
Defines functions plot.af af

Documented in af plot.af

#' The adaptive fence procedure
#' This function implements the adaptive fence procedure to
#' first find the optimal cstar value and then finds the
#' corresponding best model as described in Jiang et. al.
#' (2009) with some practical modifications.
#' The initial stepwise procedure performs forward stepwise model
#' selection using the AIC and backward stepwise model selection
#' using BIC.  In general the backwise selection via the more
#' conservative BIC will tend to select a smaller model than that
#' of the forward selection AIC approach.  The size of these two
#' models is found, and we go two dimensions smaller and larger
#' to estimate a sensible range of \code{c} values over which to
#' perform a parametric bootstrap.
#' This procedure can take some time.  It is recommended that you start
#' with a relatively small number of bootstrap samples (\code{B})
#' and grid of boundary values (\code{n.c}) and increase both as
#' required.
#' If you use \code{initial.stepwise=TRUE} then in general you will
#' need a smaller grid of boundary values than if you select
#' \code{initial.stepwise=FALSE}.
#' It can be useful to check \code{initial.stepwise=FALSE} with a
#' small number of bootstrap replications over a sparse grid to ensure
#' that the \code{initial.stepwise=TRUE} has landed you in a reasonable
#' region.
#' The \code{best.only=FALSE} option when plotting the results of the
#' adaptive fence is a modification to the adaptive fence procedure
#' which considers all models at a particular size that pass the fence
#' hurdle when calculating the p* values.  In particular,
#' for each value of c and at each bootstrap replication,
#' if a candidate model is found that passes the fence, then we look to see
#' if there are any other models of the same size that also pass the fence.
#' If no other models of the same size pass the fence, then that model is
#' allocated a weight of 1.  If there are two models that pass the fence, then
#' the best model is allocated a weight of 1/2.  If three models pass the fence,
#' the best model gets a weight of 1/3, and so on. After \code{B} bootstrap
#' replications, we aggregate the weights by summing over the various models.
#' The p* value is the maximum aggregated weight divided by the number of bootstrap
#' replications.
#' This correction penalises the probability associated with the best model if
#' there were other models of the same size that also passed the fence hurdle.
#' The rationale being that if a model has no redundant variables
#' then it will be the only model at that size that passes the fence over a
#' range of values of c.
#' The result is more pronounced peaks which can help to determine
#' the location of the correct peak and identify the optimal c*.
#' See \code{?plot.af} or \code{help("plot.af")} for details of the
#' plot method associated with the result.
#' @param mf a fitted 'full' model, the result of a call
#'   to lm or glm (and in the future lme or lmer).
#' @param B number of bootstrap replications at each fence
#'   boundary value
#' @param n.c number of boundary values to be considered
#' @param initial.stepwise logical.  Performs an initial stepwise
#'   procedure to look for the range of model sizes where attention
#'   should be focussed. See details for implementation.
#' @param force.in the names of variables that should be forced
#'   into all estimated models
#' @param cores number of cores to be used when parallel
#'   processing the bootstrap
#' @param nvmax size of the largest model that can still be
#'   considered as a viable candidate.  Included for performance
#'   reasons but if it is an active constraint it could lead to
#'   misleading results.
#' @param c.max manually specify the upper boundary limit.
#'   Only applies when \code{initial.stepwise=FALSE}.
#' @param screen logical, whether or not to perform an initial
#'   screen for outliers.  Highly experimental, use at own risk.
#'   Default = FALSE.
