
strings <-
function (x, equat = FALSE, k = 2, smpl, valued) 
    if (is.array(x) == FALSE) 
        stop("Data must be a stacked array of square matrices.")
    if (k > 4) 
        warning("Only equations until k = 4 will be considered.")
    ifelse(missing(valued) == FALSE && isTRUE(valued == TRUE) == 
        TRUE, valued <- TRUE, valued <- FALSE)
    ifelse(missing(smpl) == FALSE && isTRUE(smpl == TRUE) == 
        TRUE, smpl <- TRUE, smpl <- FALSE)
    if (is.na(dim(x)[3]) == TRUE) 
        stop("Labels in matrix(ces) needed")
    if (isTRUE(any(duplicated(dimnames(x)[[3]]))) == TRUE) 
        stop("Duplicated labels found in the input data")
    if (is.null(dimnames(x)[[3]]) == TRUE) 
        dimnames(x)[[3]] <- seq_len(dim(x)[3])
    if (smpl == TRUE | equat == TRUE) {
        ifelse(is.null(dimnames(x)[[3]]) == FALSE, lbs <- dimnames(x)[[3]], 
            lbs <- seq_len(dim(x)[3]))
        if (is.null(dimnames(x)[[3]]) == FALSE) {
            nlb <- list()
            for (i in seq_len(length(lbs))) {
                nlb[i] <- lbs[i]
            for (i in seq_len(length(nlb))) {
                lbs[i] <- (strsplit(nlb[[i]], "")[[1]][1])
            dimnames(x)[[3]] <- lbs
    if (isTRUE(valued == TRUE) == FALSE) {
        x <- dichot(x, c = 1L)
        gener <- dimnames(x)[[3]]
        if (is.na(dim(x)[3]) == TRUE) {
            s0 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 1L, nrow = 1L))
            if (isTRUE(all.equal(replace(x %*% x, x %*% x >= 
                1L, 1L), x) == TRUE)) 
                s0[1, 1] <- 1L
            Bx <- array(dim = c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], 2))
            Bx[, , 1] <- as.matrix(x)
            Bx[, , 2] <- replace(x %*% x, x %*% x >= 1L, 1L)
        if (is.na(dim(x)[3]) == FALSE) {
            tmpo <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(x)[1] * dim(x)[2]), 
                nrow = 0L))
            for (i in seq_len(dim(x)[3])) {
                ifelse(isTRUE(dim(x)[3] > 1L) == TRUE, tmpo[i, 
                  ] <- as.vector(x[, , i]), tmpo <- as.vector(x))
            if (isTRUE(is.character(dimnames(x)[[3]]) == TRUE) == 
                dimnames(x)[[3]][which(duplicated(dimnames(x)[[3]]))] <- 1:length(which(duplicated(dimnames(x)[[3]])))
            if (isTRUE(is.null(dim(tmpo)) == FALSE) == TRUE) 
                rownames(tmpo) <- dimnames(x)[[3]]
            tmpu <- unique(tmpo)
            dpl <- duplicated(tmpo)
            if (isTRUE(nrow(tmpo) != nrow(tmpu)) == TRUE) {
                ifelse(isTRUE((nrow(tmpo) - nrow(tmpu)) > 1) == 
                  TRUE, note <- paste("There are", nrow(tmpo) - 
                  nrow(tmpu), "repeated generators that have been equated", 
                  sep = " "), note <- "There is 1 repeated generator that has been equated")
            else {
                note <- NULL
            if (isTRUE(dim(x)[3] < 2L) == TRUE) 
                x <- array(tmpo, c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2]))
            if (isTRUE(dim(x)[3] > 1L) == TRUE) {
                tmp <- array(dim = c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], nrow(tmpu)))
                for (i in 1:nrow(tmpu)) {
                  tmp[, , i][1:(dim(x)[1] * dim(x)[2])] <- as.numeric(tmpu[i, 
                if (is.null(dimnames(tmp)[[1]]) == FALSE) 
                  dimnames(tmp)[[3]] <- rownames(tmpu)
                if (is.null(dimnames(x)[[1]]) == FALSE) 
                  dimnames(tmp)[[1]] <- dimnames(tmp)[[2]] <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
                x <- tmp
                dimnames(x)[[3]] <- as.list(rownames(tmpu))
            s0 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = dim(x)[3], nrow = dim(x)[3]))
            for (q in seq_len(dim(x)[3])) {
                for (j in seq_len(dim(x)[3])) {
                  tmp <- x[, , j] %*% x[, , q]
                  tmp <- replace(tmp, tmp >= 1L, 1L)
                  for (i in dim(x)[3]:1) {
                    if (isTRUE(all.equal(tmp, x[, , i]) == TRUE)) 
                      s0[j, q] <- i
            rm(i, j, q)
            dimnames(s0)[[1]] <- seq_len(dim(x)[3])
            dimnames(s0)[[2]] <- seq_len(dim(x)[3])
            if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(s0))) == 0L) 
                Bx <- x
            if (sum(as.numeric(is.na(s0))) > 0L) {
                Bx <- array(dim = c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], 0L))
                for (i in seq_len(nrow(s0))) {
                  for (j in 1:length(which(is.na(s0[i, ])))) {
                    if (length(which(is.na(s0[i, ]))) > 0L) 
