rename_to_piece_byname: Rename matrix rows and columns by piece of row or column...

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rename_to_piece_bynameR Documentation

Rename matrix rows and columns by piece of row or column names


It can be convenient to rename rows or columns of matrices based on retaining only a piece of the row and/or column names. This function provides that capability.


  margin = list(c(1, 2)),
  inf_notation = TRUE,
  notation = list(RCLabels::notations_list),
  choose_most_specific = FALSE,
  prepositions = list(RCLabels::prepositions_list)



A matrix or list of matrices whose rows or columns will be renamed.


A character string indicating which piece of the row or column names to retain, one of "noun", "pps", "pref" or "suff", or a preposition, indicating which part of the row or column name is to be retained.


As a character, the row type or column type to be renamed. As an integer, the margin to be renamed. Default is c(1, 2), meaning that both rows (margin = 1) and columns (margin = 2) will be renamed.


A boolean that tells whether to infer notation. Default is TRUE.


The notation used for row and column labels. Default is list(RCLabels::notations_list). The default value is wrapped in a list, because RCLabels::notations_list is, itself, a list. If notation is not a list, unexpected behavior can result. See RCLabels.


A boolean that indicates whether the most-specific notation will be inferred when more than one of notation matches a row or column label and allow_multiple = FALSE. When FALSE, the first matching notation in notations is returned when allow_multiple = FALSE. Default is FALSE.


Prepositions that can be used in the row and column label. Default is RCLabels::prepositions_list.


Internally, this function finds pieces of row and column names via the RCLabels package. piece can be anything that RCLabels::get_piece() understands. Note that margin can be either an integer vector or a character vector. If margin is a character vector, it is interpreted as a row or column type, and margin_from_types_byname() is called internally to resolve the integer margins of interest.

Note that if row and/or column type are present, the row and/or column type are also renamed according to piece. This behavior is usually helpful. For example, if the prefix is requested (piece = "pref") and the row/coltype is a single word that does not conform to the notation, the entire row/coltype string is retained. However, if the suffix is requested (piece = "suff") and the row/coltype is a single word that does not conform to the notation, an empty string ("") is returned. In those circumstances, the caller is responsible for setting the row/coltype if an empty string ("") is not desired. See the examples for details.


A version of a with renamed rows and columns.


m <- matrix(c(1, 2, 
              3, 4, 
              5, 6), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE, 
            dimnames = list(c("a -> b", "r2", "r3"), c("a -> b", "c -> d")))
rename_to_piece_byname(m, piece = "pref", notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation)
m2 <- m %>%
  setrowtype("rows") %>% setcoltype("cols")
# In this example, 
# rowtype and coltype are unchanged, because the 
# whole string is considered to be the prefix.
rename_to_piece_byname(m2, piece = "pref", margin = "rows",
                       notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation)
# Here, the rowtype is set to the empty string ("")
# because there is no suffix for the type of the "rows" margin.
rename_to_piece_byname(m2, piece = "suff", margin = "rows",
                       notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation)
m3 <- m2 |> 
  setrowtype("Industry -> Product")
# Note that the rowtype becomes the prefix for the rowtype, 
# in this example "Industry".
rename_to_piece_byname(m3, piece = "pref", margin = 1,
                       notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation)
# And when a suffix is present, 
# the rowtype becomes the suffix, 
# in this example "Product".
rename_to_piece_byname(m3, piece = "suff", margin = 1,
                       notation = RCLabels::arrow_notation)

matsbyname documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.