
Defines functions separateTriangles triangleNeighborEdges GetPatches triangleNeighbors triangleNeighbors linesTetrahedra bresenhamLine pointsTetrahedra surfaceTriangles triangleMidTriangles triangleEdges triangleEdges interpolateVertexColors vertexColors triangleVertexNormals interpolateVertexNormals vertexNormals vertexNormals vertexTriangles vertexTriangles screenRange addPerspective addTrianglesPerspective sceneRanges trianglesRanges makeViewTransform triangleNormals scaleTriangles translateTriangles transformScene transformTriangles expandTriangleGrid canonicalizeAndMergeScene colorScene colorTriangles zipTriangles unzipTriangleMatrix ve2t updateTriangles is.Triangles3D makeTriangles

Documented in linesTetrahedra makeTriangles pointsTetrahedra scaleTriangles surfaceTriangles transformTriangles translateTriangles updateTriangles

## These functions work with collections of n triangles.  A collection of
## triangles is a list with components v1, v2, v3 representing the
## coordinates of the three vertices; each of these components is an n by
## 3 matrix.

makeTriangles <- function(v1, v2, v3,
                          color = "red", color2 = NA, alpha = 1,
                          fill = TRUE, col.mesh = if (fill) NA else color,
	                  smooth = 0,  material = "default") {
    if (missing(v2) || missing(v3)) {
        if (missing(v2) && missing(v3))
  	    v <- unzipTriangleMatrix(v1)
        else if (missing(v3))
            v <- ve2t(list(vb = v1, ib = v2))
        else stop("unknown form of triangle specification")
	v1 <- v$v1
	v2 <- v$v2
	v3 <- v$v3
    tris <- structure(list(v1 = v1, v2 = v2, v3 = v3,
                           color = color, color2 = color2, fill = fill,
                           material = material, col.mesh = col.mesh,
                           alpha = alpha, smooth = smooth),
                      class = "Triangles3D")

is.Triangles3D <- function(x) identical(class(x), "Triangles3D")

updateTriangles <- function(triangles, color, color2, alpha, fill, col.mesh,
                            material, smooth) {
    if (! missing(color)) triangles$color <- color
    if (! missing(color2)) triangles$color2 <- color2
    if (! missing(fill)) triangles$fill <- fill
    if (! missing(col.mesh)) triangles$col.mesh <- col.mesh
    if (! missing(material)) triangles$material <- material
    if (! missing(alpha)) triangles$alpha <- alpha
    if (! missing(smooth)) triangles$smooth <- smooth

#**** This assumes comparable scaling of dimensions
#**** 5 is the largest exponent for S that will work; smaller is OK
t2ve <- function (triangles)
    vb <- rbind(triangles$v1, triangles$v2, triangles$v3)
    vbmin <- min(vb)
    vbmax <- max(vb)
    S <- 10^5
    score <- function(v, d) floor(as.vector(v %*% d))
    scale <- function(v) (1 - 1 / S) * (v - vbmin) / (vbmax - vbmin)
    d <- c(S, S^2, S^3)
    scores <- score(scale(vb), d)
    vb <- vb[! duplicated(scores),]
    scores <- score(scale(vb), d)
    ib <- rbind(match(score(scale(triangles$v1), d), scores),
                match(score(scale(triangles$v2), d), scores),
                match(score(scale(triangles$v3), d), scores))
    list(vb = t(vb), ib = ib)

ve2t <- function(ve) {
    list (v1 = t(ve$vb[,ve$ib[1,]]),
          v2 = t(ve$vb[,ve$ib[2,]]),
          v3 = t(ve$vb[,ve$ib[3,]]))

unzipTriangleMatrix <- function(tris) {
    if (ncol(tris) != 3)
        stop("triangle matrix must have three columns.")
    if (nrow(tris) %% 3 != 0)
        stop("number of rows in triangle matrix must be divisible by 3")
    n <- nrow(tris) / 3
    list(v1 = tris[3 * (1 : n) - 2,],
         v2 = tris[3 * (1 : n) - 1,],
         v3 = tris[3 * (1 : n),])

