randomMST<-function (trueTheta=NULL, itemBank, modules, transMatrix, model = NULL, responses = NULL,
genSeed = NULL, start = list(fixModule = NULL, seed = NULL, theta = 0,
D = 1), test = list(method = "BM",
priorDist = "norm", priorPar = c(0, 1), range = c(-4,
4), D = 1, parInt = c(-4, 4, 33), moduleSelect = "MFI",
constantPatt = NULL, cutoff=NULL,randomesque=1,random.seed=NULL,
final = list(method = "BM",
priorDist = "norm", priorPar = c(0, 1), range = c(-4,
4), D = 1, parInt = c(-4, 4, 33), alpha = 0.05),
allTheta = FALSE, save.output = FALSE, output = c("path",
"name", "csv"))
if (is.null(trueTheta) & is.null(responses)) stop("Either 'trueTheta' or 'responses' argument must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
if (!testListMST(start, type = "start")$test)
stop(testListMST(start, type = "start")$message, call. = FALSE)
if (!testListMST(test, type = "test")$test)
stop(testListMST(test, type = "test")$message, call. = FALSE)
if (!testListMST(final, type = "final")$test)
stop(testListMST(final, type = "final")$message, call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(responses))
assigned.responses <- TRUE
else assigned.responses <- FALSE
internalMST <- function() {
startList <- list(fixModule = start$fixModule, seed = start$seed,
theta = 0, D = 1)
startList$theta <- ifelse(is.null(start$theta), 0, start$theta)
startList$D <- ifelse(is.null(start$D), 1, start$D)
start <- startList
testList <- list(method = NULL, priorDist = NULL, priorPar = c(0,
1), range = c(-4, 4), D = 1, parInt = c(-4, 4, 33),
moduleSelect = "MFI", constantPatt = NULL, cutoff=NULL,randomesque=1,
testList$method <- ifelse(is.null(test$method), "BM",
testList$priorDist <- ifelse(is.null(test$priorDist),
"norm", test$priorDist)
if (!is.null(test$priorPar)) {
testList$priorPar[1] <- test$priorPar[1]
testList$priorPar[2] <- test$priorPar[2]
if (!is.null(test$range)) {
testList$range[1] <- test$range[1]
testList$range[2] <- test$range[2]
testList$D <- ifelse(is.null(test$D), 1, test$D)
if (!is.null(test$parInt)) {
testList$parInt[1] <- test$parInt[1]
testList$parInt[2] <- test$parInt[2]
testList$parInt[3] <- test$parInt[3]
testList$moduleSelect <- ifelse(is.null(test$moduleSelect),
"MFI", test$moduleSelect)
testList$AP <- ifelse(is.null(test$AP), 1, test$AP)
if (!is.null(test$constantPatt))
testList$constantPatt <- test$constantPatt
if (!is.null(test$cutoff))
testList$cutoff<- test$cutoff
if (!is.null(test$randomesque))
testList$randomesque<- test$randomesque
if (!is.null(test$random.seed))
testList$random.seed<- test$random.seed
if (!is.null(test$score.range))
testList$score.range<- test$score.range
test <- testList
finalList <- list(method = NULL, priorDist = NULL, priorPar = c(0,
1), range = c(-4, 4), D = 1, parInt = c(-4, 4, 33),
alpha = 0.05)
finalList$method <- ifelse(is.null(final$method), "BM",
finalList$priorDist <- ifelse(is.null(final$priorDist),
"norm", final$priorDist)
if (is.null(final$priorPar) == FALSE) {
finalList$priorPar[1] <- final$priorPar[1]
finalList$priorPar[2] <- final$priorPar[2]
if (!is.null(final$range)) {
finalList$range[1] <- final$range[1]
finalList$range[2] <- final$range[2]
finalList$D <- ifelse(is.null(final$D), 1, final$D)
if (!is.null(final$parInt)) {
