organize_args: Organize binary arguments

View source: R/Utilities.R

organize_argsR Documentation

Organize binary arguments


Organizes arguments of binary (2 arguments) ⁠_byname⁠ functions. Actions performed are:

  • if only one argument is a list, make the other argument also a list of equal length.

  • if both arguments are lists, ensure that they are same length.

  • if one argument is a matrix and the other is a constant, make the constant into a matrix.

  • ensures that row and column types match for typematch_margins.

  • ensures that list item names match if both a and b are lists; no complaints are made if neither a nor b has names.

  • completes and sorts the matrices.


organize_args(a, b, match_type = "all", fill)



the first argument to be organized


the second argument to be organized


one of "all", "matmult", "none". When both a and b are matrices, "all" (the default) indicates that rowtypes of a must match rowtypes of b and coltypes of a must match coltypes of b. If "matmult", coltypes of a must match rowtypes of b.


a replacement value for a or b if either is missing or NULL.


a list with two elements (named a and b) containing organized versions of the arguments

matsbyname documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.