.calc_const_MESSAGE_LOCALITY_NOT_CONTAINS_SENSOR <- "Locality {item$metadata@locality_id} doesn't contains any sensor {sensor}. It is skipped."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_LOGGER_NOT_CONTAINS_SENSOR <- "Loger {item$metadata@serial_number} doesn't contains any sensor {sensor}. It is skipped."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_STEP_LONGER_DAY <- "Step {data$metadata@period} in data is too long. Maximal allowed step is day."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_LOGGER_STEP_LONGER_DAY <- "Step in logger {logger$metadata@serial_number} is too long. Maximal allowed step is day. It is skipped."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_WRONG_PHYSICAL_UNIT <- "Physical unit of {sensor_name} isn't {unit_name}."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_OVERWRITE_SENSOR <- "Sensor {output_sensor} exists in locality {item$metadata@locality_id}. It will be overwritten."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_SENSOR_NOT_EXISTS_IN_LOCALITIES <- "Sensor doesn't exist in any locality."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_UNKNONW_SIOLTYPE <- "Soiltype {soiltype_value} is unknown."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_WRONG_SOILTYPE <- "Soiltype doesn't contain all a, b, c parameters."
.calc_const_MESSAGE_VPD_AGGREGATED <- "You are attempting to calculate VPD from aggregated temperature / RH values. Due to non-linear relationship between VPD and T/RH, this may produce biased VPD estimates."
#' Snow detection from temperature
#' @description
#' This function creates a new virtual sensor on locality within the myClim data object.
#' Virtual sensor hosts values of snow cover presence/absence detected from temperature time-series.
#' @details
#' Function detects snow cover from temperature time-series. Temperature sensor is considered as covered by snow
#' when the maximal temperature in the preceding or subsequent time-window (specified by `days` param)
#' does not exceed specific `tmax` threshold value (default 1.25°C) and the temperature range remain below specified
#' `range` threshold (default 1°C). This function rely on insulating effect of a of snow layer,
#' significantly reducing diurnal temperature variation and restricting the maximal temperature near the ground
#' close to freezing point. Temperature sensor near the ground (`TMS_T2`) is default choice for snow-cover detection from Tomst TMS loggers.
#' Snow detection with default values accurately detects snow of depth > 15cm (unpublished data).
#' For detection of thin snow, range parameter should be set to 3-4 °C.
#' The function returns vector of snow cover (TRUE/FLASE) with same time-step as input data. To get number of days with snow cover
#' and more snow summary characteristics use [mc_calc_snow_agg] after snow detection.
#' @template param_myClim_object_cleaned
#' @param sensor name of temperature sensor used for snow estimation. (e.g. TMS_T2)
#' @param output_sensor name of output snow sensor (default "snow")
#' @param localities list of locality_ids where snow will be calculated; if NULL then all (default NULL)
#' @param range maximum temperature range threshold for snow-covered sensor (default 1°C)
#' @param tmax maximum temperature threshold for snow-covered sensor (default 1.25°C)
#' @param days number of days to be used for moving-window for snow detection algorithm (default 3 days)
#' @return myClim object with added virtual sensor 'snow' (logical) indicating snow presence/absence (TRUE/FALSE).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- mc_calc_snow(mc_data_example_agg, "TMS_T2", output_sensor="TMS_T2_snow",
#' localities = c("A2E32", "A6W79"))
