
Defines functions cohens.d.formula cohens.d.default .internal.d.function cohens.d

Documented in cohens.d cohens.d.default cohens.d.formula

#' Cohen's d
#' This function computes Cohen's d for one-sample, two-sample (i.e., between-subject
#' design), and paired-sample designs (i.e., within-subject design) for one or more
#' variables, optionally by a grouping and/or split variable. In a two-sample design,
#' the function computes the standardized mean difference by dividing the difference
#' between  means of the two groups of observations by the weighted pooled standard
#' deviation (i.e., Cohen's \eqn{d_s} according to Lakens, 2013) by default. In
#' a paired-sample design, the function computes the standardized mean difference
#' by dividing the mean of the difference scores by the standard deviation of the
#' difference scores (i.e., Cohen's \eqn{d_z} according to Lakens, 2013) by default.
#' Note that by default Cohen's d is computed without applying the correction factor
#' for removing the small sample bias (i.e., Hedges' g).
#' Cohen (1988, p.67) proposed to compute the standardized mean difference in a
#' two-sample design by dividing the mean difference by the unweighted pooled
#' standard deviation (i.e., \code{weighted = FALSE}).
#' Glass et al. (1981, p. 29) suggested to use the standard deviation of the
#' control group (e.g., \code{ref = 0} if the control group is coded with 0) to
#' compute the standardized mean difference in a two-sample design (i.e., Glass's
#' \eqn{\Delta}) since the standard deviation of the control group is unaffected
#' by the treatment and will therefore more closely reflect the population
#' standard deviation.
#' Hedges (1981, p. 110) recommended to weight each group's standard deviation by
#' its sample size resulting in a weighted and pooled standard deviation (i.e.,
#' \code{weighted = TRUE}, default). According to Hedges and Olkin (1985, p. 81),
#' the standardized mean difference based on the weighted and pooled standard
#' deviation has a positive small sample bias, i.e., standardized mean difference
#' is overestimated in small samples (i.e., sample size less than 20 or less than
#' 10 in each group). However, a correction factor can be applied to remove the
#' small sample bias (i.e., \code{correct = TRUE}). Note that the function uses
#' a gamma function for computing the correction factor, while a approximation
#' method is used if computation based on the gamma function fails.
#' Note that the terminology is inconsistent because the standardized mean
#' difference based on the weighted and pooled standard deviation is usually called
#' Cohen's d, but sometimes called Hedges' g. Oftentimes, Cohen's d is called
#' Hedges' d as soon as the small sample correction factor is applied. Cumming
#' and Calin-Jageman (2017, p.171) recommended to avoid the term Hedges' g , but
#' to report which standard deviation was used to standardized the mean difference
#' (e.g., unweighted/weighted pooled standard deviation, or the standard deviation
#' of the control group) and whether a small sample correction factor was applied.
#' As for the terminology according to Lakens (2013), in a two-sample design (i.e.,
#' \code{paired = FALSE}) Cohen's \eqn{d_s} is computed when using \code{weighted = TRUE}
#' (default) and Hedges's \eqn{g_s} is computed when using \code{correct = TRUE}
#' in addition. In a paired-sample design (i.e., \code{paired = TRUE}), Cohen's
#' \eqn{d_z} is computed when using \code{weighted = TRUE, default}, while Cohen's
#' \eqn{d_{rm}} is computed when using \code{weighted = FALSE} and
#' \code{cor = TRUE, default} and Cohen's \eqn{d_{av}} is computed when using
#' \code{weighted = FALSE} and \code{cor = FALSE}. Corresponding Hedges' \eqn{g_z},
#' \eqn{g_{rm}}, and \eqn{g_{av}} are computed when using \code{correct = TRUE} in addition.
#' @param x           a numeric vector or data frame.
#' @param y           a numeric vector.
#' @param mu          a numeric value indicating the reference mean.
#' @param paired      logical: if \code{TRUE}, Cohen's d for a paired-sample design
#'                    is computed.
#' @param weighted    logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), the weighted pooled
#'                    standard deviation is used to compute the standardized mean
#'                    difference between two groups of a two-sample design (i.e.,
#'                    \code{paired = FALSE}), while standard deviation of the
#'                    difference scores is used to compute the standardized mean
#'                    difference in a paired-sample design (i.e., \code{paired = TRUE}).
#' @param cor         logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), \code{paired = TRUE},
#'                    and \code{weighted = FALSE}, Cohen's d for a paired-sample
#'                    design while controlling for the correlation between the
#'                    two sets of measurement is computed. Note that this argument
#'                    is only used in a paired-sample design (i.e., \code{paired = TRUE})
#'                    when specifying \code{weighted = FALSE}.
#' @param ref         character string \code{"x"} or \code{"y"} for specifying
#'                    the reference reference group when using the default
#'                    \code{cohens.d()} function or a numeric value or character
#'                    string indicating the reference group in a two-sample design
#'                    when using the formula \code{cohens.d()} function. The standard
#'                    deviation of the reference variable or reference group is
#'                    used to standardized the mean difference. Note that this
#'                    argument is only used in a two-sample design
#'                    (i.e., \code{paired = FALSE}).
#' @param correct     logical: if \code{TRUE}, correction factor to remove positive
#'                    bias in small samples is used.
#' @param alternative a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis,
#'                    must be one of \code{"two.sided"} (default), \code{"greater"}
#'                    or \code{"less"}.
#' @param conf.level  a numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence
#'                    level of the interval.
#' @param group       a numeric vector, character vector or factor as grouping
#'                    variable.
#' @param split       a numeric vector, character vector or factor as split variable.
#' @param sort.var    logical: if \code{TRUE}, output table is sorted by variables
#'                    when specifying \code{group}.
#' @param digits      an integer value indicating the number of decimal places to
#'                    be used for displaying results.
#' @param as.na       a numeric vector indicating user-defined missing values,
#'                    i.e. these values are converted to \code{NA} before conducting
#'                    the analysis. Note that \code{as.na()} function is only
#'                    applied to \code{y} but not to \code{group} in a two-sample
#'                    design, while \code{as.na()} function is applied to \code{pre}
#'                    and \code{post} in a paired-sample design.
#' @param write       a character string naming a text file with file extension
#'                    \code{".txt"} (e.g., \code{"Output.txt"}) for writing the
#'                    output into a text file.
#' @param append      logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), output will be appended
#'                    to an existing text file with extension \code{.txt} specified
#'                    in \code{write}, if \code{FALSE} existing text file will be
#'                    overwritten.
#' @param check       logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), argument specification is
#'                    checked.
#' @param output      logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), output is shown on the
#'                    console.
#' @param formula     a formula of the form \code{y ~ group} for one outcome variable
#'                    or \code{cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ group} for more than one outcome
#'                    variable where \code{y} is a numeric variable giving the
#'                    data values and \code{group} a numeric variable, character
#'                    variable or factor with two values or factor levels giving
#'                    the corresponding groups.
#' @param data        a matrix or data frame containing the variables in the formula
#'                    \code{formula}.
#' @param na.omit     logical: if \code{TRUE}, incomplete cases are removed before
#'                    conducting the analysis (i.e., listwise deletion) when
#'                    specifying more than one outcome variable.
#' @param ...         further arguments to be passed to or from methods.
#' @author
#' Takuya Yanagida \email{takuya.yanagida@@univie.ac.at}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{test.t}}, \code{\link{test.z}}, \code{\link{effsize}},
#' \code{\link{cor.matrix}}
#' @references
#' Cohen, J. (1988). \emph{Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences}
#' (2nd ed.). Academic Press.
#' Cumming, G., & Calin-Jageman, R. (2017). \emph{Introduction to the new statistics:
