
"bic.glm.bg" <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("bic.glm.bg")

"bic.glm.bg.data.frame" <- function (x, y, 
	mnl, # HS
	approx=FALSE, include.intercepts=TRUE, # HS
	wt = rep(1, nrow(x)), strict = FALSE, 
    prior.param = c(rep(0.5, ncol(x))), OR = 20, maxCol = 30, 
    OR.fix = 2, nbest = 150, dispersion = NULL, factor.type = TRUE, 
    factor.prior.adjust = FALSE, occam.window = TRUE, call = NULL, 
    verbose=FALSE, # HS
# This function is a modified bic.glm.data.frame from the BMA package. 
# Sections marked by 'HS' are the modified parts.

    leaps.glm <- function(info, coef, names.arg, nbest = nbest) {
        names.arg <- names.arg
        if (is.null(names.arg)) 
            names.arg <- c(as.character(1:9), LETTERS, letters)[1:ncol(info)]
        if (length(names.arg) < ncol(info)) 
            stop("Too few names")
        bIb <- coef %*% info %*% coef
        kx <- ncol(info)
        maxreg <- nbest * kx
        if (kx < 3) 
            stop("Too few independent variables")
        imeth <- 1
        df <- kx + 1
        Ib <- info %*% coef
        rr <- cbind(info, Ib)
        rr <- rbind(rr, c(Ib, bIb))
        it <- 0
        n.cols <- kx + 1
        nv <- kx + 1
        nf <- 0
        no <- 1e+05
        ib <- 1
        mb <- nbest
        nd <- n.cols
        nc <- 4 * n.cols
        rt <- matrix(rep(0, times = nd * nc), ncol = nc)
        rt[, 1:n.cols] <- rr
        iw <- c(1:(kx + 1), rep(0, times = 4 * nd))
        nw <- length(iw)
        rw <- rep(0, times = 2 * mb * kx + 7 * nd)
        nr <- length(rw)
        t1 <- 2
        s2 <- -1
        ne <- 0
        iv <- 0
        nret <- mb * kx
        Subss <- rep(0, times = nret)
        RSS <- Subss
        # the fwleaps code is an exact copy of the one from the BMA package
        ans <- .Fortran("fwleaps", as.integer(nv), as.integer(it), 
            as.integer(kx), as.integer(nf), as.integer(no), as.integer(1), 
            as.double(2), as.integer(mb), as.double(rt), as.integer(nd), 
            as.integer(nc), as.integer(iw), as.integer(nw), as.double(rw), 
            as.integer(nr), as.double(t1), as.double(s2), as.integer(ne), 
            as.integer(iv), as.double(Subss), as.double(RSS), 
            as.integer(nret), PACKAGE="mlogitBMA") 
        regid <- ans[[21]]/2
        r2 <- ans[[20]]
        nreg <- sum(regid > 0)
        regid <- regid[1:nreg]
        r2 <- r2[1:nreg]
        which <- matrix(TRUE, nreg, kx)
        z <- regid
        which <- matrix(as.logical((rep.int(z, kx)%/%rep.int(2^((kx - 
            1):0), rep.int(length(z), kx)))%%2), byrow = FALSE, ncol = kx)
        size <- which %*% rep(1, kx)
        label <- character(nreg)
        sep <- if (all(nchar(names.arg) == 1)) 
        else ","
        for (i in 1:nreg) label[i] <- paste(names.arg[which[i, 
            ]], collapse = sep)
        ans <- list(r2 = r2, size = size, label = label, which = which)

    factor.names <- function(x) {
        out <- list()
        for (i in 1:ncol(x)) if (is.factor(x[, i])) 
            out[[i]] <- levels(x[, i])
        else out <- c(out, list(NULL))
        attributes(out)$names <- names(x)

    create.assign <- function(xx) {
        asgn <- list()
        asgn[[1]] <- 1
        cnt <- 2
        for (i in 1:ncol(xx)) {
            if (!is.factor(xx[, i])) 
                size <- 1
            else size <- length(levels(xx[, i])) - 1
            asgn[[i + 1]] <- cnt:(cnt + size - 1)
            cnt <- cnt + size
        names(asgn) <- c("(Intercept)", attributes(xx)$names)