mc_calc_snow <- function(data, sensor, output_sensor="snow", localities=NULL, range=1, tmax=1.25, days=3) {
is_agg <- .common_is_agg_format(data)
if(is_agg) {
} else {
.prep_check_datetime_step_unprocessed(data, stop)
call_snow <- function(item, step) {
.calc_add_sensor_to_item(item, sensor, mc_const_SENSOR_snow_bool, output_sensor,
.calc_snow_values_function, range=range, tmax=tmax, days=days, step=step)
logger_function <- function(logger) {
call_snow(logger, logger$clean_info@step)
locality_function <- function(locality) {
if(!(is.null(localities) || locality$metadata@locality_id %in% localities)) {
if(is_agg) {
return(call_snow(locality, data$metadata@step))
locality$loggers <- purrr::map(locality$loggers, logger_function)
data$localities <- purrr::map(data$localities, locality_function)
.calc_check_maximal_day_step <- function(data) {
if(.calc_is_step_bigger_then(data, lubridate::days(1))) {
.calc_check_maximal_day_step_in_logger_get_skip <- function(logger) {
logger_period <- lubridate::seconds(logger$clean_info@step)
if(logger_period > lubridate::days(1)) {
.calc_is_step_bigger_then <- function(data, max_period) {
data_period <- lubridate::period(data$metadata@period)
return(data_period > max_period)
.calc_snow_values_function <- function(item, sensor_name, range, tmax, days, step) {
per <- 3600*24*days / step
day_max_temp <- data.table::frollapply(item$sensors[[sensor_name]]$values, FUN = function(x) if(length(x) == 0) NA else max(x), n = per, align = "left", fill = NA )
day_range_temp <- data.table::frollapply(item$sensors[[sensor_name]]$values, FUN = function(x) if(length(x) == 0) NA else max(x) - min(x), n = per, align = "left", fill = NA )
snow_next <- (day_range_temp < range) & (day_max_temp < tmax)
snow <- data.table::frollmean(snow_next, n = c(1:min(per,length(snow_next)), rep(per, max(length(snow_next) - per, 0))), fill = NA, na.rm = T, adaptive = T) > 0
.calc_add_sensor_to_item <- function(item, sensor_name, output_sensor_id, output_sensor_name, sensor_physical=NULL, values_function, ...) {
if(!.calc_check_sensor_in_item(item, sensor_name)){
if(!is.null(sensor_physical) && !.model_is_physical(item$sensors[[sensor_name]]$metadata, sensor_physical)){
.calc_wrong_physical_warning_function(sensor_name, sensor_physical)
.calc_warn_if_overwriting(item, output_sensor_name)
height <- item$sensors[[sensor_name]]$metadata@height
values <- values_function(item, sensor_name, ...)
item$sensors[[output_sensor_name]] <- .common_get_new_sensor(output_sensor_id, output_sensor_name, values=values, height=height)
.calc_check_sensor_in_item <- function(item, sensor) {
result <- sensor %in% names(item$sensors)
if(is(item$metadata, "mc_LocalityMetadata")){
} else {
.calc_wrong_physical_warning_function <- function(sensor_name, unit_name) {
.calc_warn_if_overwriting <- function(item, output_sensor) {
if(output_sensor %in% names(item$sensors)) {
#' Summary of TRUE/FALSE snow sensor
#' @description
#' This function works with the virtual snow sensor of TRUE/FALSE
#' which is the output of [myClim::mc_calc_snow()]. So, before calling
#' `mc_calc_snow_agg` you need to calculate or import `mc_read_`
#' TRUE/FALSE snow sensor.
#' `mc_calc_snow_agg` returns the summary table of snow sensor
#' (e.g number of days with snow cover, first and last date of continual
#' snow cover longer than input period).
#' The snow summary is returned for whole date range provided. And is returned as
#' new data.frame in contrast with other mc_calc functions returning virtual sensors.
#' @details
#' Primary designed for virtual snow sensor calculated by [myClim::mc_calc_snow()],
#' but accepts any sensor with TRUE/FLAST snow event detection. If `snow_sensor`
#' on the locality is missing, then locality is skipped.
