
Defines functions plot.mem summary.mem print.mem memmodel

Documented in memmodel

#' @title Methods for influenza modelization
#' @description
#' Function \code{memmodel} is used to calculate the threshold for influenza epidemic using historical
#' records (surveillance rates).
#' The method to calculate the threshold is described in the Moving Epidemics Method (MEM) used to
#' monitor influenza activity in a weekly surveillance system.
#' @name memmodel
#' @aliases summary.flu,plot.flu,print.flu
#' @param i.data Data frame of input data.
#' @param i.seasons Maximum number of seasons to use.
#' @param i.type.threshold Type of confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.level.threshold Level of confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.tails.threshold Tails for the confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.type.intensity Type of confidence interval to calculate the intensity thresholds.
#' @param i.level.intensity Levels of confidence interval to calculate the intensity thresholds.
#' @param i.tails.intensity Tails for the confidence interval to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.type.curve Type of confidence interval to calculate the modelled curve.
#' @param i.level.curve Level of confidence interval to calculate the modelled curve.
#' @param i.type.other Type of confidence interval to calculate length, start and percentages.
#' @param i.level.other Level of confidence interval to calculate length, start and percentages.
#' @param i.method Method to calculate the optimal timing of the epidemic.
#' @param i.param Parameter to calculate the optimal timing of the epidemic.
#' @param i.centering Number of weeks to center the moving seasons.
#' @param i.n.max Number of pre-epidemic values used to calculate the threshold.
#' @param i.type.boot Type of bootstrap technique.
#' @param i.iter.boot Number of bootstrap iterations.
#' @param i.mem.info include information about the package in the graph.
#' @return
#' \code{memmodel} returns an object of class \code{mem}.
#' An object of class \code{mem} is a list containing at least the following components:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{i.data} {input data}
#'   \item{pre.post.intervals} {Pre/post confidence intervals (Threhold is the upper limit
#'   of the confidence interval).}
#'   \item{ci.length} {Mean epidemic length confidence interval.}
#'   \item{ci.percent} {Mean covered percentage confidence interval.}
#'   \item{mean.length} {Mean length.}
#'   \item{moving.epidemics} {Moving epidemic rates.}
#'   \item{mean.start} {Mean epidemic start.}
#'   \item{epi.intervals} {Epidemic levels of intensity.}
#'   \item{typ.curve} {Typical epidemic curve.}
#'   \item{n.max} {Effective number of pre epidemic values.}
#' }
#' @details
#' Input data is a data frame containing rates that represent historical influenza surveillance
#' data. It can start and end at any given week (tipically at week 40th), and rates can be
#' expressed as per 100,000 inhabitants (or per consultations, if population is not
#' available) or any other scale.
#' Parameters \code{i.type}, \code{i.type.threshold} and \code{i.type.curve} defines how to
#' calculate confidence intervals along the process.
#' \code{i.type.curve} is used for calculating the typical influenza curve,
#' \code{i.type.threshold} is used to calculate the pre and post epidemic threshold and
#' \code{i.type} is used for any other confidende interval used in the method.
#' All three parameters must be a number between \code{1} and \code{6}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{1} {Arithmetic mean and mean confidence interval.}
#' \item{2} {Geometric mean and mean confidence interval.}
#' \item{3} {Median and the Nyblom/normal aproximation confidence interval.}
#' \item{4} {Median and bootstrap confidence interval.}
#' \item{5} {Arithmetic mean and point confidence interval (standard deviations).}
#' \item{6} {Geometric mean and point confidence interval (standard deviations).}
#' }
#' Option \code{3} uses the Hettmansperger and Sheather (1986) and Nyblom (1992) method,
#' when there is enough sample size. If sample size is small, then the normal aproximation
#' will be used as described in Conover, 1980, p. 112. Refer to EnvStats package for
#' more information.
#' Option \code{4} uses two more parameters: \code{i.type.boot} indicates which bootstrap
#' method to use. The values are the same of those of the \code{\link{boot.ci}} function.
#' Parameter \code{i.iter.boot} indicates the number of bootstrap samples to use. See
#' \code{\link{boot}} for more information about this topic.
#' Parameters \code{i.level}, \code{i.level.threshold} and \code{i.level.curve} indicates,
#' respectively, the level of the confidence intervals described above.
#' The \code{i.n.max} parameter indicates how many pre epidemic values to use to calculate
#' the threshold. A value of -1 indicates the program to use an appropiate number of points
#' depending on the number of seasons provided as input. \code{i.tails} tells the program
#' to use {1} or {2} tailed confidence intervals when calculating the threshold (1 is
#' recommended).
