
Defines functions fcat survpred.latency.flexsurvreg loglik.latency.flexsurvreg coef.latency.flexsurvreg latency.flexsurvspline latency.flexsurvreg survpred.latency.survreg loglik.latency.survreg coef.latency.survreg latency.survreg getsurv loglik.latency.survfit coef.latency.survfit latency.survfit survpred.latency.prop.odds loglik.latency.prop.odds coef.latency.prop.odds latency.prop.odds survpred.latency.cox.aalen loglik.latency.cox.aalen coef.latency.cox.aalen latency.cox.aalen survpred.latency.wcox loglik.latency.wcox coef.latency.wcox latency.wcox survpred.latency.coxph loglik.latency.coxph coef.latency.coxph latency.coxph curepred.incidence.gam loglik.incidence.gam coef.incidence.gam incidence.gam curepred.incidence.glm loglik.incidence.glm loglik coef.incidence.glm incidence.glm residuals.mixcure curepred survpred plot.predict.mixcure print.predict.mixcure predict.mixcure summary.mixcure print.mixcure coef.mixcure mixcure

Documented in coef.mixcure mixcure plot.predict.mixcure predict.mixcure print.mixcure residuals.mixcure summary.mixcure

mixcure = function(lformula, iformula, data, lmodel, imodel, postuncure = NULL,
				   emmax = 100, eps = 1e-4, savedata = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
	call <- match.call()

	if (missing(lformula)) stop("Latency formula not provided")
	if (missing(lmodel)) lmodel = list(fun = "coxph")
	lmodel$formula = lformula
	lfun = lmodel$fun
	lmodel$fun = NULL
	if (missing(iformula)) stop("Incidence formula not provided")
	if (missing(imodel)) imodel = list(fun = "glm", family = binomial())
	imodel$formula = iformula
	ifun = imodel$fun
	imodel$fun = NULL

	survtime = model.response(model.frame(formula = lformula,
									data = data, na.action = na.pass))
	ttime = survtime[, 1]
	cens = survtime[, 2]

	if (is.null(postuncure)) {
		postuncure = rep(1, length(ttime))
		postuncure[cens==0] = seq(1.0, 0.0, along = postuncure[cens==0])

	if(debug) fcat("EM:")
	emdetail = NULL
	for (em in 1:emmax) {
		if(debug) fcat(".")

		imodel$data = cbind(data, postuncure = postuncure)
		ifit = do.call(paste("incidence.", ifun, sep = ""), imodel)

		lmodel$data = cbind(data, postuncure = postuncure)
		lfit = do.call(paste("latency.", lfun, sep = ""), lmodel)

		survprob = lfit$survprob
        postuncure = cens + (1-cens)*ifit$uncureprob *
			survprob/(1-ifit$uncureprob + ifit$uncureprob * survprob)

        newres = sum(abs(c(loglik(lfit), loglik(ifit))))
		if (em==1) oldres = 0.0
		prec = abs(1.0 - oldres/newres)

		emdetail = rbind(emdetail, c(em, prec))

		if (is.na(prec) || is.nan(prec) || prec <= eps) {
			oldres = newres
		oldres = newres
	if(debug) fcat("\n")
	lmodel$data = NULL
	lmodel$fun = lfun
	imodel$data = NULL
	imodel$fun = ifun
	val = list(ifit = ifit, lfit = lfit, survprob = survprob,
		postuncure = postuncure, em = emdetail, imodel = imodel, lmodel = lmodel,
		emmax = emmax, eps = eps)
	val$call = call
	if (savedata) val$data = data
	class(val) = "mixcure"

coef.mixcure = function(object, ...)
	list(latency = coef(object$lfit), incidence = coef(object$ifit))

print.mixcure = function(x, ...)
	if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
	cat("\nLatency model:\n")
	print(x$lfit$fit, ...)
	cat("\nIncidence model:\n")
	print(x$ifit$fit, ...)
	cat("\nEM algorithm finished ", x$em[nrow(x$em), 1],
		"iterations with final error", x$em[nrow(x$em), 2], "\n")
	cat("\nNote: the standard errors and p-values reported may not be correct.\n")