#' @param seed random seed for reproducible results
#' @param ... further arguments (currently unused)
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.af}}
#' @references Jiang J., Nguyen T., Sunil Rao J. (2009),
#'   A simplified adaptive fence procedure, Statistics &
#'   Probability Letters, 79(5):625-629.  doi: 10.1016/j.spl.2008.10.014
#'   Jiang J., Sunil Rao J., Gu Z, Nguyen T. (2008),
#'   Fence methods for mixed model selection, Annals of Statistics,
#'   36(4):1669-1692. doi: 10.1214/07-AOS517
#' @export
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @family fence
#' @examples
#' n = 100
#' set.seed(11)
#' e = rnorm(n)
#' x1 = rnorm(n)
#' x2 = rnorm(n)
#' x3 = x1^2
#' x4 = x2^2
#' x5 = x1*x2
#' y = 1 + x1 + x2 + e
#' dat = data.frame(y,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
#' lm1 = lm(y ~ ., data = dat)
#' \dontshow{
#' af1 = af(lm1, cores = 1, B = 5, n.c = 5, seed = 1)
#' summary(af1)
#' plot(af1)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' af1 = af(lm1, initial.stepwise = TRUE, seed = 1)
#' summary(af1)
#' plot(af1)
#' }

af = function(mf,
              B = 60,
              n.c = 20,
              initial.stepwise = FALSE,
              force.in = NULL,
              screen = FALSE,
              seed = NULL,
              ...) {
  method = "ML"
  af.call = match.call()
  if (!missing(c.max) & initial.stepwise == TRUE) {
    initial.stepwise = FALSE
    warning("When c.max is specified, initial.stepwise=FALSE")
  if (!any(class(mf) == "lm")) {
    warning("Adaptive fence currently only implemented for lm and glm")
    model.type = "lm"
  if (any(class(mf) == "glm") == TRUE) {
    family = stats::family(mf)
    if (!is.null(force.in)) {
      warning("force.in is not implemented for glms")
    model.type = "glm"
  } else if (class(mf) == "lm") {
    model.type = "lm"
  m = mextract(mf, screen = screen)
  fixed = m$fixed
  yname = m$yname
  family = m$family
  Xy = m$X
  kf = m$k
  n = m$n
  Xy$initial.weights = m$wts
  initial.weights = m$wts
  null.ff = stats::as.formula(paste(yname, "~1"))
  if (model.type == "glm") {
    m0 = stats::glm(null.ff,
                    data = Xy,
                    family = family,
                    weights = initial.weights)
    mfstar = stats::glm(fixed,
                        data = Xy,
                        family = family,
                        weights = initial.weights)
  } else {
    m0 = stats::lm(null.ff, data = Xy, weights = initial.weights)
    mfstar = stats::lm(fixed, data = Xy, weights = initial.weights)
  Qm0 = Qm(m0, method = method)
  Qmfstar = Qm(mfstar, method = method)
  if (!is.null(force.in)) {
    small.ff = stats::as.formula(paste(yname, "~", paste(force.in, collapse =
  } else {
    small.ff = null.ff
  if (initial.stepwise) {
    if (model.type == "glm") {
      small.mod = stats::glm(small.ff,
                             data = Xy,
                             family = family,
                             weights = initial.weights)
    } else {
      small.mod = stats::lm(small.ff, data = Xy, weights = initial.weights)
    # backwards and forwards model selection using
    # BIC (conservative) and AIC (less conservative)
    bwds.BIC = stats::step(
      scope = list(lower = small.ff, upper = fixed),
      direction = "backward",
      k = log(n),
      trace = 0
    fwds.BIC = stats::step(
      scope = list(lower = small.ff, upper = fixed),
      direction = "forward",
      k = log(n),
      trace = 0
    bwds.AIC = stats::step(
      scope = list(lower = small.ff, upper = fixed),
      direction = "backward",
      k = 2,
      trace = 0
    fwds.AIC = stats::step(
      scope = list(lower = small.ff, upper = fixed),
      direction = "forward",
      k = 2,
      trace = 0
    k.vals = c(
    k.min = max(min(k.vals) - 2, 1)
    k.max = min(max(k.vals) + 2, kf)
    k.range = list(k.min = k.min, k.max = k.max)
    Q.range = qrange(
      k.range = k.range,
      data = Xy,
      yname = yname,
      fixed = fixed,
      method = method,
      force.in = force.in,
      model.type = model.type,
      family = family
    c.max = (Q.range$Q.max - Qmfstar) * 1.1
    c.min = max(Q.range$Q.min - Qmfstar, 0) * 0.9
    c.range = seq(c.min, c.max, length.out = n.c)
    if (missing(nvmax))
      nvmax = k.max
  } else {
    k.range = list(k.min = 1, k.max = kf)
    if (missing(c.max))
      c.max = (Qm0 - Qmfstar) * 1.1
    c.min = 0.1
    c.range = seq(c.min, c.max, length.out = n.c)
    if (missing(nvmax))
      nvmax = kf
  if (missing(cores))
    cores = max(detectCores() - 1, 1)
  cl.af = makeCluster(cores)
  j = NULL # avoid global variable NOTE in R CMD check
  p.star.all = foreach(j = 1:n.c,
                       .combine = rbind,
                       .packages = c("mplot"),
                       .options.RNG=seed) %dorng% {
                         fence.mod = list()
                         fence.rank = list()
                         ystar = stats::simulate(object = mfstar, nsim = B)
                         initial.weights <<- m$wts
                         if (model.type == "glm") {
