
Defines functions plot.mpm

Documented in plot.mpm

#' Spectral Map Plot of Multivariate Data
#' Produces a spectral map plot (biplot) of an object of class \code{mpm}
#' Spectral maps are special types of biplots with the area of the symbols
#' proportional to some measure, usually the row or column mean value and an
#' identification of row- and column-items.  For large matrices, such as gene
#' expression data, where there is an abundance of rows, this can obscure the
#' plot.  In this case, the argument \code{label.tol} can be used to select the
#' most informative rows, i.e. rows that are most distant from the center of
#' the plot.  Only these row-items are then labeled and represented as circles
#' with their areas proportional to the marginal mean value.  For the
#' column-items it can be useful to apply some grouping specified by
#' \code{col.group}. Examples of groupings are different pathologies, such as
#' specified in \code{Golub.grp}
#' @param x object of class \code{mpm} a result of a call to \code{mpm}.
#' @param scale optional character string specifying the type of factor scaling
#'   of the biplot. This can be either \kbd{"singul"} (singular value scaling),
#'   \kbd{"eigen"} (eigenvalue scaling), \kbd{"uvr"} (unit row-variance
#'   scaling), \kbd{"uvc"} (unit column-variance scaling). The latter is of
#'   particular value when analyzing large matrices, such as gene expression
#'   data. Singular value scaling \kbd{"singul"} is customary in spectral map
#'   analysis. Defaults to \kbd{"singul"}.
#' @param dim optional principal factors that are plotted along the horizontal
#'   and vertical axis. Defaults to \code{c(1,2)}.
#' @param zoom optional zoom factor for row and column items. Defaults to
#'   \code{c(1,1)}.
#' @param show.row optional character string indicating whether all rows
#'   (\kbd{"all"}) are to be plotted or just the positioned rows
#'   \kbd{"position"}.
#' @param show.col optional character string indicating whether all columns
#'   (\kbd{"all"}) are to be plotted or just the positioned columns
#'   \kbd{"position"}.
#' @param col.group optional vector (character or numeric) indicating the
#'   different groupings of the columns, e.g. \code{Golub.grp}. Defaults to 1.
#' @param colors vector specifying the colors for the annotation of the plot;
#'   the first two elements concern the rows; the third till the last element
#'   concern the columns; the first element will be used to color the unlabeled
#'   rows; the second element for the labeled rows and the remaining elements
#'   to give different colors to different groups of columns.
#' @param col.areas logical value indicating whether columns should be plotted
#'   as squares with areas proportional to their marginal mean and colors
#'   representing the different groups (\code{TRUE}), or with symbols
#'   representing the groupings and identical size (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to
#'   \code{TRUE}.
#' @param col.symbols vector of symbols when \code{col.areas=FALSE} corresponds
#'   to the \code{pch} argument of the function \code{plot}.
#' @param sampleNames Either a logical vector of length one or a character
#'   vector of length equal to the number of samples in the dataset. If a
#'   logical is provided, sample names will be displayed on the plot
#'   (\code{TRUE}; default) or not (\code{FALSE}); if a character vector is
#'   provided, the names provided will be used to label the samples instead of
#'   the default column names.
#' @param rot rotation of plot. Defaults to \code{c(-1,-1)}.
#' @param labels character vector to be used for labeling points on the graph;
#'   if \code{NULL}, the row names of \code{x} are used instead
#' @param label.tol numerical value specifying either the percentile
#'   (\code{label.tol<=1}) of rows or the number of rows (\code{label.tol>1})
#'   most distant from the plot-center (0,0) that are labeled and are plotted
#'   as circles with area proportional to the marginal means of the original
#'   data.
#' @param label.col.tol numerical value specifying either the percentile
#'   (\code{label.col.tol<=1}) of columns or the number of columns (\code{label.col.tol>1})
#'   most distant from the plot-center (0,0) that are labeled and are plotted
#'   as circles with area proportional to the marginal means of the original
#'   data.