zipTriangles <- function(tris) {
    n <- nrow(tris$v1)
    if (nrow(tris$v2) != n || nrow(tris$v3) != n)
        stop("vertex arrays must have the same number of rows")
    v <- matrix(0, nrow = 3 * n, ncol = 3)
    v[3 * (1 : n) - 2,] <- tris$v1
    v[3 * (1 : n) - 1,] <- tris$v2
    v[3 * (1 : n),] <- tris$v3

colorTriangles <- function(triangles) {
    if (is.function(triangles$color) || is.function(triangles$color2)) {
        v <- (triangles$v1 + triangles$v2 + triangles$v3) / 3
        if (is.function(triangles$color))
            triangles$color <- triangles$color(v[,1], v[,2], v[,3])
        if (is.function(triangles$color2))
            triangles$color2 <- triangles$color2(v[,1], v[,2], v[,3])
        if (is.function(triangles$col.mesh))
            triangles$col.mesh <- triangles$col.mesh(v[,1], v[,2], v[,3])

colorScene <- function(scene) {
    if (is.Triangles3D(scene))
    else lapply(scene, colorTriangles)

## **** better to make new triangles including only requested components?
canonicalizeAndMergeScene <- function(scene, ...) {
    which <- list(...)
    if (is.Triangles3D(scene)) {
        n.tri <- nrow(scene$v1)
        for (n in which)
            if (length(scene[[n]]) != n.tri)
                scene[[n]] <- rep(scene[[n]], length = n.tri)
    else {
        scene <- lapply(scene, canonicalizeAndMergeScene, ...)
        x <- scene[[1]]
        x$v1 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(scene, function(x) x$v1))
        x$v2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(scene, function(x) x$v2))
        x$v3 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(scene, function(x) x$v3))
        for (n in which)
            x[[n]] <- do.call(c, lapply(scene, function(x) x[[n]]))

expandTriangleGrid <- function(x, y) {
    nx <- length(x) - 1
    ny <- length(y) - 1
    A <- c(0, 0)
    B <- c(1, 0)
    C <- c(1, 1)
    D <- c(0, 1)
    g <- expand.grid(x = 1 : nx, y = 1 : ny)
    even <- (g$x + g$y) %% 2 == 0
    gx11 <- ifelse(even, g$x + A[1], g$x + A[1])
    gy11 <- ifelse(even, g$y + A[2], g$y + A[2])
    gx12 <- ifelse(even, g$x + A[1], g$x + B[1])
    gy12 <- ifelse(even, g$y + A[2], g$y + B[2])
    i1 <- rbind(cbind(gx11, gy11), cbind(gx12, gy12))
    gx21 <- ifelse(even, g$x + B[1], g$x + B[1])
    gy21 <- ifelse(even, g$y + B[2], g$y + B[2])
    gx22 <- ifelse(even, g$x + C[1], g$x + C[1])
    gy22 <- ifelse(even, g$y + C[2], g$y + C[2])
    i2 <- rbind(cbind(gx21, gy21), cbind(gx22, gy22))
    gx31 <- ifelse(even, g$x + C[1], g$x + D[1])
    gy31 <- ifelse(even, g$y + C[2], g$y + D[2])
    gx32 <- ifelse(even, g$x + D[1], g$x + D[1])
    gy32 <- ifelse(even, g$y + D[2], g$y + D[2])
    i3 <- rbind(cbind(gx31, gy31), cbind(gx32, gy32))
    v1 <- cbind(x[i1[,1]], y[i1[,2]])
    v2 <- cbind(x[i2[,1]], y[i2[,2]])
    v3 <- cbind(x[i3[,1]], y[i3[,2]])
    list(v1 = v1, v2 = v2, v3 = v3)

