#' getOptimalCentroids
#' Get Optimal Centroids
#' The raw data is first scaled and this scaled data is supplied as input to
#' the vector quantization algorithm. Vector quantization technique uses a
#' parameter called quantization error. This parameter acts as a threshold and
#' determines the number of levels in the hierarchy. It means that, if there
#' are 'n' number of levels in the hierarchy, then all the clusters formed till
#' this level will have quantization error equal or greater than the threshold
#' quantization error. The user can define the number of clusters in the first
#' level of hierarchy and then each cluster in first level is sub-divided into
#' the same number of clusters as there are in the first level. This process
#' continues and each group is divided into smaller clusters as long as the
#' threshold quantization error is met. The output of this technique will be
#' hierarchically arranged vector quantized data.
#' @param x Data Frame. A dataframe of multivariate data. Each row corresponds to an
#' observation, and each column corresponds to a variable. Missing values are
#' not accepted.
#' @param n_cells Numeric. Indicating the number of nodes per hierarchy.
#' @param depth Numeric. Indicating the hierarchy depth (or) the depth of the
#' tree (1 = no hierarchy, 2 = 2 levels, etc..)
#' @param quant.err Numeric. The quantization error for the algorithm.
#' @param algorithm String. The type of algorithm used for quantization.
#' Available algorithms are Hartigan and Wong, "Lloyd", "Forgy", "MacQueen".
#' (default is "Hartigan-Wong")
#' @param distance_metric Character. The distance metric to calculate inter point distance. It can be 'L1_Norm" or "L2_Norm". L1_Norm is selected by default.
#' @param function_to_calculate_distance_metric Function. The function is to find 'L1_Norm" or "L2_Norm" distances. L1_Norm is selected by default.
#' @param function_to_calculate_error_metric Character. The error metric can be "mean" or "max". mean is selected by default
#' @param quant_method Character. The quant_method can be "kmeans" or "kmedoids". kmeans is selected by default
#' @return \item{values}{ List. A list showing observations assigned to a cluster.}
#' \item{maxQE}{ List. A list corresponding to maximum QE values for each cell. }
#' \item{meanQE}{ List. A list corresponding to mean QE values for each cell. }
#' \item{centers}{ List. A list of quantization error for all levels and nodes. }
#' \item{nsize}{ List. A list corresponding to number of observations in respective groups. }
#' @author Shubhra Prakash <>, Sangeet Moy Das <>
#' @keywords internal
getOptimalCentroids <-
function (x,
distance_metric = "L1_Norm",
# browser()
if(quant_method == "kmeans"){
options(warn = -1)
# Start with splitting data into three clusters
nclust_iter <- 3
outkinit <- list(centers = numeric(),maxQE = numeric(),meanQE = numeric(), values = logical() , nsize = numeric())
quantok <- rep(T, n_cells)
# Check if 3 <= No of clusters AND No of cells in a cluster > 3 AND flag to check QE for all clusters
while(nclust_iter <= n_cells & nrow(x) > nclust_iter & (sum(quantok,na.rm = T) > 0)) {
resplt <- list()
#outkinit will have centroids and datapoints and size of the cluster
kout<-stats::kmeans(x, nclust_iter, iter.max=10^5, algorithm=algorithm)
result <- getCentroids_for_opti(x,kout, nclust_iter,function_to_calculate_distance_metric,function_to_calculate_error_metric)
outkinit[[1]] <- result[[1]]
outkinit[[2]] <- result[[2]]
outkinit[[3]] <- result[[3]]
#flag to check for quantization error
resplt <- unlist(outkinit$centers) > quant.err
quantok <- unlist(resplt)
nclust_iter <- nclust_iter + 1
clusts <- nclust_iter-1
outkinit[[4]] <- c(1:clusts) %>% purrr::map(~x[kout$cluster==.x,])
outkinit[[5]] <- as.list(kout$size)
outkinit[["centroid_val"]] <- kout$centers
dummy_iter = n_cells - nclust_iter + 1
if(dummy_iter !=0){
outkinit[["centers"]] <- c(outkinit[["centers"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["maxQE"]] <- c(outkinit[["maxQE"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["meanQE"]] <- c(outkinit[["meanQE"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["values"]] <- c(outkinit[["values"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["nsize"]] <- c(outkinit[["nsize"]],as.list(rep(0,dummy_iter)))
temprow <- matrix(c(,length(outkinit[["centroid_val"]][1,]))),nrow=length(nclust_iter:n_cells),ncol=length(outkinit[["centroid_val"]][1,]))
outkinit[["centroid_val"]] <- rbind(outkinit[["centroid_val"]],temprow)
# return centroids, datapoints and size of each cluster
}else if(quant_method == "kmedoids"){
options(warn = -1)
# Start with splitting data into three clusters
# browser()
nclust_iter <- 3
outkinit <- list(centers = numeric(),maxQE = numeric(),meanQE = numeric(), values = logical() , nsize = numeric())
quantok <- rep(T, n_cells)
if(distance_metric == "L1_Norm") {
distance_metric = "manhattan"
}else if(distance_metric == "L2_Norm") {
distance_metric = "euclidean"
while(nclust_iter <= n_cells & nrow(x) > nclust_iter & (sum(quantok,na.rm = T) > 0)) {
resplt <- list()
#outkinit will have centroids and datapoints and size of the cluster
kmedoids_model <-
x = cluster::daisy(x, metric = distance_metric),
k = nclust_iter,
diss = TRUE, = F
result<- getCentroids_for_opti(x,kout, nclust_iter,function_to_calculate_distance_metric,function_to_calculate_error_metric)
outkinit[[1]] <-result[[1]]
outkinit[[2]]<- result[[2]]
outkinit[[3]]<- result[[3]]
#flag to check for quantization error
resplt <- unlist(outkinit$centers) > quant.err
quantok <- unlist(resplt)
nclust_iter <- nclust_iter + 1
clusts <- nclust_iter-1
outkinit[[4]] <- c(1:clusts) %>% purrr::map(~x[kout$cluster==.x,])
outkinit[[5]] <- as.list(kout$size)
outkinit[["centroid_val"]] <- kout$centers
dummy_iter = n_cells - nclust_iter + 1
if(dummy_iter !=0){
outkinit[["centers"]] <- c(outkinit[["centers"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["maxQE"]] <- c(outkinit[["maxQE"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["meanQE"]] <- c(outkinit[["meanQE"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["values"]] <- c(outkinit[["values"]],as.list(rep(NA,dummy_iter)))
outkinit[["nsize"]] <- c(outkinit[["nsize"]],as.list(rep(0,dummy_iter)))
temprow <- matrix(c(,length(outkinit[["centroid_val"]][1,]))),nrow=length(nclust_iter:n_cells),ncol=length(outkinit[["centroid_val"]][1,]))
outkinit[["centroid_val"]] <- rbind(outkinit[["centroid_val"]],temprow)
# return centroids, datapoints and size of each cluster
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