#' Parameters \code{i.method} and \code{i.param} indicates how to find the optimal timing
#' of the epidemics. See \code{\link{memtiming}} for details on the values this parameters
#' can have.
#' It is important to know how to arrange information in order to use with memapp. The key points are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item One single epidemic wave each season.
#' \item Never delete a rate inside an epidemic.
#' \item Accommodate week 53.
#' \item Do not inflate missing values with zeroes.
#' }
#' Data must contain information from the historical series. Surveillance period can start and end at
#' any given week (typically start at week 40th and ends at week 20th), and data can have any units and
#' can be expressed in any scale (typically rates per 100,000 inhabitants or consultations).
#' The table must have one row per epidemiological week and one column per surveillance season. A season
#' is a full surveillance period from the beginning to the end, where occurs at some point one single
#' epidemic wave on it. No epidemic wave can be spared in two consecutive seasons. If so, you have to
#' redefine the start and end of the season defined in your dataset. If a season have two waves, it must
#' be split in two periods and must be named accordingly with the seasons name conventions described
#' below. Each cell contains the value for a given week in a given season.
#' The first column should contain the names of the weeks. When the season contains two different calendar
#' years, the week will go from 40th of the first year to 52nd, and then from 1st to 20th. When the season
#' contains one year, the weeks will go from 1st to 52nd.
#' Note: If there is no column with week names, the application will name the weeks numbering from 1 to
#' the number of rows.
#' \itemize{
#' \item In the northern hemisphere countries, the surveillance period usually goes from
#' week 40 to 20 of the following year (notation: season 2016/2017).
#' \item In the southern hemisphere countries, the surveillance period usually goes from
#' week 18 to 39 same year (notation: season 2017).
#' }
#' The first row must contain the names of the seasons. This application understand the naming of a
#' season when it contains one or two four digits year separated by / and one one-digit number
#' between parenthesis to identify the wave number. The wave number part in a name of a season is
#' used when a single surveillance period has two epidemic waves that have to be separated in order
#' to have reliable results. In this case, each wave is placed in different columns and named ending
#' with (1) for the first period, (2) for the second, and so on.
#' @examples
#' # Castilla y Leon Influenza Rates data
#' data(flucyl)
#' # Finds the timing of the first season: 2001/2002
#' epi <- memmodel(flucyl)
#' print(epi)
#' summary(epi)
#' plot(epi)
#' @author Jose E. Lozano \email{lozalojo@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, Gutierrez Perez M. Modelling influenza epidemic - can we
#' detect the beginning and predict the intensity and duration? Int Congr Ser. 2004 Jun;1263:281-3.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Mott J, Ortiz de Lejarazu R, et al. Influenza surveillance
#' in Europe: establishing epidemic thresholds by the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other Respir
#' Viruses. 2013 Jul;7(4):546-58. DOI:10.1111/j.1750-2659.2012.00422.x.
#' Vega T, Lozano JE, Meerhoff T, Snacken R, Beaute J, Jorgensen P, et al. Influenza surveillance in
#' Europe: comparing intensity levels calculated using the moving epidemic method. Influenza Other
#' Respir Viruses. 2015 Sep;9(5):234-46. DOI:10.1111/irv.12330.
#' Lozano JE. lozalojo/mem: Second release of the MEM R library. Zenodo [Internet]. [cited 2017 Feb 1];
#' Available from: \url{https://zenodo.org/record/165983}. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.165983
#' Hettmansperger, T. P., and S. J Sheather. 1986. Confidence Intervals Based on Interpolated Order
#' Statistics. Statistics and Probability Letters 4: 75-79. doi:10.1016/0167-7152(86)90021-0.
#' Nyblom, J. 1992. Note on Interpolated Order Statistics. Statistics and Probability Letters 14:
#' 129-31. doi:10.1016/0167-7152(92)90076-H.