## adapted from lattice ltransform3dto3d
trans3dto3d <- function (x, R.mat) {
    if (length(x) == 0)
    val <- R.mat %*% rbind(t(x), 1)
    val[1, ] <- val[1, ]/val[4, ]
    val[2, ] <- val[2, ]/val[4, ]
    val[3, ] <- val[3, ]/val[4, ]
    t(val[1:3, , drop = FALSE])

transformTriangles <- function(triangles, R) {
    tr <- function(v) trans3dto3d(v, R)
    triangles$v1 <- tr(triangles$v1)
    triangles$v2 <- tr(triangles$v2)
    triangles$v3 <- tr(triangles$v3)

transformScene <- function(scene, rot.mat) {
    if (is.Triangles3D(scene))
        transformTriangles(scene, rot.mat)
    else lapply(scene, transformTriangles, rot.mat)

translateTriangles <- function(triangles, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) {
    M <- diag(4)
    M[1:3,4] <- c(x, y, z)
    transformTriangles(triangles, M)

scaleTriangles <- function(triangles, x = 1, y = x, z = x) {
    M <- diag(c(x, y, z, 1))
    transformTriangles(triangles, M)

## triangleNormals computes the normal vectors to a collection of
## triangles as the vector crossprocuct of the direction from v1 to v2
## and the direction from v2 to v3.  The result is an n by 3 matrix of
## unit representing the n unit normal vectors.

triangleNormals <- function(triangles) {
   x <- triangles$v2 - triangles$v1
   y <- triangles$v3 - triangles$v2
   z <- cbind(x[,2]*y[,3] - x[,3]*y[,2],
              x[,3]*y[,1] - x[,1]*y[,3],
              x[,1]*y[,2] - x[,2]*y[,1])
   z / sqrt(rowSums(z^2))

# adapted from lattice ltransform3dMatrix
trans3dMat <- function (screen, P = diag(4)) {
    givens4 <- function(i, j, gamma) {
        T <- diag(4)
        cgamma <- cos(gamma)
        sgamma <- sin(gamma)
        T[c(i,j),c(i,j)] <- matrix(c(cgamma, sgamma, -sgamma, cgamma), 2, 2)
    screen.names <- names(screen)
    for (i in seq(along = screen.names)) {
        if (screen.names[i] == "x")
            P <- givens4(2, 3, screen[[i]] * pi/180) %*% P
        else if (screen.names[i] == "y")
            P <- givens4(1, 3, -screen[[i]] * pi/180) %*% P #**** whi negative?
        else if (screen.names[i] == "z")
            P <- givens4(1, 2, screen[[i]] * pi/180) %*% P

makeViewTransform <- function(ranges, scale, aspect, screen, R.mat) {
    m <- c(mean(ranges$xlim), mean(ranges$ylim), mean(ranges$zlim))
    s <- 0.5 * c(diff(ranges$xlim), diff(ranges$ylim), diff(ranges$zlim))
    if (! scale) s <- rep(max(s), 3)
    else s <- s / c(1, aspect)
    A <- diag(1 / c(s, 1))
    A[1:3, 4] <- -m / s
    trans3dMat(screen, R.mat %*% A)

trianglesRanges <- function(triangles, xlim, ylim, zlim) {
    v1 <- triangles$v1
    v2 <- triangles$v2
    v3 <- triangles$v3
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(v1[,1], v2[,1], v3[,1], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(v1[,2], v2[,2], v3[,2], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (is.null(zlim)) zlim <- range(v1[,3], v2[,3], v3[,3], na.rm = TRUE)
    list(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, zlim = zlim)

sceneRanges <- function(scene, xlim, ylim, zlim) {
    if (is.Triangles3D(scene))
        trianglesRanges(scene, xlim, ylim, zlim)
    else {
        ranges <- lapply(scene, trianglesRanges, xlim, ylim, zlim)
        list(xlim = range(sapply(ranges,function(x) x$xlim)),
             ylim = range(sapply(ranges,function(x) x$ylim)),
             zlim = range(sapply(ranges,function(x) x$zlim)))

addTrianglesPerspective <- function(triangles, distance) {
    pt <- function(v) {
        v[, 1] <- v[, 1] / (1 / distance - v[, 3])
        v[, 2] <- v[, 2] / (1 / distance - v[, 3])
    triangles$v1 <- pt(triangles$v1)
    triangles$v2 <- pt(triangles$v2)
    triangles$v3 <- pt(triangles$v3)

addPerspective <- function(scene, distance) {
    if (is.Triangles3D(scene))
        addTrianglesPerspective(scene, distance)
    else lapply(scene, addTrianglesPerspective, distance)

screenRange <- function(v1, v2, v3)
    range(v1[,1:2], v2[,1:2], v3[,1:2], na.rm = TRUE)

vertexTriangles <- function(ve) {
    n.vert <- ncol(ve$vb)
    ib <- ve$ib
    vt <- function(i) which(ib[1,] == i | ib[2,] == i | ib[3,] == i)
    lapply(1 : n.vert, vt)

