#' @title Class for Automatic Feature Selection
#' @description
#' The [AutoFSelector] wraps a [mlr3::Learner] and augments it with an automatic feature selection.
#' The [auto_fselector()] function creates an [AutoFSelector] object.
#' @details
#' The [AutoFSelector] is a [mlr3::Learner] which wraps another [mlr3::Learner] and performs the following steps during `$train()`:
#' 1. The wrapped (inner) learner is trained on the feature subsets via resampling.
#' The feature selection can be specified by providing a [FSelector], a [bbotk::Terminator], a [mlr3::Resampling] and a [mlr3::Measure].
#' 2. A final model is fit on the complete training data with the best-found feature subset.
#' During `$predict()` the [AutoFSelector] just calls the predict method of the wrapped (inner) learner.
#' @section Resources:
#' There are several sections about feature selection in the [mlr3book](
#' * Estimate Model Performance with [nested resampling](
#' The [gallery]( features a collection of case studies and demos about optimization.
#' @section Nested Resampling:
#' Nested resampling can be performed by passing an [AutoFSelector] object to [mlr3::resample()] or [mlr3::benchmark()].
#' To access the inner resampling results, set `store_fselect_instance = TRUE` and execute [mlr3::resample()] or [mlr3::benchmark()] with `store_models = TRUE` (see examples).
#' The [mlr3::Resampling] passed to the [AutoFSelector] is meant to be the inner resampling, operating on the training set of an arbitrary outer resampling.
#' For this reason it is not feasible to pass an instantiated [mlr3::Resampling] here.
#' @template param_fselector
#' @template param_learner
#' @template param_resampling
#' @template param_measure
#' @template param_terminator
#' @template param_store_fselect_instance
#' @template param_store_benchmark_result
#' @template param_store_models
#' @template param_check_values
#' @template param_callbacks
#' @template param_ties_method
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Automatic Feature Selection
#' \donttest{
#' # split to train and external set
#' task = tsk("penguins")
#' split = partition(task, ratio = 0.8)
#' # create auto fselector
#' afs = auto_fselector(
#' fselector = fs("random_search"),
#' learner = lrn("classif.rpart"),
#' resampling = rsmp ("holdout"),
#' measure = msr("classif.ce"),
#' term_evals = 4)
#' # optimize feature subset and fit final model
#' afs$train(task, row_ids = split$train)
#' # predict with final model
#' afs$predict(task, row_ids = split$test)
#' # show result
#' afs$fselect_result
#' # model slot contains trained learner and fselect instance
#' afs$model
#' # shortcut trained learner
#' afs$learner
#' # shortcut fselect instance
#' afs$fselect_instance
#' # Nested Resampling
#' afs = auto_fselector(
#' fselector = fs("random_search"),
#' learner = lrn("classif.rpart"),
#' resampling = rsmp ("holdout"),
#' measure = msr("classif.ce"),
#' term_evals = 4)
#' resampling_outer = rsmp("cv", folds = 3)
#' rr = resample(task, afs, resampling_outer, store_models = TRUE)
#' # retrieve inner feature selection results.
#' extract_inner_fselect_results(rr)
#' # performance scores estimated on the outer resampling
#' rr$score()
#' # unbiased performance of the final model trained on the full data set
#' rr$aggregate()
#' }
AutoFSelector = R6Class("AutoFSelector",
inherit = Learner,
public = list(
#' @field instance_args (`list()`)\cr
#' All arguments from construction to create the [FSelectInstanceBatchSingleCrit].
instance_args = NULL,
#' @field fselector ([FSelector])\cr
#' Optimization algorithm.
fselector = NULL,
#' @description
#' Creates a new instance of this [R6][R6::R6Class] class.
#' @param fselector ([FSelector])\cr
#' Optimization algorithm.
initialize = function(
measure = NULL,
store_fselect_instance = TRUE,
store_benchmark_result = TRUE,
store_models = FALSE,
check_values = FALSE,
callbacks = NULL,
ties_method = "least_features"
) {
ia = list()
self$fselector = assert_r6(fselector, "FSelector")$clone()
ia$learner = assert_learner(as_learner(learner, clone = TRUE))
ia$resampling = assert_resampling(resampling, instantiated = FALSE)$clone()
if (!is.null(measure)) ia$measure = assert_measure(as_measure(measure), learner = learner)
ia$terminator = assert_terminator(terminator)$clone()
ia$store_models = assert_flag(store_models)
ia$store_benchmark_result = assert_flag(store_benchmark_result) || ia$store_models
private$.store_fselect_instance = assert_flag(store_fselect_instance) || ia$store_benchmark_result
ia$check_values = assert_flag(check_values)
ia$callbacks = assert_callbacks(as_callbacks(callbacks))
ia$ties_method = assert_choice(ties_method, c("least_features", "random"))
self$instance_args = ia
id = paste0(learner$id, ".fselector"),
task_type = learner$task_type,
packages = c("mlr3fselect", learner$packages),
feature_types = learner$feature_types,
predict_types = learner$predict_types,
properties = setdiff(learner$properties, c("validation", "internal_tuning"))
self$predict_type = learner$predict_type
self$predict_sets = learner$predict_sets
#' @description
#' Extracts the base learner from nested learner objects like `GraphLearner` in \CRANpkg{mlr3pipelines}.
