
"check.reliability" <-
function(X, MS = TRUE, alpha = TRUE, lambda.2 = TRUE, LCRC = FALSE, nclass = nclass.default, irc = FALSE){
   X <- check.data(X)
   compute.PP <- function(X,P,N,J,m){
     label <- as.vector(t(outer(paste("P(X",1:J,">=",sep=""),paste(1:(m-1),")",sep=""), paste, sep="")))
     PP <- matrix(0,J*(m-1),J*(m-1))
     i <- 0
     j <- 0
     for(i in 1:(J-1)) for(j in (i+1):J)
     PP[((i-1)*(m-1)+1):((i-1)*(m-1)+(m-1)),((j-1)*(m-1)+1):((j-1)*(m-1)+(m-1))] <-
      t(outer(X[,i],0:(m-2),">")) %*% outer(X[,j],0:(m-2),">")/N
     PP <- PP + t(PP) + kronecker(diag(J),matrix(-1,m-1,m-1))
     PP[PP < -.5] <- NA
     dimnames(PP) <- list(label,label)
     PP <- PP[order(P),order(P)]
   IRC <- function(X){
     J <- ncol(X) 
     D <- matrix(1,J,J)
     diag(D) <- 0
     R <- X %*% D
   compute.PP.LCRC <- function(X) {
     N <- nrow(X)
     J <- ncol(X)
     m <- max(X)+1
     P <- matrix(t(apply(outer(as.matrix(X), 1:(m - 1), ">=") * 1, c(2, 3), mean)), nrow = (m - 1) * J)
     label <- as.vector(t(outer(paste("P(X", 1:J, ">=", sep = ""), paste(1:(m - 1), ")", sep = ""), paste, sep = "")))
     PP <- matrix(0, J * (m - 1), J * (m - 1))  
     i <- 0         
     j <- 0
     for (i in 1:(J - 1)) for (j in (i + 1):J){ 
       PP[((i - 1) * (m - 1) + 1):((i - 1) * (m - 1) + (m - 1)), ((j - 1) * (m - 1) + 1):((j - 1) * (m - 1) + (m - 1))] <- 
        t(outer(X[,i], 0:(m - 2), ">")) %*% outer(X[, j], 0:(m - 2),">")/N
     PP <- PP + t(PP) + kronecker(diag(J), matrix(-1, m - 1, m - 1))
     PP[PP < -0.5] <- NA
     dimnames(PP) <- list(label, label)

   check.probs <- function(L,m){
     for (j in 1:length(L)){
         new.L <- NULL
         cats.obs <- apply(outer(1:m,as.numeric(substr(dimnames(L[[j]])[[2]],4,4)),"=="),1,any) 
         for(g in 1:m){
           if (cats.obs[g]){
            new.L <- cbind(new.L,matrix(L[[j]][,g]))
             new.L <- cbind(new.L,matrix(0,nrow=nrow(L[[j]]),ncol=1))
         L[[j]] <- new.L

   J <- ncol(X)
   nclass.default <- min(J-1)
   N <- nrow(X)
   m <- max(X) + 1
   res <- list()
   ## MS   
   if (MS==TRUE){
     P <- matrix(t(apply(outer(as.matrix(X), 1:(m-1), ">=")*1,c(2,3),mean)),nrow=(m-1)*J)
     PP <- compute.PP(X,P,N,J,m)
     P <- matrix(sort(P))
     off.boundary <- P > 0 & P < 1
     P <- matrix(P[off.boundary,1])
     PP <- PP[off.boundary,off.boundary]
     km <- length(P)
     lower.bound.PP <- P %*% t(P)
     upper.bound.PP <- outer(as.numeric(P),as.numeric(P),FUN = "pmin")
     dimnames(P) <- list(dimnames(PP)[[1]],"")