                      Bx <- zbnd(Bx, (replace(x[, , i] %*% x[, 
                        , which(is.na(s0[i, ]))[j]], x[, , i] %*% 
                        x[, , which(is.na(s0[i, ]))[j]] >= 1L, 
                rm(i, j)
                tmp <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(x)[1] * 
                  dim(x)[2]), nrow = 0L))
                for (i in seq_len(dim(Bx)[3])) {
                  tmp[i, ] <- as.vector(Bx[, , i])
                xBx <- array(dim = c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], nrow(unique(tmp))))
                for (i in seq_len(nrow(unique(tmp)))) {
                  xBx[, , i][1:(dim(Bx)[1] * dim(Bx)[2])] <- as.numeric(unique(tmp)[i, 
                if (is.null(dimnames(xBx)) == FALSE) 
                  dimnames(xBx)[[3]] <- (dim(x)[3] + 1L):(dim(xBx)[3] + 
                Bx <- zbnd(x, xBx)
                rm(xBx, tmp)
        while (sum(as.numeric(is.na(s0))) > 0L) {
            BBx <- Bx
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(s0))) {
                for (j in 1:length(which(is.na(s0[i, ])))) {
                  if (length(which(is.na(s0[i, ]))) > 0L) 
                    BBx <- zbnd(BBx, (replace(Bx[, , i] %*% Bx[, 
                      , which(is.na(s0[i, ]))[j]], Bx[, , i] %*% 
                      Bx[, , which(is.na(s0[i, ]))[j]] >= 1L, 
            rm(i, j)
            tmp <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(Bx)[1] * dim(Bx)[2]), 
                nrow = 0L))
            for (i in 1:dim(BBx)[3]) {
                tmp[i, ] <- as.vector(BBx[, , i])
            Bx <- array(dim = c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], nrow(unique(tmp))))
            for (i in seq_len(nrow(unique(tmp)))) {
                Bx[, , i][seq_len(dim(BBx)[1] * dim(BBx)[2])] <- as.numeric(unique(tmp)[i, 
            rm(tmp, BBx)
            if (is.na(dim(x)[3]) == TRUE) {
                s0 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 1L, nrow = dim(Bx)[3]))
                for (j in seq_len(dim(Bx)[3])) {
                  tmp <- Bx[, , j] %*% Bx[, , 1]
                  tmp <- replace(tmp, tmp >= 1L, 1L)
                  for (i in dim(Bx)[3]:1) {
                    if (isTRUE(all.equal(tmp, Bx[, , i]) == TRUE)) 
                      s0[j, 1] <- i
                rm(i, j)
            if (is.na(dim(x)[3]) == FALSE) {
                s0 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = dim(x)[3], nrow = dim(Bx)[3]))
                for (q in seq_len(dim(x)[3])) {
                  for (j in seq_len(dim(Bx)[3])) {
                    tmp <- Bx[, , j] %*% Bx[, , q]
                    tmp <- replace(tmp, tmp >= 1L, 1L)
                    for (i in dim(Bx)[3]:1) {
                      if (isTRUE(all.equal(tmp, Bx[, , i]) == 
                        s0[j, q] <- i
                rm(i, j, q)
        ifelse(isTRUE(is.na(dim(x)[3])) == TRUE, dimnames(s0)[[2]] <- 1L, 
            dimnames(s0)[[2]] <- seq_len(dim(x)[3]))
        tmpO <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(Bx)[1] * dim(Bx)[2]), 
            nrow = 0L))
        for (i in seq_len(dim(Bx)[3])) {
            tmpO[i, ] <- as.vector(Bx[, , i])
        rownames(tmpO) <- dimnames(Bx)[[3]]
        tmpU <- unique(tmpO)
        tmp <- array(dim = c(dim(Bx)[1], dim(Bx)[2], nrow(tmpU)))
        for (i in 1:nrow(tmpU)) {
            tmp[, , i][1:(dim(Bx)[1] * dim(Bx)[2])] <- as.numeric(tmpU[i, 
        Bx <- tmp
        dimnames(Bx)[[3]] <- as.list(rownames(tmpU))
        E <- s0
        if (dim(Bx)[3] == ncol(E)) {
            W <- rbind(cbind(1:ncol(E), NA, NA))
            colnames(W) <- c("", "n", "g")
        if (dim(Bx)[3] > ncol(E)) {
            tmp <- (ncol(E) + 1L):dim(Bx)[3]
            z <- vector()
            for (i in seq_len(length(tmp))) {
                z[i] <- which(t(E) == tmp[i])[1]
            g <- vector()
            for (i in seq_len(length(tmp))) {
                ifelse(z[i]%%ncol(E) == 0L, g[i] <- ncol(E), 
                  g[i] <- z[i]%%ncol(E))
            n <- vector()
            for (i in seq_len(length(tmp))) {
                ifelse(z[i]%%ncol(E) == 0L, n[i] <- (z[i]%/%ncol(E)), 
                  n[i] <- ((z[i]%/%ncol(E)) + 1L))
            W <- rbind(cbind(1:ncol(E), NA, NA), cbind(((ncol(E) + 
                1L):nrow(E)), n, g))
            rm(z, n, g)
        if (is.na(dim(x)[3]) == TRUE) {
            ifelse(is.null(dimnames(Bx)[[3]]) == TRUE, lbl <- seq_len(dim(Bx)[3]), 
                lbl <- dimnames(Bx)[[3]])
        if (is.na(dim(x)[3]) == FALSE) {
            if (is.null(dimnames(x)[[3]]) == TRUE) 
                lbl <- seq_len(dim(Bx)[3])
            if (is.null(dimnames(x)[[3]]) == FALSE) {