finalList$parInt[1] <- final$parInt[1]
finalList$parInt[2] <- final$parInt[2]
finalList$parInt[3] <- final$parInt[3]
finalList$alpha <- ifelse(is.null(final$alpha), 0.05,
final <- finalList
if (test$method=="score" & is.null(test$cutoff) & test$moduleSelect!="random") stop("'cutoff' argument of 'test' list must be supplied when 'method' is 'score'",call.=FALSE)
pr0 <- startModule(itemBank = itemBank, modules=modules, transMatrix=transMatrix,
model = model, fixModule = start$fixModule, seed = start$seed,
theta = start$theta, D = start$D)
ITEMS <- pr0$items
PAR <- rbind(pr0$par)
if (!is.null(responses))
PATTERN <- responses[ITEMS]
else PATTERN <- genPattern(trueTheta, PAR, model = model,
D = test$D, seed = genSeed)
if (test$method!="score")
TH <- thetaEst(PAR, PATTERN, model = model, D = test$D,
method = test$method, priorDist = test$priorDist,
priorPar = test$priorPar, range = test$range,
parInt = test$parInt, = start$theta,
constantPatt = test$constantPatt, bRange = range(itemBank[,
else TH <- sum(PATTERN)
if (test$method!="score")
SETH <- semTheta(TH, PAR, x = PATTERN, model = model,
D = test$D, method = test$method, priorDist = test$priorDist,
priorPar = test$priorPar, parInt = test$parInt,
constantPatt = test$constantPatt)
else SETH <- NA
thProv <- TH
enter.mst <- TRUE
if (sum(transMatrix[MODULE,])==0) enter.mst<-FALSE
if (!enter.mst) {
if (final$method!="score"){
finalEst <- thetaEst(PAR, PATTERN, model = model,
D = final$D, method = final$method, priorDist = final$priorDist,
priorPar = final$priorPar, range = final$range,
parInt = final$parInt)
seFinal <- semTheta(finalEst, PAR, x = PATTERN, model = model,
D = final$D, method = final$method, priorDist = final$priorDist,
priorPar = final$priorPar, parInt = final$parInt)
confIntFinal <- c(finalEst - qnorm(1 - final$alpha/2) *
seFinal, finalEst + qnorm(1 - final$alpha/2) *
RES <- list(trueTheta = trueTheta, selected.modules=MODULE, items.per.module=ITEMS.PER.MOD,
model = model, testItems = ITEMS, itemPar = PAR,
pattern = PATTERN, thetaProv = TH, seProv = SETH,
thFinal = finalEst, seFinal = seFinal, ciFinal = confIntFinal,
genSeed = genSeed, startFixModule = start$fixModule,
startSeed = start$seed, startTheta = start$theta, startD = start$D,
startThStart = pr0$thStart, startSelect = start$startSelect,
provMethod = test$method, provDist = test$priorDist,
provPar = test$priorPar, provRange = test$range,
provD = test$D, moduleSelect = test$moduleSelect,
constantPattern = test$constantPatt, cutoff=test$cutoff,
finalMethod = final$method, finalDist = final$priorDist,
finalPar = final$priorPar, finalRange = final$range,
finalD = final$D, finalAlpha = final$alpha, save.output = save.output,
output = output,allTheta=NULL,assigned.responses=assigned.responses)
else {
repeat {
pr <- nextModule(itemBank, modules=modules, transMatrix=transMatrix,
model = model, current.module= MODULE[length(MODULE)],theta = thProv,
out = ITEMS, x = PATTERN, cutoff=test$cutoff, criterion = test$moduleSelect,
parInt = test$parInt,
priorDist = test$priorDist, priorPar = test$priorPar,
D = test$D, range = test$range,randomesque=test$randomesque,
ITEMS <- c(ITEMS, pr$items)
PAR <- rbind(PAR, pr$par)
if (!is.null(responses))
