
Defines functions counts_to_presence calc_prop_samples calc_n_samples calc_taxon_abund compare_groups rarefy_obs zero_low_counts calc_obs_props calc_group_stat calc_group_median calc_group_rsd calc_group_mean

Documented in calc_group_mean calc_group_median calc_group_rsd calc_group_stat calc_n_samples calc_obs_props calc_prop_samples calc_taxon_abund compare_groups counts_to_presence rarefy_obs zero_low_counts

#' Calculate means of groups of columns
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, split columns by a
#' grouping factor and return row means in a table.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Calculate the means for each group
#' calc_group_mean(x, "tax_data", hmp_samples$sex)
#' # Use only some columns
#' calc_group_mean(x, "tax_data", hmp_samples$sex[4:20],
#'                 cols = hmp_samples$sample_id[4:20])
#' # Including all other columns in ouput
#' calc_group_mean(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = TRUE)
#' # Inlcuding specific columns in output
#' calc_group_mean(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = 2)
#' calc_group_mean(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = "otu_id")
#' # Rename output columns
#' calc_group_mean(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                out_names = c("Women", "Men"))
#' }
calc_group_mean <- function(obj, data, groups, cols = NULL,
                            other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  calc_group_stat(obj, data, func = mean, groups = groups, cols = cols,
                  other_cols = other_cols, out_names = out_names)

#' Relative standard deviations of groups of columns
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, split columns by a
#' grouping factor and return the relative standard deviation for each row in a
#' table. The relative standard deviation is the standard deviation divided by
#' the mean of a set of numbers. It is useful for comparing the variation when
#' magnitude of sets of number are very different.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Calculate the RSD for each group
#' calc_group_rsd(x, "tax_data", hmp_samples$sex)
#' # Use only some columns
#' calc_group_rsd(x, "tax_data", hmp_samples$sex[4:20],
#'                 cols = hmp_samples$sample_id[4:20])
#' # Including all other columns in ouput
#' calc_group_rsd(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = TRUE)
#' # Inlcuding specific columns in output
#' calc_group_rsd(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = 2)
#' calc_group_rsd(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = "otu_id")
#' # Rename output columns
#' calc_group_rsd(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                out_names = c("Women", "Men"))
#' }
calc_group_rsd <- function(obj, data, groups, cols = NULL,
                             other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  rsd <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
    stats::sd(x, na.rm = na.rm) / mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  calc_group_stat(obj, data, func = rsd, groups = groups, cols = cols,
                  other_cols = other_cols, out_names = out_names)

#' Calculate medians of groups of columns
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, split columns by a
#' grouping factor and return row medians in a table.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Calculate the medians for each group
#' calc_group_median(x, "tax_data", hmp_samples$sex)
#' # Use only some columns
#' calc_group_median(x, "tax_data", hmp_samples$sex[4:20],
#'                   cols = hmp_samples$sample_id[4:20])
#' # Including all other columns in ouput
#' calc_group_median(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                   other_cols = TRUE)
#' # Inlcuding specific columns in output
#' calc_group_median(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                   other_cols = 2)
#' calc_group_median(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                   other_cols = "otu_id")
#' # Rename output columns
#' calc_group_median(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                   out_names = c("Women", "Men"))
#' }
calc_group_median <- function(obj, data, groups, cols = NULL,
                            other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  calc_group_stat(obj, data, func = stats::median, groups = groups, cols = cols,
                  other_cols = other_cols, out_names = out_names)

#' Apply a function to groups of columns
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, apply a function to
#' rows in groups of columns. The result of the function is used to create new
#' columns. This is equivalent to splitting columns of a table by a factor and
#' using \code{apply} on each group.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param func The function to apply. It should take a vector and return a
#'   single value. For example, \code{\link{max}} or \code{\link{mean}} could
#'   be used.
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Apply a function to every value without grouping 
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", function(v) v > 3)
#' # Calculate the means for each group
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", mean, groups = hmp_samples$sex)
#' # Calculate the variation for each group
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", sd, groups = hmp_samples$body_site)
#' # Different ways to use only some columns
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", function(v) v > 3,
#'                 cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"))
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", function(v) v > 3,
#'                 cols = 4:6)
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", function(v) v > 3,
#'                 cols = startsWith(colnames(x$data$tax_data), "70001"))
#' # Including all other columns in ouput
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", mean, groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = TRUE)
#' # Inlcuding specific columns in output
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", mean, groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = 2)
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", mean, groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                 other_cols = "otu_id")
#' # Rename output columns
#' calc_group_stat(x, "tax_data", mean, groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                out_names = c("Women", "Men"))
#' }
calc_group_stat <- function(obj, data, func, groups = NULL, cols = NULL,
                            other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  do_calc_on_num_cols(obj, data, cols = cols, groups = groups,
                      other_cols = other_cols, out_names = out_names,
                      func =  function(count_table, cols = cols, groups = groups) {
                        tibble::as_tibble(lapply(split(cols, groups), function(col_index) {
                          apply(count_table[, col_index], MARGIN = 1, FUN = func)