#' @param data cleaned myClim object see [myClim-package] with TRUE/FALSE snow sensor see [myClim::mc_calc_snow()]
#' @param snow_sensor name of snow sensor containing TRUE/FALS snow detection, suitable for virtual sensors created by function `mc_calc_snow`; (default "snow")
#' @param localities optional subset of localities where to run the function (list of locality_ids); if NULL then return all localities (default NULL)
#' @param period number of days defining the continual snow cover period of interest (default 3 days)
#' @param use_utc if set FALSE then time is shifted based on offset provided in locality metadata `tz_offset`, see e.g. [myClim::mc_prep_solar_tz()], [myClim::mc_prep_meta_locality()]; (default FALSE)
#' @return
#' Returns data.frame with columns:
#' * locality - locality id
#' * snow_days - number of days with snow cover
#' * first_day - first day with snow
#' * last_day - last day with snow
#' * first_day_period - first day of period with continual snow cover based on `period` parameter
#' * last_day_period - last day of period with continual snow cover based on `period` parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- mc_calc_snow(mc_data_example_agg, "TMS_T2", output_sensor="TMS_T2_snow",
#' localities = c("A2E32", "A6W79"))
#' mc_calc_snow_agg(data, "TMS_T2_snow")
mc_calc_snow_agg <- function(data, snow_sensor="snow", localities=NULL, period=3, use_utc=FALSE) {
data <- mc_filter(data, localities, sensors=snow_sensor, stop_if_empty=FALSE)
is_agg <- .common_is_agg_format(data)
if((is_agg && length(data$localities) == 0) || (!is_agg && length(data) == 0)) {
if(!use_utc) {
locality_function <- function(locality) {
if(is_agg) {
return(.calc_get_snow_agg_row(locality, locality$metadata@locality_id, locality$metadata@tz_offset, snow_sensor, period, use_utc))
logger_function <- function(logger) {
.calc_get_snow_agg_row(logger, locality$metadata@locality_id, locality$metadata@tz_offset, snow_sensor, period, use_utc)
purrr::map_dfr(locality$loggers, logger_function)
}$localities, locality_function))
.calc_get_snow_agg_row <- function(item, locality_id, tz_offset, snow_sensor, period, use_utc) {
result <- list(locality_id = locality_id,
snow_days = NA_integer_,
first_day = NA,
last_day = NA,
first_day_period = NA,
last_day_period = NA)
snow_table <- tibble::tibble(datetime=item$datetime, snow=item$sensors[[snow_sensor]]$values)
snow_table <- dplyr::filter(snow_table, !$snow))
if(!use_utc) {
snow_table$datetime <- .calc_get_datetimes_with_offset(snow_table$datetime, tz_offset)
if(nrow(snow_table) == 0) {
snow_days_table <- aggregate(snow_table$snow, by=list(day=cut(snow_table$datetime, breaks = "days")), FUN=max)
snow_days_table$day <- as.Date(snow_days_table$day)
result$snow_days <- sum(snow_days_table$x)
if(result$snow_days > 0) {
result$first_day <- as.Date(snow_days_table$day[min(which(snow_days_table$x == 1))])
result$last_day <- as.Date(snow_days_table$day[max(which(snow_days_table$x == 1))])
snow_by_period <- data.table::frollapply(snow_days_table$x, FUN=function(x) if(length(x) == 0) NA else min(x), n=period, align="right", fill=NA)
snow_by_period_index <- which(snow_by_period == 1)
if(length(snow_by_period_index) > 0) {
result$first_day_period <- snow_days_table$day[min(snow_by_period_index) - period + 1]
result$last_day_period <- snow_days_table$day[max(snow_by_period_index)]
.calc_get_datetimes_with_offset <- function(datetimes, tz_offset) {
if( || tz_offset == 0) {
datetimes + (tz_offset * 60)
#' Conversion of raw TMS soil moisture values to volumetric water content (VWC)
#' @description
#' This function creates a new virtual sensor on the locality within the myClim data object.
#' Function converts the raw TMS soil moisture (scaled TDT signal)
#' to volumetric water content (VWC).
#' @details
#' This function is suitable for TOMST TMS loggers measuring soil moisture in raw TMS units.
#' The raw TMS units represents inverted and numerically rescaled (1-4095) electromagnetic signal from the moisture sensor working
#' on Time Domain Transmission principle (Wild et al. 2019). For TMS4 logger, the typical raw TMS moisture values range from cca
#' 115 units in dry air to cca 3635 units in distilled water - see [mc_calib_moisture].
#' Raw TMS moisture values can be converted to the soil volumetric water content with calibration curves. The function provides
#' several experimentally derived calibration curves which were developped at reference temperature. To account for the difference
#' between reference and actual temperature, the function uses actual soil temperature values measured by TMS_T1 soil temperature
#' sensor.
#' The default calibration curve is "universal", which was designed for mineral soils (see Kopecký et al. 2021).
#' Specific calibration curves were developed for several soil types (see Wild et al. 2019) and the user can choose one of these
#' or can define its own calibration - see [mc_data_vwc_parameters]
#' Currently available calibration curves are: sand, loamy sand A,
#' loamy sand B, sandy loam A, sandy loam B, loam, silt loam, peat, water,
#' universal, sand TMS1, loamy sand TMS1, silt loam TMS1.