                if (isTRUE(dim(Bx)[3] == dim(x)[3]) == TRUE) 
                  lbl <- dimnames(x)[[3]]
                if (isTRUE(dim(Bx)[3] < dim(x)[3]) == TRUE) 
                  lbl <- rownames(tmpO)
                if (isTRUE(dim(Bx)[3] > dim(x)[3]) == TRUE) 
                  lbl <- c(dimnames(x)[[3]], (dim(x)[3] + 1L):dim(Bx)[3])
            dimnames(Bx)[[3]] <- lbl
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (ncol(E) + 1L))) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 2][i]], 
                  dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], sep = "")
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[(length(which(W[, 
                2] < (ncol(E) + 1L))) + 1L):length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1])))]) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 2][i], 
                  ][2]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 2][i], ][3]], 
                  dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], sep = "")
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] > ncol(E)))[1])[1]))[(length(which(W[, 2] < 
                (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))) + 1L):length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E)))[1])[1])))]) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 
                  2][i], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], 
                  sep = "")
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1])))[1])[1]))[(length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E)))[1])[1]))) + 
                1L):length(which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1])))[1])[1])))]) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 
                  2][i], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], 
                  sep = "")
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1])))[1])[1]))[(length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] > ncol(E))[1])))[1])[1]))) + 1L):length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1])))[1])[1])))]) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 
                  2][i], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], 
                  sep = "")
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1]))[(length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1])))[1])[1]))) + 
                1L):length(which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1])))]) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2]], 
                  dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 2][i], ], 
                    ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                    2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[, 
                    2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[, 
                    2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 
                    2][i], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], 
                  sep = "")
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1]))[(length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1]))) + 
                1L):length(which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1])))]) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], 
                  ][2]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], 
                  ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 2][i], 
                  ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 
                  2][i], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], 
                  sep = "")
            for (i in which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1]))[(length(which(W[, 
                2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1]))) + 
                1):length(which(W[, 2] < (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 
                2] >= (which(W[, 2] >= (which(W[, 2] > ncol(E))[1]))[1]))[1]))[1]))[1])))[1])[1])))]) {
                lbl[(i)] <- paste(dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], 
                  ][2], ][2]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], 
                  ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], 
                  ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[W[, 2][i], 
                  ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[W[W[, 
                  2][i], ], ][1, ][2], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[W[, 
                  2][i], ][3]], dimnames(Bx)[[3]][W[, 3][i]], 
                  sep = "")