#' Conover, W.J. (1980). Practical Nonparametric Statistics. Second Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
#' @keywords influenza
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats loess qt qnorm quantile runif var
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette colorRamp dev.off rgb tiff
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis legend matplot mtext par points text lines
memmodel <- function(i.data,
                     i.seasons = 10,
                     i.type.threshold = 5,
                     i.level.threshold = 0.95,
                     i.tails.threshold = 1,
                     i.type.intensity = 6,
                     i.level.intensity = c(0.40, 0.90, 0.975),
                     i.tails.intensity = 1,
                     i.type.curve = 2,
                     i.level.curve = 0.95,
                     i.type.other = 3,
                     i.level.other = 0.95,
                     i.method = 2,
                     i.param = 2.8,
                     i.centering = -1,
                     i.n.max = -1,
                     i.type.boot = "norm",
                     i.iter.boot = 10000,
                     i.mem.info = T) {
  if (is.null(dim(i.data))) {
    memmodel.output <- NULL
    cat("Incorrect number of dimensions, input must be a data.frame\n")
  } else {
    # Test if first column is week.name
    if (all(i.data[,1] %in% 1:53)){
      datos <- i.data[-1]
      datos <- i.data
      if (!all(rownames(i.data) %in% 1:53)) rownames(datos)<-1:NROW(i.data)
    datos <- datos[apply(datos, 2, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = T) > 0)]
    if (!(ncol(datos) > 1)) {
      memmodel.output <- NULL
      cat("Incorrect number of dimensions, at least two seasons of valid data (non-zero values) required\n")
    } else {
      if (is.matrix(datos)) datos <- as.data.frame(datos)
      if (is.null(i.seasons)) i.seasons <- NA
      if (!is.na(i.seasons)) if (i.seasons > 0) datos <- datos[(max((dim(datos)[2]) - i.seasons + 1, 1)):(dim(datos)[2])]
      datos <- as.data.frame(apply(datos, 2, fill.missing))
      semanas <- dim(datos)[1]
      anios <- NCOL(datos)
      # Calcular el optimo
      if (is.na(i.n.max)) {
        n.max <- max(1, round(30 / anios, 0))
      } else {
        if (i.n.max == -1) {
          n.max <- max(1, round(30 / anios, 0))
          # if (anios>=10) n.max=3 else n.max=5
        } else if (i.n.max == 0) {
          n.max <- semanas
        } else {
          n.max <- i.n.max
      if (is.null(i.method)) i.method <- 2
      if (is.na(i.method)) i.method <- 2
      if (is.null(i.param)) i.param <- 2.8
      if (is.na(i.param)) i.param <- 2.8
      optimo <- apply(datos, 2, memtiming, i.n.values = n.max, i.method = i.method, i.param = i.param)
      datos.duracion.real <- extraer.datos.optimo.map(optimo)
      # por defecto la aritmetica en ambos
      ic.duracion <- iconfianza(as.numeric(datos.duracion.real[1, ]), i.level.other, i.type.other, T, i.type.boot, i.iter.boot, 2)
      ic.duracion <- rbind(ic.duracion, c(floor(ic.duracion[1]), round(ic.duracion[2]), ceiling(ic.duracion[3])))
      ic.porcentaje <- iconfianza(as.numeric(datos.duracion.real[2, ]), i.level.other, i.type.other, T, i.type.boot, i.iter.boot, 2)
      duracion.media <- ic.duracion[2, 2]
      if (is.na(i.centering) | i.centering == -1) duracion.centrado <- duracion.media else duracion.centrado <- i.centering
      # Calcula todos los parametros asociados a la temporada gripal en base a la estimacion #
      # del numero de semanas de duracion total.                                             #
      # Datos de la gripe en la temporada REAL y en la temporada MEDIA, esta ultima sirve para unir las temporadas.
      semana.inicio <- as.integer(rownames(datos)[1])