#' Estimation, open science, & beyond}. Routledge.
#' Glass. G. V., McGaw, B., & Smith, M. L. (1981). \emph{Meta-analysis in social
#' research}. Sage Publication.
#' Goulet-Pelletier, J.-C., & Cousineau, D. (2018) A review of effect sizes and
#' their confidence intervals, Part I: The Cohen's d family. \emph{The Quantitative
#' Methods for Psychology, 14}, 242-265. https://doi.org/10.20982/tqmp.14.4.p242
#' Hedges, L. V. (1981). Distribution theory for Glass's estimator of effect size
#' and related estimators. \emph{Journal of Educational Statistics, 6}(3), 106-128.
#' Hedges, L. V. & Olkin, I. (1985). \emph{Statistical methods for meta-analysis}.
#' Academic Press.
#' Lakens, D. (2013). Calculating and reporting effect sizes to facilitate cumulative
#' science: A practical primer for t-tests and ANOVAs. \emph{Frontiers in Psychology, 4},
#' 1-12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00863
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{misty.object}, which is a list with following
#' entries:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{call} \tab function call \cr
#' \code{type} \tab type of analysis \cr
#' \code{sample} \tab type of sample, i.e., one-, two-, or, paired-sample \cr
#' \code{data} \tab matrix or data frame specified in \code{x}  \cr
#' \code{args} \tab specification of function arguments \cr
#' \code{result} \tab result table \cr
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat1 <- data.frame(group1 = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
#'                               1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1),
#'                    group2 = c(1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2,
#'                               1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
#'                    group3 = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1,
#'                               1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1),
#'                    x1 = c(3, 2, 5, 3, 6, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 3, 5, 4,
#'                           4, 3, 5, 3, 2, 3, 3, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 4),
#'                    x2 = c(4, 4, 3, 6, 4, 7, 3, 5, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 6,
#'                           3, 5, 2, 6, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 5, 3, 2, 2, 4),
#'                    x3 = c(7, 6, 5, 6, 4, 2, 8, 3, 6, 1, 2, 5, 8, 6,
#'                           2, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 5, 5, 3, 6, 3, 2, 2, 4))
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # One-sample design
#' # Example 1: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, mu = 3)
#' # Example 2: Cohen's d.z (aka Hedges' g.z) with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3, with small sample correction factor
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, mu = 3, correct = TRUE)
#' # Example 3: Cohen's d.z for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3
#' cohens.d(dat1[, c("x1", "x2", "x3")], mu = 3)
#' # Example 4: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3, by group1 separately
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, mu = 3, group = dat1$group1)
#' # Example 5: Cohen's d.z for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3, by group1 separately
#' cohens.d(dat1[, c("x1", "x2", "x3")], mu = 3, group = dat1$group1)
#' # Example 6: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3, split analysis by group1
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, mu = 3, split = dat1$group1)
#' # Example 7: Cohen's d.z for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3, split analysis by group1
#' cohens.d(dat1[, c("x1", "x2", "x3")], mu = 3, split = dat1$group1)
#' # Example 8: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3, by group1 separately1, split by group2
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, mu = 3, group = dat1$group1, split = dat1$group2)
#' # Example 9: Cohen's d.z for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # population mean = 3, by group1 separately1, split by group2
#' cohens.d(dat1[, c("x1", "x2", "x3")], mu = 3, group = dat1$group1,
#'          split = dat1$group2)
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Two-sample design
#' # Example 10: Cohen's d.s with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1)
#' # Example 11: Cohen's d.s with two-sided 99% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, conf.level = 0.99)
#' # Example 12: Cohen's d.s with one-sided 99% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, alternative = "greater")
#' # Example 13: Cohen's d.s with two-sided 99% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, conf.level = 0.99)
#' # Example 14: Cohen's d.s with one-sided 95%% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, alternative = "greater")
#' # Example 15: Cohen's d.s for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD
#' cohens.d(cbind(x1, x2, x3) ~ group1, data = dat1)
#' # Example 16: Cohen's d with two-sided 95% CI
#' # unweighted SD
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, weighted = FALSE)
#' # Example 17: Cohen's d.s (aka Hedges' g.s) with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD, with small sample correction factor
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, correct = TRUE)
#' # Example 18: Cohen's d (aka Hedges' g) with two-sided 95% CI
#' # Unweighted SD, with small sample correction factor
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, weighted = FALSE, correct = TRUE)
#' # Example 19: Cohen's d (aka Glass's delta) with two-sided 95% CI
#' # SD of reference group 1
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, ref = 1)
#' # Example 20: Cohen's d.s with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD, by group2 separately
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, group = dat1$group2)
#' # Example 21: Cohen's d.s for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD, by group2 separately
#' cohens.d(cbind(x1, x2, x3) ~ group1, data = dat1, group = dat1$group2)
#' # Example 22: Cohen's d.s with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD, split analysis by group2
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1, split = dat1$group2)
#' # Example 23: Cohen's d.s for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD, split analysis by group2
#' cohens.d(cbind(x1, x2, x3) ~ group1, data = dat1, split = dat1$group2)
#' # Example 24: Cohen's d.s with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD, by group2 separately, split analysis by group3
#' cohens.d(x1 ~ group1, data = dat1,
#'          group = dat1$group2, split = dat1$group3)
#' # Example 25: Cohen's d.s for more than one variable with two-sided 95% CI
#' # weighted pooled SD, by group2 separately, split analysis by group3
#' cohens.d(cbind(x1, x2, x3) ~ group1, data = dat1,
#'          group = dat1$group2, split = dat1$group3)
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Paired-sample design
#' # Example 26: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # SD of the difference scores
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE)
#' # Example 27: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 99% CI
#' # SD of the difference scores
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, conf.level = 0.99)
#' # Example 28: Cohen's d.z with one-sided 95% CI
#' # SD of the difference scores
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, alternative = "greater")
#' # Example 29: Cohen's d.rm with two-sided 95% CI
#' # controlling for the correlation between measures
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, weighted = FALSE)
#' # Example 30: Cohen's d.av with two-sided 95% CI
#' # without controlling for the correlation between measures
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, weighted = FALSE, cor = FALSE)
#' # Example 31: Cohen's d.z (aka Hedges' g.z) with two-sided 95% CI
#' # SD of the differnece scores
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, correct = TRUE)
#' # Example 32: Cohen's d.rm (aka Hedges' g.rm) with two-sided 95% CI
#' # controlling for the correlation between measures
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, weighted = FALSE, correct = TRUE)
#' # Example 33: Cohen's d.av (aka Hedges' g.av) with two-sided 95% CI
#' # without controlling for the correlation between measures
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, weighted = FALSE, cor = FALSE,
#'          correct = TRUE)
#' # Example 34: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # SD of the difference scores, by group1 separately
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, group = dat1$group1)
#' # Example 35:  Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # SD of the difference scores, split analysis by group1
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE, split = dat1$group1)
#' # Example 36: Cohen's d.z with two-sided 95% CI
#' # SD of the difference scores, by group1 separately, split analysis by group2
#' cohens.d(dat1$x1, dat1$x2, paired = TRUE,
#'          group = dat1$group1, split = dat1$group2)
cohens.d <- function(x, ...) {