#' For details see [mc_data_vwc_parameters].
#' It is also possible to define a new calibarion function with custom parameters `a`, `b` and `c`. These can be
#' derived e.g. from TOMST TMS Calibr utility after entering custom ratio of clay, silt, sand.
#' **Warning:** TOMST TMS Calibr utility was developed for TMS3 series of TMS loggers, which have
#' different range of raw soil moisture values than TMS4 series.
#' The function by default replace the moisture records in frozen soils with NA (param *frozen2NA*),
#' because the TMS soil moisture sensor was not designed to measure in frozen soils and the returned values are thus not comparable
#' with values from non-frozen soil.
#' @template param_myClim_object_cleaned
#' @param moist_sensor name of soil moisture sensor to be converted from TMS
#' moisture values to volumetric water content (default "TMS_moist") see `names(mc_data_sensors)`.
#' Soil moisture sensor must be in moisture_raw physical units see `names(mc_data_physical)`.
#' @param temp_sensor name of soil temperature sensor (default "TMS_T1")
#' see `names(mc_data_sensors)`. Temperature sensor must be in T_C physical units.
#' @param output_sensor name of new virtual sensor with VWC values (default "VWC_moisture")
#' @param soiltype Either character corresponding to one of `soiltype` from [mc_data_vwc_parameters]
#' (default `"universal"`), or a list with parameters `a`, `b` and `c` provided
#' by the user as a `list(a=Value_1, b=Value_2, c=Value_3)`.
#' @param localities list of locality_ids used for calculation; if NULL then all localities are used (default NULL)
#' @param ref_t (default `r mc_const_CALIB_MOIST_REF_T`)
#' @param acor_t (default `r sprintf("%.14f", mc_const_CALIB_MOIST_ACOR_T)`) correction parameter for temperature drift
#' in the air, see [myClim::mc_calib_moisture()]
#' @param wcor_t (default `r mc_const_CALIB_MOIST_WCOR_T`) correction parameter for temperature drift
#' in the water, see [myClim::mc_calib_moisture()]
#' @param frozen2NA if TRUE then VWC values are set to NA when the soil temperature is below 0 °C (default TRUE)
#' @return myClim object same as input but with added virtual VWC moisture sensor
#' @export
#' @seealso [mc_data_vwc_parameters]
#' @references
#' Wild, J., Kopecký, M., Macek, M., Šanda, M., Jankovec, J., Haase, T. (2019) Climate at ecologically relevant scales:
#' A new temperature and soil moisture logger for long-term microclimate measurement. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 268, 40-47.
#' Kopecký, M., Macek, M., Wild, J. (2021) Topographic Wetness Index calculation guidelines based on measured soil
#' moisture and plant species composition. Science of the Total Environment 757, 143785.
#' @examples
#' data1 <- mc_calc_vwc(mc_data_example_agg, soiltype="sand", localities="A2E32")
#' data2 <- mc_calc_vwc(mc_data_example_agg, localities="A2E32",
#' soiltype=list(a=-3.00e-09, b=0.000161192, c=-0.109956505))
mc_calc_vwc <- function(data, moist_sensor=mc_const_SENSOR_TMS_moist,
soiltype="universal", localities=NULL,
frozen2NA=TRUE) {
is_agg <- .common_is_agg_format(data)
if(!is_agg) {
.prep_check_datetime_step_unprocessed(data, stop)
soil_parameters <- .calc_get_vwc_soil_parameters(soiltype)
call_vwc <- function(item) {
.calc_add_vwc_to_item(item, moist_sensor, temp_sensor, output_sensor,
soil_parameters, ref_t, acor_t, wcor_t, frozen2NA)
locality_function <- function(locality) {
if(!(is.null(localities) || locality$metadata@locality_id %in% localities)) {
if(is_agg) {
locality$loggers <- purrr::map(locality$loggers, ~ call_vwc(.x))
data$localities <- purrr::map(data$localities, locality_function)
.calc_get_vwc_soil_parameters <- function(soiltype_value) {
if(is.character(soiltype_value)) {
soil_row <- dplyr::filter(myClim::mc_data_vwc_parameters, .data$soiltype == soiltype_value)
if(nrow(soil_row) != 1) {
return(list(a=soil_row$a, b=soil_row$b, c=soil_row$c))
soiltype_names <- names(soiltype_value)
if(!("a" %in% soiltype_names && "b" %in% soiltype_names && "c" %in% soiltype_names)) {
.calc_add_vwc_to_item <- function(item, moist_sensor, temp_sensor, output_sensor,
soil_parameters, ref_t, acor_t, wcor_t, frozen2NA) {
skip <- .calc_vwc_check_sensors_get_skip(item, moist_sensor, temp_sensor, output_sensor)
if(skip) {
values_table <- tibble::tibble(datetime = item$datetime,
raw = item$sensors[[moist_sensor]]$values,
temp = item$sensors[[temp_sensor]]$values)
calibration <- item$sensors[[moist_sensor]]$calibration
input_data <- .prep_split_data_by_calibration(values_table, calibration)
data_function <- function(cor_factor, cor_slope, data){
is_calibrated <- ! && !
