
Defines functions fit_ghm

Documented in fit_ghm

#' @name fit_ghm
#' @author Victor Freguglia
#' @title EM estimation for Gaussian Hidden Markov field
#' @description `fit_ghm` fits a Gaussian Mixture model with hidden components
#' driven by a Markov random field with known parameters. The inclusion of a
#' linear combination of basis functions as a fixed effect is also possible.
#' The algorithm is a modification of of
#' \insertCite{zhang2001segmentation}{mrf2d}, which is
#' described in \insertCite{freguglia2020hidden}{mrf2d}.
#' @param Y A matrix of observed (continuous) pixel values.
#' @inheritParams pl_mrf2d
#' @param fixed_fn A list of functions `fn(x,y)` to be considered as a fixed
#'  effect. See \code{\link[=basis_functions]{basis_functions}}.
#' @param equal_vars `logical` indicating if the mixture model has the same
#'  variances in all mixture components.
#' @param init_mus Optional. A `numeric` with length (C+1) with the initial mean
#' estimate for each component.
#' @param init_sigmas Otional. A `numeric` with length (C+1) with initial sample
#' deviation estimate for each component.
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations allowed. Defaults to 100.
#' @param max_dist Defines a stopping condition. The algorithm stops if the
#'  maximum absolute difference between parameters of two consecutive iterations
#'  is less than `max_dist`.
#' @param icm_cycles Number of steps used in the Iterated Conditional Modes
#'  algorithm executed in each interaction. Defaults to 6.
#' @param verbose `logical` indicating wheter to print the progress or not.
#' @param qr The QR decomposition of the design matrix. Used internally.
#' @return A `hmrfout` containing:
#'  * `par`: A `data.frame` with \eqn{\mu} and \eqn{\sigma} estimates for each
#' component.
#'  * `fixed`: A `matrix` with the estimated fixed effect in each pixel.
#'  * `Z_pred`: A `matrix` with the predicted component (highest probability) in
#'  each pixel.
#'  * `predicted`: A `matrix` with the fixed effect + the \eqn{\mu} value for
#'  the predicted component in each pixel.
#'  * `iterations`: Number of EM iterations done.
#' @details If either `init_mus` or `init_sigmas` is `NULL` an EM algorithm
#'  considering an independent uniform distriburion for the hidden component is
#'  fitted first and its estimated means and sample deviations are used as
#'  initial values. This is necessary because the algorithm may not converge if
#'  the initial parameter configuration is too far from the maximum likelihood
#'  estimators.
#'  `max_dist` defines a stopping condition. The algorithm will stop if the
#'  maximum absolute difference between (\eqn{\mu} and \eqn{\sigma}) parameters
#'  in consecutive iterations is less than `max_dist`.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' # Sample a Gaussian mixture with components given by Z_potts
#' # mean values are 0, 1 and 2 and a linear effect on the x-axis.
#' \donttest{
#' set.seed(2)
#' Y <- Z_potts + rnorm(length(Z_potts), sd = 0.4) +
#'       (row(Z_potts) - mean(row(Z_potts)))*0.01
#' # Check what the data looks like
#' cplot(Y)
#' fixed <- polynomial_2d(c(1,0), dim(Y))
#' fit <- fit_ghm(Y, mrfi = mrfi(1), theta = theta_potts, fixed_fn = fixed)
#' fit$par
#' cplot(fit$fixed)
#' }
#' @importFrom stats lm predict
#' @seealso
#' A paper with detailed description of the package can be found at
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v101.i08}.
#' @export
fit_ghm <- function(Y, mrfi, theta, fixed_fn = list(),
                    equal_vars = FALSE,
                    init_mus = NULL,
                    init_sigmas = NULL,
                    maxiter = 100, max_dist = 10^-3,
                    icm_cycles = 6, verbose = interactive(), qr = NULL){

  Rmat <- mrfi@Rmat

  # check if theta's dimensions matches R's
  if(dim(theta)[3] != nrow(Rmat)) {stop("Invalid dimensions.")}
  C <- dim(theta)[1] - 1

  # compute initial fixed effect
  N <- nrow(Y); M <- ncol(Y)
  if(length(fixed_fn) > 0){
      X <- basis_function_df(fixed_fn, N, M,
                             standardize = TRUE)[as.logical(!is.na(Y)),-(1:2)]
      X <- as.matrix(X)
      q <- qr(X)
    } else {
      q <- qr
    S <- Y
    S[!is.na(Y)] <-   qr.fitted(q, Y[!is.na(Y)])
    e <- Y - S
  } else {
    e <- Y
    S <- Y*0

  is_sub <- any(is.na(Y))
    subr <- !is.na(Y)