    dropcols <- function(x, y, glm.family, wt, maxCols = 30) {
        vnames <- attributes(x)$names
        nvar <- length(vnames)
        isfac <- rep(FALSE, times = nvar)
        for (i in 1:nvar) isfac[i] <- is.factor(x[, i])
        nlevels <- rep(NA, times = nvar)
        for (i in 1:nvar) if (isfac[i]) 
            nlevels[i] <- length(levels(x[, i]))
        any.dropped <- FALSE
        mm <- model.matrix(terms.formula(~., data = x), data = x)
        designx <- attributes(mm)$assign
        n.designx <- length(designx)
        designx.levels <- rep(1, times = n.designx)
        for (i in 2:n.designx) if (isfac[designx[i]]) 
            designx.levels[i] <- sum(designx[1:i] == designx[i]) + 
        x.df <- data.frame(x = x)#, y = y, wt = wt)
        glm.out <- glm(y ~ . , family = glm.family, weights = wt, 
            data = x.df)
        glm.assign <- create.assign(x)
        while (length(glm.out$coefficients) > maxCol) {
            any.dropped <- TRUE
            dropglm <- drop1(glm.out, test = "Chisq")
#            dropped <- which.max(dropglm$"Pr(Chi)"[-1]) + 1
			dropped <- which.max(dropglm$LRT[-1]) + 1
			if (length(dropped) == 0) stop("dropped == 0")
            x.df <- x.df[, -(dropped - 1)]
            designx.levels <- designx.levels[-dropped]
            designx <- designx[-dropped]
            glm.out <- glm(y ~ . , family = glm.family, weights = wt, 
                data = x.df)
        remaining.vars <- unique(designx[-1])
        new.nvar <- length(remaining.vars)
        dropped.vars <- vnames[-remaining.vars]
        dropped.levels <- NULL
        ncol.glm <- ncol(x.df) - 1
        x.df <- x.df[-(ncol.glm + 1)]
        xx <- data.frame(matrix(rep(NA, times = new.nvar * nrow(x.df)), 
            ncol = new.nvar))
        new.names = rep(NA, times = new.nvar)
        for (i in 1:new.nvar) {
            cvar <- remaining.vars[i]
            lvls <- designx.levels[cvar == designx]
            if (isfac[cvar]) {
                if (length(lvls) != length(levels(x[, cvar]))) {
                  newvar <- (as.matrix(x.df[, cvar == designx[-1]]) %*% 
                    cbind(lvls - 1)) + 1
                  xx[, i] <- factor(levels(x[, cvar])[newvar])
                  new.names[i] <- vnames[cvar]
                  removed.levels <- levels(x[, cvar])[-c(1, lvls)]
                  dropped.levels <- c(dropped.levels, paste(vnames[cvar], 
                    "_", removed.levels, sep = ""))
                else {
                  xx[, i] <- factor(x[, cvar])
                  new.names[i] <- vnames[cvar]
            else {
                xx[, i] <- x[, cvar]
                new.names[i] <- vnames[cvar]
        dropped <- c(dropped.vars, dropped.levels)
        return(list(mm = xx, any.dropped = any.dropped, dropped = dropped, 
            var.names = new.names, remaining.vars = remaining.vars))