PATTERN <- c(PATTERN, responses[pr$items])
else PATTERN <- c(PATTERN, genPattern(trueTheta,
pr$par, model = model, D = test$D, seed = genSeed))
if (test$method!="score")
thProv <- thetaEst(PAR, PATTERN, model = model,
D = test$D, method = test$method, priorDist = test$priorDist,
priorPar = test$priorPar, range = test$range,
parInt = test$parInt, = TH[length(TH)],
constantPatt = test$constantPatt, bRange = range(itemBank[,2]))
else {
if (test$score.range=="all") thProv<-sum(PATTERN)
TH <- c(TH, thProv)
if (test$method!="score")
seProv <- semTheta(thProv, PAR, x = PATTERN,
model = model, D = test$D, method = test$method,
priorDist = test$priorDist, priorPar = test$priorPar,
parInt = test$parInt, constantPatt = test$constantPatt)
else seProv<-NA
SETH <- c(SETH, seProv)
if (sum(transMatrix[MODULE[length(MODULE)],])==0) break
if (final$method!="score"){
finalEst <- thetaEst(PAR, PATTERN, model = model,
D = final$D, method = final$method, priorDist = final$priorDist,
priorPar = final$priorPar, range = final$range,
parInt = final$parInt, = TH[length(TH)],
constantPatt = test$constantPatt, bRange = range(itemBank[,2]))
seFinal <- semTheta(finalEst, PAR, x = PATTERN, model = model,
D = final$D, method = final$method, priorDist = final$priorDist,
priorPar = final$priorPar, parInt = final$parInt)
confIntFinal <- c(finalEst - qnorm(1 - final$alpha/2) *
seFinal, finalEst + qnorm(1 - final$alpha/2) *
RES <- list(trueTheta = trueTheta, selected.modules=MODULE, items.per.module=ITEMS.PER.MOD,
model = model, testItems = ITEMS, itemPar = PAR,
pattern = PATTERN, thetaProv = TH, seProv = SETH,
thFinal = finalEst, seFinal = seFinal, ciFinal = confIntFinal,
genSeed = genSeed, startFixModule = start$fixModule,
startSeed = start$seed, startTheta = start$theta,
startD = start$D,
provMethod = test$method, provDist = test$priorDist,
provPar = test$priorPar, provRange = test$range,
provD = test$D, moduleSelect = test$moduleSelect,
constantPattern = test$constantPatt, cutoff=test$cutoff,
finalMethod = final$method, finalDist = final$priorDist,
finalPar = final$priorPar, finalRange = final$range,
finalD = final$D, finalAlpha = final$alpha, save.output = save.output,
output = output,allTheta=NULL,assigned.responses=assigned.responses)
if (allTheta) { <- <- NULL
for (k in 1:nrow(RES$itemPar)) {
if (test$method!="score"){
prov.par <- rbind(RES$itemPar[1:k, ])[k] <- thetaEst(prov.par, RES$pattern[1:k],
model = model, D = test$D, method = test$method,
priorDist = test$priorDist, priorPar = test$priorPar,
range = test$range, parInt = test$parInt,
constantPatt = test$constantPatt, bRange = range(itemBank[,2]))[k] <- semTheta([k], prov.par,
RES$pattern[1:k], model = model, D = test$D,
method = test$method, priorDist = test$priorDist,
priorPar = test$priorPar, parInt = test$parInt,
constantPatt = test$constantPatt)
RES$allTheta <- cbind(,
colnames(RES$allTheta) <- c("th","se")
class(RES) <- "mst"
resToReturn <- internalMST()
if (save.output) {
if (output[1] == "path")
wd <- paste(getwd(), "/", sep = "")
else wd <- output[1]
if (output[3] == "csv")
fileName <- paste(wd, output[2], ".csv", sep = "")
else fileName <- paste(wd, output[2], ".txt", sep = "")
capture.output(resToReturn, file = fileName)
print.mst<-function (x, ...)
