new_mior <- function(x = list(), method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic")) {
method <- match.arg(method, c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"))
class = "mior",
method = method
validate_mior <- function(x) {
message("No validations currently in place for object of class 'mior'.")
#' Fit MIOR model to the data
#' This function fits the MIOR model, proposed by Xiao Y, Liu B, and Hao Z
#' (2018) in "Multiple-instance Ordinal Regression". MIOR is a modified SVM
#' framework with parallel, ordered hyperplanes where the error terms are based
#' only on the instance closest to a midpoint between hyperplanes.
#' Predictions (see [predict.mior()]) are determined by considering the smallest
#' distance from each point to the midpoint hyperplanes across all instances in
#' the bag. The prediction corresponds to the hyperplane having such a minimal
#' distance.
#' It appears as though an error in Equation (12) persists to the dual form in
#' (21). A corrected version of this dual formulation can be used with
#' `control$option = 'corrected'`, or the formulation as written can be used
#' with `control$option = 'xiao'`.
#' @inheritParams omisvm
#' @param cost_eta The additional cost parameter in MIOR which controls how far
#' away the first and last separating hyperplanes are relative to other costs.
#' @param data If `formula` is provided, a data.frame or similar from which
#' formula elements will be extracted
#' @param control list of additional parameters passed to the method that
#' control computation with the following components:
#' * `kernel` either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or
#' 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.
#' * `sigma` argument needed for radial basis kernel.
#' * `max_step` argument used when `method = 'heuristic'`. Maximum steps of
#' iteration for the heuristic algorithm.
#' * `scale` argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale
#' the input before fitting.
#' * `verbose` argument used when `method = 'mip'`. Whether to message output
#' to the console.
#' * `time_limit` argument used when `method = 'mip'`. `FALSE`, or a time
#' limit (in seconds) passed to `gurobi()` parameters. If `FALSE`, no time
#' limit is given.
#' * `option` argument the controls the constraint calculation. See details.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An object of class `mior` The object contains at least the following
#' components:
#' * `gurobi_fit`: A fit from model optimization that includes relevant
#' components.
#' * `call_type`: A character indicating which method `misvm()` was called
#' with.
#' * `features`: The names of features used in training.
#' * `levels`: The levels of `y` that are recorded for future prediction.
#' * `cost`: The cost parameter from function inputs.
#' * `weights`: The calculated weights on the `cost` parameter.
#' * `repr_inst`: The instances from positive bags that are selected to be
#' most representative of the positive instances.
#' * `n_step`: If `method %in% c('heuristic', 'qp-heuristic')`, the total
#' steps used in the heuristic algorithm.
#' * `x_scale`: If `scale = TRUE`, the scaling parameters for new predictions.
#' @references Xiao, Y., Liu, B., & Hao, Z. (2017). Multiple-instance ordinal
#' regression. *IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems*,
#' *29*(9), 4398-4413. \doi{10.1109/TNNLS.2017.2766164}
#' @seealso [predict.misvm()] for prediction on new data.
#' @examples
#' if (require(gurobi)) {
#' set.seed(8)
#' # make some data
#' n <- 15
#' X <- rbind(
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(4, -2, 0)),
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(0, 0, 0)),
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(-2, 1, 0))
#' )
#' score <- X %*% c(2, -1, 0)
#' y <- as.numeric(cut(score, c(-Inf, quantile(score, probs = 1:2 / 3), Inf)))
#' bags <- 1:length(y)
#' # add in points outside boundaries
#' X <- rbind(
#' X,
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(6, -3, 0)),
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(-6, 3, 0))
#' )
#' y <- c(y, rep(-1, 2*n))
#' bags <- rep(bags, 3)
#' repr <- c(rep(1, n), rep(0, 2*n))
#' y_bag <- classify_bags(y, bags, condense = FALSE)
#' mdl1 <- mior(X, y_bag, bags)
#' predict(mdl1, X, new_bags = bags)
#' }
#' @author Sean Kent
#' @name mior
#' @export
mior <- function(x, ...) {
#' @describeIn mior Method for data.frame-like objects
#' @export
mior.default <- function(
cost = 1,
cost_eta = 1,
method = "qp-heuristic",
weights = NULL,
control = list(kernel = "linear",
sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1 / ncol(x),
max_step = 500,
scale = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
time_limit = 60,
option = c("corrected", "xiao")),
...) {
method <- match.arg(method, c("qp-heuristic"))
defaults <- list(
kernel = "linear",
sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1 / ncol(x),
max_step = 500,
scale = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
time_limit = 60,
option = "corrected"
control <- .set_default(control, defaults)
control$option <- match.arg(control$option, c("corrected", "xiao"))
