
Defines functions multilevel.r2.manual

Documented in multilevel.r2.manual

#' R-Squared Measures for Multilevel and Linear Mixed Effects Models by Rights
#' and Sterba (2019), Manually Inputting Parameter Estimates
#' This function computes R-squared measures by Rights and Sterba (2019) for
#' multilevel and linear mixed effects models by manually inputting parameter
#' estimates.
#' @param data      a matrix or data frame with the level-1 and level-2 predictors
#'                  and outcome variable used in the model.
#' @param within    a character vector with the variable names in \code{data} or
#'                  numeric vector with numbers corresponding to the columns in
#'                  \code{data} of the level-1 predictors used in the model. If
#'                  none used, set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param between   a character vector with the variable names in \code{data} or
#'                  numeric vector with numbers corresponding to the columns in
#'                  \code{data} of the level-2 predictors used in the model. If
#'                  none used, set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param random    a character vector with the variable names in \code{data} or
#'                  numeric vector with numbers corresponding to the columns in
#'                  \code{data} of the level-1 predictors that have random slopes
#'                  in the model. If no random slopes specified, set to \code{NULL}.
#' @param gamma.w   a numeric vector of fixed slope estimates for all level-1
#'                  predictors, to be entered in the order of the predictors
#'                  listed in the argument \code{within}.
#' @param gamma.b   a numeric vector of the intercept and fixed slope estimates
#'                  for all level-2predictors, to be entered in the order of the
#'                  predictors listed in the argument \code{between}. Note that
#'                  the first element is the parameter estimate for the intercept
#'                  if \code{intercept = TRUE}.
#' @param tau       a matrix indicating the random effects covariance matrix, the
#'                  first row/column denotes the intercept variance and covariances
#'                  (if intercept is fixed, set all to 0) and each subsequent
#'                  row/column denotes a given random slope's variance and covariances
#'                  (to be entered in the order listed in the argument \code{random}).
#' @param sigma2    a numeric value indicating the level-1 residual variance.
#' @param intercept logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), the first element in the
#'                  \code{gamma.b} is assumed to be the fixed intercept estimate;
#'                  if set to \code{FALSE}, the first element in the argument
#'                  \code{gamma.b} is assumed to be the first fixed level-2
#'                  predictor slope.
#' @param center    logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), all level-1 predictors are
#'                  assumed to be cluster-mean-centered and the function will
#'                  output all decompositions; if set to \code{FALSE}, function
#'                  will output only the total decomposition.
#' @param digits    an integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be
#'                  used.
#' @param plot      logical: if \code{TRUE}, bar chart showing the decomposition
#'                  of scaled total, within-cluster, and between-cluster outcome
#'                  variance into five (total), three (within-cluster), and two
#'                  (between-cluster) proportions is drawn. Note that the \pkg{ggplot2}
#'                  package is required to draw the bar chart.
#' @param gray      logical: if \code{TRUE}, graphical parameter to draw the bar
#'                  chart in gray scale.
#' @param start     a numeric value between 0 and 1, graphical parameter to specify
#'                  the gray value at the low end of the palette.
#' @param end       a numeric value between 0 and 1, graphical parameter to specify
#'                  the gray value at the high end of the palette.
#' @param color     a character vector, graphical parameter indicating the color
#'                  of bars in the bar chart in the following order: Fixed slopes
#'                  (Within), Fixed slopes (Between), Slope variation (Within),
#'                  Intercept variation (Between), and Residual (Within). By default,
#'                  colors from the colorblind-friendly palettes are used.
#' @param write     a character string naming a text file with file extension
#'                  \code{".txt"} (e.g., \code{"Output.txt"}) for writing the
#'                  output into a text file.
#' @param append    logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), output will be appended
#'                  to an existing text file with extension \code{.txt} specified
#'                  in \code{write}, if \code{FALSE} existing text file will be
#'                  overwritten.
#' @param check     logical: if \code{TRUE} (default), argument specification is