# faster version
vertexTriangles <- function(ve) {
    n.vert <- ncol(ve$vb)
    val <- vector("list", n.vert)
    ib <- ve$ib
    for (i in 1 : ncol(ib)) {
        val[[ib[1,i]]] <- c(val[[ib[1,i]]], i)
        val[[ib[2,i]]] <- c(val[[ib[2,i]]], i)
        val[[ib[3,i]]] <- c(val[[ib[3,i]]], i)

vertexNormals <- function(vt, N) {
    vn <- function(tris) {
        z <- apply(N[tris,,drop = FALSE], 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE);
        z <- z / sqrt(sum(z^2))
        if (any(is.na(z))) c(1,0,0) else z
    t(sapply(vt, vn))

# faster version
vertexNormals <- function(vt, N) {
    val <- matrix(0, nrow = length(vt), ncol = 3)
    for (i in seq(along = vt)) {
        Ni <- N[vt[[i]],,drop = FALSE]
        Ni1 <- Ni[,1]
        Ni2 <- Ni[,2]
        Ni3 <- Ni[,3]
        z1 <- if (any(is.na(Ni1))) mean(Ni1, na.rm = TRUE)
              else sum(Ni1) / length(Ni1)
        z2 <- if (any(is.na(Ni2))) mean(Ni2, na.rm = TRUE)
              else sum(Ni2) / length(Ni2)
        z3 <- if (any(is.na(Ni3))) mean(Ni3, na.rm = TRUE)
              else sum(Ni3) / length(Ni3)
        z <- c(z1, z2, z3)
        z <- z / sqrt(sum(z^2))
        val[i,] <- if (any(is.na(z))) c(1,0,0) else z

interpolateVertexNormals <- function(VN, ib) {
    z <- (VN[ib[1,],] + VN[ib[2,],] + VN[ib[3,],]) / 3
    z / sqrt(rowSums(z^2))

## triangleVertexNormals computes the normals at the vertices by
## averaging the normals of the incident triangles.  This is used by
## the rgl engine.  The result form is chosen so zipTriangles can be
## used on it.
triangleVertexNormals <- function(v) {
    N <- triangleNormals(v)
    ve <- t2ve(v)
    vt <- vertexTriangles(ve)
    VN <- vertexNormals(vt, N)
    list(v1 = VN[ve$ib[1,],], v2 = VN[ve$ib[2,],], v3 = VN[ve$ib[3,],])

vertexColors <- function(vt, col) {
    C <- t(col2rgb(col))
    val <- matrix(0, nrow = length(vt), ncol = 3)
    for (i in seq(along = vt)) {
        vti <- vt[[i]]
        nti <- length(vti)
        Ci <- C[vti,,drop = FALSE]
        Ci1 <- Ci[,1]
        Ci2 <- Ci[,2]
        Ci3 <- Ci[,3]
        val[i,] <- c(sum(Ci1), sum(Ci2), sum(Ci3)) / nti

interpolateVertexColors <- function(VC, ib) {
    TC <- (VC[ib[1,],] + VC[ib[2,],] + VC[ib[3,],]) / 3
    rgb(TC[,1], TC[,2], TC[,3], maxColorValue = 255)

triangleEdges <- function(vb, ib) {
    edges <- cbind(ib[c(1,2),], ib[c(2,3),], ib[c(3,1),])
    swap <- edges[1,] > edges[2,]
    edges[,swap] <- edges[2:1,swap]
    edges[,! duplicated(edges, MARGIN = 2)]