# Cohen's d function -----------------------------------------------------------

.internal.d.function <- function(x, y, mu, paired, weighted, cor, ref, correct,
                                 alternative, conf.level) {

  ## One-sample ####
  if (isTRUE(is.null(y))) {

    # Unstandardized mean difference
    yx.diff <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) - mu

    # Standard deviation
    sd.group <- x.sd <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Sample size
    x.n <- length(na.omit(x))

    ### Cohen's d ####

    d <- yx.diff / sd.group

    ### Correction factor ####

    # Bias-corrected Cohen's d
    if (isTRUE(correct)) {

      v <- x.n - 1

      # Correction factor based on gamma function
      corr.factor <- gamma(0.5*v) / ((sqrt(v / 2L)) * gamma(0.5 * (v - 1L)))

      # Correction factor based on approximation method
      if (isTRUE(is.na(corr.factor) || is.nan(corr.factor) || is.infinite(corr.factor))) {

        corr.factor <- (1L - (3L / (4L * v - 1L)))


      d <- d*corr.factor


    ### Confidence interval ####

    # Standard error
    d.se <- sqrt((x.n / (x.n / 2L)^2L) + 0.5*(d^2L / x.n))

    # Noncentrality parameter
    t <- yx.diff / (x.sd / sqrt(x.n))
    df <- x.n - 1

    conf1 <- ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", (1L + conf.level) / 2L, conf.level)
    conf2 <- ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", (1L - conf.level) / 2L, 1L - conf.level)

    st <- max(0.1, abs(t))


    end1 <- t
    while(suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = end1)) < conf1) { end1 <- end1 - st }

    ncp1 <- uniroot(function(x) conf1 - suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x)), c(end1, 2*t - end1))$root


    end2 <- t
    while(suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = end2)) > conf2) { end2 <- end2 + st }

    ncp2 <- uniroot(function(x) conf2 - suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x)), c(2*t - end2, end2))$root

    # Confidence interval around ncp
    conf.int <- switch(alternative,
                       two.sided = c(low = ncp1 / sqrt(df), upp = ncp2 / sqrt(df)),
                       less = c(low = -Inf, upp = ncp2 / sqrt(df)),
                       greater = c(low = ncp1 / sqrt(df), upp = Inf))

    # With correction factor
    if(isTRUE(correct)) {

      conf.int <- conf.int*corr.factor


  ## Two-sample ####
  } else if (!isTRUE(paired)) {

    ### Data ####

    # x and y
    x <- na.omit(x)
    y <- na.omit(y)

    # Sample size for x and y
    x.n <- length(x)
    y.n <- length(y)

    # Total sample size
    xy.n <- sum(c(x.n, y.n))

    # Unstandardized mean difference
    yx.diff <- mean(y) - mean(x)

    # Variance
    x.var <- var(x)
    y.var <- var(y)

    # Standard deviation
    x.sd <- sd(x)
    y.sd <- sd(y)

    # At least 2 observations for x/y and variance in x/y
    if (isTRUE((x.n >= 2L && y.n >= 2L) && (x.var != 0L && y.var != 0L))) {

