
Defines functions plotlyBiomassObservedVsModel plotBiomassObservedVsModel

Documented in plotBiomassObservedVsModel plotlyBiomassObservedVsModel

#' Plotting observed vs. model biomass data
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' If biomass observations are available for at least some species via the
#' `biomass_observed` column in the species parameter data frame, this function
#' plots the biomass of each species in the model against the observed
#' biomasses. When called with a MizerSim object, the plot will use the model
#' biomasses predicted for the final time step in the simulation.
#' Before you can use this function you will need to have added a
#' `biomass_observed` column to your model which gives the observed biomass in
#' grams.  For species for which you have no observed biomass, you should set
#' the value in the `biomass_observed` column to 0 or NA.
#' Biomass observations usually only include individuals above a certain size.
#' This size should be specified in a `biomass_cutoff` column of the species
#' parameter data frame. If this is missing, it is assumed that all sizes are
#' included in the observed biomass, i.e., it includes larval biomass.
#' The total relative error is shown in the caption of the plot, calculated by
#'   \deqn{TRE = \sum_i|1-\rm{ratio_i}|}{TRE = sum_i |1-ratio_i|} where
#'   \eqn{\rm{ratio_i}}{ratio_i} is the ratio of model biomass / observed
#'   biomass for species i.
#' @param object An object of class \linkS4class{MizerParams} or
#'   \linkS4class{MizerSim}.
#' @param species The species to be included. Optional. By default all observed
#'   biomasses will be included. A vector of species names, or a numeric vector
#'   with the species indices, or a logical vector indicating for each species
#'   whether it is to be included (TRUE) or not.
#' @param ratio Whether to plot model biomass vs. observed biomass (FALSE) or
#'   the ratio of model : observed biomass (TRUE). Default is FALSE.
#' @param log_scale Whether to plot on the log10 scale (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#'   For the non-ratio plot this applies for both axes, for the ratio plot only
#'   the x-axis is on the log10 scale. Default is TRUE.
#' @param labels Whether to show text labels for each species (TRUE) or not
#'   (FALSE). Default is TRUE.
#' @param show_unobserved Whether to include also species for which no
#'   biomass observation is available. If TRUE, these species will be 
#'   shown as if their observed biomass was equal to the model biomass.
#' @param return_data Whether to return the data frame for the plot (TRUE) or
#'   not (FALSE). Default is FALSE.
#' @return A ggplot2 object with the plot of model biomass by species compared
#'   to observed biomass. If `return_data = TRUE`, the data frame used to
#'   create the plot is returned instead of the plot.
#' @importFrom stats cor.test
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create an example
#' params <- NS_params
#' species_params(params)$biomass_observed <-
#'     c(0.8, 61, 12, 35, 1.6, NA, 10, 7.6, 135, 60, 30, NA)
#' species_params(params)$biomass_cutoff <- 10
#' params <- calibrateBiomass(params)
#' # Plot with default options
#' plotBiomassObservedVsModel(params)
#' # Plot including also species without observations
#' plotBiomassObservedVsModel(params, show_unobserved = TRUE)
#' # Show the ratio instead
#' plotBiomassObservedVsModel(params, ratio = TRUE)
plotBiomassObservedVsModel <- function(object, species = NULL, ratio = FALSE,
                                      log_scale = TRUE, return_data = FALSE, 
                                      labels = TRUE, show_unobserved = FALSE) {
    # preliminary checks
    if (is(object, "MizerSim")) {
        params <- object@params # pull out params object
        n <- finalN(object) # we want final numbers
    } else if (is(object, "MizerParams")) {
        params <- object # params object is just input
        n <- initialN(params) # we want initial numbers
    } else {
        stop("You have not provided a valid mizerSim or mizerParams object.")
    sp_params <- params@species_params # get species_params data frame
    # Select appropriate species
    species <- valid_species_arg(object, species)
    if (length(species) == 0) stop("No species selected, please fix.")
    # find rows corresponding to species selected
    row_select <- match(species, sp_params$species)
    if (!"biomass_observed" %in% names(sp_params)) {