if (!x$assigned.responses) {
cat("Random generation of a MST response pattern", "\n")
if (is.null(x$genSeed))
cat(" without fixing the random seed", "\n", "\n")
else cat(" with random seed equal to", x$genSeed, "\n",
else cat("Post-hoc simulation of a MST response pattern",
"\n", "\n")
if (is.null(x$model)) {
if (min(x$itemPar[, 4]) < 1)
mod <- "Four-Parameter Logistic model"
else {
if (max(x$itemPar[, 3]) > 0)
mod <- "Three-Parameter Logistic model"
else {
if (length(unique(x$itemPar[, 1])) > 1)
mod <- "Two-Parameter Logistic model"
else mod <- "One-Parameter Logistic (Rasch) model"
else {
if (x$model == "GRM")
mod <- "Graded Response Model"
if (x$model == "MGRM")
mod <- "Modified Graded Response Model"
if (x$model == "PCM")
mod <- "Partial Credit Model"
if (x$model == "GPCM")
mod <- "Generalized Partial Credit Model"
if (x$model == "RSM")
mod <- "Rating Scale Model"
if (x$model == "NRM")
mod <- "Nominal Response Model"
cat(" Item bank calibrated under", mod, "\n", "\n")
if (!is.null(x$trueTheta)) {
if (x$assigned.responses)
cat(" True ability level:", round(x$trueTheta, 2), "(not used for post-hoc simulation)", "\n",
else cat(" True ability level:", round(x$trueTheta, 2), "\n",
else cat(" True ability level was not provided", "\n", "\n")
cat(" MST structure:", "\n")
cat(" Number of stages:", length(x$selected.modules),"\n")
# extraction of the number of modules per stages
if (sum(tr)==0) break
for (i in 1:(length( struc<-paste(struc,[i],"-",sep="")
cat(" Structure (number of modules per stage):", struc, "\n", "\n")
cat(" Starting parameters:", "\n")
cat(" Number of available modules at first stage:", sum(colSums(x$transMatrix)==0),"\n")
if (!is.null(x$startFixModule)){
cat(" Selection of the first stage module: chosen by administrator","\n")
cat(" Selected module:",x$startFixModule,"\n")
if (!is.null(x$startSeed)) cat(" Selection of the first stage module: by random selection","\n")
else {
cat(" Selection of the first stage module: by maximizing module information","\n")
cat(" for starting ability","\n")
cat(" Starting ability level:", round(x$startTheta,3), "\n")
cat("\n", "Multistage test parameters:", "\n")
if (is.null(x$cutoff)) {
itemSel <- switch(x$moduleSelect, MFI = "maximum Fisher information",
MLWMI = "Maximum likelihood weighted information (MLWI)",
MPWMI = "Maximum posterior weighted information (MPWI)",
random = "Random selection",
MKL = "Kullback-Leibler (KL) information",
MKLP = "Posterior Kullback-Leibler (KLP) information")
cat(" Next module selection:", itemSel, "\n")
if (x$moduleSelect == "MKLP" | x$moduleSelect == "MPWI") {
met3 <- switch(x$provDist, norm = paste("N(", round(x$provPar[1],
2), ",", round(x$provPar[2]^2, 2), ") prior", sep = ""),
unif = paste("U(", round(x$provPar[1], 2), ",", round(x$provPar[2],
2), ") prior", sep = ""), Jeffreys = "Jeffreys' prior")
cat(" Prior ability distribution for", ifelse(x$moduleSelect=="MKLP", "KLP", "MPWI"),
"method:", met3, "\n")
else {
cat(" Next module selection: by pre-specified cut scores","\n")
cat(" (random selection among allowed modules)","\n")
met2 <- switch(x$provMethod, BM = "Bayes modal (MAP) estimator",
WL = "Weighted likelihood estimator", ML = "Maximum likelihood estimator",
EAP = "Expected a posteriori (EAP) estimator",score="Test score (sum-score) computation")
if (x$provMethod == "BM" | x$provMethod == "EAP") {
met3 <- switch(x$provDist, norm = paste("N(", round(x$provPar[1],
2), ",", round(x$provPar[2]^2, 2), ") prior", sep = ""),
unif = paste("U(", round(x$provPar[1], 2), ",", round(x$provPar[2],
2), ") prior", sep = ""), Jeffreys = "Jeffreys' prior")