#' Calculate proportions from observation counts
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, convert one or more
#' columns containing counts to proportions. This is meant to be used with
#' counts associated with observations (e.g. OTUs), as opposed to counts that
#' have already been summed per taxon.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Calculate proportions for all numeric columns
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data")
#' # Calculate proportions for a subset of columns
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"))
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", cols = 4:6)
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", cols = startsWith(colnames(x$data$tax_data), "70001"))
#' # Including all other columns in ouput
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", other_cols = TRUE)
#' # Inlcuding specific columns in output
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
#'                other_cols = 2:3)
#' # Rename output columns
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
#'                out_names = c("a", "b", "c"))
#' # Get proportions for groups of samples
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex)
#' calc_obs_props(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                out_names = c("Women", "Men"))
#' }
calc_obs_props <- function(obj, data, cols = NULL, groups = NULL,
                           other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {

  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  do_calc_on_num_cols(obj, data, cols = cols, groups = groups,
                      other_cols = other_cols, out_names = out_names,
                      func =  function(count_table, cols = cols, groups = groups) {
                        # Explain what is happening 
                        my_print("Calculating proportions from counts for ", length(cols), " columns ",
                                 ifelse(length(unique(groups)) == length(unique(cols)), "", paste0("in ", length(unique(groups)), " groups ")),
                                 "for ", nrow(count_table), ' observations.')
                        # Sum by group
                        grouped_counts <- dplyr::as_tibble(t(rowsum(t(count_table),
                                                                    group = groups)))
                        # Calculate proportions
                        do.call(cbind, lapply(grouped_counts, function(x) x / sum(x)))

#' Replace low counts with zero
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, convert all counts
#' below a minimum number to zero. This is useful for effectively removing
#' "singletons", "doubletons", or other low abundance counts.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param min_count The minimum number of counts needed for a count to remain
#'   unchanged. Any could less than this will be converted to a zero. For
#'   example, \code{min_count = 2} would remove singletons.
#' @param use_total If \code{TRUE}, the \code{min_count} applies to the total
#'   count for each row (e.g. OTU counts for all samples), rather than each cell
#'   in the table. For example \code{use_total = TRUE, min_count = 10} would
#'   convert all counts of any row to zero if the total for all counts in that
#'   row was less than 10.
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Default use
#' zero_low_counts(x, "tax_data")
#' # Use only a subset of columns
#' zero_low_counts(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"))
#' zero_low_counts(x, "tax_data", cols = 4:6)
#' zero_low_counts(x, "tax_data", cols = startsWith(colnames(x$data$tax_data), "70001"))
#' # Including all other columns in ouput
#' zero_low_counts(x, "tax_data", other_cols = TRUE)
#' # Inlcuding specific columns in output
#' zero_low_counts(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
#'                 other_cols = 2:3)
#' # Rename output columns
#' zero_low_counts(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
#'                 out_names = c("a", "b", "c"))
#' }
zero_low_counts <- function(obj, data, min_count = 2, use_total = FALSE,
                            cols = NULL, other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {

