
Defines functions resistances .resistances_sim

Documented in resistances

.resistances_sim<-function(x, cohort, relative = FALSE) {
  if(inherits(x, c("spwb","pwb"))) {
    input = x$spwbInput  
  } else {
    input = x$growthInput
  if(!(input$control$transpirationMode %in% c("Sperry", "Cochard"))) {
    stop("Resistances can only be calculated when transpirationMode = 'Sperry' or 'Cochard'.")
  cn = row.names(input$cohorts)
  if(!(cohort %in% cn)) stop("'cohort' must be a string identifying a cohort name")
  i_coh = which(cn==cohort)
  VCroot_kmax = input$belowLayers$VCroot_kmax
  VGrhizo_kmax = input$belowLayers$VGrhizo_kmax
  VG_nc = input$soil$VG_n
  VG_alphac = input$soil$VG_alpha
  paramsTranspiration = input$paramsTranspiration
  VCroot_c = paramsTranspiration$VCroot_c
  VCroot_d = paramsTranspiration$VCroot_d
  VCstem_kmax = paramsTranspiration$VCstem_kmax
  VCstem_c = paramsTranspiration$VCstem_c
  VCstem_d = paramsTranspiration$VCstem_d
  VCleaf_kmax = paramsTranspiration$VCleaf_kmax
  VCleaf_c = paramsTranspiration$VCleaf_c
  VCleaf_d = paramsTranspiration$VCleaf_d
  LeafPsi = x$Plants$LeafPsiMin
  StemPsi = x$Plants$StemPsi
  RootPsi = x$Plants$RootPsi
  StemPLC = x$Plants$PlantStress
  RhizoPsi = x$Plants$RhizoPsi
  nlayers = length(VG_nc)
  psiSoil = x$Soil$psi.1
  if(nlayers>1) psiSoil = cbind(psiSoil, x$Soil$psi.2)
  if(nlayers>2) psiSoil = cbind(psiSoil, x$Soil$psi.3)
  if(nlayers>3) psiSoil = cbind(psiSoil, x$Soil$psi.4)
  if(nlayers>4) psiSoil = cbind(psiSoil, x$Soil$psi.5)
  nsteps = nrow(psiSoil)
  resmat = matrix(0, nrow=nsteps, ncol = 4)
  rownames(resmat) = rownames(StemPsi)
  colnames(resmat) = c("Rhizosphere", "Root", "Stem", "Leaf")
  for(j in 1:nsteps) {
    rrow  = hydraulics_soilPlantResistances(psiSoil = psiSoil[j,],
                                            psiRhizo = RhizoPsi[[i_coh]][j,],
                                            psiStem = StemPsi[j,i_coh],
                                            PLCstem = StemPLC[j,i_coh],
                                            psiLeaf = LeafPsi[j,i_coh],
                                            VCroot_kmax[i_coh,], VCroot_c[i_coh],VCroot_d[i_coh],
                                            VCstem_kmax[i_coh], VCstem_c[i_coh],VCstem_d[i_coh], 
                                            VCleaf_kmax[i_coh], VCleaf_c[i_coh],VCleaf_d[i_coh])
    if(relative) resmat[j,] = 100*rrow/sum(rrow)
    else resmat[j,] = rrow

#' Soil-plant resistances
#' Calculates and draws rhizosphere, root, stem and leaf resistances for simulation time steps
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{spwb}}, \code{\link{pwb}}, \code{\link{growth}} or \code{\link{fordyn}}. The function only works with the result of simulations with \code{transpirationMode = "Sperry"}.
#' @param cohort An string indicating the cohort for which resistances are desired.
#' @param relative A boolean flag to indicate that relative percentages are desired as output
#' @param draw A boolean flag to indicate that a plot should be drawn.
#' @param cumulative A flag to indicate that drawn series should be cumulative.
#' @param xlab x-axis label.
#' @param ylab y-axis label.
#' @details
#' The function makes internal calls to \code{\link{hydraulics_soilPlantResistances}}.
#' @return 
#' A data frame with dates in rows and resistance segments in columns (Rhizosphere, Root, Stem and Leaf). 
#' Values depend on whether \code{relative = TRUE} (percentages) or \code{relative = FALSE} (absolute resistance values). 
#' If \code{draw = TRUE} then a plot object is returned.
#' @author Miquel De \enc{Cáceres}{Caceres} Ainsa, CREAF
#' @seealso \code{\link{waterUseEfficiency}}, \code{\link{droughtStress}}
resistances<-function(x, cohort, relative = FALSE, draw = FALSE, 
                      cumulative = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab=NULL) {
  if(!inherits(x, c("spwb","pwb","growth", "fordyn"))) {
    stop("'x' should be of class 'spwb', 'pwb', 'growth' or 'fordyn'")
  if(inherits(x, c("spwb","pwb", "growth"))) {
    resmat = .resistances_sim(x = x, cohort = cohort, relative = relative)
  } else {
    vec<-vector("list", length(x$GrowthResults))
    for(i in 1:length(x$GrowthResults)) {
      vec[[i]] <- .resistances_sim(x = x$GrowthResults[[i]], cohort = cohort, relative = relative)
    resmat = .mergeVectorOfMatrices(vec)
  if(draw) {
    if(is.null(ylab)) ylab = ifelse(relative, "Relative resistances (%)", "Resistances")
    if(is.null(xlab)) xlab = ""
    if(!cumulative) {
      g<-.multiple_dynamics(resmat, ylab=ylab, xlab = xlab)
    } else {
      rescum = resmat
      rescum[,2] = rescum[,1] + rescum[,2]
      rescum[,3] = rescum[,2] + rescum[,3]
      rescum[,4] = rescum[,3] + rescum[,4]
      df = as.data.frame(rescum)
      df$Date =  as.Date(rownames(x$WaterBalance))
      g<-ggplot(df, aes(x = df$Date))+
        geom_area(aes(y=df$Leaf, fill = "4"))+
        geom_area(aes(y=df$Stem, fill = "3"))+
        geom_area(aes(y=df$Root, fill = "2"))+
        geom_area(aes(y=df$Rhizosphere, fill="1"))+
        scale_fill_manual(name="", values=c("1" = "black", "2"="red",
                                            "3" = "green", "4" = "blue"),
                          labels = c("Rhizosphere", "Root", "Stem", "Leaf"))+
  } else {

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