metaFIML <- function(y, v, x, av, data, intercept.constraints=NULL,
coef.constraints=NULL, RE.constraints=NULL,
RE.startvalues=0.1, RE.lbound=1e-10,
intervals.type=c("z", "LB"), R2=TRUE,"Meta analysis with FIML",
suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=TRUE, run=TRUE, ...) {
mf <-
if (missing(data)) {
data <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
} else {
if (! data <- data.frame(data)
my.y <- mf[[match("y", names(mf))]]
my.v <- mf[[match("v", names(mf))]]
y <- eval(my.y, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
v <- eval(my.v, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
if (is.vector(y)) no.y <- 1 else no.y <- ncol(y)
if (is.vector(v)) no.v <- 1 else no.v <- ncol(v)
## FIXME: Allow missing x with av
if (missing(x)) {
stop("\"x\" cannot be missing.\n")
} else {
my.x <- mf[[match("x", names(mf))]]
x <- eval(my.x, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
if (is.vector(x)) no.x <- 1 else no.x <- ncol(x)
if ( no.v != no.y*(no.y+1)/2 )
stop(paste("The expected no. of columns in v is ", no.y*(no.y+1)/2,
" while the observed no. of columns in v is ", no.v, ".", sep=""))
v.labels <- vech(outer(1:no.y, 1:no.y, function(x, y) paste("v", x,"_", y, sep = "")))
y.labels <- paste("y", 1:no.y, sep="")
x.labels <- paste("x", 1:no.x, sep="")
l.labels <- paste("l", 1:no.x, sep="")
all.labels <- c(y.labels,x.labels,l.labels)
if (missing(av)) {
no.av <- 0
} else {
my.av <- mf[[match("av", names(mf))]]
av <- eval(my.av, data, enclos = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
if (is.vector(av)) no.av <- 1 else no.av <- ncol(av)
av.labels <- paste("av", 1:no.av, sep="")
all.labels <- c(all.labels, av.labels)
## If, convert y into NA. NA in y will be handled automatically.
## Since NA in v (definition variable) is not allowed. Convert v into 1e10.
## Select variances only
## FIXME: how about NA in covariances?
if (no.y==1) {
y[] <- NA
} else {
index <- matrix(0, nrow=no.y, ncol=no.y)
index[lower.tri(index, diag=TRUE)] <- seq(1, no.y*(no.y+1)/2)
index <- Diag(index)
y[[, index])] <- NA
v[] <- 1e10
if (no.av==0) {
## x <- NULL
my.df <- as.matrix(cbind(y, v, x))
dimnames(my.df) <- list(NULL, c(y.labels, v.labels, x.labels))
} else {
my.df <- as.matrix(cbind(y, v, x, av))
dimnames(my.df) <- list(NULL, c(y.labels, v.labels, x.labels, av.labels))
## M: intercept of y
if (is.null(intercept.constraints)) {
My <- matrix( paste("0*Intercept", 1:no.y, sep=""), nrow=1, ncol=no.y )
} else {
if (!all(dim(intercept.constraints)==c(1, no.y)))
stop("Dimensions of \"intercept.constraints\" are incorrect.")
My <- as.mxMatrix(t(intercept.constraints), name="My")
## Intercept of x and av
Mx <- matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=no.x)
Ml <- matrix( paste(round(apply(my.df[, -(1:(no.y+no.v)), drop=FALSE], 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE), 2),
paste("MeanX", 1:(no.x+no.av), sep=""), sep="*" ), nrow=1 )
Mmatrix <- as.mxMatrix(cbind(My,Mx,Ml), name="Mmatrix")
## y1, y2, m1, m2, m3, l1, l2, l3, av1, av2
if (is.null(coef.constraints)) {
yVar <- paste("y", seq(1,no.y), sep="", collapse="+")
xVar <- paste("x", seq(1,no.x), sep="", collapse="+")
## Use lm() coefficients as starting values
startValues <- tryCatch( eval(parse(text=paste("t(coefficients(lm(cbind(",
yVar, ")~", xVar,", data=data.frame(my.df))))", sep=""))) )
## If error, replace it with 0. Added a column of intercepts
if (inherits(startValues, "error") | !is.null(intercept.constraints))
startValues <- matrix(0, nrow=no.y, ncol=(no.x+1))
A.labels <- outer(1:no.y, 1:no.x, function(y, x) paste("*Slope", y,"_", x, sep = ""))
A <- matrix( paste(startValues[,-1], A.labels, sep=""), nrow=no.y, ncol=no.x )
} else {
coef.dim <- dim(coef.constraints)
if (!coef.dim[1]==no.y | !(coef.dim[2] %in% c(no.x, no.x+no.y)))
stop("Dimensions of \"coef.constraints\" are incorrect.")