.calc_get_vwc_values(raw_values = data$raw,
temp_values = data$temp,
cal_cor_factor = if(is_calibrated) cor_factor else 0,
cal_cor_slope = if(is_calibrated) cor_slope else 0,
a=soil_parameters$a, b=soil_parameters$b, c=soil_parameters$c,
ref_t=ref_t, acor_t=acor_t, wcor_t=wcor_t,
values <- purrr::pmap(dplyr::select(input_data, "cor_factor", "cor_slope", "data"), data_function)
is_calibrated <- nrow(calibration) > 0
height <- item$sensors[[moist_sensor]]$metadata@height
item$sensors[[output_sensor]] <- .common_get_new_sensor(mc_const_SENSOR_VWC, output_sensor,
values=purrr::flatten_dbl(values), height=height,
calibrated = is_calibrated,
.calc_vwc_check_sensors_get_skip <- function(item, moist_sensor, temp_sensor, output_sensor){
if(!.calc_check_sensor_in_item(item, moist_sensor)){
.calc_wrong_physical_warning_function(moist_sensor, .model_const_PHYSICAL_moisture_raw)
if(!.calc_check_sensor_in_item(item, temp_sensor)){
.calc_wrong_physical_warning_function(temp_sensor, .model_const_PHYSICAL_T_C)
.calc_warn_if_overwriting(item, output_sensor)
.calc_get_vwc_values <- function(raw_values, temp_values, cal_cor_factor, cal_cor_slope,
a, b, c, ref_t, acor_t, wcor_t, frozen2NA) {
vwc <- a * raw_values^2 + b * raw_values + c
dcor_t <- wcor_t - acor_t
tcor <- ifelse(, raw_values, raw_values + (ref_t - temp_values) * (acor_t + dcor_t * vwc))
vwc_cor <- a * (tcor + cal_cor_factor + cal_cor_slope * vwc)^2 + b * (tcor + cal_cor_factor + cal_cor_slope * vwc) + c
result <- pmin(pmax(vwc_cor, 0), 1)
if(frozen2NA) {
result[temp_values < 0] <- NA_real_
#' Growing Degree Days
#' @description
#' This function creates a new virtual sensor for each locality within myClim data object. The new virtual sensor
#' provides values of GDD (Growing Degree Days) in degees Celsius for each time step in the original timeseries.
#' @details
#' Function calculates growing degree days as follows: GDD = max(0;(T - Tbase)) . period(days)
#' The maximum allowed time step length for GDD calculation is one day.
#' Function creates a new virtual sensor with the same time step as input data.
#' For shorter time steps than one day, the GDD value is the contribution
#' of the interval to the growing degree day, assuming constant temperature over this period.
#' Be careful while aggregating growing degree days to longer periods, because only meaningful aggregation function here is `sum`,
#' but myClim let you apply any aggregation function see [myClim::mc_agg()].