#' If `recursive = 0`, the (tuned) learner is returned.
#' @param recursive (`integer(1)`)\cr
#' Depth of recursion for multiple nested objects.
#' @return [mlr3::Learner].
base_learner = function(recursive = Inf) {
if (recursive == 0L) self$learner else self$learner$base_learner(recursive - 1L)
#' @description
#' The importance scores of the final model.
#' @return Named `numeric()`.
importance = function() {
if ("importance" %nin% self$instance_args$learner$properties) {
stopf("Learner ''%s' cannot calculate important scores.", self$instance_args$learner$id)
if (is.null(self$model$learner$model)) {
} else {
#' @description
#' The selected features of the final model.
#' These features are selected internally by the learner.
#' @return `character()`.
selected_features = function() {
if ("selected_features" %nin% self$instance_args$learner$properties) {
stopf("Learner ''%s' cannot select features.", self$instance_args$learner$id)
if (is.null(self$model$learner$model)) {
} else {
#' @description
#' The out-of-bag error of the final model.
#' @return `numeric(1)`.
oob_error = function() {
if ("oob_error" %nin% self$instance_args$learner$properties) {
stopf("Learner '%s' cannot calculate the out-of-bag error.", self$instance_args$learner$id)
if (is.null(self$model$learner$model)) {
} else {
#' @description
#' The log-likelihood of the final model.
#' @return `logLik`.
loglik = function() {
if ("loglik" %nin% self$instance_args$learner$properties) {
stopf("Learner '%s' cannot calculate the log-likelihood.", self$instance_args$learner$id)
if (is.null(self$model$learner$model)) {
} else {
#' Printer.
#' @param ... (ignored).
print = function() {
catf(str_indent("* Model:", if (is.null(self$model)) "-" else class(self$model)[1L]))
catf(str_indent("* Packages:", self$packages))
catf(str_indent("* Predict Type:", self$predict_type))
catf(str_indent("* Feature Types:", self$feature_types))
catf(str_indent("* Properties:", self$properties))
w = self$warnings
e = self$errors
if (length(w)) {
catf(str_indent("* Warnings:", w))
if (length(e)) {
catf(str_indent("* Errors:", e))
active = list(
#' @field archive ([ArchiveBatchFSelect)\cr
#' Returns [FSelectInstanceBatchSingleCrit] archive.
archive = function() self$fselect_instance$archive,
#' @field learner ([mlr3::Learner])\cr
#' Trained learner.
learner = function() {
# if there is no trained learner, we return the one in instance args
if (is.null(self$model$learner$model)) {
} else {
#' @field fselect_instance ([FSelectInstanceBatchSingleCrit])\cr
#' Internally created feature selection instance with all intermediate results.
fselect_instance = function() self$model$fselect_instance,
#' @field fselect_result ([data.table::data.table])\cr
#' Short-cut to `$result` from [FSelectInstanceBatchSingleCrit].
fselect_result = function() self$fselect_instance$result,
#' @field predict_type (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Stores the currently active predict type, e.g. `"response"`.
#' Must be an element of `$predict_types`.
predict_type = function(rhs) {
if (missing(rhs)) {
if (rhs %nin% self$predict_types) {
stopf("Learner '%s' does not support predict type '%s'", self$id, rhs)
# Catches 'Error: Field/Binding is read-only' bug
self$model$learner$predict_type = rhs
}, error = function(cond){})
private$.predict_type = rhs
#' @field hash (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Hash (unique identifier) for this object.
hash = function(rhs) {
calculate_hash(class(self), self$id, self$param_set$values, private$.predict_type, self$fallback$hash, self$parallel_predict, self$fselector, self$instance_args, private$.store_fselect_instance)
#' @field phash (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Hash (unique identifier) for this partial object, excluding some components which are varied systematically during tuning (parameter values) or feature selection (feature names).
phash = function(rhs) {
private = list(
.train = function(task) {
# construct instance from args; then tune
ia = self$instance_args
ia$task = task$clone()
instance = invoke(FSelectInstanceBatchSingleCrit$new, .args = ia)
learner = ia$learner$clone(deep = TRUE)
task = task$clone()
# disable timeout to allow train on full data set without time limit
# timeout during optimization is not affected
learner$timeout = c(train = Inf, predict = Inf)
# fit final model
feat = task$feature_names[as.logical(instance$result_x_search_space)]
# the return model is a list of "learner", "features" and "fselect_instance"
result_model = list(learner = learner, features = feat)
if (private$.store_fselect_instance) result_model$fselect_instance = instance
.predict = function(task) {
task = task$clone(deep = TRUE)
.store_fselect_instance = NULL
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