Add_boundary_points <-
function (tile.child, tile.parent, data.points) {
desired_index <- c()
dist_to_tile_endpoints <- list()
#for all the vertices in the parent tile
for (m in 1: length(tile.parent$x)) {
#for all the centroids of the child tile.
for (n in 1: length(data.points[, 1])) {
#find out the distance of each vertex from the all the centroids of the child tile
dist_to_tile_endpoints[[n]] <- sum(((tile.parent$x[m] - data.points[n, 1]) ^ 2),
((tile.parent$y[m] - data.points[n, 2]) ^ 2))
# index of the child tile to which the vertex of the parent tile belongs is the one to which
# the vertex of the parent tile is closest
desired_index <- which(dist_to_tile_endpoints == min(as.numeric(dist_to_tile_endpoints)))
#if more than one centroid of the child is close to a given vertex then it should be
#added to all those child tiles.
for(i in 1: length(desired_index)){
tile.x <- c(tile.child[[desired_index[i]]]$x, tile.parent$x[m])
tile.y <- c(tile.child[[desired_index[i]]]$y, tile.parent$y[m])
tile.bp <- c(tile.child[[desired_index[i]]]$bp, tile.parent$bp[m])
#use only those points which form a convex hull
var1 <- grDevices::chull(tile.x,tile.y)
tile.child[[desired_index[i]]]$x <- tile.x[var1]
tile.child[[desired_index[i]]]$y <- tile.y[var1]
tile.child[[desired_index[i]]]$bp <- tile.bp[var1]
return (tile.child)
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