      gripe <- array(dim = c(7, anios, 3), dimnames = list(
        "indicators" = c("epidemic start", "epidemic end", "sum of epidemic values", "sum of values", "covered percentage", "sum of pre-epidemic values", "sum of post-epidemic values"),
        "seasons" = names(datos),
        "type" = c("real epidemic", "mean length epidemic", "centered length epidemic")
      datos.duracion.media <- extraer.datos.curva.map(optimo, duracion.media)
      datos.duracion.centrado <- extraer.datos.curva.map(optimo, duracion.centrado)
      ## Estimacion del numero de semana en el  comienza la gripe
      ic.inicio <- iconfianza(as.numeric(datos.duracion.real[4, ]), i.level.other, i.type.other, T, i.type.boot, i.iter.boot, 2)
      ic.inicio <- rbind(ic.inicio, c(floor(ic.inicio[1]), round(ic.inicio[2]), ceiling(ic.inicio[3])))
      ic.inicio <- rbind(ic.inicio, c(semana.absoluta(ic.inicio[2, 1], semana.inicio), semana.absoluta(ic.inicio[2, 2], semana.inicio), semana.absoluta(ic.inicio[2, 3], semana.inicio)))
      ic.inicio <- ic.inicio[c(2, 3, 1), ]
      inicio.medio <- ic.inicio[1, 2]
      ic.inicio.centrado <- iconfianza(as.numeric(datos.duracion.centrado[4, ]), i.level.other, i.type.other, T, i.type.boot, i.iter.boot, 2)
      ic.inicio.centrado <- rbind(ic.inicio.centrado, c(floor(ic.inicio.centrado[1]), round(ic.inicio.centrado[2]), ceiling(ic.inicio.centrado[3])))
      ic.inicio.centrado <- rbind(ic.inicio.centrado, c(semana.absoluta(ic.inicio.centrado[2, 1], semana.inicio), semana.absoluta(ic.inicio.centrado[2, 2], semana.inicio), semana.absoluta(ic.inicio.centrado[2, 3], semana.inicio)))
      ic.inicio.centrado <- ic.inicio.centrado[c(2, 3, 1), ]
      inicio.centrado <- ic.inicio.centrado[1, 2]
      for (j in 1:anios) {
        ## Semana en la q comienza la temporada.real
        gripe[1, j, 1] <- datos.duracion.real[4, j]
        ## Semana en la q acaba
        gripe[2, j, 1] <- datos.duracion.real[5, j]
        ## numero de casos en la temporada.real de gripe
        gripe[3, j, 1] <- datos.duracion.real[3, j]
        ## Numero de casos totales de la temporada global
        gripe[4, j, 1] <- sum(datos[, j], na.rm = TRUE)
        ## Porcentaje cubierto de casos de la temporada gripal
        gripe[5, j, 1] <- datos.duracion.real[2, j]
        ## Casos Acumulados justo antes de comenzar la temporada gripal
        if (gripe[1, j, 1] > 1) gripe[6, j, 1] <- sum(datos[1:(gripe[1, j, 1] - 1), j], na.rm = TRUE) else gripe[6, j, 1] <- 0
        ## Casos Despues de la temporada gripal
        if (gripe[2, j, 1] < semanas) gripe[7, j, 1] <- sum(datos[(gripe[2, j, 1] + 1):semanas, j], na.rm = TRUE) else gripe[7, j, 1] <- 0
        gripe[1, j, 2] <- datos.duracion.media[4, j]
        gripe[2, j, 2] <- datos.duracion.media[5, j]
        gripe[3, j, 2] <- datos.duracion.media[3, j]
        gripe[4, j, 2] <- sum(datos[, j], na.rm = TRUE)
        gripe[5, j, 2] <- datos.duracion.media[2, j]
        if (gripe[1, j, 2] > 1) gripe[6, j, 2] <- sum(datos[1:(gripe[1, j, 2] - 1), j], na.rm = TRUE) else gripe[6, j, 2] <- 0
        if (gripe[2, j, 2] < semanas) gripe[7, j, 2] <- sum(datos[(gripe[2, j, 2] + 1):semanas, j], na.rm = TRUE) else gripe[7, j, 2] <- 0
        gripe[1, j, 3] <- datos.duracion.centrado[4, j]
        gripe[2, j, 3] <- datos.duracion.centrado[5, j]
        gripe[3, j, 3] <- datos.duracion.centrado[3, j]
        gripe[4, j, 3] <- sum(datos[, j], na.rm = TRUE)
        gripe[5, j, 3] <- datos.duracion.centrado[2, j]
        if (gripe[1, j, 3] > 1) gripe[6, j, 3] <- sum(datos[1:(gripe[1, j, 3] - 1), j], na.rm = TRUE) else gripe[6, j, 3] <- 0
        if (gripe[2, j, 3] < semanas) gripe[7, j, 3] <- sum(datos[(gripe[2, j, 3] + 1):semanas, j], na.rm = TRUE) else gripe[7, j, 3] <- 0