      ### Standard deviation ####

      # Pooled standard deviation
      if (isTRUE(is.null(ref))) {

        # Weighted pooled standard deviation, Cohen's d.s
        if (isTRUE(weighted)) {

          sd.group <- sqrt(((x.n - 1L)*x.var + (y.n - 1L)*y.var) / (xy.n - 2L))

        # Unweighted pooled standard deviation
        } else {

          sd.group <- sqrt(sum(c(x.var, y.var)) / 2L)


      # Standard deviation from reference group x or y, Glass's delta
      } else {

        sd.group <- ifelse(ref == "x", x.sd, y.sd)


      ### Cohen's d ####

      d <- yx.diff / sd.group

      ### Correction factor ####

      # Bias-corrected Cohen's d, i.e., Hedges' g
      if (isTRUE(correct)) {

        # Degrees of freedom
        v <- xy.n - 2L

        # Correction factor based on gamma function
        corr.factor <- gamma(0.5*v) / ((sqrt(v / 2L)) * gamma(0.5 * (v - 1L)))

        # Correction factor based on approximation method
        if (isTRUE(is.na(corr.factor) || is.nan(corr.factor) || is.infinite(corr.factor))) {

          corr.factor <- (1L - (3L / (4L * v - 1L)))


        # Applying correction factor
        d <- d*corr.factor


      ### Confidence interval ####

      # No reference group
      if (isTRUE(is.null(ref))) {

        # Cohen's d.s

        # Pooled standard deviation
        if (isTRUE(weighted)) {

          d.se <- sd.group * sqrt(1 / x.n + 1 / y.n)
          df <- xy.n - 2

        # Unpooled standard deviation
        } else {

          d.se <- sqrt(sqrt(x.sd^2 / x.n)^2 + sqrt(y.sd^2 / y.n)^2)
          df <- d.se^4 / ( sqrt(x.sd^2 / x.n)^4 / (x.n - 1) + sqrt(y.sd^2 / y.n)^4 / (y.n - 1))


        t <- yx.diff / d.se
        hn <- sqrt(1 / x.n + 1 / y.n)

      # Reference group
      } else {

        d.se <- sqrt(sd(c(x, y))^2*(1 / x.n + 1 / y.n))
        df <- x.n + y.n - 2

        t <- yx.diff / d.se
        hn <- sqrt(1 / x.n + 1 / y.n)


      conf1 <- ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", (1 + conf.level) / 2, conf.level)
      conf2 <- ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", (1 - conf.level) / 2, 1 - conf.level)

      # Noncentrality parameter
      st <- max(0.1, abs(t))


      end1 <- t
      while(suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = end1)) < conf1) { end1 <- end1 - st }

      ncp1 <- uniroot(function(x) conf1 - suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x)), c(end1, 2*t - end1))$root


      end2 <- t
      while(suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = end2)) > conf2) { end2 <- end2 + st }

      ncp2 <- uniroot(function(x) conf2 - suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x)), c(2*t - end2, end2))$root

      # Confidence interval around ncp
      conf.int <- switch(alternative,
                         two.sided = c(low = ncp1 * hn, upp = ncp2 * hn),
                         less = c(low = -Inf, upp = ncp2 * hn),
                         greater = c(low = ncp1 * hn, upp = Inf))

      # With correction factor
      if(isTRUE(correct)) {

        conf.int <- conf.int*corr.factor


    # Not at least 2 observations for x/y and variance in x/y
    } else {

      d <- NA
      conf.int <- c(NA, NA)


  ## Paired-sample ####
  } else if (isTRUE(paired)) {

    ### Data ####

    xy.dat <- na.omit(data.frame(x = x, y = y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

    x <- xy.dat$x
    y <- xy.dat$y

    # Standard deviation of x and y
    x.sd <- sd(x)
    y.sd <- sd(y)

    # Unstandardized mean difference
    yx.diff <- mean(y - x)

    # Sample size
    xy.n <- nrow(xy.dat)

    ### Standard deviation ####

    # SD of difference score, Cohen's d.z
    if (isTRUE(weighted)) {

        sd.group <- sd(y - x)

    } else {

      # Controlling correlation, Cohen's d.rm
      if (isTRUE(cor)) {

        # Variance of x and y
        x.var <- var(x)
        y.var <- var(y)

        # Sum of the variances
        xy.var.sum <- sum(c(x.var, y.var))

        # Correlation between x and y
        xy.r <- cor(x, y)

         sd.group <- sqrt(xy.var.sum - 2L * xy.r * prod(c(sqrt(x.var), sqrt(y.var))))

       # Ignoring correlation, Cohen's d.av
       } else {

         sd.group <- (x.sd + y.sd) / 2



    ### Cohen's d ####

    # Cohen's d.rm
    if (isTRUE(cor && !isTRUE(weighted))) {

      d <- yx.diff / sd.group * sqrt(2L*(1L -xy.r))

    # Cohen's d.z, d.av, and Glass's delta
    } else {

      d <- yx.diff / sd.group


    ### Correction factor ####

    # Degrees of freedom
    v <- xy.n - 1

    # Correction factor based on gamma function
    corr.factor <- gamma(0.5*v) / ((sqrt(v / 2L)) * gamma(0.5 * (v - 1L)))

    # Correction factor based on approximation method
    if (isTRUE(is.na(corr.factor) || is.nan(corr.factor) || is.infinite(corr.factor))) {

      corr.factor <- 1L - 3L / (4L * v - 1L)


