vec_from_store_byname: Create a vector with labels from a matrix and values from a...

View source: R/efficient_vecs.R

vec_from_store_bynameR Documentation

Create a vector with labels from a matrix and values from a vector store


When a matrix is multiplied by a vector byname, naming can be tricky. There are times when pieces of the vector labels should be matched to pieces of the matrix labels. This function helps by performing the matching byname. For this function, vector v is considered a store of values from which the output vector is created using special matching rules between matrix a and vector v.


  a_piece = "all",
  v_piece = "all",
  colname = NULL,
  margin = 1,
  notation = if (is.list(a)) {
 } else {
  prepositions = if (is.list(a)) {
 } else {
  missing = NA_real_



A matrix from which row or column labels are taken. Can also be a list or the name of a column in a data frame.


A vector from which values are taken, when a_piece matches v_piece. Can also be a list or the name of a column in a data frame.


The piece of labels on a that is to be matched. Default is "all".


The piece of labels on v that is to be matched. Default is "all".


The name of the output vector's 1-sized dimension (the only column if column is TRUE, the only row otherwise). Default is NULL, meaning that the name of the 1-sized dimension in v should be used.


Tells whether to assess the rows (1) or columns (2) of a when creating the outgoing vector. Default is 1.


The notation for the row and column labels. Default is RCLabels::bracket_notation, wrapped as a list if a is a list.


The strings that will count for prepositions. Default is RCLabels::prepositions, wrapped as a list if a is a list.


The value used when the desired value is not found in v. Default is NA_real_.


The output of this function is a vector (a column vector if column is TRUE, the default; a row vector if column is FALSE). The label of the size = 1 dimension is taken from colname (so named, because the default is to return a column vector). The labels of the long dimension are taken from matrix a (the row names of a if column is TRUE; the column names of a if column is FALSE). The values of the output vector are obtained from v when a_piece matches v_piece using the RCLabels package. The v_pieces of v must be unique. The default values for a_piece and v_piece are "all", meaning that the entire label should be matched. Other options for a_piece and v_piece are "pref" and "suff", which will match the prefix or suffix of the labels. Alternatively, prepositions can be given such that objects of prepositions will be matched. Examples include "from" or "in". Row and column types from v are applied to the output. If the piece given in a_piece is not present in row or column names of a, NA_real_ is returned. If the piece given in v_piece is not present in row or column names of v, NA_real_ is returned.

Note that notation and prepositions should be lists if a is a list but a single value otherwise. The default values of notation and prepositions take care of this requirement, switching on the type of a (list or not).

The class of the output object is determined from a. If a is a Matrix, the output will be a Matrix. Otherwise, the output will be a matrix.


A column vector with names from a and values from v.


a <- matrix(42, nrow = 3, ncol = 5, 
            dimnames = list(c("Electricity [from b in c]", 
                              "Coal [from e in f]", 
                              "Crude oil [from Production in USA]"), 
                            c("Main activity producer electricity plants", 
                              "Wind turbines", 
                              "Oil refineries", 
                              "Coal mines", 
                              "Automobiles"))) %>%
  setrowtype("Product") %>% setcoltype("Industry")
v <- matrix(1:7, nrow = 7, ncol = 1, 
            dimnames = list(c("Electricity", 
                              "Crude oil",
                              "Hard coal (if no detail)", 
                              "Brown coal"), 
                            "phi")) %>%
  setrowtype("Product") %>% setcoltype("phi")
vec_from_store_byname(a, v, a_piece = "pref")
vec_from_store_byname(a, v, a_piece = "noun")

v2 <- matrix(1:7, nrow = 7, ncol = 1, 
             dimnames = list(c("Electricity", 
                               "Hard coal (if no detail)", 
                             "phi")) %>%
  setrowtype("Product") %>% setcoltype("phi")
vec_from_store_byname(a, v2, a_piece = "in")

# Works with lists
v3 <- matrix(1:7, nrow = 7, ncol = 1, 
             dimnames = list(c("Electricity [from USA]", 
                               "Peat [from nowhere]", 
                               "Production [from GHA]", 
                               "e [from ZAF]",
                               "Coal [from AUS]", 
                               "Hard coal (if no detail) [from GBR]", 
                               "b [from Nebraska]"), 
                             "phi")) %>%
  setrowtype("Product") %>% setcoltype("phi")
a_list <- list(a, a)
v_list <- list(v3, v3)
vec_from_store_byname(a_list, v_list, a_piece = "in", v_piece = "from")

# Also works in a data frame
df <- tibble::tibble(a = list(a, a, a), 
                     v = list(v3, v3, v3))
df %>%
    actual = vec_from_store_byname(a = a, v = v, a_piece = "in", v_piece = "from")

matsbyname documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.