      # Indice de estado temporal. Si es un 1 me dice que estamos en epoca pretemporada,
      # si pone un 2 indica que estamos en temporada gripal. Si pone un 3 indica que
      # estamos en posttemporada.
      indices.temporada <- array(dim = c(semanas, anios, 3), dimnames = list(
        "weeks" = rownames(datos),
        "seasons" = names(datos),
        "type" = c("real epidemic", "mean length epidemic", "centered length epidemic")
      for (j in 1:anios) {
        indices.temporada[-((datos.duracion.real[4, j]):semanas), j, 1] <- 1
        indices.temporada[(datos.duracion.real[4, j]):(datos.duracion.real[5, j]), j, 1] <- 2
        indices.temporada[-(1:(datos.duracion.real[5, j])), j, 1] <- 3
        indices.temporada[-((datos.duracion.media[4, j]):semanas), j, 2] <- 1
        indices.temporada[(datos.duracion.media[4, j]):(datos.duracion.media[5, j]), j, 2] <- 2
        indices.temporada[-(1:(datos.duracion.media[5, j])), j, 2] <- 3
        indices.temporada[-((datos.duracion.centrado[4, j]):semanas), j, 3] <- 1
        indices.temporada[(datos.duracion.centrado[4, j]):(datos.duracion.centrado[5, j]), j, 3] <- 2
        indices.temporada[-(1:(datos.duracion.centrado[5, j])), j, 3] <- 3
      # Grafico del esquema de las temporadas gripales para su union
      longitud.esquema <- semanas + maxFixNA(datos.duracion.centrado[4, ]) - minFixNA(datos.duracion.centrado[4, ])
      inicio.epidemia.esquema <- maxFixNA(datos.duracion.centrado[4, ])
      fin.epidemia.esquema <- maxFixNA(datos.duracion.centrado[5, ])
      esquema.temporadas <- array(dim = c(longitud.esquema, anios + 2, 3), dimnames = list(
        "dummy weeks" = as.character(1:longitud.esquema),
        "seasons" = c(names(datos), "mean season week", "mean season index"),
        "type" = c("absolute week", "relative week", "values")
      for (j in 1:anios) {
        diferencia.anual <- inicio.epidemia.esquema - datos.duracion.centrado[4, j]
        for (i in 1:semanas) {
          esquema.temporadas[i + diferencia.anual, j, 1] <- i
          esquema.temporadas[i + diferencia.anual, j, 2] <- semana.absoluta(i, semana.inicio)
          esquema.temporadas[i + diferencia.anual, j, 3] <- datos[i, j]
      diferencia.global <- inicio.epidemia.esquema - inicio.centrado
      for (i in 1:semanas) {
        if ((i + diferencia.global) >= 1 & (i + diferencia.global) <= longitud.esquema) {
          esquema.temporadas[i + diferencia.global, anios + 1, 1] <- i
          esquema.temporadas[i + diferencia.global, anios + 1, 2] <- semana.absoluta(i, semana.inicio)
          esquema.temporadas[i + diferencia.global, anios + 1, 3] <- i
      esquema.temporadas[, anios + 2, ] <- 3
      esquema.temporadas[1:(diferencia.global + inicio.medio - 1), anios + 2, ] <- 1
      esquema.temporadas[(diferencia.global + inicio.medio):(diferencia.global + inicio.medio + duracion.media - 1), anios + 2, ] <- 2
      # esquema.temporadas[1:(inicio.epidemia.esquema-1),anios+2,2]<-1
      # esquema.temporadas[(inicio.epidemia.esquema):(inicio.epidemia.esquema+duracion.media-1),anios+2,2]<-2
      ## Temporadas moviles
      temporadas.moviles <- esquema.temporadas[, c(1:anios), 3]
      ## Limites de la temporada
      # limites.temporada<-c(inicio.medio,inicio.medio+duracion.media-1)
      # limites.temporada<-rbind(limites.temporada,c(semana.absoluta(inicio.medio,semana.inicio),semana.absoluta(inicio.medio+duracion.media-1,semana.inicio)))
      # Limites relativos
      # limites.esquema<-c(inicio.epidemia.esquema,inicio.epidemia.esquema+duracion.media-1)
      ## En ttotal reordenamos la gripe para q todas las temporadas comiencen la semana "estinicio" (es decir, quitamos informacion
      ## por delante y por detras de esquema.temporada[,,3] para que queden 35 semanas (las que hay).
      temporadas.moviles.recortada <- array(dim = c(semanas, anios), dimnames = list(
        "dummy weeks" = as.character(1:semanas),
        "seasons" = names(datos)
      ## Temporada gripal comienza "estinicio" y termina en "estinicio+temporada-1"
      for (j in 1:anios) {
        for (i in 1:semanas) {
          if ((i + diferencia.global) >= 1 & (i + diferencia.global) <= longitud.esquema) {
            temporadas.moviles.recortada[i, j] <- temporadas.moviles[i + diferencia.global, j]