    if (is.null(call)) 
        cl <- match.call()
    else cl <- call
    options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.treatment"))
    prior.weight.denom <- 0.5^ncol(x)
    #x <- data.frame(x)
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    LEVELS <- lapply( x, levels)
    names.arg <- names(x)
    if (is.null(names.arg)) 
        names.arg <- paste("X", 1:ncol(x), sep = "")
    x2 <- na.omit(x)
    used <- match(row.names(x), row.names(x2))
    omitted <- seq(nrow(x))[is.na(used)]
    if (length(omitted) > 0) {
        wt <- wt[-omitted]
        x <- x2
        y <- y[-omitted]
        warning(paste("There were ", length(omitted), "records deleted due to NA's"))
    leaps.x <- x
    output.names <- names(x)
    fn <- factor.names(x)
    factors <- !all(unlist(lapply(fn, is.null)))
    x.df <- data.frame(x = x)#, y = y, wt = wt)
    glm.out <- glm(y ~ . , family = glm.family, weights = wt, 
        data = x.df)
    glm.assign <- create.assign(x)
    fac.levels <- unlist(lapply(glm.assign, length)[-1])
    varNames <- names.arg
    if (factors) {
        cdf <- cbind.data.frame(y = y, x)
        #mm <- model.matrix(formula(cdf), data = cdf)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        ncoly <- if (is.null(dim(y))) 1 else ncol(y)
        mm <- model.matrix(formula(cdf), data = cdf)[, -(1:ncoly), drop=FALSE]
        varNames <- colnames(mm) 
        mmm <- data.frame(matrix(mm, nrow = nrow(mm), byrow = FALSE))
        names(mmm) <- dimnames(mm)[[2]]
        output.names <- names(mmm)
        if (factor.type) {
            for (i in 1:length(names(x))) {
                if (!is.null(fn[[i]])) {
                  nx <- names(x)[i]
                  coefs <- glm.out$coef[glm.assign[[i + 1]]]
                  old.vals <- x[, i]
                  new.vals <- c(0, coefs)
                  new.vec <- as.vector(new.vals[match(old.vals, 
                  leaps.x[, nx] <- new.vec
        else {
            new.prior <- NULL
            for (i in 1:length(names(x))) {
                addprior <- prior.param[i]
                if (!is.null(fn[[i]])) {
                  k <- length(fn[[i]])
                  if (factor.prior.adjust) 
                    addprior <- rep(1 - (1 - prior.param[i])^(1/(k - 
                      1)), k - 1)
                  else addprior <- rep(prior.param[i], k - 1)
                new.prior <- c(new.prior, addprior)
            prior.param <- new.prior
            x <- leaps.x <- mmm
    if(verbose) cat('\nBegg & Gray approximation started.') # HS
    xx <- data.frame()
    xx <- dropcols(leaps.x, y, glm.family, wt, maxCol)
    var.names <- xx$var.names
    remaining <- xx$remaining.vars
    leaps.x <- xx$mm
    reduced <- xx$any.dropped
#    dropped <- NULL
#    if (reduced) 
#        dropped <- xx$dropped
	dropped <- 0
	if (reduced) {
       dropped <- match(xx$dropped,varNames,nomatch=0)
       varNames <- varNames[-dropped]
    nvar <- length(x[1, ])
    x <- x[, remaining, drop = FALSE]
    x <- data.frame(x)
    fac.levels <- fac.levels[remaining]
    prior.param <- prior.param[remaining]
    names.arg <- names.arg[remaining]
    output.names <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(var.names)) {
        if (is.factor(x[, i])) 
            output.names[[i]] <- levels(x[, i])
        else output.names[[i]] <- NA
    xnames <- names(x)
    if(verbose) cat('\n', length(xnames), 'variables considered.') # HS
    names(leaps.x) <- var.names
    x.df <- data.frame(x = leaps.x)#, y = cbind(y), wt = wt)
    glm.out <- glm(y ~ ., family = glm.family, weights = wt, 
        data = x.df, x = TRUE)
    glm.assign <- create.assign(leaps.x)
    if (factor.type == FALSE) 
        fac.levels <- unlist(lapply(glm.assign, length)[-1])
    famname <- glm.out$family["family"]$family
    linkinv <- glm.out$family["linkinv"]$linkinv
    if (is.null(dispersion)) {
        if (famname == "poisson" | famname == "binomial") 
            dispersion <- FALSE
        else dispersion <- TRUE
    nobs <- nrow(mnl$x) # HS; here the size of the original data must be taken
    resid <- resid(glm.out, "pearson")
    rdf <- glm.out$df.resid
    is.wt <- !all(wt == rep(1, nrow(x)))
    if (is.wt) {
        resid <- resid * sqrt(wt)
        excl <- wt == 0
        if (any(excl)) {
            warning(paste(sum(excl), "rows with zero wts not counted"))
            resid <- resid[!excl]
    phihat <- sum(resid^2)/rdf
    if (dispersion) 
        disp <- phihat
    else disp <- 1
    coef <- glm.out$coef[-1]
    p <- glm.out$rank
    R <- glm.out$R
    rinv <- diag(p)
    rinv <- backsolve(R, rinv)
    rowlen <- drop(((rinv^2) %*% rep(1, p))^0.5)
    sigx <- rowlen %o% sqrt(disp)
    correl <- rinv %*% t(rinv) * outer(1/rowlen, 1/rowlen)
    cov <- correl * sigx %*% t(sigx)
    info <- solve(cov[-1, -1])
    if (ncol(x) > 2) {
        a <- leaps.glm(info, coef, names.arg = names(leaps.x), 
            nbest = nbest)