# store the levels of y and convert to 0,1 numeric format.
y_info <- .convert_y_ordinal(y)
y <- y_info$y
lev <- y_info$lev
# store colnames of x
x <-
col_x <- colnames(x)
# weights
weights <- .warn_no_weights(weights, "mior")
if (method == "qp-heuristic") {
res <- mior_dual_fit(y, bags, x,
c0 = cost_eta,
c1 = cost,
rescale = control$scale,
weights = weights,
kernel = control$kernel,
sigma = control$sigma,
verbose = control$verbose,
time_limit = control$time_limit,
max_step = control$max_step,
option = control$option)
} else {
stop("`mior()` requires method = 'qp-heuristic'.")
out <- res[1]
out$call_type <- "mior.default"
out$x <- res$x
out$features <- col_x
out$levels <- lev
out$cost <- cost
out$cost_eta <- cost_eta
out$weights <- weights
out$kernel <- control$kernel
out$kernel_param <- switch(
"radial" = list("sigma" = control$sigma),
"linear" = NULL,
out$repr_inst <- res$repr_inst
out$n_step <- res$n_step
out$x_scale <- res$x_scale
new_mior(out, method = method)
#' @describeIn mior Method for passing formula
#' @export
mior.formula <- function(formula, data, ...) {
mi_names <- as.character(stats::terms(formula, data = data)[[2]])
bag_name <- mi_names[[3]]
x <- x_from_mi_formula(formula, data)
response <- stats::get_all_vars(formula, data = data)
y <- response[, 1]
bags <- response[, 2]
res <- mior.default(x, y, bags, ...)
res$call_type <- "mior.formula"
res$formula <- formula
res$bag_name <- bag_name
#' @describeIn mior Method for `mi_df` objects, automatically handling bag
#' names, labels, and all covariates.
#' @export
mior.mi_df <- function(x, ...) {
x <-
y <- x$bag_label
bags <- x$bag_name
x$bag_label <- x$bag_name <- NULL
res <- mior.default(x, y, bags, ...)
res$call_type <- "mior.mi_df"
res$bag_name <- "bag_name"
#' Predict method for `mior` object
#' @details
#' When the object was fitted using the `formula` method, then the parameters
#' `new_bags` and `new_instances` are not necessary, as long as the names match
#' the original function call.
#' @param object An object of class `mior`
#' @inheritParams predict.misvm
#' @return A tibble with `nrow(new_data)` rows. If `type = 'class'`, the tibble
#' will have a column `.pred_class`. If `type = 'raw'`, the tibble will have
#' a column `.pred`.
#' @seealso [mior()] for fitting the `mior` object.