            dimnames(Bx)[[3]] <- lbl
        if (is.null(dimnames(x)[[1]]) == FALSE) 
            dimnames(Bx)[[1]] <- dimnames(Bx)[[2]] <- dimnames(x)[[1]]
        if (equat == TRUE) {
            gn <- dimnames(x)[[3]]
            w <- Bx
            luq <- list()
            length(luq) <- length(lbl)
            names(luq) <- lbl
            lid <- list()
            length(lid) <- 1
            lid[[1]] <- names(lid) <- "e"
            mte <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(x)[1], ncol = dim(x)[2])
            diag(mte) <- 1L
            vce <- as.vector(mte)
            unq <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(w)[1] * dim(w)[2]), 
                nrow = 0))
            for (i in 1:dim(w)[3]) {
                ifelse(isTRUE(dim(w)[3] > 1) == TRUE, unq[i, 
                  ] <- as.vector(w[, , i]), unq <- as.vector(w))
            rownames(unq) <- lbl
            if (isTRUE(TRUE %in% dpl) == TRUE) {
                eq <- list()
                length(eq) <- nrow(unique(tmpo))
                names(eq) <- rownames(unique(tmpo))
                rownames(tmpo) <- gener
                for (i in which(duplicated(tmpo))) {
                  for (j in which(!(duplicated(tmpo)))) {
                    if (isTRUE(all(tmpo[i, ] == tmpo[j, ]) == 
                      TRUE)) {
                      eq[[which(attr(eq, "names") == rownames(tmpo[j, 
                        ]))]] <- append(eq[[which(attr(eq, "names") == 
                        rownames(tmpo[j, ]))]], rownames(tmpo)[i])
                for (i in 1:length(eq)) {
                  if (isTRUE(is.null(eq[[i]])) == FALSE) {
                    luq[[which(names(eq)[i] == names(luq))]] <- append(luq[[which(names(eq)[i] == 
                      names(luq))]], eq[[i]])
                  else {
            for (j in seq_len(nrow(unq))) {
                if (all(vce == unq[j, ]) == TRUE) {
                  lid[[1]] <- append(lid[[1]], rownames(unq)[j])
            if (k > 1L) {
                if (length(gn) > 1L) {
                  eq2 <- vector()
                  for (i in seq_len(length(gn))) {
                    eq2 <- append(eq2, paste(gn[i], gn[i], sep = ""))
                  db <- eq2
                  for (i in 1:ncol(utils::combn(gn, 2))) {
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 2)[, i][1], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 2)[, i][2], sep = "") %in% 
                      eq2 <- append(eq2, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        2)[, i][1], utils::combn(gn, 2)[, i][2], 
                        sep = ""))
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 2)[, i][2], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 2)[, i][1], sep = "") %in% 
                      eq2 <- append(eq2, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        2)[, i][2], utils::combn(gn, 2)[, i][1], 
                        sep = ""))
                  eq2 <- unique(eq2)
                  if (length(eq2) != 0L) {
                    dbl <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(w)[1] * 
                      dim(w)[2]), nrow = 0L))
                    for (i in 1:length(eq2)) {
                      dbl[(nrow(dbl) + 1), ] <- as.vector(dichot(x[, 
                        , which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == strsplit(eq2[i], 
                          "")[[1]][1])] %*% x[, , which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == 
                        strsplit(eq2[i], "")[[1]][2])]))
                    rownames(dbl) <- eq2
                    for (j in 2:nrow(dbl)) {
                      if (all(vce == dbl[j, ]) == TRUE) {
                        lid[[1]] <- append(lid[[1]], rownames(dbl)[j])
                    for (i in 1:nrow(dbl)) {
                      if (isTRUE(eq2[i] %in% rownames(unq)) == 
                        FALSE) {
                        luq[[which(duplicated(rbind(dbl[i, ], 
                          unq))) - 1L]] <- append(luq[[which(duplicated(rbind(dbl[i, 
                          ], unq))) - 1L]], eq2[i])
            if (k > 2L) {
                eq3 <- vector()
                for (i in seq_len(length(gn))) {
                  eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(db, gn[i], sep = ""))
                  eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(gn[i], db, sep = ""))
                for (i in seq_len(length(gn))) {
                  for (j in seq_len(length(gn))) {
                    eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(strsplit(db[j], 
                      "")[[1]][1], gn[i], strsplit(db[j], "")[[1]][2], 