        a$r2 <- pmin(pmax(0, a$r2), 0.999)
        a$r2 <- c(0, a$r2)
        a$size <- c(0, a$size)
        a$label <- c("NULL", a$label)
        a$which <- rbind(rep(FALSE, ncol(x)), a$which)
        nmod <- length(a$size)
        prior.mat <- matrix(rep(prior.param, nmod), nmod, ncol(leaps.x), 
            byrow = TRUE)
        prior <- apply(a$which * prior.mat + (!a$which) * (1 - 
            prior.mat), 1, prod)
        bIb <- as.numeric(coef %*% info %*% coef)
        lrt <- bIb - (a$r2 * bIb)
        bic <- lrt + (a$size) * log(nobs) - 2 * log(prior)
        occam <- bic - min(bic) < 2 * OR.fix * log(OR)
        size <- a$size[occam]
        label <- a$label[occam]
        which <- a$which[occam, , drop = FALSE]
        bic <- bic[occam]
        prior <- prior[occam]
    else {
        nmod <- switch(ncol(x), 2, 4)
        bic <- label <- rep(0, nmod)
        which <- matrix(c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), nmod, nmod/2)
        size <- c(0, 1, 1, 2)[1:nmod]
        sep <- if (all(nchar(names.arg) == 1)) 
        else ","
        prior.mat <- matrix(rep(prior.param, nmod), nmod, ncol(x), 
            byrow = TRUE)
        prior <- apply(which * prior.mat + (!which) * (1 - prior.mat), 
            1, prod)
        for (k in 1:nmod) {
            if (k == 1) 
                label[k] <- "NULL"
            else label[k] <- paste(names.arg[which[k, ]], collapse = sep)
    # HS (the whole block below was added) 
    # initialize some MNL stuff
    mnl.names <- names.arg
    altspec.mnl.names <- mnl.assign <-  list()
    main.intercept <- paste('Intercept.', mnl$specification$choices[mnl$choice.main.intercept], sep='')
    mnl.assign[[main.intercept]] <- 1
    names(glm.assign)[1] <- main.intercept
    mnl.intercepts <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(names.arg)){
    	altspec.mnl.names[[i]] <- c()
    	mnl.intercepts[[i]] <- NA
    	if(is.element(names.arg[i], names(mnl$zcols))) {
    		mnl.names[i] <- mnl$zcols[[names.arg[i]]]['name']
    		# change var.names to the mnl names
    		if(mnl$zcols[[names.arg[i]]]['intercept']) {
    			var.names[i] <- paste('Intercept', mnl$zcols[[names.arg[i]]]['choice'], sep='.')
    			mnl.intercepts[[i]] <- mnl$zcols[[names.arg[i]]]['choice']
    		} else var.names[i] <- paste(mnl.names[i],mnl$zcols[[names.arg[i]]]['choice'], sep=mnl$specification$sep)
    		altspec.mnl.names[[i]] <- paste(mnl.names[i], mnl$zcols[[names.arg[i]]]['choice'], sep=mnl$specification$sep)
    	} else
    	altspec.mnl.names[[i]] <- paste(mnl.names[i], mnl$specification$choices, sep=mnl$specification$sep)
    	mnl.assign[[var.names[i]]] <- i+1
    get.item <- function(x, name) return (x[name])
    var.names.from.int <- sapply(mnl$zcols, get.item, name='name')
    is.intercept <- as.logical(sapply(mnl$zcols, get.item, name='intercept'))
    int.names <- var.names.from.int[is.intercept]
    # include intercepts if desired and remove duplicates if needed
    if (include.intercepts) {
    	nmod <- length(label)
    	keep <- rep(TRUE, nmod)
    	where.intercept <- is.element(names.arg, int.names)
    	if (sum(where.intercept) > 0) {
    		for(k in 1:nmod) {
    			if(any(which[k,where.intercept] == FALSE)) {
    				this.which <- which[k,]
    				this.which[where.intercept] <- TRUE
    				if (any(apply(which, 1, function(x) all(x == this.which)))) {
    					keep[k] <- FALSE
    				} else which[k,where.intercept] <- TRUE
    	if(any(keep==FALSE)) { # reduce the number of models
    		if (sum(keep)==0) stop('No model was selected. Try setting "include.intercepts=FALSE"')
    		which <- which[keep, , drop=FALSE]
    		label <- label[keep]
    		prior <- prior[keep]
    		bic <- bic[keep]
    		size <- size[keep]
	# HS: End of the added block
    nmod <- length(label)
    if(verbose) cat('\n', nmod, 'models initially selected.') # HS
    model.fits <- as.list(rep(0, nmod))
    dev <- rep(0, nmod)
    df <- rep(0, nmod)
    for (k in 1:nmod) {
        if (sum(which[k, ]) == 0) {
            glm.out <- glm(y ~ 1, family = glm.family, weights = wt)
        else {
            x.df <- data.frame(x = x[, which[k, ]])#, y = y, wt = wt)
            glm.out <- glm(y ~ . , data = x.df, family = glm.family, 
                weights = wt)
        dev[k] <- glm.out$deviance
        df[k] <- glm.out$df.residual
        model.fits[[k]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(glm.out$coef), 
            ncol = 2)
        model.fits[[k]][, 1] <- glm.out$coef
        coef <- glm.out$coef
        p <- glm.out$rank
        R <- glm.out$R
        rinv <- diag(p)
        rinv <- backsolve(R, rinv)
        rowlen <- drop(((rinv^2) %*% rep(1, p))^0.5)
        sigx <- rowlen %o% sqrt(disp)
        correl <- rinv %*% t(rinv) * outer(1/rowlen, 1/rowlen)
        cov <- correl * sigx %*% t(sigx)
        model.fits[[k]][, 2] <- sqrt(diag(cov))