#'                  checked.
#' @param output    logical: if \code{TRUE}, (default) output is shown on the console.
#' @details
#' A number of R-squared measures for multilevel and linear mixed effects models
#' have been developed in the methodological literature (see Rights & Sterba, 2018).
#' R-squared measures by Rights and Sterba (2019) provide an integrative framework
#' of R-squared measures for multilevel and linear mixed effects models with random
#' intercepts and/or slopes. Their measures are based on partitioning model implied
#' variance from a single fitted model, but they provide a full partitioning of
#' the total outcome variance to one of five specific sources. See the help page
#' of the \code{\link{multilevel.r2}} function for more details.
#' @author
#' Jason D. Rights, Sonya K. Sterba, Jessica K. Flake, and Takuya Yanagida
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{multilevel.r2}}, \code{\link{multilevel.cor}},
#' \code{\link{multilevel.descript}}, \code{\link{multilevel.icc}},
#' \code{\link{multilevel.indirect}}
#' @references
#' Rights, J. D., & Cole, D. A. (2018). Effect size measures for multilevel models
#' in clinical child and adolescent research: New r-squared methods and recommendations.
#' \emph{Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 47}, 863-873.
#'  https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2018.1528550
#' Rights, J. D., & Sterba, S. K. (2019). Quantifying explained variance in multilevel
#' models: An integrative framework for defining R-squared measures. \emph{Psychological Methods, 24},
#' 309-338. https://doi.org/10.1037/met0000184
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{misty.object}, which is a list with following
#' entries:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{call} \tab function call \cr
#' \code{type} \tab type of analysis \cr
#' \code{data} \tab matrix or data frame specified in \code{data} \cr
#' \code{plot} \tab ggplot2 object for plotting the results \cr
#' \code{args} \tab specification of function arguments \cr
#' \code{result} \tab list with result tables \cr
#' }
#' @note
#' This function is based on a copy of the function \code{r2mlm_manual()} in the
#' \pkg{r2mlm} package by Mairead Shaw, Jason Rights, Sonya Sterba, and Jessica
#' Flake.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load misty, lme4, nlme, and ggplot2 package
#' library(misty)
#' library(lme4)
#' # Load data set "Demo.twolevel" in the lavaan package
#' data("Demo.twolevel", package = "lavaan")
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Cluster mean centering, center() from the misty package
#' Demo.twolevel$x2.c <- center(Demo.twolevel$x2, type = "CWC",
#'                              cluster = Demo.twolevel$cluster)
#' # Compute group means, cluster.scores() from the misty package
#' Demo.twolevel$x2.b <- cluster.scores(Demo.twolevel$x2,
#'                                      cluster = Demo.twolevel$cluster)
#' # Estimate random intercept model using the lme4 package
#' mod1 <- lmer(y1 ~ x2.c + x2.b + w1 + (1| cluster), data = Demo.twolevel,
#'              REML = FALSE, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))
#' # Estimate random intercept and slope model using the lme4 package
#' mod2 <- lmer(y1 ~ x2.c + x2.b + w1 + (1 + x2.c | cluster), data = Demo.twolevel,
#'              REML = FALSE, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 1: Random intercept model
#' # Fixed slope estimates
#' fixef(mod1)
#' # Random effects variance-covariance matrix
#' as.data.frame(VarCorr(mod1))
#' # R-squared measures according to Rights and Sterba (2019)
#' multilevel.r2.manual(data = Demo.twolevel,
#'                      within = "x2.c", between = c("x2.b", "w1"),
#'                      gamma.w = 0.41127956,
#'                      gamma.b = c(0.01123245, -0.08269374, 0.17688507),
#'                      tau = 0.9297401,
#'                      sigma2 = 1.813245794)
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 2: Random intercept and slope model
#' # Fixed slope estimates
#' fixef(mod2)
#' # Random effects variance-covariance matrix
#' as.data.frame(VarCorr(mod2))
#' # R-squared measures according to Rights and Sterba (2019)
#' multilevel.r2.manual(data = Demo.twolevel,
#'                      within = "x2.c", between = c("x2.b", "w1"), random = "x2.c",
#'                      gamma.w = 0.41127956,
#'                      gamma.b = c(0.01123245, -0.08269374, 0.17688507),
#'                      tau = matrix(c(0.931008649, 0.004110479, 0.004110479, 0.017068857), ncol = 2),
#'                      sigma2 = 1.813245794)
#' }
multilevel.r2.manual <- function(data, within = NULL, between = NULL, random = NULL,
                                 gamma.w = NULL, gamma.b = NULL, tau, sigma2,
                                 intercept = TRUE, center = TRUE, digits = 3,
                                 plot = FALSE, gray = FALSE, start = 0.15, end = 0.85,
                                 color = c("#D55E00", "#0072B2", "#CC79A7", "#009E73", "#E69F00"),
                                 write = NULL, append = TRUE, check = TRUE, output = TRUE) {

