
Defines functions waterUseEfficiency .wue_sim

Documented in waterUseEfficiency

.wue_sim<-function(x, type = "Plant Ag/E", leaves = "average", freq="days") {
  if(inherits(x, c("spwb","pwb"))) {
    input = x$spwbInput  
  } else {
    input = x$growthInput
  if(input$control$transpirationMode == "Granier") {
    type = match.arg(type, c("Plant Ag/E", "Stand Ag/E"))
  } else {
    type = match.arg(type, c("Leaf Ci", "Leaf iWUE", "Plant An/E", "Stand An/E", "Plant Ag/E", "Stand Ag/E"))
  if(type=="Leaf iWUE") {
    if(!input$control$subdailyResults) {
      stop("iWUE can only be calculated with subdailyResults = TRUE")
    Andays = x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis
    Agdays = x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis
    leaves = match.arg(leaves, c("average", "sunlit", "shade"))
    sd = x$subdaily
    ndays = length(sd)
    coh = input$cohorts
    ncoh = nrow(coh)
    dates = as.Date(names(sd))
    iWUEdays = matrix(NA, nrow=ndays, ncol=ncoh)
    rownames(iWUEdays)= as.character(dates)
    colnames(iWUEdays) = rownames(coh)
    for(i in 1:ndays) {
      sl = sd[[i]]$SunlitLeavesInst
      sh = sd[[i]]$ShadeLeavesInst
      sl_lai = sd[[i]]$SunlitLeavesInst$LAI
      sh_lai = sd[[i]]$ShadeLeavesInst$LAI
      an_sl = sl$An
      an_sl[an_sl<0] = 0
      an_sh = sh$An
      an_sh[an_sh<0] = 0
      if(leaves =="sunlit") {
        iwueinst = an_sl/sl$Gsw
        iwueinst[iwueinst<0] = 0
        iWUEdays[i,] = rowSums(iwueinst*an_sl, na.rm=T)/rowSums(an_sl, na.rm=T) #Photosynthesis-weighted iWUE
      else if(leaves =="shade") {
        iwueinst = an_sh/sh$Gsw
        iwueinst[iwueinst<0] = 0
        iWUEdays[i,] = rowSums(iwueinst*an_sh, na.rm=T)/rowSums(an_sh, na.rm=T) #Photosynthesis-weighted iWUE
      else {
        iwueinst_sl = an_sl/sl$Gsw
        iwueinst_sh = an_sh/sh$Gsw
        iwueinst = ((iwueinst_sl*sl_lai) + (iwueinst_sh*sh_lai))/(sl_lai+sh_lai)
        iwueinst[iwueinst<0] = 0
        an_tot = an_sl + an_sh
        iWUEdays[i,] = rowSums(iwueinst*an_tot, na.rm=T)/rowSums(an_tot, na.rm=T) #Photosynthesis-weighted iWUE
    if(freq=="days") {
      res = iWUEdays
    } else {
      date.factor = cut(dates, breaks=freq)
      Andays[Andays<0] = 0
      #Perform summary at the desired temporal scale (weighted average of iWUE with An as weights)
      sumiWUEAn <- apply(iWUEdays*Andays,2,tapply, INDEX=date.factor, sum, na.rm=T)
      sumAn <- apply(Andays,2,tapply, INDEX=date.factor, sum, na.rm=T)
      M = sumiWUEAn/sumAn
      if(is.vector(M)) {
        M = t(as.matrix(M))
        rownames(M) <- levels(date.factor)
      ncases = table(date.factor)
      M = M[ncases>0, ,drop = FALSE]
      res = M
  else if(type=="Leaf Ci") {
    Andays = x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis
    Agdays = x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis
    if(!input$control$subdailyResults) {
      stop("Ci can only be calculated with subdailyResults = TRUE")
    leaves = match.arg(leaves, c("average", "sunlit", "shade"))
    sd = x$subdaily
    ndays = length(sd)
    coh = input$cohorts
    ncoh = nrow(coh)
    dates = as.Date(names(sd))
    Cidays = matrix(NA, nrow=ndays, ncol=ncoh)
    rownames(Cidays)= as.character(dates)
    colnames(Cidays) = rownames(coh)
    for(i in 1:ndays) {
      sl = sd[[i]]$SunlitLeavesInst
      sh = sd[[i]]$ShadeLeavesInst
      sl_lai = sd[[i]]$SunlitLeavesInst$LAI
      sh_lai = sd[[i]]$ShadeLeavesInst$LAI
      an_sl = sl$An
      an_sl[an_sl<0] = 0
      an_sh = sh$An
      an_sh[an_sh<0] = 0
      if(leaves =="sunlit") {
        ciinst = sl$Ci
        Cidays[i,] = rowSums(ciinst*an_sl, na.rm=T)/rowSums(an_sl, na.rm=T) #Photosynthesis-weighted iWUE
      else if(leaves =="shade") {
        ciinst = sh$Ci
        Cidays[i,] = rowSums(ciinst*an_sh, na.rm=T)/rowSums(an_sh, na.rm=T) #Photosynthesis-weighted iWUE
      else {
        ciinst_sl = sl$Ci
        ciinst_sh = sh$Ci
        ciinst = ((ciinst_sl*sl_lai) + (ciinst_sh*sh_lai))/(sl_lai+sh_lai)
        an_tot = an_sh+an_sl
        Cidays[i,] = rowSums(ciinst*an_tot, na.rm=T)/rowSums(an_tot, na.rm=T) #Photosynthesis-weighted iWUE
    if(freq=="days") {
      res = Cidays
    } else {
      date.factor = cut(dates, breaks=freq)
      Andays[Andays<0] = 0
      #Perform summary at the desired temporal scale (weighted average of iWUE with An as weights)
      sumCiAn <- apply(Cidays*Andays,2,tapply, INDEX=date.factor, sum, na.rm=T)