    bic <- dev/disp - df * log(nobs) - 2 * log(prior)
    if (occam.window) 
        occam <- bic - min(bic) < 2 * OR.fix * log(OR) # HS (added OR.fix to have a larger occam window, 
        										       # since we're dealing with an approximation)
        #occam <- bic - min(bic) < 2  * log(OR)
    else occam = rep(TRUE, length(bic))
    dev <- dev[occam]
    df <- df[occam]
    size <- size[occam]
    label <- label[occam]
    which <- which[occam, , drop = FALSE]
    bic <- bic[occam]
    prior <- prior[occam]
    model.fits <- model.fits[occam]
    postprob <- exp(-0.5 * (bic - min(bic)))/sum(exp(-0.5 * (bic - 
    order.bic <- order(bic, size, label)
    dev <- dev[order.bic]
    df <- df[order.bic]
    size <- size[order.bic]
    label <- label[order.bic]
    which <- which[order.bic, , drop = FALSE]
    bic <- bic[order.bic]
    prior <- prior[order.bic]
    postprob <- postprob[order.bic]
    model.fits <- model.fits[order.bic]
    nmod <- length(bic)
    if (strict & (nmod != 1)) {
        occam <- rep(TRUE, nmod)
        for (k in (2:nmod)) for (j in (1:(k - 1))) {
            which.diff <- which[k, ] - which[j, ]
            if (all(which.diff >= 0)) 
                occam[k] <- FALSE
        dev <- dev[occam]
        df <- df[occam]
        size <- size[occam]
        label <- label[occam]
        which <- which[occam, , drop = FALSE]
        bic <- bic[occam]
        prior <- prior[occam]
        postprob <- postprob[occam]
        postprob <- postprob/sum(postprob)
        model.fits <- model.fits[occam]
        nmod <- length(bic)
    # HS (the whole block below was added)
    if(!approx) {
    	if(verbose) cat('\nEstimating MNL coefficients for', nmod, 'models ... ')
    	model.fits <- as.list(rep(0, nmod))
    bic <- dev <- rep(0, nmod)
    mnl.specifications <- list()
	# Get coefficients for the original model (either approximate or exact using MLE) 
    for(k in 1:nmod) {
    	if(!approx) {
    		if(verbose && k > 1) cat(', ')
    		if(verbose) cat(' ', k)
    	this.which <- which[k, ]
    	this.which[is.element(names.arg, int.names)] <- FALSE    
    	# update the specification and get the corresponding data
    	mnl.specifications[[k]] <- mnl.spec.reduce(mnl$specification, var.names[which[k, ]], 
    					c(mnl$specification$choices[mnl$choice.main.intercept], unlist(mnl.intercepts[which[k, ]])))
    	mnl.data <- get.mnl.data(mnl$x, mnl$y, spec=mnl.specifications[[k]], intercept.prefix='Intercept.')
    	if(!approx) { # estimate coefficients using MLE 
    		mnl.res <- do.estimate.mlogit(mnl.data$x, mnl.data$y)
    		sum.mnl.res <- summary(mnl.res)
    		bic[k] <- mnl.res$bic
    		dev[k] <- -2 * mnl.res$logLik
    		model.fits[[k]] <- matrix(0, nrow = length(mnl.res$coefficients), ncol = 2)
    		mnl.spots <- cumsum(which[k,])
    		for (j in 1:dim(sum.mnl.res$coefs)[1]) {
