Defines functions QC_MAF

# QC_MAF #

# Minor allele frequency
# Compute minor allele frequency (MAF) at the whole population and
# within crosses if a cross indicator vector is provided to \code{cross.ind}.
# @param mk.mat \code{Character} marker score \code{matrix} with genotypes as
# row and markers as column. \strong{Rows and columns names must be the genotype
# and marker identifiers respectively. Marker scores must be coded using one
# letter per allele. For example, AA, CC, GG, TT, AC, AG, AT, CA, CG, CT,
# GA, GC, GT, TA, TC, TG. Missing values must be coded \code{NA}.}
# @param cross.ind \code{Character} vector indicating to which cross each
# genotype belongs. If \code{cross.ind = NULL}, the function do not consider cross
# subdivisions and only calculate MAF at the population level. Default = NULL.
# @param parallel \code{Logical} value specifying if the function should be
# executed in parallel on multiple cores. Default = FALSE.
# @param cluster Cluster object obtained with the function \code{makeCluster()}
# from the parallel package. Default = NULL.   
# @return Return:
# Object of class mafRes MAF containing the following element(s).
# If cross.ind = NULL
# \item{MAF.pop}{Vector of marker allele MAF at the
# population level. \code{NA} if all markers scores are missing.}
# If cross.ind is not NULL
# \item{MAF.pop}{Vector of marker allele MAF at the
# population level. \code{NA} if all markers scores are missing.}
# \item{MAF.cr}{\code{Matrix} of marker allele MAF within crosses.
# \code{NA} if all markers scores are missing.}
# @author Vincent Garin
# @seealso
# \code{\link{QC_tagMAFCr}}
# @examples
# data(USNAM_geno)
# cross.ind <- substr(rownames(USNAM_geno)[7:dim(USNAM_geno)[1]], 1, 4)
# MAF <- QC_MAF(mk.mat = USNAM_geno[7:dim(USNAM_geno)[1], ],
#              cross.ind = cross.ind)
# @export

QC_MAF <- function(mk.mat, cross.ind = NULL, parallel = FALSE,
                   cluster = NULL) {
  # 1. check data format
  stopifnot(is.matrix(mk.mat), is.character(mk.mat))
  # 2. function to calculate MAF on a single vector
  MAF.vect <- function(x) {
    x <- x[!is.na(x)] # remove missing values
    if (length(x) == 0){ # Only missing values
    } else {
      # split all marker score into single allele scores
      alleles <- c(vapply(X = x, FUN = function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, split = "")),
                          FUN.VALUE = character(2)))
      if(length(table(alleles)) == 1){ # monomorphic marker
      } else {
        return(min(table(alleles) / length(alleles)))
  } # end single vector MAF function
  if(is.null(cross.ind)){ # compute MAF only at population level
    ### 3.1 MAF at population level
    if(parallel) {
      MAF.pop <- parApply(cl = cluster, X = mk.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = MAF.vect)  
    } else {
      MAF.pop <- apply(X = mk.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = MAF.vect)  
    MAF <- MAF.pop
    class(MAF) <- c("mafRes")
  } else { # compute MAF at population and cross level
    ### 3.1 check that the cross indicator vector has the same length
    if(length(cross.ind) != dim(mk.mat)[1]){
      stop("'cross.ind' length is not the same as the number of genotype in 'mk.mat'")
    ### 3.2 MAF at population level
    if(parallel) {
      MAF.pop <- parApply(cl = cluster, X = mk.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = MAF.vect)  
    } else {
      MAF.pop <- apply(X = mk.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = MAF.vect)  
    ### 3.3 MAF at the cross level
    # function to apply MAF computation on within cross
    cross.ind <- factor(cross.ind, levels = unique(cross.ind))
    MAF.vect.cr <- function(x) tapply(X = x, INDEX = cross.ind, FUN = MAF.vect)
    if(parallel) {
      MAF.cr <- parApply(cl = cluster, X = mk.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = MAF.vect.cr)
    } else {
      MAF.cr <- apply(X = mk.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = MAF.vect.cr)  
    MAF <-  list(MAF.pop = MAF.pop, MAF.cr = MAF.cr)
    class(MAF) <- c("list", "mafRes")

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