#' @template param_myClim_object_cleaned
#' @param sensor name of temperature sensor used for GDD calculation e.g. TMS_T3 see `names(mc_data_sensors)`
#' @param output_prefix name prefix of new GDD sensor (default "GDD" -> "GDD5_TMS_T3")
#' name of output sensor consists of output_prefix and value t_base e.g. GDD5
#' @param t_base base temperature for calculation of GDD (default 5°C)
#' @param localities list of locality_ids for calculation; if NULL then all (default NULL)
#' @return The same myClim object as input but with added virtual GDD sensor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gdd_data <- mc_calc_gdd(mc_data_example_agg, "TMS_T3", localities = c("A2E32", "A6W79"))
#' gdd_agg <- mc_agg(gdd_data, list(TMS_T3=c("min", "max"), GDD5="sum"), period="day")
mc_calc_gdd <- function(data, sensor, output_prefix="GDD", t_base=5, localities=NULL) {
.calc_xdd(data, sensor, mc_const_SENSOR_GDD, output_prefix, t_base, localities, .calc_gdd_values_function)
.calc_xdd <- function(data, sensor, output_sensor_id, output_prefix, t_base, localities, values_function) {
is_agg <- .common_is_agg_format(data)
if(is_agg) {
data_step_part_day <- data$metadata@step / (24 * 60 * 60)
} else {
.prep_check_datetime_step_unprocessed(data, stop)
output_sensor <- .calc_get_name_with_base(output_prefix, t_base)
call_add_sensor <- function(item, step_part_day) {
.calc_add_sensor_to_item(item, sensor, output_sensor_id, output_sensor,
values_function, t_base=t_base, step_part_day=step_part_day)
logger_function <- function(logger) {
step_part_day <- logger$clean_info@step / (24 * 60 * 60)
call_add_sensor(logger, step_part_day)
locality_function <- function(locality) {
if(!(is.null(localities) || locality$metadata@locality_id %in% localities)) {
if(is_agg) {
return(call_add_sensor(locality, data_step_part_day))
locality$loggers <- purrr::map(locality$loggers, logger_function)
data$localities <- purrr::map(data$localities, locality_function)
.calc_get_name_with_base <- function(prefix, base) {
sign_text <- if(base < 0) "minus" else ""
.calc_gdd_values_function <- function(locality, sensor_name, t_base, step_part_day) {
pmax(locality$sensors[[sensor_name]]$values - t_base, 0) * step_part_day
#' Freezing Degree Days
#' @description
#' This function creates a new virtual sensor on locality within the myClim data object.
#' The new virtual sensor provides FDD Freezing Degree Days.
#' @details
#' The allowed step length for FDD calculation is day and shorter.
#' Function creates a new virtual sensor with the same time step as input data.
#' For shorter time steps than the day (which is however not intuitive for FDD)
#' the FDD value is the contribution of the time step to the freezing degree day.
#' Be careful while aggregating freezing degree days to longer periods
#' only meaningful aggregation function is `sum`, but myClim allows you to apply anything see [myClim::mc_agg()].
#' Note that FDD is always positive number, despite summing freezing events. When you set
#' `t_base=-1` you get the sum of degree days below -1 °C but expressed in positive number
#' if you set `t_base=1` you get also positive number. Therefore pay attention to
#' name of output variable which contains `t_base` value. FDD1_TMS_T3, t_base=1 vs FDDminus1_TMS_T3, t_base=-1
#' @template param_myClim_object_cleaned
#' @param sensor name of temperature sensor used for FDD calculation e.g. TMS_T3 see `names(mc_data_sensors)`
#' @param output_prefix name prefix of new FDD sensor (default "FDD")
#' name of output sensor consists of output_prefix and value t_base (FDD0_TMS_T3)
#' @param t_base threshold temperature for FDD calculation (default 0)
#' @param localities list of locality_ids for calculation; if NULL then all (default NULL)
#' @return The same myClim object as input but with added virtual FDD sensor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fdd_data <- mc_calc_fdd(mc_data_example_agg, "TMS_T3", localities = c("A2E32", "A6W79"))
#' fdd_agg <- mc_agg(fdd_data, list(TMS_T3=c("min", "max"), FDD5="sum"), period="day")
mc_calc_fdd <- function(data, sensor, output_prefix="FDD", t_base=0, localities=NULL) {
.calc_xdd(data, sensor, mc_const_SENSOR_FDD, output_prefix, t_base, localities, .calc_fdd_values_function)
.calc_fdd_values_function <- function(locality, sensor_name, t_base, step_part_day) {
pmax(t_base - locality$sensors[[sensor_name]]$values, 0) * step_part_day
#' Cumulative sum
#' @description
#' This function creates a new virtual sensor on locality within the myClim data object.