  # Initialize variables
  if(is.null(init_mus) | is.null(init_sigmas)) {
    mus_old <- seq(min(e, na.rm = TRUE), max(e, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = C+1)
      ifelse(verbose,"\r Fitting independent mixture to obtain initial parameters. \n",""))
    ind_fit <- fit_ghm(e, mrfi, theta*0, fixed_fn = fixed_fn, equal_vars,
                       init_mus = seq(min(e, na.rm = TRUE), max(e, na.rm = TRUE),
                                      length.out = C+1),
                       init_sigmas = rep(diff(range(e, na.rm = TRUE))/(2*C), C+1),
                       maxiter, max_dist, icm_cycles, verbose = FALSE)
    mus_old <- ind_fit$par$mu
    sigmas_old <- ind_fit$par$sigma
  } else {
    mus_old <- init_mus
    sigmas_old <- init_sigmas
  Z <- matrix(sample(0:C, size = N*M, replace = TRUE), nrow = nrow(Y))
  Z <- ifelse(is.na(Y), NA, Z)

  # Iterate
  iter <- 0; dist <- Inf
  while(iter < maxiter && dist > max_dist){

    # Compute MAP estimates of Z
      Z <- icm_gaussian_cpp(e, Rmat, Z, theta, mus_old, sigmas_old, icm_cycles)
      cond_probs <- cprob_ghm_all(Z, Rmat, theta, mus_old, sigmas_old, e)
    } else {
      Z <- icm_gaussian_cpp_sub(e, subr, Rmat, Z, theta, mus_old, sigmas_old, icm_cycles)
      cond_probs <- cprob_ghm_all_sub(Z, subr, Rmat, theta, mus_old, sigmas_old, e)

    # Compute conditional probabilities

    # Update mus, sigmas and S
    ## mus and sigmas
      mus_new <- apply(cond_probs, MARGIN = 3, function(x)
        sum(x*e, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
      sigmas_new <- rep(
                     function(mu) (e - mu)^2))*cond_probs, na.rm = TRUE)/(N*M)),
    else {
      mus_new <- apply(cond_probs, MARGIN = 3, function(x)
        sum(x*e, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
      sigmas_new <- sapply(1:(C+1), function(l) {
        sum(cond_probs[,,l]*(e - mus_new[l])^2, na.rm = TRUE)/sum(cond_probs[,,l], na.rm = TRUE)
      sigmas_new <- sqrt(sigmas_new)

    ## update S
    if(length(fixed_fn) > 0){
        mean_est <- apply(cond_probs, MARGIN = c(1,2),
                            sum(p_vec*mus_new, na.rm = TRUE)
        pred <- qr.fitted(q, as.vector(Y - mean_est)[!is.na(Y)])
        S <- Y
        S[!is.na(Y)] <- pred
      } else {
        norm_cond_probs <- sweep(cond_probs, MARGIN = c(3), sigmas_new^2, "/")
        mean_est <- apply(norm_cond_probs, MARGIN = c(1,2),

        mean_ys <- sweep(norm_cond_probs, MARGIN = c(1,2), Y, "*")
        mean_ys <- apply(mean_ys, MARGIN = c(1,2), sum)
        psi_inv <-  apply(norm_cond_probs, MARGIN = c(1,2), sum)
        pred <- qr.fitted(q, as.vector((mean_ys - mean_est)/psi_inv)[!is.na(Y)])
        S <- Y
        S[!is.na(Y)] <- pred
    e <- Y - S

    # Check differences
    dist <- max(c(abs(mus_old - mus_new),
                  abs(sigmas_old - sigmas_new)))

    iter <- iter + 1
    cat(ifelse(verbose, paste("\r EM iteration:", iter), ""))
    mus_old <- mus_new
    sigmas_old <- sigmas_new

  cat(ifelse(verbose, paste("\r Finished with",iter, "iterations. \n"), ""))

  df_par <- data.frame(mu = mus_old, sigma = sigmas_old)
  rownames(df_par) = 0:C

  out <- list(par = df_par,
              fixed = S,
              Z_pred = Z,
              mrfi = mrfi,
              theta = theta,
              predicted = apply(Z, c(1,2), function(z) mus_old[z+1]) + S,
              iterations = iter,
              Y = Y,
              C = C,
              covs = fixed_fn)
  class(out) <- "hmrfout"

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mrf2d documentation built on Jan. 26, 2022, 1:06 a.m.