     OO <- is.na(PP)
     set.matrix <- outer(as.numeric(P),as.numeric(P),"==")*1
     unique.cells <- which(apply(set.matrix,1,sum)==1)
     Type <- set.matrix
     Type[unique.cells,unique.cells] <- 0
     set.vector <- sign(apply(Type,1,sum))
     Type <- outer(set.vector,set.vector) + outer(rep(1,km),set.vector)*2 + outer(set.vector,rep(1,km))
     Type <- Type + 4; Type[Type > 4] <- Type[Type > 4] - 3; Type[Type > 4] <- Type[Type > 4] - 4
     PP.hat <- PP
     for (i in 1:km) for (j in 1:km) if(is.na(PP[i,j])){
        if (Type[i,j]==1) PP.hat[i,j] <- mean(PP[set.matrix[i,]==1,set.matrix[,j]==1],na.rm=T)
             RightN  <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[i,j:km])), j + min(which(!is.na(PP[i,j:km]))) - 1, NA)
             RightPP <- ifelse(is.na(RightN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[i,]==1,set.matrix[,RightN]==1],na.rm=T))
             LeftN   <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[i,1:j])), max(which(!is.na(PP[i,1:j]))),NA)
             LeftPP  <- ifelse(is.na(LeftN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[i,]==1,set.matrix[,LeftN]==1],na.rm=T))
             LowerN  <- UpperN <- i
             LowerPP <- UpperPP <- mean(PP[set.matrix[i,]==1,set.matrix[,j]==1],na.rm=T)
             LowerN  <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[i:km,j])), i + min(which(!is.na(PP[i:km,j]))) - 1, NA)
             LowerPP <- ifelse(is.na(LowerN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[LowerN,]==1,set.matrix[,j]==1],na.rm=T))
             UpperN  <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[1:i,j])), max(which(!is.na(PP[1:i,j]))),NA)
             UpperPP <- ifelse(is.na(UpperN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[UpperN,]==1,set.matrix[,j]==1],na.rm=T))
             RightN  <- LeftN <- j
             RightPP <- LeftPP <- mean(PP[set.matrix[i,]==1,set.matrix[,j]==1],na.rm=T)
             RightN  <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[i,j:km])), j + min(which(!is.na(PP[i,j:km]))) - 1, NA)
             RightPP <- ifelse(is.na(RightN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[i,]==1,set.matrix[,RightN]==1],na.rm=T))
             LeftN   <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[i,1:j])), max(which(!is.na(PP[i,1:j]))),NA)
             LeftPP  <- ifelse(is.na(LeftN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[i,]==1,set.matrix[,LeftN]==1],na.rm=T))
             LowerN  <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[i:km,j])), i + min(which(!is.na(PP[i:km,j]))) - 1, NA)
             LowerPP <- ifelse(is.na(LowerN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[LowerN,]==1,set.matrix[,j]==1],na.rm=T))
             UpperN  <- ifelse(any(!is.na(PP[1:i,j])), max(which(!is.na(PP[1:i,j]))),NA)
             UpperPP <- ifelse(is.na(UpperN),NA,mean(PP[set.matrix[UpperN,]==1,set.matrix[,j]==1],na.rm=T))

          E17a <- ifelse(is.na(LowerN),NA,LowerPP * P[i]/P[LowerN])
          E17b <- ifelse(is.na(RightN),NA,RightPP * P[j]/P[RightN])
          E17c <- ifelse(is.na(UpperN),NA,UpperPP * P[i]/P[UpperN])
          E17d <- ifelse(is.na(LeftN),NA, LeftPP  * P[j]/P[LeftN] )
          E21a <- ifelse(is.na(LowerN),NA,LowerPP  * (1 - P[i])/(1 - P[LowerN]) -
                  P[j] * (P[LowerN] - P[i])/(1 - P[LowerN]))
          E21b <- ifelse(is.na(RightN),NA,RightPP  * (1 - P[j])/(1 - P[RightN]) -
                  P[i] * (P[RightN] - P[j])/(1 - P[RightN]))
          E21c <- ifelse(is.na(UpperN),NA,UpperPP  * (1 - P[i])/(1 - P[UpperN]) +
                  P[j] * (P[i] - P[UpperN])/(1 - P[UpperN]))
          E21d <- ifelse(is.na(LeftN) ,NA,LeftPP   * (1 - P[j])/(1 - P[LeftN] ) +
                  P[i] * (P[j] -  P[LeftN])/(1 - P[LeftN] ))