  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  do_it <- function(count_table, cols = cols, groups = groups) {
    # Convert low counts to zero
    if (use_total) {
      row_sums <- rowSums(count_table, na.rm = TRUE)
      to_zero <- (! is.na(row_sums)) & row_sums < min_count & row_sums > 0
      if (sum(to_zero) > 0) {
        my_print("Zeroing ", sum(to_zero), ' of ', length(to_zero),
                 ' rows with total counts less than ', min_count)
      } else {
        my_print('No rows found with total counts less than ', min_count, '.')
      count_table[to_zero, ] <- 0
    } else {
      to_zero <- (! is.na(count_table)) & count_table < min_count & count_table > 0
      if (sum(to_zero) > 0) {
        my_print("Zeroing ", sum(to_zero), ' of ', length(to_zero),
                 ' counts less than ', min_count, '.')
      } else {
        my_print('No counts found less than ', min_count, '.')
      count_table[seq_len(ncol(to_zero))] <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(to_zero)), function(i) {
        out <- count_table[[i]]
        out[to_zero[, i]] <- 0
    names(count_table) <- as.character(groups) # needed because do_calc_on_num_cols assumes column named by groups even though this function does not use groups currently
  do_calc_on_num_cols(obj, data, cols = cols, other_cols = other_cols,
                                out_names = out_names, func = do_it)

#' Calculate rarefied observation counts
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, rarefy counts to a constant total. This
#' is a wrapper around \code{\link[vegan]{rrarefy}} that automatically detects
#' which columns are numeric and handles the reformatting needed to use tibbles.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param sample_size The sample size counts will be rarefied to. This can be 
#'   either a single integer or a vector of integers of equal length to the 
#'   number of columns.
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Rarefy all numeric columns
#' rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data")
#' # Rarefy a subset of columns
#' rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"))
#' rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = 4:6)
#' rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = startsWith(colnames(x$data$tax_data), "70001"))
#' # Including all other columns in ouput
#' rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", other_cols = TRUE)
#' # Inlcuding specific columns in output
#' rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
#'                other_cols = 2:3)
#' # Rename output columns
#' rarefy_obs(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855", "700100489"),
#'                out_names = c("a", "b", "c"))
#' }
rarefy_obs <- function(obj, data, sample_size = NULL, cols = NULL,
                       other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  do_calc_on_num_cols(obj, data, cols = cols, other_cols = other_cols,
                      out_names = out_names,
                      func =  function(count_table, cols = cols, groups = groups) {
                        if (is.null(sample_size)) {
                          sample_size <- min(colSums(count_table)) # Calculate minimum count if no sample size is given
                          my_print("Rarefying to ", sample_size, " since that is the lowest sample total.")
                        output <- tibble::as_tibble(t(vegan::rrarefy(t(count_table), sample = sample_size)))
                        names(output) <- as.character(groups) # needed because do_calc_on_num_cols assumes column named by groups even though this function does not use groups currently