      sumAn <- apply(Andays,2,tapply, INDEX=date.factor, sum, na.rm=T)
      M = sumCiAn/sumAn
      if(is.vector(M)) {
        M = t(as.matrix(M))
        rownames(M) <- levels(date.factor)
      ncases = table(date.factor)
      M = M[ncases>0, ,drop = FALSE]
      res = M
  else if(type =="Plant An/E") {
    x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis[x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis<0] = 0
    x$Plants$Transpiration[x$Plants$Transpiration<0] = 0
    if(freq=="days") {
      res = x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis/x$Plants$Transpiration
    } else {
      pt = summary(x, freq=freq, output="Transpiration", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      pp = summary(x, freq=freq, output="NetPhotosynthesis", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      res = pp/pt
  else if(type =="Plant Ag/E") {
    x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis[x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis<0] = 0
    x$Plants$Transpiration[x$Plants$Transpiration<0] = 0
    if(freq=="days") {
      res = x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis/x$Plants$Transpiration
    } else {
      pt = summary(x, freq=freq, output="Transpiration", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      pp = summary(x, freq=freq, output="GrossPhotosynthesis", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      res = pp/pt
  else if(type =="Stand An/E") {
    x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis[x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis<0] = 0
    x$Plants$Transpiration[x$Plants$Transpiration<0] = 0
    if(freq=="days") {
      res = rowSums(x$Plants$NetPhotosynthesis, na.rm=T)/rowSums(x$Plants$Transpiration, na.rm=T)
    } else {
      pt = summary(x, freq=freq, output="Transpiration", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      pp = summary(x, freq=freq, output="NetPhotosynthesis", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      res = rowSums(pp, na.rm=T)/rowSums(pt, na.rm=T)
    res = as.matrix(res)
    colnames(res)<-"Stand An/E"
  else if(type =="Stand Ag/E") {
    x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis[x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis<0] = 0
    x$Plants$Transpiration[x$Plants$Transpiration<0] = 0
    if(freq=="days") {
      res = rowSums(x$Plants$GrossPhotosynthesis, na.rm=T)/rowSums(x$Plants$Transpiration, na.rm=T)
    } else {
      pt = summary(x, freq=freq, output="Transpiration", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      pp = summary(x, freq=freq, output="GrossPhotosynthesis", FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
      res = rowSums(pp, na.rm=T)/rowSums(pt, na.rm=T)
    res = as.matrix(res)
    colnames(res)<-"Stand Ag/E"

#' Water use efficiency
#' Calculates plant water use efficiency (WUE), at different temporal scales, from simulation results.
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{spwb}}, \code{\link{pwb}}, \code{\link{growth}} or \code{\link{fordyn}}.
#' @param type A string to indicate the scale of WUE calculation. Either:
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item{\code{"Leaf iWUE"}: Leaf intrinsic WUE, i.e. instantaneous ratio between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance (only for simulations with \code{transpirationMode = "Sperry"} or \code{transpirationMode = "Sureau"} and \code{subdailyResults = TRUE}). }
#'       \item{\code{"Leaf Ci"}: Leaf intercellular CO2 concentration (only for simulations with \code{transpirationMode = "Sperry"} or \code{transpirationMode = "Sureau"} and \code{subdailyResults = TRUE}).}
#'       \item{\code{"Plant An/E"}: Plant (cohort) net photosynthesis over plant transpiration (only for simulations with \code{transpirationMode = "Sperry"} or \code{transpirationMode = "Sureau"})}
#'       \item{\code{"Stand An/E"}: Stand net photosynthesis over stand transpiration (only for simulations with \code{transpirationMode = "Sperry"} or \code{transpirationMode = "Sureau"})}
#'       \item{\code{"Plant Ag/E"}: Plant (cohort) gross photosynthesis over plant transpiration}
#'       \item{\code{"Stand Ag/E"}: Stand gross photosynthesis over stand transpiration}
#'     }
#' @param leaves Either \code{"sunlit"}, \code{"shade"} or \code{"average"}. Refers to the WUE of different leaf types or the average (with weights according to the LAI of sunlit and shade leaves). Only relevant for \code{type = "iWUE"}. 