                           for (i in 1:B) {
                             Xy[yname] = ystar[, i]
                             mfstarB = do.call("glm",
                                                 data = Xy,
                                                 family = family,
                                                 weights = initial.weights
                             fms = glmfence(
                               cstar = c.range[j],
                               trace = FALSE,
                               nvmax = nvmax,
                               adaptive = TRUE
                             fence.mod = c(fence.mod, fms)
                             fence.rank = c(fence.rank, 1:length(fms))
                         } else {
                           for (i in 1:B) {
                             Xy[yname] = ystar[, i]
                             mfstarB = do.call("lm", list(fixed, data = Xy, weights = initial.weights))
                             fms = lmfence(
                               cstar = c.range[j],
                               trace = FALSE,
                               nvmax = nvmax,
                               force.in = force.in,
                               adaptive = TRUE
                             fence.mod = c(fence.mod, fms)
                             fence.rank = c(fence.rank, 1:length(fms))
                         process.fn(fence.mod, fence.rank)
  # Another function that processes results within af function
  # This function is used by the af function to process
  # the results when iterating over different boundary values
  pstar.fn = function(input, type) {
    if (type == "bo") {
      p.star = input[, 1:2]
    } else if (type == "all") {
      p.star = input[, 3:4]
    pstarmods = sort(table(p.star[, 2]), decreasing = TRUE)
    n.pstarmods = length(pstarmods)
    p.star = data.frame(
      pstar = as.numeric(p.star[, 1]),
      model = as.character(p.star[, 2]),
      modelident = match(p.star[, 2], names(pstarmods))
    redundent.vars = grepl("REDUNDANT.VARIABLE", as.character(p.star$model))
    c.range = c.range[!redundent.vars]
    p.star = p.star[!redundent.vars, ]
    p.star$model = droplevels(as.factor(p.star$model))
    # if want runs of (near) maximums
    max.p = max(p.star[, 1]) #- 2/B
    tf = p.star[, 1] >= max.p
    a = rle(tf)
    pos = which(a$values == TRUE)
    # what if there was a sequence of falses of the same length?
    # keep only the position of these runs where we had true values
    pos = pos[a$values[pos] == TRUE]
    mid = NA
    for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
      # find the midpoint
      if (pos[i] == 1) {
        mid[i] = sum(a$lengths[1:pos[i]] + 1) / 2
      } else {
        mid[i] = (sum(a$length[1:pos[i]]) + sum(a$lengths[1:(pos[i] - 1)]) + 1) /
    mid = floor(mid)
    c.star = min(c.range[mid])
    if (model.type == "glm") {
      afmod = glmfence(mf,
                       cstar = c.star,
                       trace = FALSE,
                       nvmax = nvmax)[[1]]
    } else {
      afmod = lmfence(
        cstar = c.star,
        trace = FALSE,
        nvmax = nvmax,
        force.in = force.in
    p.star[, 1] = as.numeric(as.character(p.star[, 1]))
      p.star = p.star,
      c.range = c.range,
      c.star = c.star,
      model = afmod
  # set up the output object class
  afout = list()
  afout$bestOnly = pstar.fn(p.star.all, type = "bo")
  afout$all = pstar.fn(p.star.all, type = "all")
  afout$call = af.call
  afout$screen = screen
  if (initial.stepwise) {
    afout$initial.stepwise = list(
      fwds.AIC = stats::as.formula(fwds.AIC),
      fwds.BIC = stats::as.formula(fwds.BIC),
      bwds.AIC = stats::as.formula(bwds.AIC),
      bwds.BIC = stats::as.formula(bwds.BIC)
  } else {
    afout$initial.stepwise = NULL
  afout$k.range = k.range
  class(afout) = "af"

#' Summary method for an af object
#' Provides comprehensive  output of the bootstrap results of an
#' af object.
#' @param object \code{af} object, the result of \code{\link{af}}
#' @param best.only logical determining whether the output used the
#'   standard fence approach of only considering the best models
#'   that pass the fence (\code{TRUE}) or if it should take into
#'   account all models that pass the fence at each boundary
#'   value (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param ... further arguments (currently unused)
#' @export
# S3 method for class 'af'
summary.af = function (object, best.only = TRUE, ...) {
  if (best.only) {
    xsub = object$bestOnly
  } else {
    xsub = object$all
      paste(deparse(object$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
      sep = "")
  cat("Adaptive fence model (c*=")
  cat(round(xsub$c.star, 1))
  cat("Model sizes considered: ")
  cat(" to ")
  cat(" (including intercept).")
  if (!is.null(object$initial.stepwise)) {
    cat("Stepwise procedures:\n")
    cat("Forwards AIC: ")
    cat("Backwards AIC: ")
    cat("Forwards BIC: ")
    cat("Backwards BIC: ")

#' Plot diagnostics for an af object
#' Summary plot of the bootstrap results of an af object.
