
Defines functions mcp2matrix factor_contrasts mcp

Documented in mcp

# $Id: mcp.R 456 2019-02-27 16:16:46Z thothorn $

### multiple comparison procedures for levels of 
### factors in AN(C)OVA models
mcp <- function(..., interaction_average = FALSE, covariate_average = FALSE) {

    linfct <- list(...)

    linfct <- lapply(linfct, function(x) {
        if (is.numeric(x) && !is.matrix(x)) {
            return(matrix(x, nrow = 1))
        } else {

    if (is.null(names(linfct)))
        stop(sQuote("linfct"), " doesn't have a ", sQuote("names"), 
             " attribute")

    classes <- sapply(linfct, function(x) inherits(x, "matrix") || 
                                          inherits(x, "character"))

    if (length(linfct) == 1) {
        lf <- linfct[[1]][1]
        if (lf == "Means") {
            class(linfct) <- "means"

    attr(linfct, "interaction_average") <- interaction_average
    attr(linfct, "covariate_average") <- covariate_average

    if (all(classes)) {
        class(linfct) <- "mcp"

    stop("Arguments don't consist of either matrices or characters")

### extract factors and contrast matrices used in `model'
factor_contrasts <- function(model) {

    ### extract model matrix, frame and terms
    mm <- try(model.matrix(model))
    if (inherits(mm, "try-error"))
        stop("no ", sQuote("model.matrix"), " method for ", 
             sQuote("model"), " found!")

    mf <- try(model.frame(model))
    if (inherits(mf, "try-error"))
        stop("no ", sQuote("model.frame"), " method for ", 
             sQuote("model"), " found!")

    tm <- try(terms(model))
    if (inherits(tm, "try-error"))
        stop("no ", sQuote("terms"), " method for ", 
             sQuote("model"), " found!")

    list(contrasts = attr(mm, "contrasts"),
         factors = attr(tm, "factors"),
         intercept = attr(tm, "intercept") != 0,
         mm = mm, 
         mf = mf)

### convert linear hypotheses supplied as single matrices,
### type arguments or expressions into one matrix
mcp2matrix <- function(model, linfct) {

    ### extract factors and contrasts
    fc <- factor_contrasts(model)
    contrasts <- fc$contrasts
    factors <- fc$factors
    intercept <- fc$intercept
    mf <- fc$mf
    mm <- fc$mm

    alternative <- NULL

    ### linear hypotheses
    if (!is.list(linfct) || is.null(names(linfct)))
        stop(sQuote("linfct"), "is not a named list")
    nhypo <- names(linfct)
    checknm <- nhypo %in% rownames(factors)
    if (!all(checknm)) 
        stop("Variable(s) ", sQuote(nhypo[!checknm]), " have been specified in ",
             sQuote("linfct"), " but cannot be found in ", sQuote("model"), "! ")
    if (any(checknm)) {
        checknm <- sapply(mf[nhypo[checknm]], is.factor)
        if (!all(checknm))
            stop("Variable(s) ", sQuote(paste(nhypo[!checknm], collapse = ", ")), " of class ", 
                  sQuote(paste(sapply(mf[nhypo[!checknm]], class), collapse = ", ")), 
                  " is/are not contained as a factor in ", sQuote("model"), ".")
    m <- c()
    ctype <- c()
    for (nm in nhypo) {
        if (is.character(linfct[[nm]])) {

            Kchr <- function(kch) {
                ### check if kch is suitable as `type' argument to `contrMat'
                types <- eval(formals(contrMat)$type)
                pm <- pmatch(kch, types)
                ### if yes, compute K from `contrMat'
                if (!is.na(pm)) {
                    tmpK <- contrMat(table(mf[[nm]]), type = types[pm])
                    ctype <<- c(ctype, types[pm])
                } else {
                    ### if not, interpret kch as an expression
                    tmp <-  chrlinfct2matrix(kch, levels(mf[[nm]]))
                    tmpK <- tmp$K
                    m <<- c(m, tmp$m)
                    if (is.null(alternative)) {
                        alternative <<- tmp$alternative
                    } else {
                        if (tmp$alternative != alternative)
                            stop("mix of alternatives currently not implemented")
                if (is.null(rownames(tmpK)))
                    rownames(tmpK) <- paste(kch, 1:nrow(tmpK), sep = "_")
                if (length(nhypo) > 1)
                    rownames(tmpK) <- paste(nm, rownames(tmpK), sep = ": ")
                list(K = tmpK)
            tmp <- lapply(linfct[[nm]], Kchr)
            linfct[[nm]] <- do.call("rbind", lapply(tmp, function(x) x$K))

