
setGeneric("lines") ## need to be different --
setMethod("lines", ".MoveTrackSingle", function(x, ...) {
  lines(coordinates(x), ...)

setMethod("lines", ".MoveTrackStack", function(x, col = NA, ...) {
  if (any(is.na(col))) {
    col <- 1:length(unique(x@trackId))
  if (all(length(col) == length(unique(x@trackId)))) {
    col <- col[cumsum(c(1, diff(as.numeric(x@trackId)) != 0))]
  } # needs to correspond to points function
  if (length(col) == 1) {
    col <- rep(col, sum(n.locs(x)))
  if (sum(n.locs(x)) != (length(col) - 1) & sum(n.locs(x)) != length(col)) {
    stop("Number of colours does not match either the number of locations/ individuals or is one color")
  s <- summary(x@trackId)
  if (any(s == 1)) {
    warning("There are/is ", sum(s == 1), " individual(s) with only one location for those no line is ploted")
    s <- s[s != 1]
  res <- lapply(names(s), function(Id, x, ...) {
    coords <- coordinates(x)[x@trackId == Id, ]
      x0 = coords[-nrow(coords), 1],
      y0 = coords[-nrow(coords), 2],
      x1 = coords[-1, 1],
      y1 = coords[-1, 2],
      col = col[x@trackId == Id], ...
  }, x = x, ...)

setMethod("lines", ".MoveTrackSingleBurst", function(x, col = NA, ...) {
  coords <- coordinates(x)

  if (length(col) == 1 && is.na(col)) {
    col <- x@burstId
  } else {
    if (length(col) == length(levels(x@burstId))) {
      col <- col[as.numeric(x@burstId)] # needs to correspond to points function
    } else {
      if (length(col) != 1 & length(col) != n.locs(x)) {
        stop("The number of assigned colors is unequal to the number of burst IDs, one or the number of segments")
  if (length(levels(x@burstId)) > 8) warning("There are more burst IDs than colors (recycling colors).")
  graphics::segments(x0 = coords[-nrow(coords), 1], y0 = coords[-nrow(coords), 2], x1 = coords[-1, 1], y1 = coords[-1, 2], col = col, ...)

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move documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:09 p.m.