  # Initial Check --------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check if input 'data' is missing
  if (isTRUE(missing(data))) { stop("Please specify a matrix or data frame for the argument 'data'.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'data' is NULL
  if (isTRUE(is.null(data))) { stop("Input specified for the argument 'data' is NULL.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'tau' is missing
  if (isTRUE(missing(tau))) { stop("Please specify a matrix for the argument 'tau'.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'tau' is NULL
  if (isTRUE(is.null(tau))) { stop("Input specified for the argument 'tau' is NULL.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'sigma2' is missing
  if (isTRUE(missing(sigma2))) { stop("Please specify a numeric value for the argument 'sigma2'.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Check if input 'sigma2' is NULL
  if (isTRUE(is.null(sigma2))) { stop("Input specified for the argument 'sigma2' is NULL.", call. = FALSE) }

  # Input Check ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check input 'check'
  if (isTRUE(!is.logical(check))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'check'.", call. = FALSE) }

  if (isTRUE(check)) {

    # ggplot2 package
    if (isTRUE(plot && !nzchar(system.file(package = "ggplot2")))) { stop("Package \"ggplot2\" is needed for drawing a bar chart, please install the package.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'within'

    # Character vector
    if (isTRUE(is.character(within))) {

      # Check if level-1 predictors are in the data
      var.data <- !within %in% colnames(data)
      if (isTRUE(any(var.data))) {

        stop(paste0("Predictors specified in the argument 'within' were not found in 'data': ", paste(within[which(var.data)], collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)


    } else {

      if (isTRUE(ncol(data) < max(within))) {

        stop("Colummn numbers specified in the argument 'within' were not found in 'data'", call. = FALSE)



    # Check input 'between'

    # Character vector
    if (isTRUE(is.character(between))) {

      # Check if level-2 predictors are in the data
      var.data <- !between %in% colnames(data)
      if (isTRUE(any(var.data))) {

        stop(paste0("Predictors specified in the argument 'between' were not found in 'data': ", paste(between[which(var.data)], collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)


    } else {

      if (isTRUE(ncol(data) < max(between))) {

        stop("Colummn numbers specified in the argument 'between' were not found in 'data'", call. = FALSE)



    # Check input 'random'
    # Character vector
    if (isTRUE(is.character(between))) {

      # Check if level-1 predictors with random slopes are in 'within'
      var.data <- !random %in% within
      if (isTRUE(any(var.data))) {

        stop(paste0("Predictors specified in the argument 'random' were not found in 'within': ", paste(between[which(var.data)], collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)


    } else {

      if (isTRUE(any(!random %in% within))) {

        stop("Colummn numbers specified in the argument 'random' were not all found in 'within'", call. = FALSE)