#' Compare groups of samples
#' Apply a function to compare data, usually abundance, from pairs of 
#' treatments/groups. By default, every pairwise combination of treatments are 
#' compared. A custom function can be supplied to perform the comparison. The
#' plotting function \code{\link{heat_tree_matrix}} is useful for visualizing
#' these results.
#' @param obj A \code{\link{taxmap}} object
#' @param data The name of a table in \code{obj} that contains data for each 
#'   sample in columns.
#' @param cols The names/indexes of columns in \code{data} to use. By
#'   default, all numeric columns are used. Takes one of the following inputs:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{TRUE/FALSE:}{All/No columns will used.}
#'     \item{Character vector:}{The names of columns to use}
#'     \item{Numeric vector:}{The indexes of columns to use}
#'     \item{Vector of TRUE/FALSE of length equal to the number of columns:}{Use the columns
#'   corresponding to \code{TRUE} values.}
#'   }
#' @param groups A vector defining how samples are grouped into "treatments". Must be the same
#'   order and length as \code{cols}.
#' @param func The function to apply for each comparison. For each row in 
#'   \code{data}, for each combination of groups, this function will 
#'   receive the data for each treatment, passed as two vectors.
#'   Therefore the function must take at least 2 arguments corresponding to the
#'   two groups compared. The function should return a vector or list of
#'   results of a fixed length. If named, the names will be used in the output.
#'   The names should be consistent as well. A simple example is
#'   \code{function(x, y) mean(x) - mean(y)}. By default, the following function
#'   is used:
#'   \preformatted{
#'   function(abund_1, abund_2) {
#'     log_ratio <- log2(median(abund_1) / median(abund_2))
#'     if (is.nan(log_ratio)) {
#'       log_ratio <- 0
#'     }
#'     list(log2_median_ratio = log_ratio,
#'          median_diff = median(abund_1) - median(abund_2),
#'          mean_diff = mean(abund_1) - mean(abund_2),
#'          wilcox_p_value = wilcox.test(abund_1, abund_2)$p.value)
#'   }
#'   }
#' @param combinations Which combinations of groups to use. Must be a list 
#'   of vectors, each containing the names of 2 groups to compare. By 
#'   default, all pairwise combinations of groups are compared.
#' @param other_cols If \code{TRUE}, preserve all columns not in 
#'   \code{cols} in the output. If \code{FALSE}, dont keep other columns. 
#'   If a column names or indexes are supplied, only preserve those columns.
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for plotting
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Convert counts to proportions
#' x$data$otu_table <- calc_obs_props(x, data = "tax_data", cols = hmp_samples$sample_id)
#' # Get per-taxon counts
#' x$data$tax_table <- calc_taxon_abund(x, data = "otu_table", cols = hmp_samples$sample_id)
#' # Calculate difference between groups
#' x$data$diff_table <- compare_groups(x, data = "tax_table",
#'                                     cols = hmp_samples$sample_id,
#'                                     groups = hmp_samples$body_site)
#' # Plot results (might take a few minutes)
#' heat_tree_matrix(x,
#'                  data = "diff_table",
#'                  node_size = n_obs,
#'                  node_label = taxon_names,
#'                  node_color = log2_median_ratio,
#'                  node_color_range = diverging_palette(),
#'                  node_color_trans = "linear",
#'                  node_color_interval = c(-3, 3),
#'                  edge_color_interval = c(-3, 3),
#'                  node_size_axis_label = "Number of OTUs",
#'                  node_color_axis_label = "Log2 ratio median proportions")
#' # How to get results for only some pairs of groups
#' compare_groups(x, data = "tax_table",
#'                cols = hmp_samples$sample_id,
#'                groups = hmp_samples$body_site,
#'                combinations = list(c('Nose', 'Saliva'),
#'                                    c('Skin', 'Throat')))
#' }
#' @export
compare_groups <- function(obj, data, cols, groups,
                           func = NULL, combinations = NULL,
                           other_cols = FALSE, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  # Get abundance by sample data
  abund_data <- get_taxmap_table(obj, data)
  # Parse columns to use
  cols <- get_numeric_cols(obj, data, cols)
  # Check groups option
  groups <- check_option_groups(groups, cols)
  # Define default function
  if (is.null(func)) {
    func <- function(abund_1, abund_2) {
      median_1 <- stats::median(abund_1, na.rm = TRUE)
      median_2 <- stats::median(abund_2, na.rm = TRUE)
      log_ratio <- log2(median_1 / median_2)
      if (is.nan(log_ratio) | is.na(log_ratio)) {
        log_ratio <- 0
      list(log2_median_ratio = log_ratio,
           median_diff = median_1 - median_2,
           mean_diff = mean(abund_1, na.rm = TRUE) - mean(abund_2, na.rm = TRUE),
           wilcox_p_value = stats::wilcox.test(abund_1, abund_2)$p.value)
  # Find other columns
  #   These might be added back to the output later
  other_cols <- get_taxmap_other_cols(obj, data, cols, other_cols)
  # Get every combination of groups to compare
  if (is.null(combinations)) {
    if (is.ordered(groups)) {
      group_order <- factor(levels(groups), levels = levels(groups), ordered = TRUE)
    } else {
      group_order <- unique(groups)
    combinations <- t(utils::combn(group_order, 2))
    combinations <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(combinations)), function(i) combinations[i, ])
  # Make function to compare one pair of groups
  one_comparison <- function(treat_1, treat_2) {
    output <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(abund_data)), function(i) {
      # get samples ids for each treatment
      samples_1 <- cols[groups == treat_1]
      samples_2 <- cols[groups == treat_2]
      # get abundance data for each treatment
      abund_1 <- unlist(abund_data[i, samples_1])
      abund_2 <- unlist(abund_data[i, samples_2])
      # Run user-supplied function on abundance info
      result <- as.list(func(abund_1, abund_2))
      # Complain if nothing is returned
      if (length(result) == 0) {
        stop(paste0("The function supplied returned nothing when given the following data:\n",
                    '  Groups compared: "', treat_1, '" vs "', treat_2, '"\n',
                    '  Row index: ', i, '\n',
                    limited_print(abund_1, prefix = paste0('  "', treat_1, '" data: '), type = "silent"),
                    limited_print(abund_2, prefix = paste0('  "', treat_2, '" data: '), type = "silent")))
      # If the output does not have names, add defaults
      if (is.null(names(result))) {
        if (length(result) == 1) {
          names(result) <- "value"
        } else {
          names(result) <- paste("value_", seq_along(result)) 
      do.call(data.frame, result)
    # Combine the results for each row into a data frame
    output <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, output))
    # Add treatments compared
    output <- cbind(data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                               treatment_1 = treat_1,
                               treatment_2 = treat_2),
    # Add in other columns if specified
    output <- cbind(abund_data[, other_cols], output)
  # Compare all pairs of treatments and combine
  output <- lapply(seq_len(length(combinations)), function(i) {
    one_comparison(combinations[[i]][1], combinations[[i]][2])
  output <- do.call(rbind, output)
  # Convert to tibble and return