          } else {
            temporadas.moviles.recortada[i, j] <- NA
      ## Dibujamos la curva epidemica tipo
      # Importante: ?Quitamos los ceros?
      # iy<-(is.na(temporadas.moviles.recortada) | temporadas.moviles.recortada==0)
      iy <- is.na(temporadas.moviles.recortada)
      temporadas.moviles.recortada.no.ceros <- temporadas.moviles.recortada
      temporadas.moviles.recortada.no.ceros[iy] <- NA
      curva.tipo <- t(apply(temporadas.moviles.recortada.no.ceros, 1, iconfianza, nivel = i.level.curve, tipo = i.type.curve, ic = T, tipo.boot = i.type.boot, iteraciones.boot = i.iter.boot, colas = 2))
      ## Seleccionamos los periodos pre, epidemia, y post
      ## Como no se registra mas q de la semana 40 a la 20, tenemos q muchas de las semanas tienen tasa 0, eliminamos esas semanas,
      ## ya q podrian llevar a una infraestimacion de la tasa base fuera de temporada
      pre.datos <- as.vector(as.matrix(extraer.datos.pre.epi(optimo)))
      post.datos <- as.vector(as.matrix(extraer.datos.post.epi(optimo)))
      epi.datos <- as.vector(as.matrix(extraer.datos.epi(optimo)))
      epi.datos.2 <- as.vector(as.matrix(apply(datos, 2, maxnvalores, n.max = n.max)))
      pre.post.datos <- rbind(pre.datos, post.datos)
      # IC de la linea basica de pre y post temporada
      # por defecto estaba la geometrica
      # pre.d<-pre.datos[!(is.na(pre.datos) | pre.datos==0)]
      # post.d<-post.datos[!(is.na(post.datos) | post.datos==0)]
      # epi.d<-epi.datos[!(is.na(epi.datos) | epi.datos==0)]
      # epi.d.2<-epi.datos.2[!(is.na(epi.datos.2) | epi.datos.2==0)]
      pre.d <- pre.datos[!is.na(pre.datos)]
      post.d <- post.datos[!is.na(post.datos)]
      epi.d <- epi.datos[!is.na(epi.datos)]
      epi.d.2 <- epi.datos.2[!is.na(epi.datos.2)]
      pre.i <- iconfianza(pre.d, nivel = i.level.threshold, tipo = i.type.threshold, ic = T, tipo.boot = i.type.boot, iteraciones.boot = i.iter.boot, colas = i.tails.threshold)
      post.i <- iconfianza(post.d, nivel = i.level.threshold, tipo = i.type.threshold, ic = T, tipo.boot = i.type.boot, iteraciones.boot = i.iter.boot, colas = i.tails.threshold)
      epi.intervalos <- numeric()
      for (niv in i.level.intensity) epi.intervalos <- rbind(epi.intervalos, c(niv, iconfianza(epi.d, nivel = niv, tipo = i.type.intensity, ic = T, colas = i.tails.intensity)))
      epi.intervalos.2 <- numeric()
      for (niv in i.level.intensity) epi.intervalos.2 <- rbind(epi.intervalos.2, c(niv, iconfianza(epi.d.2, nivel = niv, tipo = i.type.intensity, ic = T, colas = i.tails.intensity)))
      pre.post.intervalos <- rbind(pre.i, post.i)
      memmodel.output <- list(
        pre.post.intervals = pre.post.intervalos,
        ci.length = ic.duracion,
        ci.percent = ic.porcentaje,
        ci.start = ic.inicio,
        mean.length = duracion.media,
        mean.start = inicio.medio,
        centered.length = duracion.centrado,
        centered.start = inicio.centrado,
        moving.epidemics = temporadas.moviles.recortada,
        epi.intervals = epi.intervalos,
        epi.intervals.full = epi.intervalos.2,
        typ.curve = curva.tipo,
        n.max = n.max,
        n.seasons = anios,
        n.weeks = semanas,
        data = datos,
        start.week = semana.inicio,
        epi.data = epi.datos,
        epi.data.nona = epi.d,
        epi.data.full = epi.datos.2,
        epi.data.nona.full = epi.d.2,
        optimum = optimo,
        real.length.data = datos.duracion.real,
        seasons.data = gripe,
        season.indexes = indices.temporada,
        season.scheme = esquema.temporadas,
        seasons.moving = temporadas.moviles,
        pre.post.data = pre.post.datos,
        pre.data.nona = pre.d,
        post.data.nona = post.d,
        epidemic.thresholds = as.numeric(pre.post.intervalos[, 3]),
        intensity.thresholds = as.numeric(epi.intervalos[, 4]),
        param.data = i.data,
        param.seasons = i.seasons,
        param.type.threshold = i.type.threshold,
        param.level.threshold = i.level.threshold,
        param.tails.threshold = i.tails.threshold,
        param.type.intensity = i.type.intensity,
        param.level.intensity = i.level.intensity,
        param.tails.intensity = i.tails.intensity,
        param.type.curve = i.type.curve,
        param.level.curve = i.level.curve,
        param.type.other = i.type.other,
        param.level.other = i.level.other,
        param.method = i.method,
        param.param = i.param,
