Man pages for molaR
Dental Surface Complexity Measurement Tools

ARCCalculate several measures of Area Relative Curvature
ARC3dPlot Area Relative Curvature on Tooth Mesh
Check2DPlot 2D footprint and footprint triangle points to check for...
DNECalculate Dirichlet normal energy of a surface
DNE3dPlot results of a DNE analysis of a surface
DNE3dDiscardPlot advanced results of a DNE surface analysis
DNEbarPlot advanced results of a DNE surface analysis
DNEDensitiesPlot advanced results of a DNE surface analysis
DNEpiePlot advanced results of a DNE surface analysis
HillsHills surface mesh
molaR_BatchRun molaR analyses on a batch of specimens
molaR_CleanClean up problem ply files
OPCCalculate orientation patch count of a surface
OPC3dPlot results of OPC analysis of a surface
OPCbinareasVisualize surface area distribution into separate OPC...
OPCrCalculate average orientation patch count after several...
OPCr_Example1OPCr_Example1 - object created by OPCr function used as an...
OPCr_Example2OPCr_Example2 - object created by OPCr function used as an...
plyPlaneCutCut a PLY Mesh Along a Specified Plane
RFICalculate relief index for a surface
RFI3dPlot 3D and 2D areas of a mesh used to calculate relief index
SlopeFunction to calculate the average slope of a surface
Slope3dPlot results of a Slope analysis of a surface
ToothTooth a surface mesh of a tooth.
molaR documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:33 p.m.