#' @param lab.size size of identifying labels for row- and column-items as
#'   \code{cex} parameter of the \code{text} function
#' @param col.size size in mm of the column symbols
#' @param row.size size in mm of the row symbols
#' @param do.smoothScatter use smoothScatter or not instead of plotting
#'   individual points
#' @param do.plot produce a plot or not
#' @param ... further arguments to \code{eqscaleplot} which draws the canvas
#'   for the plot; useful for adding a \code{main} or a custom \code{sub}
#' @return An object of class \code{plot.mpm} that has the following
#'   components: \item{Rows}{a data frame with the X and Y coordinates of the
#'   rows and an indication \code{Select} of whether the row was selected
#'   according to \code{label.tol}} \item{Columns}{a data frame with the X and
#'   Y coordinates of the columns}
#' @note \code{value} is returned invisibly, but is available for further use
#'   when an explicit assignment is made
#' @author Luc Wouters
#' @seealso \code{\link{mpm}}, \code{\link{summary.mpm}}
#' @references Wouters, L., Goehlmann, H., Bijnens, L., Kass, S.U.,
#'   Molenberghs, G., Lewi, P.J. (2003). Graphical exploration of gene
#'   expression data: a comparative study of three multivariate methods.
#'   \emph{Biometrics} \bold{59}, 1131-1140.
#' @keywords multivariate hplot
#' @method plot mpm
#' @import KernSmooth
#' @importFrom MASS eqscplot
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette rainbow
#' @importFrom graphics box lines par points smoothScatter symbols text
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @examples
#'   # Weighted spectral map analysis
#'   data(Golub) # Gene expression data of leukemia patients
#'   data(Golub.grp) # Pathological classes coded as 1, 2, 3
#'   r.sma <- mpm(Golub[,1:39], row.weight = "mean", col.weight = "mean")
#'   # Spectral map biplot with result
#'   r <- plot(r.sma, label.tol = 20, scale = "uvc",
#'             col.group = (Golub.grp)[1:38], zoom = c(1,1.2), col.size = 5)
#'   Golub[r$Rows$Select, 1] # 20 most extreme genes
#' @export plot.mpm
#' @export
plot.mpm <- function(
    x, # mpm object
    scale = c("singul", "eigen", "uvr", "uvc"), # Scaling type
    dim = c(1, 2), # Principal factors to plot.
    zoom = rep(1, 2), # Zoom factor for factor scores and loadings
    show.row = c("all", "position"),
    show.col = c("all", "position"),
    col.group = rep(1, length(x$col.names)),
    colors = c("orange1", "red", rainbow(length(unique(col.group)), start=2/6, end=4/6)),
    col.areas = TRUE,
    col.symbols = c(1, rep(2, length(unique(col.group)))),
    sampleNames = TRUE,
    rot = rep(-1, length(dim)), # Mirror all axes
    labels = NULL, # character vector of labels (to allow labels to differ from row.names)
    label.tol = 1,
    label.col.tol = 1, 
    lab.size = 0.725,
    col.size = 10,
    row.size = 10,
    do.smoothScatter = FALSE, # Plot individual points or density maps
    do.plot = TRUE, # This routine can also be used to calculate the 
                    # coordinates, without plotting
    # legend = FALSE,

  ### error checking and argument matching  
  if (missing(x))
    stop ("Argument 'x' is missing, with no default.")
  if (!inherits(x, "mpm")) 
    stop("Use only with 'mpm' objects.")
  if (do.smoothScatter && label.tol == 1){
    # if we require all points in the plot to be labelled, no points are left for the density map
    warning("All points selected for labelling, continuing without density map.\n")
    do.smoothScatter <- FALSE
  if(do.smoothScatter && !do.plot){
    warning("Density map plotting requested but plotting not selected. Continuing with plot.\n")
    do.plot <- TRUE # If smoothScatter is set, then also do a plot
  # labeling of samples on the plot
  if (is.logical(sampleNames)){
    if (length(sampleNames) > 1){
      stop("'sampleNames' should either be a logical of length one or a character of length equal to the number of observations")
    } else {
      sampleLabels <- if (sampleNames) x$col.names else rep("", length(x$col.names))  
  } else {
    if (length(sampleNames) != length(x$col.names)){
      stop("If 'sampleNames' is a character vector, the length should be equal to the number of observations")
    } else {
      sampleLabels <- sampleNames
  scale <- match.arg(scale)
  show.row <- match.arg(show.row)
  show.col <- match.arg(show.col)
  if (is.data.frame(col.group))
    col.group <- unlist(col.group)
  if (length(col.group) != length(x$col.names))
    stop("Length of 'col.group' not equal to number of columns in data.")