        param.centering = i.centering,
        param.n.max = i.n.max,
        param.type.boot = i.type.boot,
        param.iter.boot = i.iter.boot,
        param.mem.info = i.mem.info
      memmodel.output$call <- match.call()
      class(memmodel.output) <- "mem"

#' @export
print.mem <- function(x, ...) {
  threshold <- as.data.frame(round(t(x$pre.post.intervals[1:2, 3]), 2))
  colnames(threshold) <- c("Pre", "Post")
  rownames(threshold) <- "Threshold"
  values <- as.data.frame(round(x$epi.intervals[, 4], 2))
  colnames(values) <- "Threshold"
  rownames(values) <- paste(c("Medium", "High", "Very high"), " (", round(x$epi.intervals[, 1] * 100, 1), "%)", sep = "")
  cat("\nEpidemic threshold:\n")
  cat("\nIntensity thresholds:\n")

#' @export
summary.mem <- function(object, ...) {
  threshold <- as.data.frame(round(t(object$pre.post.intervals[1:2, 3]), 2))
  colnames(threshold) <- c("Pre", "Post")
  rownames(threshold) <- "Threshold"
  values <- as.data.frame(round(object$epi.intervals[, 4], 2))
  colnames(values) <- "Threshold"
  rownames(values) <- paste(c("Medium", "High", "Very high"), " (", round(object$epi.intervals[, 1] * 100, 1), "%)", sep = "")
  cat("Call:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\nParameters:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- General:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Number of seasons restriction: ", if (object$param.seasons == -1 | is.na(object$param.seasons)) "Unrestricted (maximum)" else paste("Restricted to ", object$param.seasons, sep = ""), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Number of seasons used: ", object$n.seasons, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Seasons used: ", paste(names(object$data), collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Number of weeks: ", object$n.weeks, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- Confidence intervals:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Epidemic threshold: ", output.ci(object$param.type.threshold, object$param.level.threshold, object$param.tails.threshold), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Intensity: ", output.ci(object$param.type.intensity, object$param.level.intensity, object$param.tails.intensity), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Curve: ", output.ci(object$param.type.curve, object$param.level.curve, 2), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Others: ", output.ci(object$param.type.other, object$param.level.other, 2), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- Epidemic timing calculation:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Method: ", object$param.method, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Parameter: ", object$param.param, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- Epidemic threshold calculation:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Pre-epidemic values: ", if (is.na(object$param.n.max)) {
    paste("Optimized: ", object$n.max, sep = "")
  } else {
    if (object$param.n.max == -1) paste("Optimized: ", object$n.max, sep = "") else object$n.max
  }, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Tails of CI: ", object$param.tails.threshold, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- Intensity thresholds calculation:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Number of values: ", if (is.na(object$param.n.max)) {
    paste("Optimized: ", object$n.max, sep = "")
  } else {
    if (object$param.n.max == -1) paste("Optimized: ", object$n.max, sep = "") else object$n.max
  }, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Tails of CI: ", object$param.tails.intensity, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Levels of CI: ", paste0(paste0(c("Medium", "High", "Very high"), ": ", round(object$epi.intervals[, 1] * 100, 1), "%"), collapse = ", "), "\n")
  cat("\t- Bootstrap (if used):\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Technique: ", if (is.na(object$param.type.boot)) "-" else object$param.type.boot, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t\t+ Bootstrap samples: ", if (is.na(object$param.iter.boot)) "-" else object$param.iter.boot, "\n", sep = "")