    # Bias-corrected Cohen's d
    if (isTRUE(correct)) {

      d <- d*corr.factor


    ### Confidence interval ####

    # Standard error
    d.se <- sqrt((xy.n / (xy.n / 2)^2) + 0.5*(d^2 / xy.n))

    # Noncentrality parameter
    t <- yx.diff / (sd.group / sqrt(xy.n))
    df <- xy.n - 1

    conf1 <- ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", (1L + conf.level) / 2L, conf.level)
    conf2 <- ifelse(alternative == "two.sided", (1L - conf.level) / 2L, 1L - conf.level)

    st <- max(0.1, abs(t))


    end1 <- t
    while(suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = end1)) < conf1) { end1 <- end1 - st }

    ncp1 <- uniroot(function(x) conf1 - suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x)), c(end1, 2*t - end1))$root


    end2 <- t
    while(suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = end2)) > conf2) { end2 <- end2 + st }

    ncp2 <- uniroot(function(x) conf2 - suppressWarnings(pt(q = t, df = df, ncp = x)), c(2*t - end2, end2))$root

    # Confidence interval around ncp
    conf.int <- switch(alternative,
                       two.sided = c(low = ncp1 / sqrt(df), upp = ncp2 / sqrt(df)),
                       less = c(low = -Inf, upp = ncp2 / sqrt(df)),
                       greater = c(low = ncp1 / sqrt(df), upp = Inf))

    # With correction factor
    if(isTRUE(correct)) {

      conf.int <- conf.int*corr.factor



  # Return object
  object <- data.frame(m.diff = yx.diff, sd = sd.group,
                       d = d, se = d.se,
                       low = conf.int[1L], upp = conf.int[2], row.names = NULL)



# Default S3 method ------------------------------------------------------------

cohens.d.default <- function(x, y = NULL, mu = 0, paired = FALSE, weighted = TRUE, cor = TRUE,
                             ref = NULL, correct = FALSE, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                             conf.level = 0.95, group = NULL, split = NULL, sort.var = FALSE,
                             digits = 2, as.na = NULL, write = NULL, append = TRUE,
                             check = TRUE, output = TRUE, ...) {

  # Check if input 'x' is missing
  if (isTRUE(missing(x))) { stop("Please specify a numeric vector for the argument 'x'", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'x' is NULL
  if (isTRUE(is.null(x))) { stop("Input specified for the argument 'x' is NULL.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Convert 'x' into a vector
  x <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)

  if (isTRUE(!is.null(y))) {

    # Check if only one variable specified in the input 'y'
    if (ncol(data.frame(y)) != 1L) { stop("More than one variable specified for the argument 'x'.",call. = FALSE) }

    # Convert 'y' into a vector
    y <- unlist(y, use.names = FALSE)


  # Check input 'paired'
  if (isTRUE(!is.logical(paired))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'paired'.", call. = FALSE) }

  if (isTRUE(paired)) {

    # Length of 'x' and 'y'
    if (isTRUE(nrow(data.frame(x)) != nrow(data.frame(y)))) { stop("Length of the vector specified in 'x' does not match the length of the vector specified in 'y'.", call. = FALSE) }


  # Check 'group'
  if (isTRUE(!is.null(group))) {

    if (ncol(data.frame(group)) != 1L) { stop("More than one grouping variable specified for the argument 'group'.",call. = FALSE) }

    if (isTRUE(paired)) {

      if (nrow(data.frame(group)) != nrow(data.frame(x))) { stop("Length of the vector or factor specified in the argument 'group' does not match with 'x'.", call. = FALSE) }


    # Convert 'group' into a vector
    group <- unlist(group, use.names = FALSE)


  # Check 'split'
  if (isTRUE(!is.null(split))) {

    if (ncol(data.frame(split)) != 1L) { stop("More than one split variable specified for the argument 'split'.",call. = FALSE) }

    if (isTRUE(paired)) {

      if (nrow(data.frame(split)) != nrow(data.frame(x))) { stop("Length of the vector or factor specified in the argument 'split' does not match with 'x'.", call. = FALSE) }


    # Convert 'split' into a vector
    split <- unlist(split, use.names = FALSE)


  ## List or Dataframe ####

  ### One-sample design ####
  if (is.null(y)) {

    if (isTRUE(is.null(dim(x)))) {

      xy  <- data.frame(x = x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    } else {

      xy <- x


  ### Two-sample design ####
  } else if (!isTRUE(paired)) {

    xy <- list(x = x, y = y)

  ### Paired-sample design ####
  } else if (isTRUE(paired)) {

    xy <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


  ## Convert user-missing values into NA ####

  if (isTRUE(!is.null(as.na))) { xy <- .as.na(xy, na = as.na) }

  ## Listwise deletion ####

  if (isTRUE(paired && nrow(na.omit(xy)) < 2L)) { stop("After listwise deletion, the number of pairs of observations is less than two.", call. = FALSE)


  # Input Check ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check input 'check'
  if (isTRUE(!is.logical(check))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'check'.", call. = FALSE) }

  if (isTRUE(check)) {

    # Check input 'weighted'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(weighted))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'weighted'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'cor'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(cor))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'cor'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'ref'
    if (isTRUE(!is.null(ref))) {

      if (isTRUE(!isTRUE(ref %in% c("x", "y")))) { stop("Please specify \"x\" or \"y\" for the argument 'ref'.", call. = FALSE) }


    # Check input 'correct'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(correct))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'correct'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'alternative'
    if (isTRUE(!all(alternative %in%  c("two.sided", "less", "greater")))) {

      stop("Character string in the argument 'alternative' does not match with \"two.sided\", \"less\", or \"greater\".", call. = FALSE)


    # Check input 'conf.level'
    if (isTRUE(conf.level >= 1L || conf.level <= 0L)) { stop("Please specifiy a numeric value between 0 and 1 for the argument 'conf.level'.", call. = FALSE)


    # Check input 'group'
    if (isTRUE(!is.null(group))) {

      # Input 'group' completely missing
      if (isTRUE(all(is.na(group)))) { stop("The grouping variable specified in 'group' is completely missing.", call. = FALSE) }

      # Only one group in 'group'
      if (isTRUE(length(na.omit(unique(group))) == 1L)) { warning("There is only one group represented in the grouping variable specified in 'group'.", call. = FALSE) }