        stop("You have not provided values for the column 'biomass_observed' ",
             "in the mizerParams/mizerSim object.")
    } else if (!is.numeric(sp_params$biomass_observed)) {
        stop("The column 'biomass_observed' in the mizerParams/mizerSim object",
             " is not numeric, please fix.")
    } else { # accept
        biomass_observed <- sp_params$biomass_observed
    # Check if cutoff exists
    cutoff <- sp_params$biomass_cutoff[row_select]
    # When no cutoff known, set it to 0 for all species
    # (so all sizes are included)
    if (is.null(cutoff)) {
        cutoff <- rep(0, length(species))
    } else if (!is.numeric(cutoff)) {
        stop('params@species_params$biomass_cutoff is not numeric, ",
                 "please fix.')
    cutoff[is.na(cutoff)] <- 0
    # pull out biomasses from params object
    sim_biomass <- rep(0, length(species))
    for (j in seq_along(species)) {
        sim_biomass[j] <- sum((n[row_select[j], ] * params@w * params@dw)
                             [params@w >= cutoff[j]])
    # Build dataframe
    dummy <- data.frame(species = species, 
                       model = sim_biomass, 
                       observed = biomass_observed[row_select]) %>%
        mutate(species = factor(species, levels = species),
               is_observed = !is.na(observed) & observed > 0,
               observed = case_when(is_observed ~ observed,
                                    !is_observed ~ model),
               ratio = model / observed)
    # Check that at least one observed biomass exists
    if (sum(dummy$is_observed) == 0) {
       warning("There are no observed biomasses to compare to model, ", 
                  "only plotting model biomasses.")
    if (!show_unobserved) {
        dummy <- filter(dummy, is_observed)
    if (return_data == TRUE) return(dummy)
    # Calculate total sum of differences (abs(1-ratio)) rounded to 3 digits
    tre <- round(sum(abs(1 - dummy$ratio)), digits = 3)
    caption <- paste0("Total relative error = ", tre)
    if (any(!dummy$is_observed)) {
        caption <- paste(caption,
                         "\n Open circles represent species without biomass observation.")
    if (ratio == FALSE) {
        gg <- ggplot(data = dummy, aes(x = observed, y = model,
                                       colour = species, shape = is_observed)) +
            geom_abline(aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1), colour = 'purple',
                        linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 1.3) + # y = x line
            geom_point(size = 3) +
            labs(y = 'model biomass [g]') +
            coord_cartesian(ylim = range(dummy$model, dummy$observed))
    } else {
        gg <- ggplot(data = dummy, aes(x = observed, y = ratio,
                                       colour = species, shape = is_observed)) +
            geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 1), linetype = "dashed",
                       colour = "purple", linewidth = 1.3) +
            geom_point(size = 3) +
            labs(y = 'model biomass / observed biomass') +
            coord_cartesian(ylim = range(dummy$ratio))
    gg <- gg + labs(x = 'observed biomass [g]', caption = caption) +
        scale_colour_manual(values = getColours(params)[as.character(dummy$species)]) +
        scale_shape_manual(values = c("TRUE" = 19, "FALSE" = 1)) +
        guides(shape = "none")
    if (log_scale == TRUE && ratio == FALSE) {
        gg <- gg + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()
    if (log_scale == TRUE && ratio == TRUE) {
        gg <- gg + scale_x_log10()
    if (labels == TRUE)  {
        gg <- gg + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(
            aes(label = species),
            box.padding = 0.35,
            point.padding = 0.5,
            segment.color = "grey50",
            show.legend = FALSE,
            max.overlaps = Inf,
            seed = 42)

#' @rdname plotBiomassObservedVsModel
#' @export
plotlyBiomassObservedVsModel <- function(object, species = NULL, ratio = FALSE,
                                         log_scale = TRUE, return_data = FALSE, 
                                         show_unobserved = FALSE) {
    argg <- as.list(environment())
    argg$labels <- FALSE
    ggplotly(do.call("plotBiomassObservedVsModel", argg))

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mizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:16 a.m.