summary.mixcure = function(object, R = 100, index = 1:2, ...)
	if (class(object)!="mixcure") stop("mixcure object is missing")

	if (is.null(object$stderr)) {
		if (is.null(object$data))
			stop("mixcure object should be fit with savedata = TRUE")

		bootfun = function(y, mixcurefit)
				lformula = mixcurefit$lmodel$formula,
				lmodel = mixcurefit$lmodel,
				iformula = mixcurefit$imodel$formula,
				imodel = mixcurefit$imodel,
				data = y, emmax = mixcurefit$emmax, eps = mixcurefit$eps)))

		object$varboot = censboot(object$data, bootfun, R = R, index = index,
			mixcurefit = object)
		object$stderr = sqrt(apply(object$varboot$t, 2, var))
		object$R = R

	if (!is.null(cl <- object$call)) {

	coefficient = c(coef(object$lfit), coef(object$ifit))
	info = cbind(coefficient = coefficient,
		stderr = object$stderr,
		zscore = coefficient/object$stderr,
		pvalue = 2*(1-pnorm(abs(coefficient/object$stderr))))
	dimnames(info)[[1]] = names(coefficient)

	cat("\nLatency model for uncured:\n")
	if (length(coef(object$lfit)>0))
		print(info[1:length(coef(object$lfit)), , drop = FALSE], ...)

	cat("\nIncidence model:\n")
	print(info[(1+length(coef(object$lfit))):nrow(info), , drop = FALSE], ...)


predict.mixcure = function(object, newdata, times, ...)
	call <- match.call()
	if (is.null(newdata) || is.null(times))
		stop("newdata or times is not provided for prediction.")

	prediction = list()
	uncureprob = curepred(object$ifit, newdata = newdata)
	prediction$cure = cbind(uncureprob = uncureprob, cureprob = 1- uncureprob)

	prediction$uncuresurv = survpred(object$lfit, newdata = newdata,
					times = times)

	prediction$surv = lapply(mapply("c", uncureprob, prediction$uncuresurv,
							SIMPLIFY = FALSE), function(x)x[-1]*x[1] + 1 - x[1])

	prediction$times = times
	prediction$call = call
	class(prediction) = "predict.mixcure"

print.predict.mixcure = function(x, digits = 4,...)
	if (!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
	cat("\nEstimated cure and uncured probability:\n")
	print(x$cure, digits = digits, ...)
	cat("\nEstimated survival probability for uncured:\n")

	print(lapply(x$uncuresurv, function(y)cbind(time = x$time, prob = y)),
														digits = digits, ...)
	cat("\nEstimated unconditional survival probability:\n")
	print(lapply(x$surv, function(y)cbind(time = x$time, prob = y)),
														digits = digits, ...)

plot.predict.mixcure = function(x, type = "l", add = FALSE,
	which = 1:nrow(x$cure), curemark = FALSE, conditional = FALSE, xlab, ylab,
	ylim = c(0, 1), lty = seq(along = which), ...)
	if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- "Time"
	if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- "Survival Probability"

	for (i in 1:length(which)) {
		surv = if (conditional) x$uncuresurv[[which[i]]]
							else x$surv[[which[i]]]

		if (i==1 && !add)
			plot(x$times, surv, type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
						ylim = ylim, lty = lty[i], ...)
		else points(x$times, surv, type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
						ylim = ylim, lty = lty[i], ...)

		if (curemark) abline(h = x$cure[which[i], 2])

survpred = function(lfit, newdata, times, ...) UseMethod("survpred")

curepred = function(ifit, newdata, times, ...) UseMethod("curepred")

residuals.mixcure = function(object, data, type = c("WLCH", "Cox-Snell",
								"M-Cox-Snell", "Martingale", "M-Martingale",
								"M2", "M3", "D2"),
							 	type2 = c("residuals", "partial"),
							 	model = c("latency", "incidence"), ...)
	type = match.arg(type)
	type2 = match.arg(type2)
	model = match.arg(model)

	if (class(object)!="mixcure") stop("mixcure object is missing")
	if (is.null(data)) stop("data is missing")