#' For each value of \eqn{c}{c} a parametric
#' bootstrap is performed under the full model.
#' For each bootstrap
#' sample we identify the smallest model inside the fence,
#' \eqn{\hat{\alpha}(c)}{hat{alpha}(c)}.   We calculate the empirical probability of selecting
#' model \eqn{\alpha}{alpha} for a given value of \eqn{c}{c} as
#' \deqn{p^*(c,\alpha)=P^*\{\hat{\alpha}(c)=\alpha\}.}{p*(c,alpha)=P*{hat{alpha}(c)=alpha}.}
#' Hence, if \eqn{B}{B} bootstrap replications are performed,
#' \eqn{p^*(c,\alpha)}{p^*(c,alpha)} is the
#' proportion of times that model \eqn{\alpha}{alpha} is selected.  Finally,
#' define an overall selection probability,
#' \deqn{p^*(c)=\max_{\alpha\in\mathcal{A}}p^*(c,\alpha)}{p*(c)=max_{alpha in mathcal{A}}p*(c,alpha)} and we plot
#' \eqn{p^*(c)}{p*(c)} against \eqn{c}{c}. The points on the scatter plot are
#' colour coded by the model that yielded the highest inclusion probability.
#' @param x \code{af} object, the result of \code{\link{af}}
#' @param interactive logical.  If \code{interactive=TRUE} a
#'   googleVis plot is provided instead of the base graphics plot.
#'   Default is \code{interactive=FALSE}.
#' @param classic logical.  Depricated. If \code{classic=TRUE} a
#'   base graphics plot is provided instead of a googleVis plot.
#'   For now specifying \code{classic} will overwrite the
#'   default \code{interactive} behaviour, though this is
#'   likely to be removed in the future.
#' @param best.only logical determining whether the output used the
#'   standard fence approach of only considering the best models
#'   that pass the fence (\code{TRUE}) or if it should take into
#'   account all models that pass the fence at each boundary
#'   value (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param pch plotting character, i.e., symbol to use
#' @param model.wrap Optional parameter to split the legend names
#'   if they are too long for classic plots.  \code{model.wrap=2}
#'   means that there will be two variables per line,  \code{model.wrap=2}
#'   gives three variables per line and \code{model.wrap=4} gives 4
#'   variables per line.
#' @param legend.space Optional parameter to add additional space
#'   between the legend items for the classic plot.
#' @param tag Default NULL. Name tag of the objects to be extracted
#' from a gvis (googleVis) object.
#' The default tag for is NULL, which will
#' result in R opening a browser window.  Setting \code{tag='chart'}
#' or setting \code{options(gvis.plot.tag='chart')} is useful when
#' googleVis is used in scripts, like knitr or rmarkdown.
#' @param shiny Default FALSE. Set to TRUE when using in a shiny interface.
#' @param width Width of the googleVis chart canvas area, in pixels.
#'   Default: 800.
#' @param height Height of the googleVis chart canvas area, in pixels.
#'   Default: 400.
#' @param chartWidth googleVis chart area width.
#'   A simple number is a value in pixels;
#'   a string containing a number followed by \code{\%} is a percentage.
#'   Default: \code{"60\%"}
#' @param chartHeight googleVis chart area height.
#'   A simple number is a value in pixels;
#'   a string containing a number followed by \code{\%} is a percentage.
#'   Default: \code{"80\%"}
#' @param fontSize font size used in googleVis chart.  Default: 12.
#' @param left space at left of chart (pixels?).  Default: "50".
#' @param top space at top of chart (pixels?).  Default: "30".
#' @param options If you want to specify the full set of googleVis
#'   options.