    			spot <- if(rownames(sum.mnl.res$coefs)[j] == main.intercept) 1 else 
    			model.fits[[k]][spot,1] <- sum.mnl.res$coefs[j,1]
    			model.fits[[k]][spot,2] <- sum.mnl.res$coefs[j,2]
		} else { # using the logit coefficients, assign them to the right MNL coefficients 
			coefficients <- rep(NA, dim(mnl.data$x)[2])
			mnl.spots <- cumsum(which[k,])
			intercept.idx <- grep('^Intercept.', dimnames(mnl.data$x)[[2]])
			updated.intercepts <- c()
			for (j in 1:dim(mnl.data$x)[2]) {
    			spot <- if(dimnames(mnl.data$x)[[2]][j] == main.intercept) 1 else 
    			coefficients[j] <- model.fits[[k]][spot,1]
    			if (is.element(j, intercept.idx) & spot != 1) {
    				coefficients[j] <- coefficients[j] + model.fits[[k]][1,1]
    				updated.intercepts <- c(updated.intercepts, spot)
			ll <- mnl.loglikelihood(mnl.data$x, mnl.data$y, coefficients)
			dev[k] <- -2 * ll
			bic[k] <- dev[k] + length(coefficients)*log(nrow(mnl.data$x))
			for(j in updated.intercepts) model.fits[[k]][j] <- model.fits[[k]][j]+model.fits[[k]][1,1]
	if(!approx && verbose) cat('\nEstimation finished.')
	# HS (end of the added block)
    	if (occam.window) 
        	occam <- bic - min(bic) < 2 * log(OR)
    	else occam = rep(TRUE, length(bic))
    	dev <- dev[occam]
    	df <- df[occam]
    	size <- size[occam]
    	label <- label[occam]
    	which <- which[occam, , drop = FALSE]
    	bic <- bic[occam]
    	prior <- prior[occam]
    	model.fits <- model.fits[occam]
		mnl.specifications <- mnl.specifications[occam] # HS
    	postprob <- exp(-0.5 * (bic - min(bic)))/sum(exp(-0.5 * (bic - min(bic))))
    	postprob <- postprob/sum(postprob)
    	order.bic <- order(bic, size, label)
    	dev <- dev[order.bic]
    	df <- df[order.bic]
    	size <- size[order.bic]
    	label <- label[order.bic]
    	which <- which[order.bic, , drop = FALSE]
    	bic <- bic[order.bic]
    	prior <- prior[order.bic]
    	postprob <- postprob[order.bic]
    	model.fits <- model.fits[order.bic]
    	mnl.specifications <- mnl.specifications[order.bic] # HS
    	nmod <- length(bic)
    if(verbose) cat('\nFinal number of models:', nmod, '\n') # HS
    probne0 <- round(100 * t(which) %*% as.matrix(postprob), 
    nvar <- max(unlist(glm.assign))
    Ebi <- rep(0, nvar)
    SDbi <- rep(0, nvar)
    EbiMk <- matrix(rep(0, nmod * nvar), nrow = nmod)
    sebiMk <- matrix(rep(0, nmod * nvar), nrow = nmod)
    for (i in (1:ncol(x))) {
        whereisit <- glm.assign[[i + 1]]
        if (any(which[, i])) 
            for (k in (1:nmod)) if (which[k, i] == TRUE) {
                spot <- sum(which[k, (1:i)])
                posMk <- (c(0, cumsum(fac.levels[which[k, ]])) + 
                posMk <- posMk:(posMk + fac.levels[i] - 1) + 1
                EbiMk[k, whereisit] <- model.fits[[k]][posMk, 
                sebiMk[k, whereisit] <- model.fits[[k]][posMk, 