    # Check input 'gamma.w'
    if (isTRUE(length(gamma.w) != length(within))) { stop("The number of parameter estimates specified in 'gamma.w' does not match with 'within'", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'gamma.b'
    if (isTRUE(intercept)) {

      if (isTRUE(length(gamma.b) != (length(between) + 1))) { stop("The number of parameter estimates specified in 'gamma.b' does not match with the length of 'between' plus one for the intercept.", call. = FALSE) }

    } else {

      if (isTRUE(length(gamma.b) != length(between))) { stop("The number of parameter estimates specified in 'gamma.b' does not match with 'between'.", call. = FALSE) }


    # Check input 'tau'
    if (isTRUE(!is.null(random))) {

      if (isTRUE(intercept)) {

        if (ncol(tau) != (length(random) + 1L)) { stop("The matrix specified in 'tau' does not match the number of level-1 predictors with random slopes plus one for the intercept.", call. = FALSE) }

      } else {

        if (ncol(tau) != (length(random))) { stop("The matrix specified in 'tau' does not match the number of level-1 predictors with random slopes.", call. = FALSE) }


    } else {

      if (isTRUE(intercept)) {

        if (isTRUE(length(tau) != 1L)) { stop("Please specify a numeric value for the random intercept variance.", call. = FALSE) }



    # Check input 'sigma2'
    if (isTRUE(length(sigma2) != 1L || !is.numeric(sigma2))) { stop("Please specify a numeric value for the argument 'sigma2'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'intercept'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(intercept))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'intercept'", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'center'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(center))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'center'", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'digits'
    if (isTRUE(digits %% 1L != 0L || digits < 0L)) { stop("Specify a positive integer value for the argument 'digits'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'plot'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(plot))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'plot'", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'gray'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(gray))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'gray'", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'start'
    if (isTRUE(start < 0L || start > 1L)) { stop("Please specify a numeric value between 0 and 1 for the argument 'start'", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'end'
    if (isTRUE(end < 0L || end > 1L)) { stop("Please specify a numeric value between 0 and 1 for the argument 'end'", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'write'
    if (isTRUE(!is.null(write) && substr(write, nchar(write) - 3L, nchar(write)) != ".txt")) { stop("Please specify a character string with file extenstion '.txt' for the argument 'write'.") }

    # Check input 'append'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(append))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'append'.", call. = FALSE) }

    # Check input 'output'
    if (isTRUE(!is.logical(output))) { stop("Please specify TRUE or FALSE for the argument 'output'", call. = FALSE) }


  # Data and Variables ---------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(is.character(within))) { within_covs <- match(within, colnames(data)) } else { within_covs <- within }

  if (isTRUE(is.character(between))) { between_covs <- match(between, colnames(data)) } else { between_covs <- between }

  if (isTRUE(is.character(random))) { random_covs <- match(random, colnames(data)) } else { random_covs <- random }

  # Main Function --------------------------------------------------------------

  ## Internal functions from the r2mlm package ####

  #### r2mlm_manual() Function ####
  r2mlm_manual <- function(data, within_covs, between_covs, random_covs,
                           gamma_w, gamma_b, Tau, sigma2, has_intercept = TRUE, clustermeancentered = TRUE) {

    if (isTRUE(has_intercept)) {

      if (isTRUE(length(gamma_b) > 1L)) gamma <- c(1L, gamma_w, gamma_b[2:length(gamma_b)])
      if (isTRUE(length(gamma_b) == 1L)) gamma <- c(1L, gamma_w)
      if (isTRUE(is.null(within_covs))) gamma_w <- 0L


    if (isTRUE(!has_intercept)) {

      gamma <- c(gamma_w, gamma_b)
      if (isTRUE(is.null(within_covs))) gamma_w <- 0L
      if (isTRUE(is.null(between_covs))) gamma_b <- 0L


    if (isTRUE(is.null(gamma))) gamma <- 0L

    # Compute phi
    phi <- var(cbind(1L, data[, c(within_covs)], data[, c(between_covs)]), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(!has_intercept)) phi <- var(cbind(data[, c(within_covs)], data[, c(between_covs)]), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(is.null(within_covs) && is.null(within_covs) && !has_intercept)) phi <- 0L
    phi_w <- var(data[, within_covs], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(is.null(within_covs))) phi_w <- 0L
    phi_b <- var(cbind(1L, data[, between_covs]), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(is.null(between_covs))) phi_b <- 0L