  cat("\nEpidemic description:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- Typical influenza epidemics starts at week ", round(object$ci.start[2, 2], 2), ". ", 100 * object$param.level.other, "% CI: [", round(object$ci.start[2, 1], 2), ",", round(object$ci.start[2, 3], 2), "]\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- Typical influenza season lasts ", round(object$ci.length[1, 2], 2), " weeks. ", 100 * object$param.level.other, "% CI: [", round(object$ci.length[1, 1], 2), ",", round(object$ci.length[1, 3], 2), "]\n", sep = "")
  cat("\t- This optimal ", object$mean.length, " weeks influenza season includes the ", round(object$ci.percent[2], 2), "% of the total sum of rates\n\n", sep = "")
  cat("\nEpidemic threshold:\n", sep = "")
  cat("\n\nIntensity thresholds:\n", sep = "")

#' @export
plot.mem <- function(x, ...) {
  # opar<-par(mfrow=c(1,2))
  opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(4, 3, 1, 2) + 0.1, mgp = c(3, 0.5, 0), xpd = T)

  # Graph 1
  semanas <- dim(x$data)[1]
  anios <- dim(x$data)[2]
  names.seasons <- sub("^.*\\(([^\\)]*)\\)$", "\\1", names(x$data), perl = T)
  datos.graf <- x$moving.epidemics
  colnames(datos.graf) <- names(x$data)
  # lab.graf<-(1:semanas)+x$mean.start[2]-x$mean.start[1]
  lab.graf <- (1:semanas) + x$ci.start[2, 2] - x$ci.start[1, 2]
  lab.graf[lab.graf > 52] <- (lab.graf - 52)[lab.graf > 52]
  lab.graf[lab.graf < 1] <- (lab.graf + 52)[lab.graf < 1]
  tipos <- rep(1, anios)
  anchos <- rep(2, anios)
  pal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(4, "Spectral"))
  colores <- pal(anios)
  # colores<-c(rgb(runif(anios-1),runif(anios-1),runif(anios-1)),"#FF0000")
  # limite.superior<-c(1.05*maxFixNA(datos.graf))
  otick <- optimal.tickmarks(0, maxFixNA(datos.graf), 10)
  range.y <- c(otick$range[1], otick$range[2] + otick$by / 2)
    type = "l",
    sub = paste("Weekly incidence rates of the seasons matching their relative position in the model."),
    lty = tipos,
    lwd = anchos,
    col = colores,
    xlim = c(1, semanas),
    # xlab="Week",
    # ylab="Rate",
    xlab = "",
    ylab = "",
    axes = F,
    # font.axis=1,
    # font.lab=1,
    font.main = 2,
    font.sub = 1,
    ylim = range.y
  # Ejes
  axis(1, at = seq(1, semanas, 1), labels = F, cex.axis = 0.7, col.axis = "#404040", col = "#C0C0C0")
    at = seq(1, semanas, 2), tick = F,
    labels = as.character(lab.graf)[seq(1, semanas, 2)], cex.axis = 0.7, col.axis = "#404040", col = "#C0C0C0"
    at = seq(2, semanas, 2), tick = F,
    labels = as.character(lab.graf)[seq(2, semanas, 2)], cex.axis = 0.7, line = 0.60, col.axis = "#404040", col = "#C0C0C0"
  mtext(1, text = "Week", line = 2, cex = 0.8, col = "#000040")
  axis(2, at = otick$tickmarks, lwd = 1, cex.axis = 0.6, col.axis = "#404040", col = "#C0C0C0")
  mtext(2, text = "Weekly rate", line = 1.3, cex = 0.8, col = "#000040")
  if (x$param.mem.info) mtext(4, text = paste("mem R library - Jose E. Lozano - https://github.com/lozalojo/mem", sep = ""), line = 0.75, cex = 0.6, col = "#404040")
  i.temporada <- x$ci.start[1, 2]
  f.temporada <- x$ci.start[1, 2] + x$mean.length - 1
  lines(x = rep(i.temporada - 0.5, 2), y = range.y, col = "#FF0000", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
  lines(x = rep(f.temporada + 0.5, 2), y = range.y, col = "#40FF40", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
  lines(x = c(1, semanas), y = rep(x$epidemic.thresholds[1], 2), col = "#8c6bb1", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
  # abline(v=c(i.temporada-0.5,f.temporada+0.5),col=c("#00C000","#FFB401"),lty=c(2,2))
  # ya<-range.y[2]*0.975
  ya <- otick$range[2]
  if ((i.temporada - 1) <= (semanas - f.temporada)) xa <- f.temporada + 1 else xa <- 1
    x = xa, y = ya, inset = c(0, 0), xjust = 0, seg.len = 1,
    legend = names.seasons,
    bty = "n",
    lty = tipos,
    lwd = anchos,
    col = colores,
    cex = 0.75,
    x.intersp = 0.5,
    y.intersp = 0.6,
    text.col = "#000000",
    ncol = 1

  temp1 <- memsurveillance(
    i.current = data.frame(rates = x$typ.curve[, 2], row.names = rownames(x$data)),
    i.epidemic.thresholds = x$epidemic.thresholds,
    i.intensity.thresholds = x$intensity.thresholds,
    i.mean.length = x$mean.length,
    i.force.length = T,
    i.graph.file = F,
    i.week.report = NA,
    i.equal = F,
    i.pos.epidemic = T,
    i.no.epidemic = F,
    i.no.intensity = F,
    i.epidemic.start = x$ci.start[2, 2],
    i.range.x = as.numeric(c(rownames(x$data)[1], rownames(x$data)[semanas])),
    i.range.x.53 = F,
    i.range.y = NA,
    i.no.labels = F,
    i.start.end.marks = T


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mem documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:34 p.m.