#' @examples
#' if (require(gurobi)) {
#' set.seed(8)
#' # make some data
#' n <- 15
#' X <- rbind(
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(4, -2, 0)),
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(0, 0, 0)),
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n/3, mean = c(-2, 1, 0))
#' )
#' score <- X %*% c(2, -1, 0)
#' y <- as.numeric(cut(score, c(-Inf, quantile(score, probs = 1:2 / 3), Inf)))
#' bags <- 1:length(y)
#' # add in points outside boundaries
#' X <- rbind(
#' X,
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(6, -3, 0)),
#' mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = c(-6, 3, 0))
#' )
#' y <- c(y, rep(-1, 2*n))
#' bags <- rep(bags, 3)
#' repr <- c(rep(1, n), rep(0, 2*n))
#' y_bag <- classify_bags(y, bags, condense = FALSE)
#' mdl1 <- mior(X, y_bag, bags)
#' # summarize predictions at the bag layer
#' library(dplyr)
#' df1 <- bind_cols(y = y_bag, bags = bags,
#' df1 %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "class")) %>%
#' bind_cols(predict(mdl1, df1, new_bags = bags, type = "raw")) %>%
#' distinct(y, bags, .pred_class, .pred)
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Sean Kent
predict.mior <- function(object,
type = c("class", "raw"),
layer = c("bag", "instance"),
new_bags = "bag_name",
...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("class", "raw"))
layer <- match.arg(layer, c("bag", "instance"))
if (is.matrix(new_data)) {
new_data <-
new_x <- .get_new_x(object, new_data)
kernel <- compute_kernel(as.matrix(new_x),
type = object$gurobi_fit$kernel,
sigma = object$gurobi_fit$sigma)
scores <- kernel %*% object$gurobi_fit$ay
b_ <- object$gurobi_fit$b
ind <- 2:length(b_)
midpoints <- (b_[ind-1] + b_[ind]) / 2
dist_from_mp <- abs(outer(as.vector(scores), midpoints, `-`))
if (layer == "bag") {
bags <- .get_bags(object, new_data, new_bags)
class_ <- rep(NA, length(bags))
for (b in unique(bags)) {
ind <- which(bags == b)
by_row <- 2
instance_min <- apply(dist_from_mp[ind, , drop = FALSE], by_row, min)
class_[ind] <- which.min(instance_min)
by_col <- 1
mp_min <- apply(dist_from_mp[ind, , drop = FALSE], by_col, min)
repr_inst <- ind[which.min(mp_min)]
scores[ind] <- scores[repr_inst]
} else {
by_col <- 1
class_ <- apply(dist_from_mp, by_col, which.min)
class_ <- factor(class_, levels = seq_along(object$levels), labels = object$levels)
res <- .pred_output(type, scores, class_)
attr(res, "layer") <- layer
attr(res, "midpoints") <- midpoints
#' @export
print.mior <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...) {
method <- attr(x, "method")
kernel_param <- .get_kernel_param_str(x, digits)
weights <- .get_weights_str(x)
cat("An mior object called with", x$call_type, "\n")
cat("", "\n")
cat("Parameters:", "\n")
cat(" method:", method, "\n")
cat(" kernel:", x$kernel, kernel_param, "\n")
cat(" cost:", x$cost, "\n")
cat(" cost_eta:", x$cost_eta, "\n")
cat(" scale:", !is.null(x$x_scale), "\n")
cat(" weights:", weights, "\n")
cat("", "\n")
cat("Model info:", "\n")
cat(" Levels of `y`:")
utils::str(x$levels, width = getOption("width")-14)
cat(" Features:")
utils::str(x$features, width = getOption("width")-14)
cat(" Number of iterations:", x$n_step, "\n")
cat(" Gap to optimality:", x$gurobi_fit$mipgap, "\n")
# Specific implementation methods below ----------------------------------------
mior_dual_fit <- function(
rescale = TRUE,
weights = NULL,
kernel = "linear",
sigma = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
time_limit = FALSE,
max_step = 500,
option = "xiao") {
r <- .reorder(y, bags, x)
y <- r$y
bags <- r$b
x <- r$X
if (rescale) x <- scale(x)
kern_mat <- .convert_kernel(x, kernel, sigma = sigma)
threshold <- 0.1
params <- .gurobi_params(verbose == 2, time_limit)
params[["IntFeasTol"]] <- min(1e-5, 1e-5*c0, 1e-5*c1)
params[["IntFeasTol"]] <- max(params[["IntFeasTol"]], 1e-9) # 1e-9 is smallest gurobi will accept
params[["BarQCPConvTol"]] <- 1e-9
# initialize parameters
k <- max(y)
t <- 0
delta_j <- 1e-3
j <- numeric(max_step+2)
j_ <- function(t) {
j[t+2] # let j_ start at index -1, so j[1] = j_(-1), j[2] = j_(0), etc.
j[1] <- 1e-3 # i.e. j(-1)
w_t <- stats::rnorm(ncol(x)) # check to see if there is a suggested initialization
b_t <- sort(stats::rnorm(k+1))
while (abs(delta_j / j_(t-1)) > threshold && t < max_step) {
if (min(abs(j[t+1] - j[- (t+1)])) / j[t+1] < 1e-5) {
"Optimization appears to be repeating solutions.",
i = "Stopping with best solution."