    # Compute psi and kappa
    var_randomcovs <- var(cbind(1, data[, c(random_covs)]), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(length(Tau) > 1L)) psi <- matrix(c(diag(Tau)), ncol = 1L)
    if (isTRUE(length(Tau) == 1L)) psi <- Tau
    if (isTRUE(length(Tau) > 1L)) kappa <- matrix(c(Tau[lower.tri(Tau) == TRUE]), ncol = 1)
    if (isTRUE(length(Tau) == 1L)) kappa <- 0L

    v <- matrix(c(diag(var_randomcovs)), ncol = 1L)
    r <- matrix(c(var_randomcovs[lower.tri(var_randomcovs) == TRUE]), ncol = 1L)

    if (isTRUE(is.null(random_covs))) {

      v <- 0L
      r <- 0L
      m <- matrix(1L, ncol = 1L)


    if (isTRUE(length(random_covs) > 0L)) m <- matrix(c(colMeans(cbind(1, data[, c(random_covs)]), na.rm = TRUE)), ncol = 1L)

    # Total variance
    totalvar_notdecomp <- t(v)%*%psi + 2L*(t(r)%*%kappa) + t(gamma)%*%phi%*%gamma + t(m)%*%Tau%*%m + sigma2
    totalwithinvar <- (t(gamma_w)%*%phi_w%*%gamma_w) + (t(v)%*%psi + 2L*(t(r)%*%kappa)) + sigma2
    totalbetweenvar <- (t(gamma_b)%*%phi_b%*%gamma_b) + Tau[1L]
    totalvar <- totalwithinvar + totalbetweenvar

    # Total decomp
    decomp_fixed_notdecomp <- (t(gamma)%*%phi%*%gamma) / totalvar_notdecomp
    decomp_varslopes_notdecomp <- (t(v)%*%psi + 2L*(t(r)%*%kappa)) / totalvar_notdecomp
    decomp_varmeans_notdecomp <- (t(m)%*%Tau%*%m) / totalvar_notdecomp
    decomp_sigma_notdecomp <- sigma2/totalvar_notdecomp
    decomp_fixed_within <- (t(gamma_w)%*%phi_w%*%gamma_w) / totalvar
    decomp_fixed_between <- (t(gamma_b)%*%phi_b%*%gamma_b) / totalvar
    decomp_fixed <- decomp_fixed_within + decomp_fixed_between
    decomp_varslopes <- (t(v)%*%psi + 2L*(t(r)%*%kappa)) / totalvar
    decomp_varmeans <- (t(m)%*%Tau%*%m) / totalvar
    decomp_sigma <- sigma2 / totalvar

    # Within decomp
    decomp_fixed_within_w <- (t(gamma_w)%*%phi_w%*%gamma_w) / totalwithinvar
    decomp_varslopes_w <- (t(v)%*%psi + 2L*(t(r)%*%kappa)) / totalwithinvar
    decomp_sigma_w <- sigma2 / totalwithinvar

    # Between decomp
    decomp_fixed_between_b <- (t(gamma_b)%*%phi_b%*%gamma_b) / totalbetweenvar
    decomp_varmeans_b <- Tau[1L] / totalbetweenvar