    # Check input 'split'
    if (isTRUE(!is.null(split))) {

      # Input 'split' completely missing
      if (isTRUE(all(is.na(split)))) { stop("The split variable specified in 'split' is completely missing.", call. = FALSE) }

      # Only one group in 'split'
      if (isTRUE(length(na.omit(unique(split))) == 1L)) { warning("There is only one group represented in the split variable specified in 'split'.", call. = FALSE) }


    # Check input 'sort.var'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(sort.var))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'sort.var'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'digits'
    if (isTRUE(digits %% 1L != 0L || digits < 0L)) { stop("Please specify a positive integer number for the argument 'digits'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'write'
    if (isTRUE(!is.null(write) && substr(write, nchar(write) - 3L, nchar(write)) != ".txt")) { stop("Please specify a character string with file extenstion '.txt' for the argument 'write'.") }

    # Check input 'append'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(append))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'append'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input output
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(output))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'output'.", call. = FALSE) }


  # Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## Type of sample ####

  # One-sample
  if (isTRUE(is.null(y))) {

    sample <- "one"

  # Two-sample
  } else if (!isTRUE(paired)) {

    sample <- "two"

  # Paired-sample
  } else if (isTRUE(paired)) {

    sample <- "paired"


  ## Alternative hypothesis ####

  if (isTRUE(all(c("two.sided", "less", "greater") %in% alternative))) { alternative <- "two.sided" }

  # Main Function --------------------------------------------------------------

  ## No Grouping, No Split ####
  if (isTRUE(is.null(group) && is.null(split))) {

    ### One-sample ####
    switch(sample, one = {

      # Compute Cohen's d and confidence intervals
      temp <- Reduce(function(xx, yy) rbind(xx, yy, make.row.names = FALSE),
                     lapply(names(xy), function(z) .internal.d.function(eval(parse(text = "xy[, z]")), eval(parse(text = "y")),
                                                                        paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                                                        cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, mu = mu,
                                                                        alternative = alternative, conf.level = conf.level)))

      result <- data.frame(variable = colnames(xy),
                           n = sapply(xy, function(y) length(na.omit(y))),
                           nNA = sapply(xy, function(y) length(attributes(na.omit(y))$na.action)),
                           m = sapply(xy, function(y) mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)),
                           m.diff = temp$m.diff,
                           sd = temp$sd,
                           d = temp$d,
                           se = temp$se,
                           low = temp$low,
                           upp = temp$upp,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)

    ### Two-sample ####
    }, two = {

      # Compute Cohen's d and confidence intervals
      temp <- .internal.d.function(x = x, y = y, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                   cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, mu = mu,
                                   alternative = alternative, conf.level = conf.level)

      result <- misty::df.rbind(data.frame(variable = "y",
                                           between = 1,
                                           n = length(na.omit(xy$x)),
                                           nNA = sum(is.na(xy$x)),
                                           m = mean(xy$x, na.rm = TRUE),
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                                data.frame(variable = "y",
                                           n = length(na.omit(xy$y)),
                                           between = 2,
                                           nNA = sum(is.na(xy$y)),
                                           m = mean(xy$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                                           m.diff = temp$m.diff,
                                           sd = temp$sd,
                                           d = temp$d,
                                           se = temp$se,
                                           low = temp$low,
                                           upp = temp$upp,
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL))

    ### Paired-sample ####
    }, paired = {

      # Compute Cohen's d and confidence intervals
      temp <- .internal.d.function(x = x, y = y, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                   cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, mu = mu,
                                   alternative = alternative, conf.level = conf.level)

      result <- data.frame(variable = "y",
                           n = nrow(na.omit(xy)),
                           nNA = length(attributes(na.omit(xy))$na.action),
                           m1 = mean(xy$x, na.rm = TRUE),
                           m2 = mean(xy$y, na.rm = TRUE),
                           m.diff =  temp$m.diff,
                           sd = temp$sd,
                           d = temp$d,
                           se = temp$se,
                           low = temp$low,
                           upp = temp$upp,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)


  ## Grouping, No Split ####
  } else if (isTRUE(!is.null(group) && is.null(split))) {

    ### One-sample ####
    if (isTRUE(sample == "one")) {

      object.group <- lapply(split(xy, f = group),
                             function(z) cohens.d.default(eval(parse(text = "z")), y = NULL,
                                                          mu = mu, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                                          cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                          conf.level = conf.level, group = NULL, split = NULL, sort.var = sort.var,
                                                          as.na = as.na, check = FALSE, output = FALSE)$result)

    ### Two-sample and Paired-sample ####
    } else {

      object.group <- lapply(split(xy, f = group),
                             function(y) cohens.d.default(x = y$x, y = y$y, mu = mu, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                                          cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                          conf.level = conf.level, group = NULL, split = NULL, sort.var = sort.var,
                                                          as.na = as.na, check = FALSE, output = FALSE)$result)


    result <- data.frame(group = rep(names(object.group), each = ncol(xy)),
                         eval(parse(text = paste0("rbind(", paste0("object.group[[", seq_len(length(object.group)), "]]",
                                                                   collapse = ", "), ")"))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## No Grouping, Split ####
  } else if (isTRUE(is.null(group) && !is.null(split))) {

    ### One-sample ####
    if (isTRUE(sample == "one")) {

      result <- lapply(split(xy, f = split),
                       function(z) cohens.d.default(eval(parse(text = "z")), y = NULL,
                                                    mu = mu, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                                    cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                    conf.level = conf.level, group = NULL, split = NULL, sort.var = sort.var,
                                                    as.na = as.na, check = FALSE, output = FALSE)$result)

    ### Two-sample and Paired-sample ####
    } else {

      result <- lapply(split(xy, f = split),
                             function(y) cohens.d.default(x = y$x, y = y$y, mu = mu, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                                          cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                          conf.level = conf.level, group = NULL, split = NULL, sort.var = sort.var,
                                                          as.na = as.na, check = FALSE, output = FALSE)$result)