    ### transform linear hypotheses using model contrasts
    hypo <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(nhypo))
    names(hypo) <- nhypo

    for (nm in nhypo) {
        ### extract contrast matrix for each factor from model fit
        if (is.character(contrasts[[nm]])) {
            C <- do.call(contrasts[[nm]], 
                         list(n = nlevels(mf[[nm]])))
        } else {
            C <- contrasts[[nm]]
        ### and transform the original linear hypotheses 
        ### K beta to K C beta^* 
        if (intercept || (!intercept && nm != colnames(factors)[1])) {
            Kstar <- linfct[[nm]] %*% C
        } else {
            ### model.matrix has `contrasts' argument even if no intercept
            ### was fitted and the contrast actually hasn't been applied
            ### This is, however, only the case for the _first_ factor
            Kstar <- linfct[[nm]]
        pos <- factors[nm,] == 1
        ### interaction terms (if any)
        if (sum(pos) > 1)
            warning("covariate interactions found -- ", 
                    "default contrast might be inappropriate")
        hypo[[nm]] <- list(K = Kstar,
            where = attr(mm, "assign") %in% which(nm == colnames(factors)))

    ### combine all single matrices computed so far into
    ### one matrix of all linear hypoheses
    Ktotal <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(sapply(hypo, function(x) nrow(x$K))),
                     ncol = ncol(mm))
    colnames(Ktotal) <- colnames(mm)

    count <- 1
    for (h in hypo) {
        Ktotal[count:(count + nrow(h$K) - 1), h$where] <- h$K
        count <- count + nrow(h$K)
    if (!is.matrix(Ktotal)) Ktotal <- matrix(Ktotal, nrow = 1)
    rownames(Ktotal) <- unlist(lapply(hypo, function(x) rownames(x$K)))

    if (is.null(ctype))
        ctype <- "User-defined"
    ctype <- paste(unique(ctype), collapse = ", ")
    attr(Ktotal, "type") <- ctype

    if (length(m) == 0) m <- 0
    list(K = Ktotal, m = m, alternative = alternative, type = ctype)

### contributed by Richard M. Heiberger <rmh@temple.edu>
meanslinfct <-
function (model, focus, mmm.data = model$model, formula.in = terms(model),
          contrasts.arg = NULL) 
    mmm.factor <- sapply(mmm.data, inherits, "factor")
    mmm.levels <- lapply(mmm.data[mmm.factor], levels)
    mmm.rows <- sapply(mmm.levels, length)
    n.mmm.rows <- prod(mmm.rows)
    mmm.new <- mmm.data[1:n.mmm.rows, ]
    mmm.factor.names <- names(mmm.data)[mmm.factor]
    mmm.rows.forward <- cumprod(mmm.rows)
    mmm.rows.forward.prev <- c(1, mmm.rows.forward)
    names(mmm.rows.forward.prev) <- c(names(mmm.rows.forward), 
    for (i in mmm.factor.names) mmm.new[[i]] <- gl(mmm.rows[i], 
        mmm.rows.forward.prev[i], n.mmm.rows, labels = mmm.levels[[i]])
    mmm.numeric.names <- names(mmm.data)[!mmm.factor]
    for (i in mmm.numeric.names) mmm.new[[i]][] <- mean(mmm.data[[i]])
    none.data <- model.matrix(formula.in, data = mmm.new,
    none.linfct <- aggregate(none.data, by = mmm.new[focus], 
        FUN = mean)[, -1]
    rownames(none.linfct) <- levels(mmm.new[[focus]])