# faster version
triangleEdges <- function(vb, ib) {
    n.vert <- ncol(vb)
    edges <- cbind(ib[c(1,2),], ib[c(2,3),], ib[c(3,1),])
    swap <- edges[1,] > edges[2,]
    edges[,swap] <- edges[2:1,swap]
    score <- as.vector(c(1 + n.vert, 1) %*% edges)
    edges[,! duplicated(score)]

triangleMidTriangles <- function(vb, ib, VN) {
    n.vert <- ncol(vb)
    edges <- triangleEdges(vb, ib)
    vb <- (vb[,edges[1,]] + vb[,edges[2,]]) / 2
    d <- c(1 + n.vert, 1)
    scores <- as.vector(d %*% edges)
    mpi <- function(a, b) {
        s <- d[1] * pmin(a, b) + d[2] * pmax(a, b)
        match(s, scores)
    mpi1 <- mpi(ib[1,], ib[2,])
    mpi2 <- mpi(ib[2,], ib[3,])
    mpi3 <- mpi(ib[3,], ib[1,])
    ib <- rbind(mpi1, mpi2, mpi3)
    z <- VN[edges[1,],] + VN[edges[2,],]
    z <- z / sqrt(rowSums(z^2))
    list(vb = vb, ib = ib, VN = z)

## surfaceTriangles creates a set of triangles for a grid specified by x,
## y and function falues computed with f if f is a function or taken
## from f if f is a matrix.

surfaceTriangles <- function(x, y, f,
                             color = "red", color2 = NA,  alpha = 1,
                             fill = TRUE, col.mesh = if (fill) NA else color,
                             smooth = 0, material = "default") {
    if (is.function(f))
        ff <- function(ix, iy) f(x[ix], y[iy])
        ff <- function(ix, iy) f[ix + length(x) * (iy - 1)]
    i <- expandTriangleGrid(1 : length(x), 1 : length(y))
    i1 <- i$v1
    i2 <- i$v2
    i3 <- i$v3
    v1 <- cbind(x[i1[,1]], y[i1[,2]], ff(i1[,1], i1[,2]))
    v2 <- cbind(x[i2[,1]], y[i2[,2]], ff(i2[,1], i2[,2]))
    v3 <- cbind(x[i3[,1]], y[i3[,2]], ff(i3[,1], i3[,2]))
    na1 <- is.na(v1[,1]) | is.na(v1[,2]) | is.na(v1[,3])
    na2 <- is.na(v2[,1]) | is.na(v2[,2]) | is.na(v2[,3])
    na3 <- is.na(v3[,1]) | is.na(v3[,2]) | is.na(v3[,3])
    nna <- ! (na1 | na2 | na3)
    makeTriangles(v1[nna,], v2[nna,], v3[nna,],
                  color = color, color2 = color2, fill = fill, smooth = smooth,
                  material = material, col.mesh = col.mesh, alpha = alpha)

## pointsTetrahedra computes a collection of tetrahedra centered at
## the specified point locations.  This is useful, for example, for
## displaying raw data along with a density contour in a scene
## rendered with standard or grid graphics. Random orientation might
## be useful to avoid strange results at certain lighting angles.

pointsTetrahedra <- function(x, y, z, size = 0.01, color = "black", ...) {
    n <- length(x)
    if (length(y) != n || length(z) != n)
        stop("coordinate vectors must be the same length.")

    ## Create a basic tetrahedron centered at the origin
    a <- sqrt(3) / 2
    b <- 1 / (2 * sqrt(3))
    h <- sqrt(2 / 3)

    mx <- 1 / 2
    my <- (a + b) / 4
    mz <- h / 4

    A <- c(       -mx,    -my,    -mz)
    B <- c(    1 - mx,    -my,    -mz)
    C <- c(1 / 2 - mx, a - my,    -mz)
    D <- c(1 / 2 - mx, b - my, h - mz)

    v1 <- rbind(B, A, B, C)
    v2 <- rbind(A, B, C, A)
    v3 <- rbind(C, D, D, D)

    ## Scale the tetrahedron
    if (length(size) < 3) size <- rep(size, len = 3)
    if (n == 1) s <- diag(size)
    else s <- diag(size * c(diff(range(x)), diff(range(y)), diff(range(z))))
    sv1 <- v1 %*% s
    sv2 <- v2 %*% s
    sv3 <- v3 %*% s