	mf = model.frame(formula = object$lmodel$formula, data = data,
												na.action = na.pass)
	survtime = model.response(mf)
	ttime = survtime[, 1]
	cens = survtime[, 2]
	uncureprob = object$ifit$uncureprob
	bt = coef(object$lfit$fit)
	X = model.matrix(terms(mf), data = data)
	if (length(bt) == ncol(X)) unculp = as.vector(X %*% bt)
	else unculp = as.vector(X[, -1, drop = FALSE] %*% bt)
	mf = model.frame(formula = object$imodel$formula, data = data,
												na.action = na.pass)
	Z = model.matrix(terms(mf), data = data)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
	gm = coef(object$ifit$fit)[-1]

	if (model=="latency") {
		if (type=="WLCH") {
			if (class(object$lfit)!="latency.survreg")
				stop("WLCH residuals is only defined for parametric models")

			fit = object$lfit$fit
			n = nrow(data)

			hazard = outer(ttime, 1:n, FUN = function(x, y) {
				dval = dsurvreg(x, mean = unculp[y], scale = fit$scale,
								distribution = fit$dist, parms = fit$parms)
				sval = 1-psurvreg(x, mean = unculp[y], scale = fit$scale,
								distribution = fit$dist, parms = fit$parms)

			etime = NULL
			val = NULL
			XZ = cbind(X[, -1, drop = FALSE], Z)
			for (i in 1:n) {
				if (cens[i]==1) {
					tt = ttime[i]
					etime = c(etime, tt)
					rset = ttime >= tt
					hrset = hazard[i, rset]
					val = rbind(val, XZ[i, , drop = FALSE] -
						colSums(sweep(XZ[rset, , drop = FALSE], 1, hrset,
									  FUN = "*"))/sum(hrset))
			list(eventtime = etime, residuals = val)
		else if (type == "Cox-Snell") {
			residuals = -log(uncureprob*object$survprob + 1-uncureprob)
			resid.uncure = -log(object$survprob)
			list(type = type, cens = cens, time = ttime, weight = object$postuncure,
				residuals = residuals, resid.uncure = resid.uncure)
		else if (type == "M-Cox-Snell") {
			residuals = -log(object$survprob)
			weight = object$postuncure
			resid.dist = (function(resids, cens, weight){
				design = svydesign(ids = ~1, weights = weight[weight>0])
				svykm(Surv(resids[weight>0], cens[weight>0]) ~ 1, design = design)
			})(residuals, cens, weight)
			list(type = type, cens = cens, time = ttime, weight = weight,
				residuals = residuals, resid.dist = resid.dist)
		else if (type == "M2") {
			val = cens + log(object$survprob)
			list(type = type, data = data, residuals = cens + log(object$survprob))
		else if (type == "M3") {
			val = cens + object$postuncure*log(object$survprob)
			list(type = type, data = data,
				unculp = unculp,
				residuals = val,
				deviance = sign(val)*sqrt(-2*(val + cens*log(cens-val))))
		else if (type == "M-Martingale") {
			keep = object$postuncure!=0
			val = cens + object$postuncure*log(object$survprob)

			if (object$lmodel$fun == "coxph")
				val2 = residuals(object$lfit$fit, weighted = TRUE)
			else val2 = NULL

			deviance = sign(val)*sqrt(-2*(val + cens*log(cens-val)))
			list(type = type, xm = X[keep, ], keep = keep,
				unculp = unculp[keep], residuals = val[keep],
				deviance = deviance[keep], residuals2 = val2)
		else if (type == "Martingale") {
			val = cens + log(uncureprob*(object$survprob - 1) + 1)
			list(type = type, xm = X,
				unculp = unculp,
				residuals = val,
				deviance = sign(val)*sqrt(-2*(val + cens*log(cens-val))))
		else if (type == "D2") {
			val = cens + log(object$survprob)
			val = sign(val)*sqrt(-2*(val + cens*log(cens-val)))
			list(type = type, cens = cens, time = ttime, residuals = val)
		else stop("The type of residuals are not defined yet")
	else {
		residuals = object$postuncure - uncureprob
		s.resid = residuals/(uncureprob*(1 - uncureprob))
		if (type2 == "residuals")
			list(residuals = residuals, s.resid = s.resid,
				resid.true = 1-data$cure - uncureprob, data = data)
		else list(Z = Z, partial = sweep(sweep(Z, 2, gm, FUN = `*`), 1, s.resid,
																FUN = `*`))