#' @param freq Frequency of summary statistics (see \code{\link{cut.Date}}).
#' @param draw A boolean flag to indicate that a plot should be returned.
#' @param ylim Range of values for y.
#' @details Temporal aggregation of WUE values is done differently depending on the value of \code{type}. 
#' For \code{type = "Plant Ag/E"}, \code{type = "Stand Ag/E"}, \code{type = "Plant An/E"} and \code{type = "Stand An/E"} sums 
#' or daily photosynthesis and transpiration are first calculated at the desired temporal scale and the ratio is calculated afterwards. 
#' For \code{type = "Leaf iWUE"} intrinsic WUE values are first calculated at the daily scale (as averages of instantaneous An/gs ratios weighted by An) 
#' and then they are aggregated to the desired scale by calculating weighted averages, where weights are given by daily photosynthesis.
#' @return If \code{draw=TRUE} a plot is returned. Otherwise, the function returns a matrix with WUE values, 
#' where rows are dates (at the desired temporal scale), and columns are plant cohorts. 
#' In the case of \code{type = "Plant Ag/E"}, \code{type = "Stand Ag/E"}, \code{type = "Plant An/E"} and \code{type = "Stand An/E"} values are in gC/L. 
#' In the case of \code{type = "Leaf iWUE"} values are in micromol of carbon per mmol of water.
#' @author Miquel De \enc{Cáceres}{Caceres} Ainsa, CREAF
#' @seealso \code{\link{droughtStress}}
waterUseEfficiency<-function(x, type = "Plant Ag/E", leaves = "average", freq="days", draw = TRUE,
                                  ylim=NULL) {
  if(!inherits(x, c("spwb","pwb","growth", "fordyn"))) {
    stop("'x' should be of class 'spwb', 'pwb', 'growth' or 'fordyn'")
  if(inherits(x, c("spwb","pwb", "growth"))) {
    res = .wue_sim(x = x, type = type, leaves = leaves, freq = freq)
  } else {
    vec<-vector("list", length(x$GrowthResults))
    for(i in 1:length(x$GrowthResults)) {
      vec[[i]] <- .wue_sim(x = x$GrowthResults[[i]], type = type, leaves = leaves, freq = freq)
    res = .mergeVectorOfMatrices(vec)
  if(!draw) {
  } else {
    if(type=="Stand An/E") {
      v = as.vector(res)
      names(v) = rownames(res)
      g<-.single_dynamics(v, ylab = "Stand An/E (gC/L)", ylim = ylim)
    else if(type=="Stand Ag/E") {
      v = as.vector(res)
      names(v) = rownames(res)
      g<-.single_dynamics(v, ylab = "Stand Ag/E (gC/L)", ylim = ylim)
    else if(type=="Plant An/E") {
      g<-.multiple_dynamics(res, ylab = "Plant An/E (gC/L)", ylim = ylim)
    else if(type=="Plant Ag/E") {
      g<-.multiple_dynamics(res, ylab = "Plant Ag/E (gC/L)", ylim = ylim)
    else if(type %in% c("Leaf iWUE", "Leaf Ci")) {
      if(type=="Leaf iWUE" && leaves == "sunlit") ylab = expression(paste("Sunlit leaf iWUE  (",mu%.%mol%.%mol^{-1},")"))
      if(type=="Leaf iWUE" && leaves == "shade") ylab = expression(paste("Shade leaf iWUE  (",mu%.%mol%.%mol^{-1},")"))
      if(type=="Leaf iWUE" && leaves == "average") ylab = expression(paste("Average leaf iWUE  (",mu%.%mol%.%mol^{-1},")"))
      if(type=="Leaf Ci" && leaves == "sunlit") ylab = expression(paste("Sunlit leaf Ci  ",(ppm)))
      if(type=="Leaf Ci" && leaves == "shade") ylab = expression(paste("Shade leaf Ci  ",(ppm)))
      if(type=="Leaf Ci" && leaves == "average") ylab = expression(paste("Average leaf Ci  ",(ppm)))
      g<-.multiple_dynamics(res, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim)

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