#' Mean Absolute Deviation Plot
#' Function to create Mean Absolute Deviation Plot
#' This function plots percentage anomalies vs mean absolute deviation for test data. The plot helps in
#' deciding an optimal MAD value for the use case.
#' @param hvt.prediction List. A list of hvt.prediction obtained from the predictHVT
#' function.
#' @param ... The ellipsis is passed to it as additional argument. (Used internally)
#' @return Mean Absolute Deviation Plot
#' \item{mad_plot}{ggplot plot. A plot with percentage anomalies on y axis and mean absolute deviation values on xaxis. }
#' @author Shubhra Prakash <>
#' @seealso \code{\link{predictHVT}}
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' data(USArrests)
#' #Split in train and test
#' train <- USArrests[1:40,]
#' test <- USArrests[41:50,]
#' hvt.results <- list()
#' hvt.results <- HVT(train, n_cells = 15, depth = 1, quant.err = 0.2,
#' distance_metric = "L1_Norm", error_metric = "mean",
#' projection.scale = 10, normalize = TRUE,
#' quant_method="kmeans",diagnose=TRUE)
#' predictions <- predictHVT(test,hvt.results, child.level=2,mad.threshold = 0.2)
#' print(predictions$scoredPredictedData)
#' madPlot(hvt.prediction=predictions)
#' @export madPlot
#' @keywords internal
madPlot = function(hvt.prediction,
...) {
# browser()
requireNamespace("ggplot2") #deldir function
requireNamespace("scales") #deldir function
qe = hvt.prediction[["predictInput"]][["quant.err"]]
df_scored = hvt.prediction[["scoredPredictedData"]]
qe_val = df_scored$Quant.Error
if (qe < 0.75) {
x_breaks = seq(qe, 0.75, length.out = 10) %>% round(2)
MAD_list = lapply(seq(qe, 0.75, by = 0.01), function(x) {
anom_points = sum(qe_val > x)
max_cells = length(qe_val)
perct_anom = (anom_points / max_cells)
return(c(x, anom_points, max_cells, perct_anom))
} else if (qe > 0.75) {
x_breaks = seq(qe, (qe + 0.75), length.out = 10) %>% round(2)
MAD_list = lapply(seq(qe, (qe + 0.75), by = 0.01), function(x) {
anom_points = sum(qe_val > x)
max_cells = length(qe_val)
perct_anom = (anom_points / max_cells)
return(c(x, anom_points, max_cells, perct_anom))
comp_nclust_anom = MAD_list %>% purrr::reduce(rbind) %>%
names(comp_nclust_anom) = c(
mark_x = which(comp_nclust_anom$Percentage_of_Anomalous_Points < 0.01)
mark_x = comp_nclust_anom[mark_x[1], ]
mad_plot =
ggplot() +
data = comp_nclust_anom,
mapping = aes(x = Mean_Absolute_Deviation,
y = Percentage_of_Anomalous_Points),
shape = "circle",
size = 1.5,
colour = "midnightblue"
) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0.01,
linetype = "dashed",
colour = "brown2") +
xintercept = mark_x$Mean_Absolute_Deviation,
linetype = "dashed",
colour = "brown2"
) +
# geom_segment(aes(xend=mark_x$Mean_Absolute_Deviation,
# yend = mark_x$Percentage_of_Anomalous_Points,
# x=mark_x$Mean_Absolute_Deviation,
# y=-1
# ),linetype="dashed",colour="brown2") +
x = mark_x$Mean_Absolute_Deviation + (0.03 * max(
y = mark_x$Percentage_of_Anomalous_Points + (0.1),
label = mark_x$Mean_Absolute_Deviation,
fontface = "bold"
) +
x = qe,
y = 0.01 + (0.1),
label = "1%",
fontface = "bold"
) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12),
axis.text = element_text(size = 8),
# axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
axis.title = element_text(size = 8)
) +
labs(title = "Mean Absolute Deviation Plot") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(), limits = c(0, 1)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks =x_breaks)
# labs(title = ,
# subtitle = "95% Compression, QE=varying, n_cells=1033,L1Norm,Max",
# caption = "Mean Absolute Deviation is non dynamic i.e constant for each(earlier version was based on max QE of cells)")
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