mcp2matrix2 <- function (model, linfct, interaction_average = FALSE, 
                         covariate_average = FALSE) 
    fc <- factor_contrasts(model)
    contrasts <- fc$contrasts
    factors <- fc$factors
    intercept <- fc$intercept
    mf <- fc$mf
    mm <- fc$mm
    alternative <- NULL
    if (!is.list(linfct) || is.null(names(linfct))) 
        stop(sQuote("linfct"), "is not a named list")
    nhypo <- names(linfct)
    checknm <- nhypo %in% rownames(factors)
    if (!all(checknm)) 
        stop("Variable(s) ", sQuote(nhypo[!checknm]), " have been specified in ", 
            sQuote("linfct"), " but cannot be found in ", sQuote("model"), 
            "! ")
    if (any(checknm)) {
        checknm <- sapply(mf[nhypo[checknm]], is.factor)
        if (!all(checknm)) 
            stop("Variable(s) ", sQuote(paste(nhypo[!checknm], 
                collapse = ", ")), " of class ", sQuote(paste(sapply(mf[nhypo[!checknm]], 
                class), collapse = ", ")), " is/are not contained as a factor in ", 
                sQuote("model"), ".")
    m <- c()
    ctype <- c()
    for (nm in nhypo) {
        if (is.character(linfct[[nm]])) {
            Kchr <- function(kch) {
                types <- eval(formals(contrMat)$type)
                pm <- pmatch(kch, types)
                if (!is.na(pm)) {
                  tmpK <- contrMat(table(mf[[nm]]), type = types[pm])
                  ctype <<- c(ctype, types[pm])
                else {
                  tmp <- chrlinfct2matrix(kch, levels(mf[[nm]]))
                  tmpK <- tmp$K
                  m <<- c(m, tmp$m)
                  if (is.null(alternative)) {
                      alternative <<- tmp$alternative
                  } else {
                      if (tmp$alternative != alternative)
                          stop("mix of alternatives currently not implemented")
                if (is.null(rownames(tmpK))) 
                  rownames(tmpK) <- paste(kch, 1:nrow(tmpK), 
                    sep = "_")
                if (length(nhypo) > 1) 
                  rownames(tmpK) <- paste(nm, rownames(tmpK), 
                    sep = ": ")
                list(K = tmpK)
            tmp <- lapply(linfct[[nm]], Kchr)
            linfct[[nm]] <- do.call("rbind", lapply(tmp, function(x) x$K))
    hypo <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(nhypo))
    names(hypo) <- nhypo
    for (nm in nhypo) {
        if (is.character(contrasts[[nm]])) {
            C <- do.call(contrasts[[nm]], list(n = nlevels(mf[[nm]])))
        else {
            C <- contrasts[[nm]]
        if (intercept) {
            Kstar <- linfct[[nm]] %*% C
        else {
            Kstar <- linfct[[nm]]
        pos <- factors[nm, ] == 1
        cov.ave <- ((length(covariate_average) == 1 &&
                     (covariate_average=="mean" || covariate_average==TRUE)) ||
                    (length(covariate_average) > 1))
        if (sum(pos) > 1) {
          if (!interaction_average) {
            warning("covariate interactions found -- ", "default contrast might be inappropriate")
            classes <- character(0)
             Kinter <- c()
            for (i in which(pos)[-1]) {
##             for (i in which(pos[apply(factors, 2, sum)==1])) { ## rmh []
               k <- sum(attr(mm, "assign") == i)/ncol(Kstar)
               ivar <- rownames(factors)[factors[, i] == 1]
               ivar <- ivar[ivar != nm]
               classes <- sapply(mf[, ivar, drop = FALSE], is.factor)
               if (all(classes)) {
                 fact <- 1/(k + 1)
               else {
                 fact <- 1
                 cov.ave <- cov.ave ||
                 !((length(covariate_average)==1) &&
                   (covariate_average == FALSE))
                 if (!cov.ave)
                   warning("covariate interactions found -- please choose appropriate contrast")
               if (sum(factors[1:which(rownames(factors) == 
                                       nm), i]) == 1) {
                 Kinter <- cbind(Kinter, Kstar[, rep(1:ncol(Kstar), 
                                                     k), drop = FALSE] * fact)
               else {
                 Kinter <- cbind(Kinter, Kstar[, rep(1:ncol(Kstar), 
                                                     rep(k, ncol(Kstar))), drop = FALSE] * fact)
             Kstar <- cbind(Kstar, Kinter)
          classes <- character(0)
        hypo[[nm]] <- list(K = Kstar, where = attr(mm, "assign") %in% 
                           which(factors[nm, ] == 1))
    Ktotal <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(sapply(hypo, function(x) nrow(x$K))),
        ncol = ncol(mm))
    colnames(Ktotal) <- colnames(mm)
    count <- 1
    for (h in hypo) {
        Ktotal[count:(count + nrow(h$K) - 1), h$where] <- h$K
        count <- count + nrow(h$K)
    if (!is.matrix(Ktotal)) 
        Ktotal <- matrix(Ktotal, nrow = 1)
    rownames(Ktotal) <- unlist(lapply(hypo, function(x) rownames(x$K)))
    if (is.null(ctype))
        ctype <- "User-defined"
    ctype <- paste(unique(ctype), collapse = ", ")
    attr(Ktotal, "type") <- ctype
    if (length(m) == 0) 
        m <- 0
    if (!all(classes) && cov.ave) {
      ## recover()
             "1"= {if (length(covariate_average) != 1)
                     stop("inconsistent covariate_average")
                   c.a <-
                     if (covariate_average=="mean" || covariate_average==TRUE)
                       colMeans(mf[, ivar, drop = FALSE])
                   whichCols <- grep(names(classes), dimnames(Ktotal)[[2]])
                   Ktotal[,whichCols] <- Ktotal[,whichCols] * c.a
             { ## 2 or more
           stop("not yet written, similar to 1.")    
    list(K = Ktotal, m = m, alternative = alternative, type = ctype)

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