#' Sum observation values for each taxon
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, sum the values in
#' each column for each taxon. This is useful to convert per-observation counts
#' (e.g. OTU counts) to per-taxon counts.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for example
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Calculate the taxon abundance for each numeric column (i.e. sample)
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data")
#' # Calculate the taxon abundance for a subset of columns
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", cols = 4:5)
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", cols = c("700035949", "700097855"))
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", cols = startsWith(colnames(x$data$tax_data), "70001"))
#' # Calculate the taxon abundance for groups of columns (e.g. treatments)
#' #  Note that we do not need to use the "cols" option for this since all
#' #  numeric columns are samples in this data. If there were numeric columns
#' #  that were not samples present in hmp_samples, the "cols" would be needed.
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex)
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$body_site)
#' # The above example using the "cols" option, even though not needed in this case
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", cols = hmp_samples$sample_id,
#'                  groups = hmp_samples$sex)
#' # Rename the output columns
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", cols = hmp_samples$sample_id[1:10],
#'                  out_names = letters[1:10])
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$sex,
#'                  out_names = c("Women", "Men"))
#' # Geting a total for all columns 
#' calc_taxon_abund(x, "tax_data", cols = hmp_samples$sample_id,
#'                  groups = rep("total", nrow(hmp_samples)))
#' }
#' @keywords internal
calc_taxon_abund <- function(obj, data, cols = NULL, groups = NULL,
                                 out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  do_it <- function(count_table, cols = cols, groups = groups) {
    # Alert user 
    my_print("Summing per-taxon counts from ", length(cols), " columns ",
             ifelse(length(unique(groups)) == length(unique(cols)), "", paste0("in ", length(unique(groups)), " groups ")),
             "for ", length(obj$taxon_ids()), ' taxa')
    # Sum counts per taxon for each sample
    obs_indexes <- obj$obs(data)
    output <- lapply(split(cols, groups), function(col_index) {
      col_subset <- count_table[, col_index]
      vapply(obs_indexes, function(i) {
        if (length(i) == 0) {
        } else {
          sum(col_subset[i, ], na.rm = TRUE)
      }, numeric(1))
    output <- tibble::as_tibble(output, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  output <- do_calc_on_num_cols(obj, data, cols = cols, groups = groups, 
                                other_cols = NULL, out_names = out_names,
                                func = do_it)
  # Add taxon_id column
  output <- cbind(data.frame(taxon_id = obj$taxon_ids(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
  # # Convert to tibble and return

#' Count the number of samples
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, count the number of
#' samples (i.e. columns) with greater than a minimum value.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param drop If \code{groups} is not used, return a vector of the results instead
#'   of a table with one column.
#' @param more_than A sample must have greater than this value for it to be counted as present.
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for example
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Count samples with at least one read
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data")
#' # Count samples with at least 5 reads
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", more_than = 5)
#' # Return a vector instead of a table
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", drop = TRUE)
#' # Only use some columns
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", cols = hmp_samples$sample_id[1:5])
#' # Return a count for each treatment
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$body_site)
#' # Rename output columns 
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$body_site,
#'                out_names = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
#' # Preserve other columns from input
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", other_cols = TRUE)
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", other_cols = 2)
#' calc_n_samples(x, data = "tax_data", other_cols = "otu_id")
#' }
#' @export
calc_n_samples <- function(obj, data, cols = NULL, groups = "n_samples",
                           other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, drop = FALSE,
                           more_than = 0, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  # Check drop option
  if (drop && length(unique(groups)) > 1) {
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "Cannot drop dimension (conver to vector) when there are more than one group")