  col.group <- as.numeric(as.factor(col.group))

  ### extract data from x  
  Wn <- x$Wn        # row weights
  Wp <- x$Wp        # column weights
  Z <- x$TData      # raw data after standardisation
  d <- x$SVD$d      # singular values
  U <- x$SVD$u      # left singular vectors (columns of U)
  V <- t(x$SVD$vt)  # right singular vectors (columns of V)
  # Scaling, scores and loadings
  ### scaling: alpha and beta values for different scaling options
  fact.scale <- switch(scale,
      singul = rep(0.5, 2),
      eigen = rep(1, 2),
      uvc = c(1,0),
      uvr = c(0,1))
  # Calculate weighted factor scores (for rows)
  S <- sweep(crossprod(t(as.matrix(sweep(Z, 2, sqrt(Wp), "*"))), V[, dim]), 2, 
             d[dim]^(fact.scale[1]-1), "*")
  # (RV: Does the next line do anything? Normally, the eigenvalues sum to 1)
  S <- S * sqrt(sum(x$eigen)) / sqrt(sum(x$eigen)^fact.scale[1])
  # Set columns of S that correspond to small singular values to 0 (dimensions close to singular)
  S[, d[dim] < 1E-6] <- 0
  # Calculate weighted factor loadings (for columns)
  L <- sweep(crossprod(as.matrix(sweep(Z, 1, sqrt(Wn), "*")), U[,dim]), 2, d[dim]^(fact.scale[2]-1), "*")
  # (RV: same remark as above for S)
  L <- L * sqrt(sum(x$eigen)) / sqrt(sum(x$eigen)^fact.scale[2])
  L[, d[dim] < 1E-6] <- 0
  # Rotation
  # Default: flips both the X and Y axes
  # (RV: Generalised from ncol=2 to ncol=dim(S)[2] to account for more than 2 dimensions)
  S <- S * matrix(rot, ncol = ncol(S), nrow = nrow(S), byrow = TRUE)
  L <- L * matrix(rot, ncol = ncol(L), nrow = nrow(L), byrow = TRUE)
  # zooming
  # (RV: it should not be allowed to zoom S and L differently if they are to be
  # projected on the same plane in the plot)
  ss <- S * zoom[1]
  ll <- L * zoom[2]
  # Calculate which rows are far from the origin (most specific)
  DS <- S[, 1]^2 + S[, 2]^2  # distance from center
  DL <- L[, 1]^2 + L[, 2]^2  # distance from center
  # Threshold for row labels
  if (label.tol > 1) # label.tol most distant rows are plotted as circles and labelled
    thres <- sort(DS, decreasing = TRUE)[min(length(DS), floor(label.tol))]
  else # label.tol percent most distant rows are plotted as circles and labelled
    thres <- if (label.tol == 0) Inf else quantile(DS, probs = 1-label.tol)
  # Threshold for row labels
  if (label.col.tol > 1) # label.tol most distant rows are plotted as circles and labelled
    colThres <- sort(DL, decreasing = TRUE)[min(length(DL), floor(label.col.tol))]
  else # label.tol percent most distant rows are plotted as circles and labelled
    colThres <- if (label.col.tol == 0) Inf else quantile(DL, probs = 1-label.col.tol)
  # Positioning
  is <- switch(show.row,
      all = rep(TRUE, nrow(S)), 
      position = x$pos.row)
  il <- switch(show.col,
      all = rep(TRUE, nrow(L)),
      position = x$pos.column)
  isel <- is & (DS >= thres)
  # Only draw a plot if the projection is 2D and the user requested a plot (default)
  if (do.plot && (length(dim) == 2)){
    # Compute range of plot
    xrange <- range(ll[!x$pos.column, 1], ss[!x$pos.row, 1], 0)
    yrange <- range(ll[!x$pos.column, 2], ss[!x$pos.row, 2], 0)
    xrange <- ifelse(rep(diff(xrange) == 0, 2),
        c(-1, 1), # Default range [-1,1] if calculated range is 0
        xrange + diff(xrange) * c(-0.1, 0.1)) # Else expand range by 10%
    yrange <- ifelse(rep(diff(yrange) == 0, 2),
        c(-1, 1),
        yrange + diff(yrange) * c(-0.1, 0.1))