    # New measures
    if (isTRUE(clustermeancentered)) {

      R2_f <- decomp_fixed
      R2_f1 <- decomp_fixed_within
      R2_f2 <- decomp_fixed_between
      R2_fv <- decomp_fixed + decomp_varslopes
      R2_fvm <- decomp_fixed + decomp_varslopes + decomp_varmeans
      R2_v <- decomp_varslopes
      R2_m <- decomp_varmeans
      R2_f_w <- decomp_fixed_within_w
      R2_f_b <- decomp_fixed_between_b
      R2_fv_w <- decomp_fixed_within_w + decomp_varslopes_w
      R2_v_w <- decomp_varslopes_w
      R2_m_b <- decomp_varmeans_b


    if (isTRUE(!clustermeancentered)) {

      R2_f <- decomp_fixed_notdecomp
      R2_fv <- decomp_fixed_notdecomp + decomp_varslopes_notdecomp
      R2_fvm <- decomp_fixed_notdecomp + decomp_varslopes_notdecomp + decomp_varmeans_notdecomp
      R2_v <- decomp_varslopes_notdecomp
      R2_m <- decomp_varmeans_notdecomp


    if (isTRUE(clustermeancentered)) {

      decomp_table <- matrix(c(decomp_fixed_within, decomp_fixed_between, decomp_varslopes, decomp_varmeans, decomp_sigma,
                               decomp_fixed_within_w, "NA", decomp_varslopes_w, "NA", decomp_sigma_w,
                               "NA", decomp_fixed_between_b, "NA", decomp_varmeans_b, "NA"), ncol = 3L)

      decomp_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(decomp_table, 2, as.numeric))
      rownames(decomp_table) <- c("fixed, within", "fixed, between", "slope variation", "mean variation", "sigma2")
      colnames(decomp_table) <- c("total", "within", "between")
      R2_table <- matrix(c(R2_f1, R2_f2, R2_v, R2_m, R2_f, R2_fv, R2_fvm,
                           R2_f_w, "NA", R2_v_w, "NA", "NA", R2_fv_w, "NA",
                           "NA", R2_f_b, "NA", R2_m_b, "NA", "NA", "NA"), ncol = 3L)
      R2_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(R2_table, 2, as.numeric)) # make values numeric, not character
      rownames(R2_table) <- c("f1", "f2", "v", "m", "f", "fv", "fvm")
      colnames(R2_table) <- c("total", "within", "between")


    if (isTRUE(!clustermeancentered)) {
      decomp_table <- matrix(c(decomp_fixed_notdecomp, decomp_varslopes_notdecomp, decomp_varmeans_notdecomp, decomp_sigma_notdecomp), ncol = 1L)
      decomp_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(decomp_table, 2L, as.numeric))
      rownames(decomp_table) <- c("fixed", "slope variation", "mean variation", "sigma2")
      colnames(decomp_table) <- c("total")
      R2_table <- matrix(c(R2_f, R2_v, R2_m, R2_fv, R2_fvm), ncol = 1L)
      R2_table <- suppressWarnings(apply(R2_table, 2L, as.numeric))
      rownames(R2_table) <- c("f", "v", "m", "fv", "fvm")
      colnames(R2_table) <- c("total")


    Output <- list(noquote(decomp_table), noquote(R2_table))
    names(Output) <- c("Decompositions", "R2s")


  #### prepare_data() Function ####
  prepare_data <- function(model, calling_function, cluster_variable, second_model = NULL) {

    # Step 1a: Pull dataframe associated with model
    if (isTRUE(calling_function == "lme4")) {

      data <- model@frame

    } else {

      data <- model[["data"]]


    # Step 2a) pull interaction terms into list
    interaction_vars <- get_interaction_vars(model)

    if (isTRUE(!is.null(second_model))) {

      interaction_vars_2 <- get_interaction_vars(second_model)
      interaction_vars <-  unique(append(interaction_vars, interaction_vars_2))


    # Step 2b) split interaction terms into halves, multiply halves to create new columns in dataframe
    data <- add_interaction_vars_to_data(data, interaction_vars)