#' @param backgroundColor The background colour for the main area
#'   of the chart. A simple HTML color string,
#'   for example: 'red' or '#00cc00'.  Default: 'transparent'
#' @param legend.position legend position, e.g. \code{"topleft"}
#'   or  \code{"bottomright"}
#' @param ... further arguments (currently unused)
#' @export
# S3 method for class 'af'
plot.af = function(x,
                   interactive = FALSE,
                   classic = NULL,
                   tag = NULL,
                   shiny = FALSE,
                   best.only = FALSE,
                   width = 800,
                   height = 400,
                   fontSize = 12,
                   left = 50,
                   top = 30,
                   chartWidth = "60%",
                   chartHeight = "80%",
                   backgroundColor = 'transparent',
                   legend.position = "top",
                   model.wrap = NULL,
                   legend.space = NULL,
                   options = NULL,
                   ...) {
  if (!is.null(classic))
    interactive = !classic
  if (best.only) {
    x = x$bestOnly
  } else {
    x = x$all
  if (!interactive) {
    ggdf = cbind(x$p.star, c.range = x$c.range)
    if (is.numeric(model.wrap)) {
      if (model.wrap == 1) {
        ggdf$model = base::gsub("([^\\+]*\\+)", "\\1\n", ggdf$model)
      } else if (model.wrap == 2) {
        ggdf$model = base::gsub("([^\\+]*\\+[^\\+]*\\+)", "\\1\n", ggdf$model)
      } else if (model.wrap == 3) {
        ggdf$model = base::gsub("([^\\+]*\\+[^\\+]*\\+[^\\+]*\\+)",
      } else if (model.wrap == 4) {
        ggdf$model = base::gsub("([^\\+]*\\+[^\\+]*\\+[^\\+]*\\+[^\\+]*\\+)",
      } else {
        warning("The model.wrap parameter can only be 1, 2, 3, 4 or NULL.")
    p = ggplot2::ggplot(data = ggdf,
                        ggplot2::aes_string(x = "c.range",
                                            y = "pstar",
                                            color = "model")) +
      ggplot2::geom_point() +
      ggplot2::ylim(0, 1) +
      ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
      ggplot2::ylab("p*") +
      ggplot2::xlab("c") +
        legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
        legend.key = ggplot2::element_blank(),
        legend.position = legend.position
    if (!is.null(legend.space)) {
      p = p + ggplot2::guides(
        color = ggplot2::guide_legend(
          keyheight = legend.space,
          keywidth = legend.space,
          default.unit = "inch"
    # if(missing(pch)) pch=19
    # graphics::par(mar=c(3.4,3.4,2.1,0.1),mgp=c(2.0, 0.75, 0))
    # graphics::plot(x$p.star[,1]~x$c.range,
    #                ylim=c(0,1), pch=pch,
    #                col=x$p.star[,3],
    #                ylab = "p*", xlab = "c")
    # graphics::legend(legend.position, legend=unique(x$p.star[,2]),
    #                  pch=pch,col=unique(x$p.star[,3]),bty="n")
    # graphics::axis(side=3, at=x$c.star,
    #                labels=paste("c*=", round(x$c.star,1),sep=""))
  } else {
    dat <- matrix(NA,
                  nrow = nrow(x$p.star),
                  ncol = nlevels(x$p.star$model) + 1)
    for (i in 1:nlevels(x$p.star$model)) {
      lvl <- levels(x$p.star$model)[i]
      ind <- which(x$p.star$model == lvl)
      dat[ind, c(1, i + 1)] <- x$p.star$pstar[ind]
    plot.dat = data.frame(c.range = as.numeric(x$c.range),
                          dat[, -1])
    colnames(plot.dat) = c("c.range", levels(x$p.star$model))
    plot.dat = round(plot.dat, 2)
    # SEE HERE: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/
    # googleVis/vignettes/Using_Roles_via_googleVis.html
    gvis.title = paste("Adaptive fence: c*=", round(x$c.star, 1), sep =
    namefunc <- function(v1) {
    chartArea = paste(
      sep = ""
    if (is.null(options)) {
      options = list(
        title = gvis.title,
        fontSize = fontSize,
        vAxis = "{title:'p*',minValue:0,maxValue:1,
        ticks: [0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0]}",
        hAxis = "{title:'c'}",
        axisTitlesPosition = "out",
        chartArea = chartArea,
        backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
        width = width,
        height = height
    fplot = googleVis::gvisScatterChart(data = plot.dat, options = options)
    if (shiny) {
    } else {
      return(graphics::plot(fplot, tag = tag))

#' Print method for an af object
#' Prints basic output of the bootstrap results of an
#' af object.
#' @param x an \code{af} object, the result of \code{\link{af}}
#' @param best.only logical determining whether the output used the
#'   standard fence approach of only considering the best models
#'   that pass the fence (\code{TRUE}) or if it should take into
#'   account all models that pass the fence at each boundary
#'   value (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param ... further arguments (currently unused)
#' @export
# S3 print method for class 'af'
print.af = function (x, best.only = TRUE, ...) {
  if (best.only) {
    x = x$bestOnly
  } else {
    x = x$all
      paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
      sep = "")
  cat("Adaptive fence model (c*=")
  cat(round(x$c.star, 1))

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