @param title Optional title; not used at present
#' @param design.parameters Specification of any grouping variables for design data for each parameter
#' @param model.parameters List of model parameter specifications
#' @param initial Optional list (by parameter type) of initial values for beta parameters (e.g., initial=list(Phi=0.3,p=-2)
#' @param groups Vector of names of factor variables for creating groups
#' @param time.intervals Intervals of time between the capture occasions
#' @param accumulate if TRUE, like capture-histories are accumulated to reduce computation
#' @param strata.labels labels for strata used in capture history; they are converted to numeric in the order listed. Only needed to specify unobserved strata. For any unobserved strata p=0..
#' @export
#' @return dataframe with simulated data
#' @author Jeff Laake 
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # simulate phi(.) p(.) with 1000 Females and 100 males, 3 occasions all released on first occasion
#' df=simHMM(data.frame(ch=c("100","110"),sex=factor(c("F","M")),freq=c(1000,100),
#'    stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
#' df=simHMM(data.frame(ch=rep("100",100),u=rnorm(100,0,1),freq=rep(1,100),
#'   stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
#'   model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~u),p=list(formula=~time)),
#'    initial=list(Phi=c(1,1),p=c(0,1)))
#' df=simHMM(data.frame(ch=c("1000","0100","0010"),freq=rep(50,3),stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
#'   model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~1),p=list(formula=~time)),
#'     initial=list(Phi=c(1),p=c(0,1,2)))
#'# Example developed by Jay Rotella, Montana State University
#'# example of using the 'simHMM' function in 'marked' package for
#'#  a multi-state model with 3 states
#'# simulate a single release cohort of 1000 animals with 1 release from 
#'#  each of the 3 states for 10 recapture occasions; 
#'# Note: at least 2 unique ch are needed in simHMM
#'simd <- data.frame(ch = c("A0000000000", "B0000000000", "C0000000000"),
#'		freq = c(1000, 1000, 1000),
#'		stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'# define simulation/fitting model; default for non-specified parameters is ~1
#'# but all are listed here. For the formula for Psi, the -1 is necessary to remove
#'# the intercept which is not needed and would be redundant. 
#'# The formula '~ -1 + stratum:tostratum' is often appropriate for multi-state
#'# transitions as it allows different values for Psi depending on 
#'# the current state (state at time t) and the new state (state at t+1). 
#'modelspec <- list(
#'		S = list(formula = ~ -1 + stratum),
#'		# by presenting the formula for S as '~-1+stratum', it is possible to 
#'		# present the desired survival rates directly for each group in the 
#'		# simulations (see how 'initial' is created below) for this simple
#'		# scenario where survival varies by stratum but no other covariates
#'		p = list(formula = ~ 1),
#'		Psi = list(formula =  ~ -1 + stratum:tostratum))
#'# process data with A,B,C strata
#'sd <- process.data(simd,
#'		model = "hmmMSCJS",
#'		strata.labels = c("A", "B", "C"))
#'# create design data
#'ddl <- make.design.data(sd)
#'# view design data (especially important for seeing which order to present
#'#  beta values used to set probabilities for various transitions)
#'head(model.matrix(~stratum, ddl$S))
#'head(model.matrix(~-1+stratum:tostratum, ddl$Psi), 9)
#'# set initial parameter values for model S=~stratum, p=~1, Psi=~stratum:tostratum
#'initial <- list(S = c(log(0.8/0.2), log(0.6/0.4), log(0.5/0.5)),
#'		p = log(0.6/0.4),
#'		# order of presentation is BA, CA, AB, CB, AC, BC
#'		# Note: values for AA, BB, CC are obtained by subtraction
#'		Psi = c(log(0.2/0.6), log(0.3/0.1),   # Psi(BA) & Psi(CA)
#'				log(0.3/0.5), log(0.6/0.1),   # Psi(AB) & Psi(CB)
#'				log(0.2/0.5), log(0.2/0.6)))  # Psi(AC) & Psi(BC)
#'# The desired probabilties for the transition matrix for Psi are as follows
#'#        To:
#'# From:    A   B    C
#'#    A   .5   .3   .2
#'#    B   .2   .6   .2
#'#    C   .3   .6   .4
#'# The values in the list above are obtained using the transitions AA, BB, CC
#'#  as reference values in the denominator of log-odds calculations. 
#'# For example, to achieve the desired probabilities for the transition 
#'#  from A to B use log(0.3/0.5) and from A to C use log(0.2/0.5)
#'# exp(log(0.3/0.5))/(1 + exp(log(0.3/0.5)) + exp(log(0.2/0.5))) = 0.3
#'# exp(log(0.2/0.5))/(1 + exp(log(0.3/0.5)) + exp(log(0.2/0.5))) = 0.2
#'# Note:           1/(1 + exp(log(0.3/0.5)) + exp(log(0.2/0.5))) = 0.5
#'# call simmHMM to get a single realization
#'realization <- simHMM(sd, ddl, model.parameters = modelspec, 
#' 		initial = initial)
#'# using that realization, process data and make design data
#'# note that the analysis can also use model="MSCJS" in marked or "Multistrata" in RMark
#'# it is only the simulation that requires specification as an HMM.
#'sd <- process.data(realization, model = "hmmMSCJS",
#'		strata.labels = c("A","B","C"))
#'rddl <- make.design.data(sd)
#'# fit model
#'m <- crm(sd, rddl, model.parameters = modelspec,
#'		hessian = TRUE)
#'# model output

	# call fitHMM to use its code to setup quantities but not fitting model
	if(nrow(setup$data$data)==1)stop(" Use at least 2 capture histories; unique ch if accumulate=T")
	# compute real parameters
	for(parname in names(setup$model.parameters))
	# compute arrays of observation and transition matrices using parameter values
	# loop over each capture history
	for (id in as.numeric(setup$data$data$id))
		# set up state with freq rows
		# create initial state and encounter history value
		for(k in 1:m)
#				rmult=rmultinom(instate,1,dmat[id,1,,k])
						setup$data$ObsLevels[apply(rmult,2,function(x) which(x==1))]
		# loop over each remaining occasion after the initial occasion 
		for(j in (setup$data$start[id,2]+1):T)
			for(k in 1:m)
					state[state[,j-1]==k,j]= apply(rmult,2,function(x) which(x==1))
			# use dmat to create observed sequence
			for(k in 1:m)
					history[state[,j]==k,j]= setup$data$ObsLevels[apply(rmult,2,function(x) which(x==1))]

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