incidence.glm = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste("glm(formula = postuncure ", deparse(formula),
					", data = data, ...)", collapse = "")
	fit = eval(parse(text = ff))
	fit$call = parse(text = ff)

	val = list(uncureprob = fitted(fit), fit = fit)
    class(val) = "incidence.glm"

coef.incidence.glm = function(x)

loglik = function(fit) UseMethod("loglik")

loglik.incidence.glm = function(x)

curepred.incidence.glm = function(ifit, newdata)
	predict(ifit$fit, newdata = newdata, type = "response")

incidence.gam = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste("postuncure ", paste(deparse(formula), collapse = ""))
	fit = gam(formula = as.formula(ff), data = data, ...)
	val = list(uncureprob = fitted(fit), fit = fit)
    class(val) = "incidence.gam"

coef.incidence.gam = function(x)

loglik.incidence.gam = function(x)

curepred.incidence.gam = function(ifit, newdata)
	predict(ifit$fit, newdata = newdata, type = "response")

latency.coxph = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")

	if (is.null(list(...)$init))
		fit = coxph(formula = as.formula(ff),
				weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
				data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ties = 'breslow', x = TRUE, ...)
	else {
		fit = coxph(formula = as.formula(ff),
			weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
			init = list(...)$init, data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ],
			ties = 'breslow', x = TRUE, ...)
		if (any(is.na(coef(fit)))) 
			fit = coxph(formula = as.formula(ff),
				weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
				data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ties = 'breslow', x = TRUE, ...)

	stime = model.response(model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff),
									data = data, na.action = na.pass))
	basemaxtime = max(stime[stime[, 2]==1, 1])
	stime = stime[, 1]

	if (ncol(fit$x)>0) {
		surv = survfit(fit, newdata = data, type = "kaplan-meier")

		survprob = sapply(1:nrow(data), function(x) {
			if (stime[x] > basemaxtime) 0
			else summary(surv[x], times = stime[x])$surv
	else {
		surv = survfit(fit, type = "kaplan-meier")$surv
		survprob = ifelse(stime > basemaxtime, 0, surv)

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob, maxuncutime = basemaxtime)
	class(val) = "latency.coxph"

coef.latency.coxph = function(x)

loglik.latency.coxph = function(x)

survpred.latency.coxph = function(lfit, newdata, times)
	surv = survfit(lfit$fit, newdata = newdata, type = "kaplan-meier")

	lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(x) {
		sapply(times, function(y) {
			if (y > lfit$maxuncutime) 0
			else summary(surv[x], times = y)$surv

latency.wcox = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")

	if (is.null(list(...)$init)) fit = coxph(formula = as.formula(ff),
				weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
				data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ],
				ties = 'breslow', ...)
	else {
		fit = coxph(formula = as.formula(ff),
				weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
				init = list(...)$init, data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ],
				ties = 'breslow', ...)
		if (any(is.na(coef(fit)))) 
			fit = coxph(formula = as.formula(ff),
				weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
				data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ties = 'breslow', ...)
	if (is.null(fit$weights)) fit$weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0]

	m = model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff), data = data, na.action = na.pass)
	stime = model.response(m)
	X = model.matrix(terms(m), data = data)
	x = as.matrix(X[, -1])
	BX = drop(x %*% fit$coef)

	od = order(fit$y[, 1], 1-fit$y[, 2])
	time = fit$y[od, 1]
	cens = fit$y[od, 2]
	bx = (fit$linear.predictors + sum(fit$coef*fit$means))[od]
	w = fit$weights[od]

	webx = w*exp(bx)
	Yeb = apply(cbind(time, cens), 1, function(x) {
		if (x[2]==1) sum((time >= x[1]) * webx)
		else NA
	tmp = ifelse(cens==1, w/Yeb, 0)

	tt = unique(time[cens==1])
	maxtt = max(tt)
	Haz = sapply(tt, function(x)sum((time <= x)*tmp))

	survprob = sapply(1:length(BX), function(y) {
		if (stime[y, 1] > maxtt) 0
		else {
			survfun = stepfun(tt, c(1, exp(-exp(BX[y])*Haz)))
			survfun(stime[y, 1])