  ## Grouping, Split ####
  } else if (isTRUE(!is.null(group) && !is.null(split))) {

    ### One-sample ####
    if (isTRUE(sample == "one")) {

      result <- lapply(split(data.frame(xy, .group = group, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL), f = split),
                       function(z) cohens.d.default(eval(parse(text = "z[, -grep('.group', names(z))]")), y = NULL,
                                                    mu = mu, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                                    cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                    conf.level = conf.level, group = z$.group, split = NULL, sort.var = sort.var,
                                                    as.na = as.na, check = FALSE, output = FALSE)$result)

    ### Two-sample and Paired-sample ####
    } else {

      result <- lapply(split(data.frame(xy, .group = group, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL), f = split),
                       function(z) cohens.d.default(x = z$x, y = z$y, mu = mu, paired = paired, weighted = weighted,
                                                    cor = cor, ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                    conf.level = conf.level, group = z$.group, split = NULL, sort.var = sort.var,
                                                    as.na = as.na, check = FALSE, output = FALSE)$result)



  # Return Object --------------------------------------------------------------

  object <- list(call = match.call(),
                 type = "cohens.d",
                 sample = sample,
                 data = list(x = x, y = y, group = group, split = split),
                 args = list(paired = paired, weighted = weighted, cor = cor,
                             correct = correct, mu = mu, alternative = alternative,
                             conf.level = conf.level, sort.var = sort.var,
                             na.omit = na.omit, digits = digits, as.na = as.na,
                             write = NULL, append = TRUE, check = check, output = output),
                 result = result)

  class(object) <- "misty.object"

  # Write results --------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(!is.null(write))) {

    ## Text file ####

    # Send R output to textfile
    sink(file = write, append = ifelse(isTRUE(file.exists(write)), append, FALSE), type = "output", split = FALSE)

    if (append && isTRUE(file.exists(write))) { write("", file = write, append = TRUE) }

    # Print object
    print(object, check = FALSE)

    # Close file connection


  # Output ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(output)) { print(object, check = FALSE) }



# S3 method for class 'formula' ------------------------------------------------

cohens.d.formula <- function(formula, data, weighted = TRUE, cor = TRUE,
                             ref = NULL, correct = FALSE,
                             alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                             conf.level = 0.95, group = NULL, split = NULL,
                             sort.var = FALSE, na.omit = FALSE, digits = 2,
                             as.na = NULL, write = NULL, append = TRUE,
                             check = TRUE, output = TRUE, ...) {

  # Initial Check --------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check if input 'formula' is missing
  if (isTRUE(missing(formula))) { stop("Please specify a formula using the argument 'formula'", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'data' is missing
  if (isTRUE(missing(data))) { stop("Please specify a matrix or data frame for the argument 'x'.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'data' is NULL
  if (isTRUE(is.null(data))) { stop("Input specified for the argument 'data' is NULL.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check 'group'
  if (isTRUE(!is.null(group))) {

    if (ncol(data.frame(group)) != 1L) { stop("More than one grouping variable specified for the argument 'group'.",call. = FALSE) }

    if (nrow(data.frame(group)) != nrow(data)) { stop("Length of the vector or factor specified in the argument 'group' does not match the number of rows in 'data'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Convert 'group' into a vector
    group <- unlist(group, use.names = FALSE)


  # Check 'split'
  if (isTRUE(!is.null(split))) {

    if (ncol(data.frame(split)) != 1L) { stop("More than one split variable specified for the argument 'split'.",call. = FALSE) }

    if (nrow(data.frame(split)) != nrow(data)) { stop("Length of the vector or factor specified in the argument 'split' does not match the number of rows in 'data'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Convert 'split' into a vector
    split <- unlist(split, use.names = FALSE)


  ## As data frame ####

  data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## Variables ####

  var.formula <- all.vars(as.formula(formula))

  # Grouping variable
  group.var <- attr(terms(formula[-2L]), "term.labels")

  # Outcome(s)
  y.vars <- var.formula[-grep(group.var, var.formula)]

  ## Check ####

  # Check if variables are in the data
  var.data <- !var.formula %in% colnames(data)
  if (isTRUE(any(var.data))) {

    stop(paste0("Variables specified in the the formula were not found in 'data': ", paste(var.formula[which(var.data)], collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'formula' has only one grouping variable
  if (isTRUE(length(group.var) != 1L)) { stop("Please specify a formula with only one grouping variable.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if grouping variable has two levels
  if (isTRUE(length(na.omit(unique(data[, group.var]))) != 2L)) { stop("Please specify a grouping variable with exactly two levels.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if 'ref' is in the grouping variable
  if (!isTRUE(is.null(ref))) {

    if (!isTRUE(ref %in% data[, group.var])) { stop("Reference group specified in the argument 'ref' is not represented in the grouping variable.", call. = FALSE) }


  ## Convert user-missing values into NA ####

  if (isTRUE(!is.null(as.na))) {

    # Replace user-specified values with missing values
    data[, y.vars] <- misty::as.na(data[, y.vars], na = as.na, check = check)

    # Variable with missing values only
    data.miss <- vapply(data[, y.vars, drop = FALSE], function(y) all(is.na(y)), FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
    if (any(data.miss)) { stop(paste0("After converting user-missing values into NA, following variables are completely missing: ", paste(names(which(data.miss)), collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE) }


  ## Listwise deletion ####

  if (isTRUE(na.omit && any(is.na(data[, var.formula])))) {

    ### No group and split variable ####
    if (isTRUE(is.null(group) && is.null(split))) {

      x <- na.omit(as.data.frame(data[, var.formula], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

      warning(paste0("Listwise deletion of incomplete data, number of cases removed from the analysis: ", length(attributes(x)$na.action)), call. = FALSE)

    ### Group variable, no split variable ####
    } else if (isTRUE(!is.null(group) && is.null(split))) {

      data.group <- na.omit(data.frame(data[, var.formula], group = group, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

      data <- data.group[, -grep("group", names(data.group)), drop = FALSE]
      group <- data.group$group

      warning(paste0("Listwise deletion of incomplete data, number of cases removed from the analysis: ", length(attributes(data.group)$na.action)), call. = FALSE)

