
Defines functions plot_mnet

Documented in plot_mnet

#' Visualize a multi-level network (using ggraph)
#' Visualize a multi-level network, with the possibility of specifying separate
#' layouts for each level. This is a somewhat hacky wrapper for arranging
#' separate ggraph calls for each network level in a circle.
#' For more extensive visualization options, it is recommended to explore the
#' \link[graphlayouts]{layout_as_multilevel} function included in
#' the package graphlayouts.
#' @param net A tidygraph, igraph or statnet network object
#' @param lvl_attr The name of the categorical node attribute specifying at
#'   which level a node is situated
#' @param layouts A list of layouts (see \code{ggraph::layout_ggraph}) for every level
#'   e.g. for two levels \code{list("auto","circle")}
#' @param label logical - should nodes be labelled? (defaults to false)
#' @param directed whether the network object shall be interpreted as directed
#'   network. Per default, \code{motifr::is.directed} is used to determine that.
#' @param nodesize The size of node displays, if displayed as points (if label = false)
#' @param edgewidth The width of lines illustrating edges
#' @return A ggraph object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot_mnet(net = motifr::ml_net, lvl_attr = "sesType", layouts = list("kk", "circle"))
plot_mnet <- function(net,
                      lvl_attr = c("sesType"),
                      layouts = rep("kk", n_levels),
                      label = FALSE,
                      directed = NULL,
                      nodesize = 3,
                      edgewidth = 0.5) {
  if (network::is.network(net)) {
    net <- intergraph::asIgraph(net)
    net <-
        name = "name", value =
          igraph::get.vertex.attribute(net, "vertex.names")

  t_g <- tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(net)
  nodes <- tibble::as_tibble(tidygraph::activate(t_g, nodes))
  edges <- tibble::as_tibble(tidygraph::activate(t_g, edges))

  colnames(nodes)[colnames(nodes) == lvl_attr] <- "lvl"
  # ensure numeric and starting at 1
  nodes$lvl_n <- as.numeric(factor(nodes$lvl))

  n_levels <- length(unique(nodes$lvl_n))

  edges$to_level <- nodes$lvl_n[edges$to]

  edges$from_level <- nodes$lvl_n[edges$from]

  edges$between <- ifelse(edges$from_level != edges$to_level, "between", "within")

  edges$level_pairs <- apply(data.frame(t(apply(cbind(edges$from_level, edges$to_level), 1, sort))),
    1, paste,
    collapse = "_"

  # set edge colors here already
  edges$edgecol <- "gray"
  within_cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n_levels + 2, "Paired") #+2 to avoid R brewer warnings if n < 3
  edges$edgecol[edges$between == "within"] <- within_cols[edges$from_level[edges$between == "within"]]

  t_g <- tidygraph::tbl_graph(nodes = nodes, edges = edges)

  # separate subgraphs
  sub_g_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(unique(nodes$lvl_n)))

  for (level in 1:n_levels) {
    #' @importFrom rlang .data
    t_g_sub <- tidygraph::to_subgraph(t_g, .data$lvl_n == level, subset_by = "nodes")$subgraph
    # if graph has no edges (bug in igraph), create self_loop to have one (hacky)
    if (nrow(tibble::as_tibble(tidygraph::activate(t_g_sub, edges))) == 0) {
      disc_edges <- tibble::as_tibble(tidygraph::activate(t_g_sub, edges))
      disc_nodes <- tibble::as_tibble(tidygraph::activate(t_g_sub, nodes))
      disc_edges <- dplyr::bind_rows(disc_edges, tibble::tibble(to = 1, from = 1, between = NA))
      t_g_sub <- tidygraph::tbl_graph(nodes = disc_nodes, edges = disc_edges)
    sub_g_list[[level]] <- ggraph::ggraph(graph = t_g_sub, layout = layouts[[level]]) +

  # compute x and y offsets
  # When arranging n points on a circle, the k-th point, k = 0, …, n-1, has coordinates
  # x = cos(2 * pi * k /n) and y = sin(2 * pi * k/n). This gives coordinates ranging from -1 to 1.
  coord_offset <- lapply(c(1:n_levels), function(level) {
    x <- cos(2 * pi * level / n_levels)
    y <- sin(2 * pi * level / n_levels)
    return(list(x = x, y = y))

  for (level in 1:n_levels) {
    sub_g_list[[level]][["data"]][["x"]] <- scales::rescale(sub_g_list[[level]][["data"]][["x"]],
      to = c(0, 1)
    ) +
    sub_g_list[[level]][["data"]][["y"]] <- scales::rescale(sub_g_list[[level]][["data"]][["y"]],
      to = c(0, 1)
    ) +

  p_comb <- ggraph::ggraph(t_g, layout = "kk")

  for (level in 1:n_levels) {
      p_comb[["data"]][["lvl_n"]] == level
    ] <-

      p_comb[["data"]][["lvl_n"]] == level
    ] <-

  # render edges (first, because of overplotting nodes later)

  # handle directed networks
  if ((is.null(directed) && motifr::is.directed(net)) ||
    (!is.null(directed) && directed == TRUE)) {
    p_comb <- p_comb +
        colour = ~edgecol
      end_cap = ggraph::circle(3, "mm"),
      start_cap = ggraph::circle(3, "mm"),
      arrow = grid::arrow(
        angle = 30,
        length = ggplot2::unit(.3, "cm"),
        type = "closed"
      width = edgewidth
    # +
    #   ggraph::scale_edge_color_grey(guide = FALSE)
  else {
    p_comb <- p_comb +
        colour = ~edgecol
      width = edgewidth
    # +
    #   ggraph::scale_edge_color_grey(guide = FALSE)

  # render nodes

  if (label == FALSE) {
    p_comb <-
      p_comb +
      ggraph::geom_node_point(ggplot2::aes_(color = ~ factor(lvl)), size = nodesize) +
        breaks = levels(factor(nodes$lvl)),
        palette = "Paired"

  if (label == TRUE) {
    p_comb <-
      p_comb + ggraph::geom_node_label(ggplot2::aes_(label = ~name, fill = ~ factor(lvl)),
        alpha = 0.5
      ) +
        breaks = levels(factor(nodes$lvl)),
        palette = "Paired"

  p_comb <- p_comb +
    ggplot2::theme_void() +
    ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = "off") +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")

  return(p_comb + ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = ggplot2::unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "cm")))

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motifr documentation built on Dec. 15, 2020, 5:23 p.m.