  #### add_interaction_vars_to_data() Function ####
  add_interaction_vars_to_data <- function(data, interaction_vars) {

    for (whole in interaction_vars) {

      half1 <- unlist(strsplit(whole, ":"))[1L]
      half2 <- unlist(strsplit(whole, ":"))[2L]

      newcol <- data[[half1]] * data[[half2]]

      data <- within(data, assign(whole, newcol))




  #### get_covs() Function ####
  get_covs <- function(variable_list, data) {

    cov_list <- c()

    i <- 1L
    for (variable in variable_list) {
      tmp <- match(variable, names(data))
      cov_list[i] <- tmp
      i <- i + 1L



  #### get_random_slope_vars() Function ####
  get_random_slope_vars <- function(model, has_intercept, calling_function) {

    # Visible global function defnition
    ranef <- NULL

    if (isTRUE(calling_function == "lme4")) {

      temp_cov_list <- ranef(model)[[1L]]

    } else if (calling_function == "nlme") {

      temp_cov_list <- nlme::ranef(model)


    if (isTRUE(has_intercept == 1L)) {

      running_count <- 2L

    } else {

      running_count <- 1L


    random_slope_vars <- c()
    x <- 1L

    while (running_count <= length(temp_cov_list)) {

      random_slope_vars[x] <- names(temp_cov_list[running_count])

      x <- x + 1L

      running_count <- running_count + 1L




  #### get_cwc() Function ####
  get_cwc <- function(l1_vars, cluster_variable, data) {

    for (variable in l1_vars) {

      t <- tapply(data[, variable], data[, cluster_variable], sum, na.rm = TRUE)

      temp_tracker <- 0L

      # sum all of the sums
      for (i in t) { temp_tracker <- temp_tracker + i }

      if (abs(temp_tracker) < 0.0000001) {

        centeredwithincluster <- TRUE

      } else {

        centeredwithincluster <- FALSE






  #### get_interaction_vars() Function ####
  get_interaction_vars <- function(model) {

    interaction_vars <- c()

    x <- 1L
    for (term in attr(terms(model), "term.labels")) {

      if (isTRUE(grepl(":", term))) {

        interaction_vars[x] <- term

        x <- x + 1L





  #### sort_variables() Function ####
  sort_variables <- function(data, predictors, cluster_variable) {

    l1_vars <- c()
    l2_vars <- c()

    l1_counter <- 1L
    l2_counter <- 1L

    for (variable in predictors) {

      t <- tapply(data[, variable], data[, cluster_variable], var, na.rm = TRUE)

      counter <- 1L

      while (counter <= length(t)) {

        if (is.na(t[[counter]])) { t[[counter]] <- 0L }

        counter <- counter + 1L


      variance_tracker <- 0L

      for (i in t) { variance_tracker <- variance_tracker + i }

      if (isTRUE(variance_tracker == 0L)) {

        l2_vars[l2_counter] <- variable
        l2_counter <- l2_counter + 1L

      } else {

        l1_vars[l1_counter] <- variable
        l1_counter <- l1_counter + 1L



    return(list("l1_vars" = l1_vars, "l2_vars" = l2_vars))


  ### R-squared measures ####

  r2mlm.out <- r2mlm_manual(data = data,
                            within_covs = within_covs, between_covs = between_covs,
                            random_covs = random_covs,
                            gamma_w = gamma.w, gamma_b = gamma.b,
                            Tau = tau, sigma2 = sigma2,
                            has_intercept = intercept, clustermeancentered = center)

  rs <- suppressWarnings(list(decomp = matrix(apply(r2mlm.out$Decomposition, 2L, as.numeric),
                                              ncol = ncol(r2mlm.out$Decomposition),
                                              dimnames = list(rownames(r2mlm.out$Decompositions),
                              r2 = matrix(apply(r2mlm.out$R2s, 2L, as.numeric), ncol = ncol(r2mlm.out$R2s),
                                          dimnames = list(rownames(r2mlm.out$R2s), colnames(r2mlm.out$R2s)))))