                      sep = ""))
                tp <- eq3
                if (length(gn) > 2) {
                  for (i in 1:ncol(utils::combn(gn, 3))) {
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][3], sep = "") %in% lbl)) 
                      eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][1], utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], 
                        utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], sep = ""))
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][2], sep = "") %in% lbl)) 
                      eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][1], utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], 
                        utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], sep = ""))
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][3], sep = "") %in% lbl)) 
                      eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][2], utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], 
                        utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], sep = ""))
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][1], sep = "") %in% lbl)) 
                      eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][2], utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], 
                        utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], sep = ""))
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][2], sep = "") %in% lbl)) 
                      eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][3], utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], 
                        utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], sep = ""))
                    if (!(paste(utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][3], 
                      utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][1], sep = "") %in% lbl)) 
                      eq3 <- append(eq3, paste(utils::combn(gn, 
                        3)[, i][3], utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][2], 
                        utils::combn(gn, 3)[, i][1], sep = ""))
                eq3 <- unique(eq3)
                if (length(eq3) != 0L) {
                  tpl <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(w)[1] * 
                    dim(w)[2]), nrow = 0L))
                  for (i in 1:length(eq3)) {
                    tpl[(nrow(tpl) + 1L), ] <- as.vector(dichot(x[, 
                      , which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == strsplit(eq3[i], 
                        "")[[1]][1])] %*% x[, , which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == 
                      strsplit(eq3[i], "")[[1]][2])] %*% x[, 
                      , which(dimnames(x)[[3]] == strsplit(eq3[i], 
                  rownames(tpl) <- eq3
                  for (j in seq_len(nrow(tpl))) {
                    if (all(vce == tpl[j, ]) == TRUE) {
                      lid[[1]] <- append(lid[[1]], rownames(tpl)[j])
                  for (i in 1:nrow(tpl)) {
                    if (isTRUE(eq3[i] %in% rownames(unq)) == 
                      FALSE) {
                      luq[[which(duplicated(rbind(tpl[i, ], unq))) - 
                        1L]] <- append(luq[[which(duplicated(rbind(tpl[i, 
                        ], unq))) - 1L]], eq3[i])
            if (k > 3L) {
                eq4 <- vector()
                for (i in seq_len(length(gn))) {
                  eq4 <- append(eq4, paste(tp, gn[i], sep = ""))
                  eq4 <- append(eq4, paste(gn[i], tp, sep = ""))
                ct <- eq4
                for (i in seq_len(length(gn))) {
                  for (j in seq_len(length(gn))) {
                    eq4 <- append(eq4, paste(strsplit(tp[j], 
                      "")[[1]][1], gn[i], strsplit(tp[j], "")[[1]][2], 
                      strsplit(tp[j], "")[[1]][3], sep = ""))
                    eq4 <- append(eq4, paste(strsplit(tp[j], 
                      "")[[1]][1], strsplit(tp[j], "")[[1]][2], 
                      gn[i], strsplit(tp[j], "")[[1]][3], sep = ""))
                    eq4 <- append(eq4, paste(strsplit(tp[j], 
                      "")[[1]][1], strsplit(tp[j], "")[[1]][2], 
                      strsplit(tp[j], "")[[1]][3], gn[i], sep = ""))
                for (i in seq_along(lbl)) {
                  ifelse(isTRUE(length(dhc(lbl[i], sep = "")) == 
                    2) == TRUE, eq4 <- append(eq4, paste(lbl[i], 
                    lbl[i], sep = "")), NA)
                if (length(gn) > 3) {
                  warning("Just generators up to three letters are supported.")