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob, maxuncutime = maxtt,
			   baseHaz = cbind(time = tt, Haz = Haz))
	class(val) = "latency.wcox"

coef.latency.wcox = function(x)

loglik.latency.wcox = function(x)

survpred.latency.wcox = function(lfit, newdata, times)
	fit = lfit$fit
	lp = predict(fit, newdata = newdata, type = "lp")
	lp = lp + sum(lfit$fit$coef*lfit$fit$means)
	maxtt = lfit$maxuncutime

	lapply(lp, function(x) {
		sapply(times, function(y) {
			if (y > maxtt) 0
			else {
				survfun = stepfun(lfit$baseHaz[, "time"],
								  c(1, exp(-exp(x)*lfit$baseHaz[, "Haz"])))

latency.cox.aalen = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")

	fit = cox.aalen(formula = as.formula(ff), beta = list(...)$init,
					weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
					data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ...)

	stime = model.response(model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff),
									data = data, na.action = na.pass))
	basemaxtime = max(stime[stime[, 2]==1, 1])

	surv = diag(predict(fit, newdata = data, times = stime[, 1])$S0)
	survprob = ifelse(stime[, 1] > basemaxtime, 0, surv)

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob, maxuncutime = basemaxtime)
	class(val) = "latency.cox.aalen"

coef.latency.cox.aalen = function(x)
    coef(x$fit)[, 1]

loglik.latency.cox.aalen = function(x)

survpred.latency.cox.aalen = function(lfit, newdata, times)
	surv = predict(lfit$fit, newdata = newdata, times = times)$S0

	lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(x) {
		ifelse(times > lfit$maxuncutime, 0, surv[x, ])

latency.prop.odds = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")
	fit = prop.odds(formula = as.formula(ff), beta = list(...)$init,
					weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
					data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ...)

	mf = model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff), data = data, na.action = na.pass)
	stime = model.response(mf)
	basemaxtime = max(stime[stime[, 2]==1, 1])

	Z = model.matrix(delete.response(as.formula(ff)), mf)[, -1, drop = FALSE]

	surv = sapply(1:nrow(Z), function(x)predict(fit, Z = Z[x, ],
												times = stime[x, 1])$S0)
	survprob = ifelse(stime[, 1] > basemaxtime, 0, surv)

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob, maxuncutime = basemaxtime,
			   call = as.formula(ff))
	class(val) = "latency.prop.odds"

coef.latency.prop.odds = function(x)
    coef(x$fit)[, 1]

loglik.latency.prop.odds = function(x)

survpred.latency.prop.odds = function(lfit, newdata, times)
	mf = model.frame(formula = lfit$call, data = newdata, na.action = na.pass)
	Z = model.matrix(delete.response(lfit$call), mf)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
	surv = lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(x)predict(lfit$fit, Z = Z[x, ],
												times = times)$S0)

	lapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(x) {
		ifelse(times > lfit$maxuncutime, 0, surv[x, ])

latency.survfit = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")
	fit = eval(parse(text = paste("survfit(formula =", deparse(formula),
		", weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0]",
		", data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ...)")))

	mf = model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff), data = data, na.action = na.pass)
	respdat = model.response(mf)
	stime = respdat[, 1]

	if (is.null(fit$strata)) {
		maxtime = max(stime[respdat[, 2]==1])
		survprob = getsurv(fit, times = stime, maxtime = maxtime)
	else {
		stratdat = as.data.frame(model.matrix(delete.response(as.formula(ff)),
											  mf)[, -1, drop = FALSE])

		NewStratVerb <- survival::strata(stratdat)
		NewStrat <- interaction(stratdat, sep = " ")
		levs <- levels(summary(fit)$strata)

		maxtime = sapply(1:length(fit$strata),

		if (!all(gp <- match(NewStratVerb, levs, nomatch = FALSE)) && 
			!all(gp <- match(NewStrat, levs, nomatch = FALSE))) 
			stop("Not all strata levels occur in fit.")

		survprob = sapply(1:length(gp), function(x)getsurv(fit, gp[x],
												stime[x], maxtime[gp[x]]))