  ## Plot ####

  part <- NULL

  # Predictors are not cluster-mean-centered
  if (isTRUE(ncol(rs$decomp) == 1L)) {

    df <- data.frame(var = factor(rep("Total", times = 4L)),
                     part = factor(c("Fixed Slopes", "Slope Variation", "Intercept Variation", "Residual"),
                                   levels = c("Residual", "Intercept Variation", "Slope Variation", "Fixed Slopes")),
                     y = as.vector(rs$decomp))

  # Predictors are cluster-mean-centered
  } else {

    df <- data.frame(var = factor(rep(c("Total", "Within", "Between"), each = 5L),
                                  levels = c("Total", "Within", "Between")),
                     part = factor(c("Fixed Slopes (Within)", "Fixed Slopes (Between)","Slope Variation (Within)", "Intercept Variation (Between)", "Residual (Within)"),
                                   levels = c("Residual (Within)", "Intercept Variation (Between)", "Slope Variation (Within)", "Fixed Slopes (Between)", "Fixed Slopes (Within)")),
                     y = as.vector(rs$decomp))


  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(x = var, y = y, fill = part)) +
         ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
         ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Proportion of Variance",
                                     breaks = seq(0L, 1L, by = 0.1)) +
         ggplot2::theme_bw() +
         ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                        axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                        legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                        legend.position = "bottom",
                        legend.box.margin = ggplot2::margin(-10L, 6L, 6L, 6L)) +
         ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(nrow = 2L, reverse = TRUE))

  # Gray color scales
  if (isTRUE(gray)) {

    p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_grey(start = end, end = start)

  } else {

    p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = rev(color))


  # Print plot
  if (isTRUE(plot)) { suppressWarnings(print(p)) }

  # Return Object --------------------------------------------------------------

  object <- list(call = match.call(),
                 type = "multilevel.r2.manual",
                 data = data,
                 plot = p,
                 args = list(within = within, between = between, random = random,
                             gamma.w = gamma.w, gamma.b = gamma.b, tau = tau,
                             sigma2 = sigma2, intercept = intercept, center = center,
                             digits = digits, plot = plot, gray = gray,
                             start = start, end = end, color = color, write = write,
                             append = append, check = check, output = output),
                 result = list(decomp = rs$decomp,
                               total = data.frame(f1 = ifelse(ncol(rs$r2) > 1L, rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "f1", "total"], NA),
                                                  f2 = ifelse(ncol(rs$r2) > 1L, rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "f2", "total"], NA),
                                                  f = rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "f", "total"],
                                                  v = rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "v", "total"],
                                                  m = rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "m", "total"],
                                                  fv = rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "fv", "total"],
                                                  fvm = rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "fvm", "total"]),
                               within = data.frame(f1 = ifelse(ncol(rs$r2) > 1L, rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "f1", "within"], NA),
                                                   v = ifelse(ncol(rs$r2) > 1L, rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "v", "within"], NA),
                                                   f1v = ifelse(ncol(rs$r2) > 1L, rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "fv", "within"], NA)),
                               between = data.frame(f2 = ifelse(ncol(rs$r2) > 1L, rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "f2", "between"], NA),
                                                    m  = ifelse(ncol(rs$r2) > 1L, rs$r2[row.names(rs$r2) == "m", "between"], NA))))

  class(object) <- "misty.object"

  # Write Results --------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(!is.null(write))) {

    ## Text file ####

    # Send R output to textfile
    sink(file = write, append = ifelse(isTRUE(file.exists(write)), append, FALSE), type = "output", split = FALSE)

    if (isTRUE(append && file.exists(write))) { write("", file = write, append = TRUE) }

    # Print object
    print(object, check = FALSE)

    # Close file connection


  # Output ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (isTRUE(output)) { print(object, check = FALSE) }



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