  do_it <- function(count_table, cols = cols, groups = groups) {
    # Alert user 
    my_print("Calculating number of samples with a value greater than ", more_than, " for ", length(cols), " columns ",
             ifelse(length(unique(groups)) == 1, "", paste0("in ", length(unique(groups)), " groups ")),
             "for ", nrow(count_table), ' observations')
    # Calculate number of samples
    output <- lapply(split(cols, groups), function(col_index) {
      vapply(seq_len(nrow(count_table)), function(i) sum(count_table[i, col_index] > more_than), integer(1))
  output <- do_calc_on_num_cols(obj, data, cols = cols, groups = groups, 
                                other_cols = other_cols, out_names = out_names,
                                func = do_it)
  # Drop second dimension
  if (drop) {
    output <- stats::setNames(output[[2]], output$taxon_id)

#' Calculate the proportion of samples
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, calculate the
#' proportion of samples (i.e. columns) with greater than a minimum value.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param drop If \code{groups} is not used, return a vector of the results instead
#'   of a table with one column.
#' @param more_than A sample must have greater than this value for it to be counted as present.
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for example
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Count samples with at least one read
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data")
#' # Count samples with at least 5 reads
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", more_than = 5)
#' # Return a vector instead of a table
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", drop = TRUE)
#' # Only use some columns
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", cols = hmp_samples$sample_id[1:5])
#' # Return a count for each treatment
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$body_site)
#' # Rename output columns 
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$body_site,
#'                out_names = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
#' # Preserve other columns from input
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", other_cols = TRUE)
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", other_cols = 2)
#' calc_prop_samples(x, data = "tax_data", other_cols = "otu_id")
#' }
#' @export
calc_prop_samples <- function(obj, data, cols = NULL, groups = "prop_samples",
                              other_cols = FALSE, out_names = NULL, drop = FALSE,
                              more_than = 0, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  # Check drop option
  if (drop && length(unique(groups)) > 1) {
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "Cannot drop dimension (conver to vector) when there are more than one group")
  do_it <- function(count_table, cols = cols, groups = groups) {
    # Alert user 
    my_print("Calculating the proportion of samples with a value greater than ", more_than, " for ", length(cols), " columns ",
             ifelse(length(unique(groups)) == 1, "", paste0("in ", length(unique(groups)), " groups ")),
             "for ", nrow(count_table), ' observations')
    # Calculate number of samples
    output <- lapply(split(cols, groups), function(col_index) {
      vapply(seq_len(nrow(count_table)), function(i) sum(count_table[i, col_index] > more_than), integer(1)) / length(col_index)
    dplyr::as_tibble(output, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  output <- do_calc_on_num_cols(obj, data, cols = cols, groups = groups, 
                                other_cols = other_cols, out_names = out_names,
                                func = do_it)
  # Drop second dimension
  if (drop) {
    output <- stats::setNames(output[[2]], output$taxon_id)

#' Apply a function to groups of columns
#' For a given table in a \code{\link{taxmap}} object, apply a function to
#' rows in groups of columns. The result of the function is used to create new
#' columns. This is equivalent to splitting columns of a table by a factor and
#' using \code{apply} on each group.
#' @inheritParams do_calc_on_num_cols
#' @param threshold The value a number must be greater than to count as present.
#'   By, default, anything above 0 is considered present.
#' @param dataset DEPRECIATED. use "data" instead.
#' @return A tibble
#' @family calculations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Parse data for examples
#' x = parse_tax_data(hmp_otus, class_cols = "lineage", class_sep = ";",
#'                    class_key = c(tax_rank = "taxon_rank", tax_name = "taxon_name"),
#'                    class_regex = "^(.+)__(.+)$")
#' # Convert count to presence/absence
#' counts_to_presence(x, "tax_data")
#' # Check if there are any reads in each group of samples
#' counts_to_presence(x, "tax_data", groups = hmp_samples$body_site)
#' }
counts_to_presence <- function(obj, data, threshold = 0, groups = NULL,
                               cols = NULL, other_cols = FALSE,
                               out_names = NULL, dataset = NULL) {
  # Check for use of "dataset"
  if (! is.null(dataset)) {
    warning(call. = FALSE,
            'Use of "dataset" is depreciated. Use "data" instead.')
    data <- dataset
  calc_group_stat(obj, data = data, func = function(v) any(v > threshold),
                  groups = groups, cols = cols, other_cols = other_cols,
                  out_names = out_names)

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metacoder documentation built on April 4, 2023, 9:08 a.m.