# compute theta and lambda
if (t == 0) {
# hard to guess what `a_t` and `delta` are initially, use random `w_t` in linear space
scores <- as.matrix(x) %*% w_t - (b_t[y] + b_t[y+1]) / 2
} else {
scores <- kern_mat[, ind, drop = FALSE] %*% (a_t * delta[ind]) - (b_t[y] + b_t[y+1]) / 2
scores <- as.numeric(scores)
theta <- compute_theta(g = abs(scores), bags)
lambda <- sign(scores)
delta <- theta*lambda
model <- mior_dual_model(kern_mat, y, bags, delta, c0, c1, option)
gurobi_result <- gurobi::gurobi(model, params = params)
ind <- delta != 0 # or theta
# update w, b, j
t <- t + 1
a_t <- gurobi_result$x[grepl("a", model$varnames)]
w_t <- - colSums(a_t * delta[ind] * x[ind, , drop = FALSE]) # i.e. X_i^T (a_t * delta[ind])
b_t <- compute_b(gurobi_result, model, delta, y, bags, c0, c1, option, t)
j[t+1] <- gurobi_result$objval # or, sum(a) + t(gurobi_result$x) %*% model$Q %*% gurobi_result$x
delta_j <- j_(t-2) - j_(t-1)
if (verbose) {
cat(t, ": ", sep = "")
cat("J: ", j[t+1], "; ", sep = "")
cat("b: ", paste0(round(b_t, 2), collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
if (t == max_step) {
paste0("The number of iterations of heuristic algorithm reached the threshold of ", max_step, "."),
i = "Stopping with current selection."
# TODO: figure out why this doesn't converge. Might be an error in my
# implementation... But it seems to find something that's fairly reasonable.
res <- list(
gurobi_fit = list(
# w = w_t,
b = b_t,
xmatrix = x[ind, , drop = FALSE],
a = a_t,
ay = a_t * delta[ind],
kernel = kernel,
sigma = sigma,
# xi = gurobi_result$x[grepl("xi", model$varnames)],
status = gurobi_result$status,
itercount = gurobi_result$itercount,
baritercount = gurobi_result$baritercount,
objval = gurobi_result$objval,
c0 = c0,
c1 = c1,
n_selections = t
n_step = t,
repr_inst = theta,
x = NULL
if (rescale) {
res$x_scale <- list(
"center" = attr(x, "scaled:center"),
"scale" = attr(x, "scaled:scale")
mior_dual_model <- function(kern_mat, y, bags, delta, c0, c1, option = "xiao") {
n_a <- length(unique(bags))
n_mu <- k <- max(y)
n_rho <- 1
y_bag <- classify_bags(y, bags) # TODO: make sure that the bag label is passed here still
# Build constraint matrix
.e_vec <- function(b, len) {
# puts a 1 in the `b`th entry of a `len`-length 0 vector
vec <- rep(0, len)
vec[b] <- 1
alpha_constr <- matrix(0, nrow = n_mu+1, n_a)
if (option == "xiao") {
sum_delta_plus <- sapply(unique(bags), function(bag) sum(1 + delta[bags == bag]))
sum_delta_minus <- sapply(unique(bags), function(bag) sum(1 - delta[bags == bag]))
} else if (option == "corrected") {
sum_delta_plus <- sapply(unique(bags), function(bag) 1 + sum(delta[bags == bag]))
sum_delta_minus <- sapply(unique(bags), function(bag) 1 - sum(delta[bags == bag]))
for (i in 1:n_a) {
p <- y_bag[i] + 1 # +1 for zero-indexing
alpha_constr[p, i] <- alpha_constr[p, i] - sum_delta_plus[i] / 2
alpha_constr[p-1, i] <- alpha_constr[p-1, i] + sum_delta_minus[i] / 2
mu_constr <- sapply(1:(k), .e_vec, len = n_mu+1) - sapply(2:(k+1), .e_vec, len = n_mu+1)
rho_constr <- .e_vec(k+1, n_mu+1) - .e_vec(1, n_mu+1)
constraints <- cbind(alpha_constr, mu_constr, rho_constr)
# Quadratic objective matrix
ind <- delta != 0
kernel <- kern_mat[ind, ind, drop = FALSE]