    # now calculate for intercept
    for (k in 1:nmod)
        EbiMk[k,1]<- model.fits[[k]][1,1]
        sebiMk[k,1]<- model.fits[[k]][1,2]

    Ebi <- postprob %*% EbiMk
    Ebimat <- matrix(rep(Ebi, nmod), nrow = nmod, byrow = TRUE)
    SDbi <- sqrt(postprob %*% (sebiMk^2) + postprob %*% ((EbiMk - 
    CSDbi <- rep(0, nvar)
    CEbi <- CSDbi
    for (i in (1:ncol(x))) {
        sel <- which[, i]
        if (sum(sel) > 0) {
            cpp <- rbind(postprob[sel]/sum(postprob[sel]))
            CEbi[glm.assign[[i + 1]]] <- as.numeric(cpp %*% EbiMk[sel, 
                glm.assign[[i + 1]]])
            CSDbi[glm.assign[[i + 1]]] <- sqrt(cpp %*% (sebiMk[sel, 
                glm.assign[[i + 1]]]^2) + cpp %*% ((EbiMk[sel, 
                glm.assign[[i + 1]]] - CEbi[glm.assign[[i + 1]]])^2))

    # add in intercept
    CSDbi[1]<- SDbi[1]
    CEbi[1]<- Ebi[1]

    names(output.names) <- var.names
    postmean <- as.vector(Ebi)
    varNames <- gsub("`","",varNames) # work around budwormEX problem    
    colnames(EbiMk) <- names(postmean) <- c("(Intercept)", varNames)
    #names(probne0) <- if (factor.type) names.arg else varNames
    names(probne0) <- if (factor.type) names.arg[-dropped] else varNames
    # HS start
    # re-order coefficients so that intercepts are first
    idx <- grep('^Intercept', var.names)
    new.idx <- c(idx, setdiff(1:length(var.names), idx))
    new.idx.w.int <- c(1,new.idx+1)
    new.output.names <- assign <- list()
    assign[[names(mnl.assign)[1]]] <- mnl.assign[[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(mnl.assign)) {
    	assign[[names(mnl.assign)[new.idx.w.int[i]]]] <- i
    	new.output.names[names(output.names)[new.idx[i-1]]] <- output.names[[i-1]]
	# end block
	# HS added the indices new.idx and new.idx.w.int
    result <- list(postprob = postprob, label = label, deviance = dev, 
        size = size, bic = bic, prior.param = prior.param[new.idx], prior.model.weights = prior/prior.weight.denom, 
        family = famname, linkinv = linkinv, levels = LEVELS, disp = disp, which = which[,new.idx], 
        probne0 = c(probne0)[new.idx], 
        postmean =postmean[new.idx.w.int], postsd = as.vector(SDbi)[new.idx.w.int], 
        condpostmean = CEbi[new.idx.w.int], condpostsd = CSDbi[new.idx.w.int], mle = EbiMk[,new.idx.w.int, drop=FALSE], 
        se = sebiMk[,new.idx.w.int, drop=FALSE], namesx = var.names[new.idx], reduced = reduced, dropped = dropped, 
        call = cl, n.models = length(postprob), n.vars = length(probne0), 
        nests = length(Ebi), output.names = new.output.names, assign = assign, 
        factor.type = factor.type, design = leaps.x, x = x, y = y)
    class(result) <- "bic.glm"
    list(bic.glm=result, specifications=mnl.specifications)