    ### No group variable, split variable ####
    } else if (isTRUE(is.null(group) && !is.null(split))) {

      data.split <- na.omit(data.frame(data[, var.formula], split = split, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

      data <- data.split[, -grep("split", names(data.split)), drop = FALSE]
      split <- data.split$split

      warning(paste0("Listwise deletion of incomplete data, number of cases removed from the analysis: ", length(attributes(data.split)$na.action)), call. = FALSE)

    ### Group variable, split variable ####
    } else if (isTRUE(!is.null(group) && !is.null(split))) {

      data.group.split <- na.omit(data.frame(data[, var.formula], group = group, split = split, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

      data <- data.group.split[,  !names(data.group.split) %in% c("group", "split"), drop = FALSE]
      group <- data.group.split$group
      split <- data.group.split$split

      warning(paste0("Listwise deletion of incomplete data, number of cases removed from the analysis: ", length(attributes(data.group.split)$na.action)), call. = FALSE)


    ### Variable with missing values only ####

    data.miss <- vapply(data[, var.formula], function(y) all(is.na(y)), FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
    if (isTRUE(any(data.miss))) {

      stop(paste0("After listwise deletion, following variables are completely missing: ", paste(names(which(data.miss)), collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)



  # Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## Alternative hypothesis ####

  if (isTRUE(all(c("two.sided", "less", "greater") %in% alternative))) { alternative <- "two.sided" }

  ## Reference group ####

  ref.return <- ref

  if (!isTRUE(is.null(ref))) { ifelse(which(unique(sort(na.omit(data[, group.var]))) %in% ref) == 1, ref <- "x", ref <- "y") }

  # Main Function --------------------------------------------------------------

  ## No Grouping, No Split ####
  if (isTRUE(is.null(group) && is.null(split))) {

    result <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 11L, nrow = length(y.vars)*2,
                                dimnames = list(NULL, c("variable", "between", "n", "nNA", "m", "m.diff", "sd", "d", "se", "low", "upp"))),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    loop.mat <- matrix(1:(length(y.vars)*2), ncol = 2L, byrow = TRUE)

    # Loop over outcome variables
    for (i in seq_along(y.vars)) {

      data.split <- split(data[, y.vars[i]], f = data[, group.var])

      # Check if variance in both groups
      var.check <- unlist(lapply(data.split, var)) == 0L
      if (isTRUE(any(var.check))) {

        if (sum(var.check) == 2L) {

          stop(paste0("There is no variance in both groups in the variable ", y.vars[i]), call. = FALSE)

        } else {

          stop(paste0("There is no variance in group '", names(which(var.check)), "' in the variable ", y.vars[i]), call. = FALSE)



      result[loop.mat[i, ], ] <- data.frame(variable = y.vars[i],
                                            cohens.d.default(x = data.split[[1L]],
                                                             y = data.split[[2L]],
                                                             paired = FALSE, weighted = weighted, cor = cor,
                                                             ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                             conf.level = conf.level, group = NULL, split = NULL,
                                                             sort.var = sort.var, digits = digits, as.na = NULL,
                                                             check = check, output = FALSE)$result[, -1L],
                                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      result[loop.mat[i, ], "between"] <- names(data.split)


  ## Grouping, No Split ####
  } else if (isTRUE(!is.null(group) && is.null(split))) {

    object.group <- lapply(split(data[, var.formula], f = group),
                           function(y) cohens.d.formula(formula, data = y, weighted = weighted, cor = cor,
                                                        ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                        conf.level = conf.level, group = NULL, split = NULL,
                                                        sort.var = sort.var, digits = digits, as.na = NULL,
                                                        check = check, output = FALSE)$result)

    result <- data.frame(group = rep(names(object.group), each = length(y.vars)*2),
                         eval(parse(text = paste0("rbind(", paste0("object.group[[", seq_len(length(object.group)), "]]",
                                                                   collapse = ", "), ")"))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  ## No Grouping, Split ####
  } else if (isTRUE(is.null(group) && !is.null(split))) {

    result <- lapply(split(data[, var.formula], f = split),
                     function(y) cohens.d.formula(formula, data = y, weighted = weighted, cor = cor,
                                                  ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                  conf.level = conf.level, group = NULL, split = NULL,
                                                  sort.var = sort.var, digits = digits, as.na = NULL,
                                                  check = check, output = FALSE)$result)

  ## Grouping, Split ####
  } else if (isTRUE(!is.null(group) && !is.null(split))) {

    result <- lapply(split(data.frame(data[, var.formula], .group = group, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), f = split),
                     function(y) cohens.d.formula(formula, data = y, weighted = weighted, cor = cor,
                                                  ref = ref, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                                                  conf.level = conf.level, group = y$.group, split = NULL,
                                                  sort.var = sort.var, digits = digits, as.na = NULL,
                                                  check = check, output = FALSE)$result)


  # Return Object --------------------------------------------------------------

  object <- list(call = match.call(),
                 type = "cohens.d",
                 sample = "two",
                 data = list(data = data[, var.formula], group = group, split = split),
                 args = list(formula = formula, weighted = weighted, cor = cor,
                             ref = ref.return, correct = correct, alternative = alternative,
                             conf.level = conf.level, sort.var = sort.var,
                             na.omit = na.omit, digits = digits, as.na = as.na,
                             write = write, append = append, check = check, output = output),
                 result = result)

  class(object) <- "misty.object"

  # Write results --------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(!is.null(write))) {

    ## Text file ####

    # Send R output to textfile
    sink(file = write, append = ifelse(isTRUE(file.exists(write)), append, FALSE), type = "output", split = FALSE)

    if (isTRUE(append && file.exists(write))) { write("", file = write, append = TRUE) }

    # Print object
    print(object, check = FALSE)

    # Close file connection


  # Output ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(output)) { print(object, check = FALSE) }



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misty documentation built on June 29, 2024, 9:07 a.m.