                else {
                eq4 <- unique(eq4)
                if (length(eq4) != 0L) {
                  ctl <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = (dim(x)[1] * 
                    dim(x)[2]), nrow = 0L))
                  for (i in seq_len(length(eq4))) {
                    ctl[(nrow(ctl) + 1L), ] <- as.vector(dichot(x[, 
                      , which(gn == strsplit(eq4[i], "")[[1]][1])] %*% 
                      x[, , which(gn == strsplit(eq4[i], "")[[1]][2])] %*% 
                      x[, , which(gn == strsplit(eq4[i], "")[[1]][3])] %*% 
                      x[, , which(gn == strsplit(eq4[i], "")[[1]][4])]))
                  rownames(ctl) <- eq4
                  for (i in seq_len(nrow(ctl))) {
                    if (isTRUE(eq4[i] %in% rownames(unq)) == 
                      FALSE) {
                      flg <- TRUE
                      for (j in seq_len(nrow(unq))) {
                        if (all(ctl[i, ] == unq[j, ]) == TRUE) {
                          luq[[j]] <- append(luq[[j]], eq4[i])
                          flg <- FALSE
                      if (all(ctl[i, ] == vce) == TRUE) {
                        ifelse(isTRUE(flg == TRUE) == TRUE, lid[[1]] <- append(lid[[1]], 
                          rownames(ctl)[i]), lid[[1]] <- append(lid[[1]], 
                      else {
                        ifelse(isTRUE(flg == FALSE) == TRUE, 
                            ], unq))) - 1L]] <- append(luq[[which(duplicated(rbind(ctl[i, 
                            ], unq))) - 1L]], eq4[i]), NA)
            lqu <- list()
            lqlb <- vector()
            for (i in 1:length(luq)) {
                if (isTRUE(is.null(luq[[i]])) == FALSE) {
                  lqu[[length(lqu) + 1]] <- luq[[i]]
                  lqlb[length(lqlb) + 1] <- attr(luq, "names")[i]
            names(lqu) <- lqlb
            if (length(lqu) != 0L) {
                for (i in 1:length(lqu)) {
                  lqu[[i]] <- c(attr(lqu, "names")[i], lqu[[i]])
                  lqu[[i]] <- unique(lqu[[i]])
            else if (length(lqu) == 0L) {
                lqu <- paste("No equations were produced in words with length", 
                  k, "or less", sep = " ")
        if (equat == TRUE) {
            lid[[1]] <- unique(lid[[1]])
            if (isTRUE(length(lid[[1]]) > 1) == TRUE) {
                ifelse(isTRUE(length(note) > 0L) == TRUE, lst <- list(wt = Bx, 
                  ord = dim(Bx)[3], st = lbl, equat = lqu, equate = lid, 
                  Note = note), lst <- list(wt = Bx, ord = dim(Bx)[3], 
                  st = lbl, equat = lqu, equate = lid))
            else {
                ifelse(isTRUE(length(note) > 0L) == TRUE, lst <- list(wt = Bx, 
                  ord = dim(Bx)[3], st = lbl, equat = lqu, Note = note), 
                  lst <- list(wt = Bx, ord = dim(Bx)[3], st = lbl, 
                    equat = lqu))
        else if (equat != TRUE) {
            lst <- list(wt = Bx, ord = dim(Bx)[3], st = lbl)
        class(lst) <- "Strings"
    else Sx <- mxmn(x, type = "numerical", cmps = TRUE, equat = equat)
    if (equat == TRUE) {
        lst <- list(wt = zbind(Sx$gens, Sx$cmps), ord = Sx$ord, 
            st = Sx$st, equat = Sx$equat)
    else {
        lst <- list(wt = zbind(Sx$gens, Sx$cmps), ord = Sx$ord, 
            st = Sx$st)
    class(lst) <- c("Strings", "valued")

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multiplex documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:08 p.m.