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob, maxtime = maxtime)
	class(val) = "latency.survfit"

coef.latency.survfit = function(x)NULL

loglik.latency.survfit = function(x)0

getsurv = function(fit, group = NULL, times, maxtime = NULL)
	sapply(times, function(x) {
		if (is.null(group)) val = summary(fit, times = x)$surv
		else val = summary(fit[group], times = x)$surv
		if (length(val)==0)
			val = ifelse(is.null(group), min(fit$surv), min(fit[group]$surv))
		if (!is.null(maxtime) && x > maxtime) val = 0

survpred.latency.survfit <- function (lfit, newdata, times) 
	object = lfit$fit

	if (class(object) != "survfit" || object$type != "right") 
		stop("Predictions only available for class 'survfit'")

	if (is.null(object$strata)) {
		warning("There are no strata in model fitting. So newdata is ignored")
		list(getsurv(object, times = times, maxtime = lfit$maxtime))
	else {
		covars <- attr(terms(eval.parent(object$call$formula)), "term.labels")

		if (!all(match(covars, names(newdata), nomatch = FALSE))) 
			stop("Not all strata defining variables occur in newdata.")

		stratdat <- newdata[, covars, drop = FALSE]

		NewStratVerb <- survival::strata(stratdat)
		NewStrat <- interaction(stratdat, sep = " ")
		levs <- levels(summary(object)$strata)

		if (!all(gp <- match(NewStratVerb, levs, nomatch = FALSE)) && 
			!all(gp <- match(NewStrat, levs, nomatch = FALSE))) 
			stop("Not all strata levels in newdata occur in fit.")

		lapply(gp, function(x)getsurv(object, x, times, lfit$maxtime[x]))

latency.survreg = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste("survreg(formula =", deparse(formula),
			", weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0]",
			", data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ...)",
			collapse = "")
	fit = eval(parse(text = ff))

	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")
	stime = model.response(model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff),
									data = data, na.action = na.pass))[, 1]
	lp = cbind(predict(fit, newdata = data, type = "lp"), stime)

	survprob = apply(lp, 1, function(x)
		1-psurvreg(x[2], mean = x[1], scale = fit$scale, distribution = fit$dist,
															parms = fit$parms))

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob)
	class(val) = "latency.survreg"

coef.latency.survreg = function(x)

loglik.latency.survreg = function(x)

survpred.latency.survreg = function(lfit, newdata, times)
	fit = lfit$fit
	lp = as.list(predict(fit, newdata = newdata, type = "lp"))

	lp = lapply(lp, function(x)c(x, times))

	lapply(lp, function(x)
		1-psurvreg(x[-1], mean = x[1], scale = fit$scale, distribution = fit$dist,
															parms = fit$parms))

latency.flexsurvreg = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")

	fit = flexsurvreg(formula = as.formula(ff),
					  weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
					  data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ...)

	stime = model.response(model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff),
									data = data, na.action = na.pass))[, 1]
	survprob = sapply(1:nrow(data), function(x)
		unlist(summary(fit, newdata = data[x, ], type = "survival",
					   t = stime[x])[[1]][2]))

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob)
	class(val) = "latency.flexsurvreg"

latency.flexsurvspline = function(formula, data, ...)
	ff = paste(deparse(formula), collapse = "")

	fit = flexsurvspline(formula = as.formula(ff),
				weights = data$postuncure[data$postuncure > 0],
				data = data[data$postuncure > 0, ], ...)

	stime = model.response(model.frame(formula = as.formula(ff),
									data = data, na.action = na.pass))[, 1]
	survprob = sapply(1:nrow(data), function(x)
		unlist(summary(fit, newdata = data[x, ], type = "survival",
					   t = stime[x])[[1]][2]))

	val = list(fit = fit, survprob = survprob)
	class(val) = "latency.flexsurvreg"

coef.latency.flexsurvreg = function(x)
    x$fit$res[, 1]

loglik.latency.flexsurvreg = function(x)

survpred.latency.flexsurvreg = function(lfit, newdata, times)
	fit = lfit$fit
	lapply(summary(fit, newdata = newdata, t = times, type = "survival"),
		   function(x)x[, 2])

fcat = function(...)

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mixcure documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 5:07 p.m.