unaryapply_byname: Apply a unary function by name

View source: R/Apply.R

unaryapply_bynameR Documentation

Apply a unary function by name


FUN is applied to a using additional arguments .FUNdots to FUN. If a is a list, the names of a are applied to the output.


  .FUNdots = NULL,
  rowcoltypes = c("all", "transpose", "row", "col", "none")



a unary function to be applied "by name" to a.


the argument to FUN.


a list of additional named arguments passed to FUN.


a string that tells how to transfer row and column types of a to output. See details.


Note that .FUNdots can be a rectangular two-dimensional list of arguments to FUN. If so, .FUNdots is interpreted as follows:

  • The first dimension of .FUNdots contains named arguments to FUN.

  • The second dimension of .FUNdots contains unique values of the named arguments to be applied along the list that is a.

The length of the first dimension of .FUNdots is the number of arguments supplied to FUN. The length of the second dimension of .FUNdots must be equal to the length of a.

See prepare_.FUNdots() for more details on the .FUNdots argument.

Options for the rowcoltypes argument are:

  • "all": transfer both row and column types of a directly to output.

  • "transpose": rowtype of a becomes coltype of output; coltype of a becomes rowtype of output. "transpose" is helpful for FUNs that transpose a upon output.

  • "row": rowtype of a becomes both rowtype and coltype of output.

  • "col": coltype of a becomes both rowtype and coltype of output.

  • "none": rowtype and coltype not set by unaryapply_byname. Rather, FUN will set rowtype and coltype.

Note that rowcoltypes should not be a vector or list of strings. Rather, it should be a single string.


the result of applying FUN "by name" to a.


productnames <- c("p1", "p2")
industrynames <- c("i1", "i2")
U <- matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(productnames, industrynames)) %>%
  setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
difference_byname(0, U)
unaryapply_byname(`-`, U)

matsbyname documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.