alpha_q <- - 0.5 * (delta[ind] %*% t(delta[ind])) * kernel
mu_rho_q <- matrix(0, n_mu + n_rho, n_mu + n_rho)
q_mat <- Matrix::bdiag(alpha_q, mu_rho_q)
model <- list()
# Objective
model[["modelsense"]] <- "max"
model[["obj"]] <- c(rep(1, n_a), rep(0, n_mu + n_rho))
model[["Q"]] <- q_mat
# Constraints
model[["varnames"]] <- c(paste0("a", 1:n_a), paste0("mu", 1:n_mu), "rho")
model[["A"]] <- constraints
model[["sense"]] <- rep("=", nrow(constraints))
model[["rhs"]] <- rep(0, nrow(constraints))
model[["lb"]] <- rep(0, n_a + n_mu + n_rho)
model[["ub"]] <- c(rep(c1, n_a), rep(Inf, n_mu), c0)
# helper functions
compute_theta <- function(g, bags) {
# theta is 1 only for the instance with minimal g in the bag
theta <- rep(0, length(g))
for (bag in unique(bags)) {
ind <- bag == bags
argmin <- which.min(g[ind])
theta[ind][argmin] <- 1
compute_b <- function(gurobi_result, model, delta, y, bags, c0, c1, option = "xiao", t) {
a <- gurobi_result$x[grepl("a", model$varnames)]
mu <- gurobi_result$x[grepl("mu", model$varnames)]
rho <- gurobi_result$x[grepl("rho", model$varnames)]
n_b <- length(mu) + 1
eps <- 1e-5 * c1
ind <- which(a > 0 + eps & a < c1 - eps)
if (length(ind) == 0) {
paste0("[Step ", t, "] The optimization didn't return any support vectors."),
i = "Resetting the values of `b` randomly. "
support_bags <- unique(bags)[ind]
y_support <- classify_bags(y, bags)[ind]
q_tilde_mat <- -2 * model$Q[seq_along(a), seq_along(a), drop = FALSE] # recovers delta * kernel
if (option == "xiao") {
b_q <- - 0.5 * sapply(unique(bags)[ind], function(bag) sum(delta[bags == bag] + 1))
b_q1 <- - 0.5 * sapply(unique(bags)[ind], function(bag) sum(delta[bags == bag] - 1))
} else if (option == "corrected") {
b_q <- - 0.5 * sapply(unique(bags)[ind], function(bag) sum(delta[bags == bag]) + 1)
b_q1 <- - 0.5 * sapply(unique(bags)[ind], function(bag) sum(delta[bags == bag]) - 1)
# linear model using complementary slackness constraints: resp ~ pred_matrix
resp <- as.numeric(- a %*% q_tilde_mat[, ind, drop = FALSE]) + 1
resp <- c(resp, rep(0, length(mu) + 1))
pred_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(ind) + length(mu) + 1, ncol = n_b)
# information from alpha
for (i in seq_along(ind)) {
pred_matrix[i, y_support[i]+1] <- b_q[i]
pred_matrix[i, y_support[i]] <- b_q1[i]
# information from mu; b_q = b_{q-1} if \mu_q > 0
for (q in seq_along(mu)) {
if (mu[q] > 0 + eps) {
paste0("[Step ", t, "] The optimization solution suggests that two intercepts are equal: ",
"b[", q-1, "] == b[", q, "].")
start <- length(ind)
pred_matrix[start + q, q] <- 1
pred_matrix[start + q, q+1] <- -1
# information from rho, gamma, eta; b_0 = b_K if \rho < C_0
if (rho < c0 - eps) {
paste0("[Step ", t, "] The optimization solution suggests that endpoints are equal: b[0] == b[K].")
start <- length(ind) + length(mu)
pred_matrix[start + 1, 1] <- -1
pred_matrix[start + 1, n_b] <- 1
b <- stats::coef(stats::lm(resp ~ 0 + pred_matrix))
if (any( {
# If values are NA, that means the particular column isn't needed for
# prediction, i.e. that the dropped coefficient is 0.
paste0("[Step ", t, "] There were NA values in `b`. Replacing with 0.")
b[which(] <- 0
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