                                        # RV: changed diff(xrange) to diff(yrange):
    # the eqscplot funtion (ratio=1) takes care of equally scaled axes, so make sure
    # we have the correct range for each axis here.
    # Clipping
    # (replace coordinates outside the plotted range by the min or max coordinates)
    ss[, 1] <- pmin(pmax(ss[,1], xrange[1]), xrange[2])
    ss[, 2] <- pmin(pmax(ss[,2], yrange[1]), yrange[2])
    ll[, 1] <- pmin(pmax(ll[,1], xrange[1]), xrange[2])
    ll[, 2] <- pmin(pmax(ll[,2], yrange[1]), yrange[2])
    # Set-up plot
    opar <- par(pty = "m") # preserve configuration
    # Create a window with the maximal plotting region
    # Equal scale plot function from MASS library
    dotList <- list(...)
    if (is.null(dotList$sub)){ 
      dotList$sub <- paste("Closure = ", x$closure, ", Center = ", x$center, ", Norm. = ", 
          x$normal, ", Scale = ", scale, ", RW = ", x$row.weight, ", CW = ", x$col.weight, sep="")
      if (is.null(dotList$cex.sub))
        dotList$cex.sub <- 0.85 
    dotList$cex.sub <- if (is.null(dotList$cex.sub)) 0.85 else dotList$cex.sub 
    if (is.null(dotList$xlab))
      dotList$xlab <- paste("PC", dim[1], " ", 100 * round(x$contrib[dim[1]], 2), "%", sep = "")
    if (is.null(dotList$ylab))
      dotList$ylab <- paste("PC", dim[2], " ", 100 * round(x$contrib[dim[2]], 2), "%", sep = "")
    dotList$x <- xrange
    dotList$y <- yrange
    dotList$ratio <- 1
    dotList$tol <- 0
    dotList$type <- "n"
    dotList$axes <- FALSE
    dotList$cex.lab = 0.85
    do.call("eqscplot", dotList)

    # Scales
    # (RV: the drop parameter doesn't have an effect in the following lines)
    usr <- par("usr") # Retrieve extremes of coordinates in the plotting region
    sx <- diff(usr[c(1,2)]) / (25.4 * par("pin")[1, drop = TRUE]) # scale in mm
    sy <- diff(usr[c(3,4)]) / (25.4 * par("pin")[2, drop = TRUE])
    # Plot rows close to 0,0 as unlabelled dots or as density maps
    # Select rows to be plotted
    i <- is & (DS < thres)
    if (!do.smoothScatter){ # plot inner points as unlabelled dots
      points(ss[i,1], ss[i,2], col = colors[1], cex = 0.825, lwd = 2)
  	}else{ # plot as density maps
		if(!requireNamespace("KernSmooth", quietly = TRUE))
			stop(paste("The package 'KernSmooth' is not available to create a smooth scatter."))
      smoothScatter(x = ss[i,1], y = ss[i,2], nbin = 256, nrpoints = 0,
          add = TRUE, colramp = colorRampPalette(c("white", "burlywood"))) # add image to current eqscplot axes, instead of overwritting