          PP.hat[i,j] <- mean(c(E17a,E17b,E17c,E17d,E21a,E21b,E21c,E21d),na.rm=T)
     PP.hat[is.nan(PP.hat)] <- 0
     PP.hat[PP.hat > upper.bound.PP & OO] <- upper.bound.PP[PP.hat > upper.bound.PP & OO]
     PP.hat[PP.hat < lower.bound.PP & OO] <- lower.bound.PP[PP.hat < lower.bound.PP & OO]
     res$MS <-  sum(PP.hat-lower.bound.PP)/(var(apply(X,1,sum))*((N-1)/N))

   ## alpha   
   if (alpha==TRUE){
     varX <- var(X)
     res$alpha <- J/(J-1) * (sum(varX) - sum(diag(varX)))/sum(varX)
   ## lambda.2   
   if (lambda.2==TRUE){
     varX <- var(X)
     res$lambda.2 <-  ((sum(varX)-sum(diag(varX))) + (sqrt((J/(J-1))*(sum(varX^2)-sum(diag(varX^2))))))/sum(varX)

   ## irc   
   if (irc == TRUE){
     res$irc <- IRC(X)

   ## LCRC   
   if (LCRC==TRUE){
     if (requireNamespace("poLCA", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
       X.0 <- X - min(X)
       m <- max(X.0)+1
       P.tmp <- compute.PP.LCRC(X.0)
       range.X <- max(X) - min(X) 
       PP <- P.tmp$PP
       P <- P.tmp$P
       X.lc <- as.data.frame(X.0)+1
       J <- ncol(X.lc)
       names(X.lc) <- paste("V",1:J,sep="")
       f <- as.formula(paste("cbind(",paste("V", 1:(J-1) , "," , sep="",collapse=""), paste("V",J,sep=""),") ~ 1", collapse=""))
       model.lc <- poLCA::poLCA(f, X.lc, nclass = nclass, verbose = FALSE, calc.se = FALSE)
       # Check whether all categories occur
       probs <- check.probs(model.lc$probs,m)
       pj.k <- list() 
       for (k in 1:nclass) pj.k[[k]] <- matrix(unlist(probs),nrow=nclass)[k,] 
       # pij.k bivariate probabilities given class membership implied by the LCM
       pij.k <- lapply(pj.k,function(x) outer(x,x))
       # pij bivariate probabilities implied by the LCM
       pij <- 0
       for (k in 1:nclass) pij <- pij + model.lc$P[k] * pij.k[[k]] 
       # Pij cumulative bivariate probabilities implied by the LCM
       Pij <- matrix(0, J * (m - 1), J * (m - 1))
       for (i in 1:J) for (j in 1:J){ 
          pij.tmp <- pij[((i - 1) * (m) + 1):((i - 1) * (m) + (m)), ((j - 1) * (m) + 1):((j - 1) * (m) + (m))]
          Pij.tmp <- matrix(NA,m,m)
          for (u in 1:m) for (v in 1:m) Pij.tmp[u,v] <- sum(pij.tmp[row(pij.tmp) >= u & col(pij.tmp)>= v]) 
          Pij[((i - 1) * (m - 1) + 1):((i - 1) * (m - 1) + (m - 1)), ((j - 1) * (m - 1) + 1):((j - 1) * (m - 1) + (m - 1))] <- Pij.tmp[2:m,2:m]
       PP[is.na(PP)] <- Pij[is.na(PP)]
       res$LCRC <- sum(PP- outer(as.numeric(P),as.numeric(P))) / var(apply(X,1,sum))
     } else {
      res$LCRC <- NA
      warning("Could not find package poLCA")

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