"bic.glm.bg.formula" <-
function (f, data, 
	mnl, # HS
	approx=FALSE, include.intercepts=TRUE, # HS
	wt = rep(1, nrow(data)), strict = FALSE, 
    prior.param =c(rep(0.5, ncol(x))), OR = 20, maxCol = 30, 
    OR.fix = 2, nbest = 150, dispersion = NULL, factor.type = TRUE, 
    factor.prior.adjust = FALSE, occam.window = TRUE, 
    verbose=FALSE, # HS
	# This function is modified bic.glm.formula from the BMA package. 
	# Sections marked by 'HS' are the modified parts.
    cl <- match.call()
    tms <- terms(f, data = data)
    fmatrix <- attr(tms, "factors")
    tms.order <- attr(tms, "order")
    tms.labels <- attr(tms, "term.labels")
    mm <- model.matrix(tms, data = data)
## change to facilitate predict 10/2011 CF
#   tms.labels <- colnames(mm) 
#   if (tms.labels[1] == "(Intercept)") tms.labels <- tms.labels[-1]
    assn <- attr(mm, "assign")
    nterms <- max(assn)
    datalist <- eval(attr(tms, "variables"), envir = data)
    nvar <- nrow(fmatrix) - 1
    isvarfac <- rep(NA, times = nvar)
    for (i in 1:nvar) isvarfac[i] <- is.factor(datalist[[i + 
    istermfac <- rep(NA, times = nterms)
    for (i in 1:nterms) {
        cterms <- fmatrix[-1, i] == 1
        istermfac[i] <- sum(isvarfac[cterms] == FALSE) == 0
    resp.name <- all.vars(f)[1]
    moddata <- data.frame(rep(NA, times = dim(mm)[1]))
    cnames <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nterms) {
        if (istermfac[i]) {
            if (tms.order[i] == 1) {
                moddata <- cbind(moddata, datalist[[i + 1]])
                cnames <- c(cnames, tms.labels[i])
            else {
                sel <- assn == i
                nlev <- sum(sel)
                newfac.index <- (mm[, sel] %*% cbind(1:nlev)) + 
                facnames <- c("ref", colnames(mm)[sel])
                newfac <- facnames[newfac.index]
                newfac <- factor(newfac)
                moddata <- cbind(moddata, newfac)
                cnames <- c(cnames, paste(tms.labels[i], "..", 
                  sep = ""))
        else {
            sel <- assn == i
            moddata <- cbind(moddata, mm[, sel])
            cnames <- c(cnames, colnames(mm)[sel])
    moddata <- moddata[, -1, drop=FALSE]
## deleted to facilitate predict 10/2011 CF
##  cnames <- gsub(":", ".", cnames)
##  moddata <- moddata
##  colnames(moddata) <- c(cnames)
    colnames(moddata) <- cnames
# caution: at least x needs to be assigned before the call (don't know why) CF
    y <- datalist[[1]]
    if (!is.null(dim(y))) {
      ncases <- apply( y, 1, sum)
      index <- rep( 1:nrow(y), ncases)
      x <- moddata[index,]
      wt <- wt[index]
      y <- as.vector(apply( y, 1, function(n) c(rep(0,n[1]),rep(1,n[2]))))
    else {
    	x <- moddata
    result <- bic.glm.bg(x=x, y=y, 
    	mnl=mnl, # HS
    	approx=approx, include.intercepts=include.intercepts, # HS
    	wt = wt, strict = FALSE, prior.param = prior.param, 
        OR = OR, maxCol = maxCol, OR.fix = OR.fix, nbest = nbest, 
        dispersion = dispersion, factor.type = factor.type, factor.prior.adjust = factor.prior.adjust, 
        occam.window = occam.window, call = cl, 
        verbose=verbose, # HS
## added to facilitate predict 10/2011 CF
    result$formula <- f
    result$x <- moddata
    result$y <- datalist[[1]]

"bic.glm.bg.matrix" <- bic.glm.bg.data.frame

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