    ## Compute the tetrahedra for the points, taking advantage of recycling
    x4 <- rep(x, each = 4)
    y4 <- rep(y, each = 4)
    z4 <- rep(z, each = 4)

    V1 <- cbind(x4 + sv1[,1], y4 + sv1[,2], z4 + sv1[,3])
    V2 <- cbind(x4 + sv2[,1], y4 + sv2[,2], z4 + sv2[,3])
    V3 <- cbind(x4 + sv3[,1], y4 + sv3[,2], z4 + sv3[,3])

    makeTriangles(V1, V2, V3, color = color, ...)

bresenhamLine <- function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, delta){

    if (length(delta) < 3) delta <- rep(delta, len = 3)
    vertex <- rep(0,3)
    vertex[1] <- x1
    vertex[2] <- y1
    vertex[3] <- z1
    dx <- x2 - x1
    dy <- y2 - y1
    dz <- z2 - z1
    x_inc <- ifelse(dx < 0, -delta, delta)
    l <- abs(dx)/delta[1]
    y_inc <- ifelse(dy < 0, -delta, delta)
    m <- abs(dy)/delta[2]
    z_inc <- ifelse(dz < 0, -delta, delta)
    n <- abs(dz)/delta[3]
    dx2 <- 2*l 
    dy2 <- 2*m 
    dz2 <- 2*n

    if ((l >= m) && (l >= n)){
        err_1 <- dy2 - l
        err_2 <- dz2 - l
        Mat <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=l+1)
        ii <- 1
        for (i in 1:l){
            Mat[ii,] <- c(vertex[1],vertex[2],vertex[3])
            if (err_1 > 0){ 
                vertex[2] <- vertex[2] + y_inc
                err_1 <- err_1 - dx2
            if (err_2 > 0){
                vertex[3] <- vertex[3]+ z_inc
                err_2 <- err_2 - dx2
            err_1 <- err_1 + dy2
            err_2 <- err_2 + dz2
            vertex[1] <- vertex[1] + x_inc
            ii <- ii + 1
    else if ((m >= l) && (m >= n)){ 
        err_1 <- dx2 - m
        err_2 <- dz2 - m
        Mat <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=m+1)
        ii <- 1
        for (i in 1:m){ 
            Mat[ii,] <- c(vertex[1],vertex[2],vertex[3])
            if (err_1 > 0){ 
                vertex[1] <- vertex[1] + x_inc
                err_1 <- err_1 - dy2
            if (err_2 > 0){ 
                vertex[3] <- vertex[3] + z_inc
                err_2 <- err_2 - dy2
            err_1 <- err_1 + dx2
            err_2 <- err_2 + dz2
            vertex[2] <- vertex[2] + y_inc
            ii <- ii + 1
        err_1 <- dy2 - n
        err_2 <- dx2 - n
        Mat <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=n+1)
        ii <- 1
        for (i in 1:n){
            Mat[ii,] <- c(vertex[1],vertex[2],vertex[3])
            if (err_1 > 0){ 
                vertex[2] <- vertex[2] + y_inc
                err_1 <- err_1 - dz2
            if (err_2 > 0){ 
                vertex[1] <- vertex[1] + x_inc
                err_2 <- err_2 - dz2
            err_1 <- err_1 + dy2
            err_2 <- err_2 + dx2
            vertex[3] <- vertex[3] + z_inc
            ii <- ii + 1
    Mat[ii,] <- c(vertex[1],vertex[2],vertex[3])

linesTetrahedra <- function(x, y, z,
                            lwd = 0.01, color = "black", ...){

    n <- length(x)
    if (length(y) != n || length(z) != n)
        stop("coordinates must be of the same length.")
    if (is.vector(x)){
        if (!is.vector(y) || !is.vector(z))
            stop("coordinates have to be all vectors or matrices!")
        if (length(x) != 2)
            stop("need to specify the coordinates of starting and ending points.")

            x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)
            y <- matrix(y, nrow=1)
            z <- matrix(z, nrow=1)
    if (is.matrix(x)){
        if (!is.matrix(y) || !is.matrix(z))
            stop("coordinates have to be all vectors or matrices!")
        if (ncol(x) != 2)
            stop("need to specify the coordinates of starting and ending points.")

    nl <- nrow(x)
    xyz <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nl, function(i)
                                 bresenhamLine(x[i,1], y[i,1], z[i,1],
                                               x[i,2], y[i,2], z[i,2],
    pointsTetrahedra(xyz[,1], xyz[,2], xyz[,3],
                     size = lwd, color = color, ...) 