#' The virtual sensor represents the cumulative sum of the values on the input sensor.
#' Names of new sensors are original sensor name + `outpus_suffix`.
#' @details
#' If value type of sensor is logical, then output type is integer. (TRUE, TRUE, FALSE -> 2)
#' @template param_myClim_object_cleaned
#' @param sensors names of sensors on which to calculate cumulative sum
#' @param output_suffix name suffix for virtual sensor names (default "_cumsum") e.g. TMS_T3_cumsum
#' @param localities list of locality_ids for calculation; if NULL then all (default NULL)
#' @return The same myClim object as input but with added cumsum sensors.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cumsum_data <- mc_calc_cumsum(mc_data_example_agg, c("TMS_T1", "TMS_T2"))
mc_calc_cumsum <- function(data, sensors, output_suffix="_cumsum", localities=NULL) {
is_agg <- .common_is_agg_format(data)
if(!is_agg) {
.prep_check_datetime_step_unprocessed(data, stop)
values_function <- function(locality, sensor_name) {
sensor_function <- function(item, sensor_name) {
if(!.calc_check_sensor_in_item(item, sensor_name)){
origin_sensor <- item$sensors[[sensor_name]]
output_sensor_id <- origin_sensor$metadata@sensor_id
output_sensor_name <- stringr::str_glue("{origin_sensor$metadata@name}{output_suffix}")
item <- .calc_add_sensor_to_item(item, sensor_name, output_sensor_id, output_sensor_name,
values_function = values_function)
if(is.logical(origin_sensor$values) && !is.logical(item$sensors[[output_sensor_name]]$values)) {
item$sensors[[output_sensor_name]]$metadata@sensor_id <- mc_const_SENSOR_integer
all_sensors_function <- function(item) {
for (sensor_name in sensors) {
item <- sensor_function(item, sensor_name)
locality_function <- function(locality) {
if(!(is.null(localities) || locality$metadata@locality_id %in% localities)) {
if(is_agg) {
locality$loggers <- purrr::map(locality$loggers, all_sensors_function)
data$localities <- purrr::map(data$localities, locality_function)
#' Converting Tomst dendrometer values to micrometers
#' @description
#' This function creates a new virtual sensor on locality within the myClim data object.
#' The virtual sensor provides the values of the change in stem size converted from raw
#' Tomst units to micrometers. Note that newer versions of Tomst Lolly
#' software can directly convert raw Tomst units to micrometers.
#' @template param_myClim_object_cleaned
#' @param dendro_sensor name of change in stem size sensor to be converted from raw to micrometers (default "Dendro_raw") see `names(mc_data_sensors)`
#' @param output_sensor name of new change in stem size sensor (default "dendro_l_um")
#' @param localities list of locality_ids for calculation; if NULL then all (default NULL)
#' @return myClim object same as input but with added dendro_l_um sensor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' agg_data <- mc_calc_tomst_dendro(mc_data_example_agg, localities="A1E05")
mc_calc_tomst_dendro <- function(data, dendro_sensor=mc_const_SENSOR_Dendro_raw,
localities=NULL) {
is_agg <- .common_is_agg_format(data)
if(!is_agg) {
.prep_check_datetime_step_unprocessed(data, stop)
call_dendro_function <- function(item) {
.calc_add_sensor_to_item(item, dendro_sensor, mc_const_SENSOR_dendro_l_um, output_sensor,
locality_function <- function(locality) {
if(!(is.null(localities) || locality$metadata@locality_id %in% localities)) {
if(is_agg) {
locality$loggers <- purrr::map(locality$loggers, call_dendro_function)
data$localities <- purrr::map(data$localities, locality_function)
.calc_get_dendro_l_um <- function(item, sensor_name) {
min_raw_value <- myClim::mc_data_sensors[[mc_const_SENSOR_Dendro_raw]]@min_value
max_raw_value <- myClim::mc_data_sensors[[mc_const_SENSOR_Dendro_raw]]@max_value
um_range <- .model_const_TOMST_DENDROMETER_UM_RANGE
(item$sensors[[sensor_name]]$values - min_raw_value) * (um_range / (max_raw_value - min_raw_value))
#' Calculate vapor pressure deficit (in kPa)
#' @description
#' This function creates a new virtual sensor on locality within the myClim data object.