    # Alternative to adding to the axes set up by eqscplot, use the following
    # parameters to set up smoothScatter's own axes.
    # xlim = xrange, ylim = yrange, # make sure we can add distant points later
    # asp=1, # equal scale axes
    # xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", # do not plot the axes scales
    # xlab = paste("PC", dim[1], " ", 100 * round(x$contrib[dim[1]], 2), "%", sep = ""),
    # ylab = paste("PC", dim[2], " ", 100 * round(x$contrib[dim[2]], 2), "%", sep = ""),

    ### plot distant rows as circles with areas proportional to x$Rm
    sqs <- 0.5 * sx * pmax(0.02, row.size * sqrt(abs((x$Rm)/(max(abs(x$Rm))))))
    yoffset <- sy * (2 + sqs / sx)
    if (sum(isel) > 0){ # if there is at least 1 point to plot
      symbols(ss[isel, 1], ss[isel, 2], circles = sqs[isel], 
        inches = FALSE, lwd = 3, add = TRUE, fg = colors[2])
      if (is.null(labels)) labels <- x$row.names
      text(ss[isel, 1], ss[isel, 2] - yoffset[isel], adj = c(0.5, 1), 
        cex = lab.size, labels = labels[isel], # x$row.names[isel]
        col = colors[2])
    ### plot columns with indication of column-grouping
    iGroup <- unique(col.group[il]) # unique groups in columns to be plotted
    for (i in 1:length(iGroup)){
      iColGroup <- col.group == iGroup[i] 
      ii <- il & iColGroup # Select columns in group i selected for plotting
      iiExtremes <- ii & (DL >= colThres) # in order to only label most extreme ones
      if (sum(ii) > 0){ # at least one point to plot
        if (col.areas){ # use squares with size (ie. area) proportional to x$Cm
          # RV: Use same scale formula as for rows
          sqs <- 0.5 * sx * pmax(0.02, col.size * sqrt(abs((x$Cm[ii])/(max(abs(x$Cm))))))
          yoffset <- sy * (5 + sqs / (2 * sx)) # ii based
          symbols(ll[ii, 1], ll[ii, 2],
              squares = sqs, inches = FALSE, lwd = 3, add = TRUE, fg = colors[2+iGroup[i]])
          if (sum(iiExtremes) > 0){
            sqsExtremes <- 0.5 * sx * pmax(0.02, col.size * sqrt(abs((x$Cm[iiExtremes])/(max(abs(x$Cm))))))
            yoffsetExtremes <- sy * (5 + sqsExtremes / (2 * sx)) # ii based
            text(ll[iiExtremes,1], ll[iiExtremes,2] + yoffsetExtremes,
                adj = c(0.5, 1), cex=lab.size, labels=sampleLabels[iiExtremes], col=colors[2+iGroup[i]]) # x$col.names[ii]
        } else { # Use different symbols, ignore size
          yoffset <- sy * (5 + col.size / 5)
          points(ll[ii, 1], ll[ii, 2],
              pch = col.symbols[iGroup[i]], col = colors[2+iGroup[i]],
              cex = col.size / (25.4 * par("csi")), lwd = 3)
          if (sum(iiExtremes) > 0)
            text(ll[iiExtremes, 1], ll[iiExtremes, 2] + yoffset[iiExtremes],
                adj = c(0.5, 1), cex = lab.size, labels = sampleLabels[iiExtremes], col = colors[2+iGroup[i]]) # x$col.names[ii]
    ### finish plot, put cross on 0,0, box, and legend 
    lines(c(-2.5, 2.5) * sx, c(0,0), lwd = 3)
    lines(c(0,0), c(-2.5, 2.5) * sy, lwd = 3)
    par(opar) # Restore plotting configuration
  # Return value: list of coordinates and indication of most distant (most specific) points
  cols <- as.data.frame(cbind(ss, isel))
  if (length(dim) == 1){
    dimnames(cols) <- list(x$row.names, c("X", "Select"))
    dimnames(ll) <- list(x$col.names, c("X"))
  } else if (length(dim) == 2){
    dimnames(cols) <- list(x$row.names, c("X", "Y", "Select"))
    dimnames(ll) <- list(x$col.names, c("X", "Y"))
  } else if (length(dim) == 3){
    dimnames(cols) <- list(x$row.names, c("X", "Y", "Z", "Select"))
    dimnames(ll) <- list(x$col.names, c("X", "Y", "Z"))
  } else { # More than 3 dimensions requested
    dimnames(cols) <- list(x$row.names, c(paste("Prf", dim, sep=""), "Select"))
    dimnames(ll) <- list(x$col.names, paste("Pcf", dim, sep=""))
  r <- list(Rows = cols, Columns = as.data.frame(ll))
  class(r) <- "plot.mpm"

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