if (x$provMethod == "ML")
ra1 <- paste("[", round(x$provRange[1], 2), ",", round(x$provRange[2],
2), "]", sep = "")
cat(" Provisional ability estimator:", met2, "\n")
if (x$provMethod == "BM" | x$provMethod == "EAP")
cat(" Provisional prior ability distribution:", met3,
if (x$provMethod == "ML")
cat(" Provisional range of ability values:", ra1, "\n")
if (x$provMethod == "score") {
if (x$score.range=="all") type1<-"all previous modules)"
else type1<-"last module only)"
cat(" (provisional score computed on", type1, "\n")
if (!is.null(x$model) | is.null(x$constantPattern) | x$provMethod=="score")
adj <- "none"
else adj <- switch(x$constantPattern, fixed4 = "fixed .4 stepsize",
fixed7 = "fixed .7 stepsize", var = "variable stepsize")
cat(" Ability estimation adjustment for constant pattern:",
adj, "\n")
if (x$randomesque==1) cat(" Randomesque selection of optimal module: no","\n")
else {
cat(" Randomesque selection of optimal module: yes","\n")
cat(" Probability to select optimal module:",x$randomesque,"\n")
cat("\n", "Multistage test details:", "\n")
for (co in 1:length(x$selected.modules)){
cat("\n"," Stage ",co,":","\n",sep="")
cat(" Module administered:",x$selected.modules[co],"\n")
cat(" Number of items in module ",x$selected.modules[co],": ",x$items.per.module[co]," items","\n",sep="")
cat(" Optimal module:",boo,"\n")
cat(" Items and responses:","\n")
rownames(mat)<-c("Nr", "Item", "Resp.")
if (!is.null(x$allTheta)){
for (tt in 1:(ncol(mat)-1)) mat[4,tt]<-paste("(",mat[4,tt],")",sep="")
for (tt in 1:(ncol(mat)-1)) mat[5,tt]<-paste("(",mat[5,tt],")",sep="")
print(format(mat, justify = "right"), quote = FALSE)
cat("\n"," Provisional ability estimate (SE) after stage ",co,": ",round(x$thetaProv[co],3)," (",round(x$seProv[co],3),")","\n",sep="")
cat(" Final results:", "\n")
met <- switch(x$finalMethod, BM = "Bayes modal (MAP) estimator",
WL = "Weighted likelihood estimator", ML = "Maximum likelihood estimator",
EAP = "Expected a posteriori (EAP) estimator", score="Total test score")
if (x$finalMethod == "BM" | x$finalMethod == "EAP") {
met2 <- switch(x$finalDist, norm = paste("N(", round(x$finalPar[1],
2), ",", round(x$finalPar[2]^2, 2), ") prior", sep = ""),
unif = paste("U(", round(x$finalPar[1], 2), ",",
round(x$finalPar[2], 2), ") prior", sep = ""),
Jeffreys = "Jeffreys' prior")
if (x$finalMethod == "ML")
ra1 <- paste("[", round(x$finalRange[1], 2), ",", round(x$finalRange[2],
2), "]", sep = "")
cat(" Total length of multistage test:", length(x$testItems), "items",
cat(" Final ability estimator:", met, "\n")
if (x$finalMethod == "BM" | x$finalMethod == "EAP")
cat(" Final prior distribution:", met2, "\n")
if (x$finalMethod == "ML")
cat(" Final range of ability values:", ra1, "\n")
cat(" Final ability estimate (SE):", round(x$thFinal, 3),
paste("(", round(x$seFinal, 3), ")", sep = ""), "\n")
if (x$finalMethod!="score") cat(paste(" ", (1 - x$finalAlpha) * 100, "% confidence interval: [",
round(x$ciFinal[1], 3), ",", round(x$ciFinal[2], 3),
"]", sep = ""), "\n")
if (!x$save.output)
cat("\n", "Output was not captured!", "\n")
else {
if (x$output[1] == "path")
wd <- paste(getwd(), "/", sep = "")
else wd <- x$output[1]
if (x$output[3] == "csv")
fileName <- paste(wd, x$output[2], ".csv", sep = "")
else fileName <- paste(wd, x$output[2], ".txt", sep = "")
cat("\n", "Output was captured and saved into file",
"\n", " '", fileName, "'", "\n", "on ", as.character(Sys.Date()),
"\n", "\n", sep = "")
plot.mst<-function (x, show.path = TRUE, border.col = "red", arrow.col = "red",
module.names = NULL, save.plot = FALSE, save.options = c("path",
"name", "pdf"), ...)