#' The virtual sensor represents the vapor pressure deficit (in kPa) calculated
#' from temperature and relative air humidity.
#' @details
#' Equation are from the CR-5 Users Manual 2009–12 from Buck Research. These equations have been modified from Buck (1981)
#' and adapted by Jones, 2013 (eq. 5.15)
#' Elevation to pressure conversion function uses eq. 3.7 from Campbell G.S. & Norman J.M. (1998).
#' @template param_myClim_object_cleaned
#' @param temp_sensor name of temperature sensor. Temperature sensor must be in T_C physical.
#' @param rh_sensor name of relative air humidity sensor. Humidity sensor must be in RH physical.
#' @param output_sensor name of new virtual VPD sensor (default "VPD")
#' @param elevation value in meters (default 0)
#' @param metadata_elevation if TRUE then elevation from metadata of locality is used (default TRUE)
#' @param localities list of locality_ids for calculation; if NULL then all (default NULL)
#' @return myClim object same as input but with added VPD sensor
#' @export
#' @references
#' Jones H.G. (2014) Plants and Microclimate, Third Edit. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
#' Buck A.L. (1981) New equations for computing vapor pressure and enhancment factor. Journal of Applied Meteorology 20: 1527–1532.
#' Campbell G.S. & Norman J.M. (1998). An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics, Springer New York, New York, NY
#' @examples
#' agg_data <- mc_calc_vpd(mc_data_example_agg, "HOBO_T", "HOBO_RH", localities="A2E32")
mc_calc_vpd <- function(data, temp_sensor="HOBO_T", rh_sensor="HOBO_RH",
output_sensor="VPD", elevation=0,
metadata_elevation=TRUE, localities=NULL) {
is_agg <- .common_is_agg_format(data)
if(!is_agg) {
.prep_check_datetime_step_unprocessed(data, stop)
if(is_agg && lubridate::period(data$metadata@period) >= lubridate::days(1)) {
call_vpd_function <- function(item, elevation) {
.calc_add_vpd_to_item(item, temp_sensor, rh_sensor, output_sensor, elevation)
locality_function <- function(locality) {
if(!(is.null(localities) || locality$metadata@locality_id %in% localities)) {
local_elevation <- elevation
if(metadata_elevation && !$metadata@elevation)) {
local_elevation <- locality$metadata@elevation
if(is_agg) {
return(call_vpd_function(locality, local_elevation))
locality$loggers <- purrr::map2(locality$loggers, local_elevation, call_vpd_function)
data$localities <- purrr::map(data$localities, locality_function)
.calc_add_vpd_to_item <- function(item, temp_sensor, rh_sensor, output_sensor, elevation) {
skip <- .calc_vpd_check_sensors_get_skip(item, temp_sensor, rh_sensor, output_sensor)
if(skip) {
T <- item$sensors[[temp_sensor]]$values
RH <- item$sensors[[rh_sensor]]$values
a <- 0.61121
b <- 18.678 - (T / 234.5)
c <- 257.14
P <- 101300 * exp(- elevation / 8200)
f <- 1.00072 + (10e-7 * P * (0.032 + 5.9 * 10e-6 * T^2)) #enhancement factor
values <- f * a * exp(b * T / (c + T)) * (1 - RH / 100)
height <- item$sensors[[rh_sensor]]$metadata@height
item$sensors[[output_sensor]] <- .common_get_new_sensor(mc_const_SENSOR_VPD, output_sensor,
height=height, values=values)
.calc_vpd_check_sensors_get_skip <- function(item, temp_sensor, rh_sensor, output_sensor){
if(!.calc_check_sensor_in_item(item, temp_sensor)){
.calc_wrong_physical_warning_function(temp_sensor, .model_const_PHYSICAL_T_C)
if(!.calc_check_sensor_in_item(item, rh_sensor)){
if(!.model_is_physical(item$sensors[[rh_sensor]]$metadata, .model_const_PHYSICAL_RH)){
.calc_wrong_physical_warning_function(rh_sensor, .model_const_PHYSICAL_RH)
.calc_warn_if_overwriting(item, output_sensor)
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