## Compute for each triangle the indices of triangles that share an
## edge with it.  This could be done more efficiently.
triangleNeighbors <- function(tris) {
   ve <- t2ve(tris)
   vt <- vertexTriangles(ve)
   ib <- ve$ib
   n.tri <- ncol(ib)
   tn <- vector("list", n.tri)
   for (i in 1 : n.tri) {
       v1 <- unique(vt[[ib[1, i]]])
       v2 <- unique(vt[[ib[2, i]]])
       v3 <- unique(vt[[ib[3, i]]])
       i12 <- intersect(v1, v2)
       i23 <- intersect(v2, v3)
       i31 <- intersect(v3, v1)
       u <- union(union(i12, i23), i31)
       tn[[i]] <- u[u != i]
## 'unique' in unique(vt[[ib[1, i]]]) seems to be unnecessary
## unless a triangle has essentially two vertices or one vertex
triangleNeighbors <- function(tris) {
   ve <- t2ve(tris)
   vt <- vertexTriangles(ve)
   ib <- ve$ib
   n.tri <- ncol(ib)
   tn <- vector("list", n.tri)
   for (i in 1 : n.tri) {
       v1 <- vt[[ib[1, i]]]
       v2 <- vt[[ib[2, i]]]
       v3 <- vt[[ib[3, i]]]
       i12 <- intersect(v1, v2)
       i23 <- intersect(v2, v3)
       i31 <- intersect(v3, v1)
       u <- union(union(i12, i23), i31)
       tn[[i]] <- u[u != i]

## Dijkstra's version of Rem's algorithm for computing equivalence
## classes based on a number of vertices 1:nvert and a set of N edges
## provided as an N x 2 matrix.
GetPatches <- function(nvert, edges) {

   f <- 1:nvert

   if (!(is.vector(edges)) && dim(edges)[1] != 0){
       nedge <- nrow(edges)

       for (e in 1:nedge) {
           p0 <- edges[e, 1]
           q0 <- edges[e, 2]
           p1 <- f[p0]
           q1 <- f[q0]
           while (p1 != q1) {
               if (q1 < p1) {
                   f[p0] <- q1
                   p0 <- p1
                   p1 <- f[p1]
               else {
                   f[q0] <- p1
                   q0 <- q1
                   q1 <- f[q1]
       if(edges[1] < edges[2])
           f[edges[2]] <- edges[1]
       else  f[edges[1]] <- edges[2]

   for (v in 1:nvert)
       f[v] <- f[f[v]]


## compute the edges to indicate which triangles share an edge -- this
## needs more error checking
triangleNeighborEdges <- function(tn) {
   edges <- function(i) {
       v <- tn[[i]]
       if (length(v) > 0) cbind(i,v)
       else numeric(0)
   do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(tn), edges))

## separate triangles into disconnected chunks
separateTriangles <- function(contour3dObj){
    tn <- triangleNeighbors(contour3dObj)
    edges <- triangleNeighborEdges(tn)
    edges <- edges[edges[,1] < edges[,2],]
    p <- GetPatches(length(tn), edges)
    newContour3dObj <- vector("list", length(p))
    for(i in 1:length(newContour3dObj)){
        newContour3dObj[[i]] <- contour3dObj
        newContour3dObj[[i]]$v1 <- contour3dObj$v1[p[[i]],]
        newContour3dObj[[i]]$v2 <- contour3dObj$v2[p[[i]],]
        newContour3dObj[[i]]$v3 <- contour3dObj$v3[p[[i]],]


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misc3d documentation built on Oct. 8, 2021, 1:06 a.m.