A <- coef.constraints
## cbind(y&m on y&m, rbind(A, l on m, l on l))
Amatrix <- cbind( matrix(0, ncol=(no.y+no.x), nrow=(no.y+2*no.x)),
rbind(A, diag(no.x), matrix(0, ncol=no.x, nrow=no.x)) )
## There are av: rbind(cbind(A, l on all), all on av)
if (no.av!=0) {
Amatrix <- rbind( cbind(Amatrix, matrix(0, ncol=no.av, nrow=(no.y+2*no.x))),
matrix(0, nrow=no.av, ncol=(no.y+2*no.x+no.av)) )
Amatrix <- as.mxMatrix(Amatrix)
## starting values for both x and av <- var(my.df[, -(1:(no.y+no.v))], na.rm=TRUE)
CovX.labels <- outer(1:(no.x+no.av), 1:(no.x+no.av), function(x, y) paste("CovX", x,"_X", y, sep = ""))
CovX.labels[upper.tri(CovX.labels)] <- t(CovX.labels)[upper.tri(CovX.labels)]
CovX <- matrix(paste(round(,2), CovX.labels, sep="*"), ncol=(no.x+no.av), nrow=(no.x+no.av))
CovX <- bdiagMat( list(matrix(0, ncol=no.x, nrow=no.x), CovX) )
CovX <- as.mxMatrix(CovX)
## lbound in variance component of the random effects
if (is.matrix(RE.lbound)) {
if (!all(dim(RE.lbound)==c(no.y, no.y)))
warning("Dimensions of \"RE.lbound\" are incorrect.")
## FIXME: need to handle unequal dimensions better
lbound <- RE.lbound
## lbound is a matrix
} else {
lbound <- matrix(NA, nrow=no.y, ncol=no.y)
Diag(lbound) <- RE.lbound
## lbound is a matrix
## Preparing the S matrix for covariance elements
## No predictor
if (is.null(RE.constraints)) {
## Better to use starting values based on diagonal matrix rather than the UMM
if (is.matrix(RE.startvalues)) {
if (!all(dim(RE.startvalues)==c(no.y, no.y)))
warning("Dimensions of \"RE.startvalues\" are incorrect.")
values <- vech(RE.startvalues)
} else {
values <- vech(Diag(x=RE.startvalues, nrow=no.y, ncol=no.y))
Tau.labels <- vech(outer(1:no.y, 1:no.y, function(x,y) { paste("Tau2_",x,"_",y,sep="")}))
Tau <- mxMatrix("Symm", ncol=no.y, nrow=no.y, free=TRUE, labels=Tau.labels,
lbound=vech(lbound), values=values, name="Tau")
} else {
## Convert RE.constraints into a column matrix if it is not a matrix
if (!is.matrix(RE.constraints))
RE.constraints <- as.matrix(RE.constraints)
if (!all(dim(RE.constraints)==c(no.y, no.y)))
stop("Dimensions of \"RE.constraints\" are incorrect.")
Tau <- as.mxMatrix(RE.constraints, lbound=c(lbound), name="Tau")
## V known
V <- mxMatrix("Symm", ncol=no.y, nrow=no.y, free=FALSE,
labels=paste("data.", v.labels, sep=""), name="V")
Vy <- mxAlgebra(V+Tau, name="Vy")
## CovYX: X includes both x and av for convenience
CovYX <- matrix(0, nrow=(2*no.x), ncol=no.y)
if (no.av==0) {
CovYX <- as.mxMatrix(CovYX)
} else {
## av is not correlated with y
Covyav <- outer(1:no.av, 1:no.y, function(x, y) paste("0*CovX", x+no.x,"_Y", y, sep = ""))
##Covyav <- matrix(0, nrow=no.av, ncol=no.y)
CovYX <- as.mxMatrix(rbind(CovYX, Covyav), name="CovYX")
Smatrix <- mxAlgebra( cbind( rbind(Vy,CovYX), rbind(t(CovYX),CovX) ), name="Smatrix" )
Fmatrix <- create.Fmatrix(c(rep(1, no.y+no.x), rep(0, no.x), rep(1, no.av)))
mx.model <- mxModel(, mxData(observed=my.df, type="raw"),
mxExpectationRAM(A="Amatrix", S="Smatrix", F="Fmatrix", M="Mmatrix", dimnames=all.labels),
Tau, CovX, CovYX, Amatrix, Smatrix, Fmatrix, Mmatrix, V, Vy,
mxCI(c("Amatrix","Mmatrix","Tau", "CovYX")))
## Calculate R2 <- NA
if (R2) <- tryCatch(metaFIML(y=y, v=v, x=x, av=av, data=my.df,"No predictor",
coef.constraints=matrix(0, nrow=no.y, ncol=no.x),
suppressWarnings=TRUE, R2=FALSE, silent=TRUE),
error = function(e) e)
## Return mx model without running the analysis
if (run==FALSE) return(mx.model)
intervals.type <- match.arg(intervals.type)
## Default is z
z = <- tryCatch(mxRun(mx.model, intervals=FALSE,
suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings, silent=silent, ...),
error = function(e) e),
LB = <- tryCatch(mxRun(mx.model, intervals=TRUE,
suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings, silent=silent, ...),
error = function(e) e ))
if (inherits(, "error")) {
cat("Error in running mxModel:\n")
} else {
out <- list(call=mf, data=my.df, miss.x=rep(0, nrow(my.df)), no.y=no.y, no.x=no.x,
no.av=no.av, R2=R2,,, intervals.type=intervals.type)
class(out) <- "meta"
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