internalMST <- function() {
nr <- 0
if (class(x)!="mst" & class(x)!="matrix") stop("'x' must be a list of class 'mst' or a transition matrix",call.=FALSE)
if (class(x)=="matrix") {
else SHOW.path<-show.path
tr <- x$transMatrix <- NULL
repeat {
nr <- nr + 1
ind <- which(colSums(tr) > 0)[nr] <- ncol(tr) - length(ind)
tr <- tr[ind, ind]
if (sum(tr) == 0)
} <- c(, ncol(tr))
height <- 2 * length( + 3 * (length( - 1)
width <- 2 * (max( * 2 - 1)
xl <- c(-width/2, width/2)
yl <- c(-height/2, height/2)
plot(0, 0, xlim = xl, ylim = yl, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n", col = "white")
xcenter <- ycenter <- NULL
allleft <- allright <- allup <- alldown <- NULL
for (NR in 1:length( {
up <- yl[2] - 5 * (NR - 1)
down <- up - 2
left <- seq(from =[NR] * 2 + 1, length =[NR],
by = 4)
right <- left + 2
rect(left, down, right, up)
xcenter <- c(xcenter, (left + right)/2)
ycenter <- c(ycenter, rep((up + down)/2,[NR]))
allleft <- c(allleft, left)
allright <- c(allright, right)
allup <- c(allup, rep(up,[NR]))
alldown <- c(alldown, rep(down,[NR]))
for (i in 1:nrow(x$transMatrix)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(x$transMatrix)) {
if (x$transMatrix[i, j] == 1)
arrows(xcenter[i], ycenter[i] - 1.1, xcenter[j],
ycenter[j] + 1.1, length = 0.1, angle = 20)
for (i in 1:length(xcenter)) {
if (is.null(module.names))
text(xcenter[i], ycenter[i], paste("Module",
else text(xcenter[i], ycenter[i], module.names[i])
if (SHOW.path) {
for (i in 1:length(x$selected.modules)) {
ind <- x$selected.modules[i]
rect(allleft[ind], alldown[ind], allright[ind],
allup[ind], lwd = 2, border = border.col)
for (i in 1:(length(x$selected.modules) - 1)) {
ind <- x$selected.modules[i]
ind2 <- x$selected.modules[i + 1]
arrows(xcenter[ind], ycenter[ind] - 1.1, xcenter[ind2],
ycenter[ind2] + 1.1, length = 0.1, angle = 20,
lwd = 2, col = arrow.col)
if (save.plot) {
plotype <- NULL
if (save.options[3] == "pdf")
plotype <- 1
if (save.options[3] == "jpeg")
plotype <- 2
if (is.null(plotype))
cat("Invalid plot type (should be either 'pdf' or 'jpeg').",
"\n", "The plot was not captured!", "\n")
else {
if (save.options[1] == "path")
wd <- paste(getwd(), "/", sep = "")
else wd <- save.options[1]
nameFile <- paste(wd, save.options[2], switch(plotype,
`1` = ".pdf", `2` = ".jpg"), sep = "")
if (plotype == 1) {
pdf(file = nameFile)
if (plotype == 2) {
jpeg(filename = nameFile)
cat("The plot was captured and saved into", "\n",
" '", nameFile, "'", "\n", "\n", sep = "")
else cat("The plot was not captured!", "\n", sep = "")
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