
Defines functions findrelation

# Find relationship between any two variables.

### The following function fits paired relations
## Input Arguments
#  iVar: The first parameter.
#  iResp: The second parameter.
#  criterion: What model fit parameter is used for ranking? (Default: adj.R2)
#  str: TRUE/FALSE Is this a 'strength' type model fitting? (whether to use ^2 and sqrt functions)
#  modelNames: A vector of model names chosen from "SL", "Quad", "SQuad", "Exp", "Log", "nls","CP"
#  cRes.all: A dataframe of all results, passed in by the netSEMm function
#  cRes.best A dataframe of best results, passed in by the netSEMm function
#  cRes.print A dataframe of results to print, passed in by the netSEMm function
#  x A dataframe of data values, passed in by the netSEMm function
#  nlsInits A vector of nls initialization coefficients, passed in by the netSEMm function
#  nRes number of cells in the print variable, value passed in by the netSEm function ## (change netSEMm to netSEMp1 / see if it actually uses netSEMm)

## Return a list of the following items: 
# "cRes.all": A dataframe of all results.
# "cRes.best": A dataframe of best results.
# "cRes.print": A dataframe of results to print

findrelation <- function(iVar,
                         criterion = "adj.R2",
                         str = FALSE,
                         nRes) {
  #cat("\nRunning findrelation...\n")
  #cat("\niVar is:",iVar)
  #cat("\niResp is:",iResp,"\n")
  ## Save all adjusted R2 for all 8 functional forms
  # Create zero vector with same dimension of modelNames
  adj.R2 <- rep(0, length(modelNames))
  ## Save "lm" object for all 8 functional forms
  model.res <- vector("list", length(modelNames))
  Resp.v <- x[[iResp]]          # Data of main endogenous variable
  Var.v  <- x[[iVar]]           # Data of predictor
  Resp   <- colnames(x)[iResp]  # Name of endogenous variable
  Var    <- colnames(x)[iVar]   # Name of predictor
  #cat("Regress Dep ~ Indep ", Resp, "~", Var, "\n")
  lm4.flag <- TRUE
  lm5.flag <- TRUE
  lm6.flag <- TRUE
  lm7.flag <- TRUE
  lm9.flag <- TRUE
  ## Functional Form 1: Linear
  Rel1 <- paste0(Resp, "~", Var)
  lm1 <- do.call("lm", list(Rel1, data = as.name("x")))
  adj.R2[1] <- summary(lm1)$adj.r.squared
  model.res[[1]] <- lm1
  cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "SL"]] <- lm1
  ## Functional Form 2: Quadratic
  Rel2 <- paste0(Resp, "~", Var, "+", "I(", Var, "^2)")
  lm2 <- do.call("lm", list(Rel2, data = as.name("x")))
  adj.R2[2] <- summary(lm2)$adj.r.squared
  model.res[[2]] <- lm2
  cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "Quad"]] <- lm2
  ## Functional Form 3: Quadratic (no linear term)
  Rel3 <- paste0(Resp, "~", "I(", Var, "^2)")
  lm3 <- do.call("lm", list(Rel3, data = as.name("x")))
  adj.R2[3] <- summary(lm3)$adj.r.squared
  model.res[[3]] <- lm3
  cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "SQuad"]] <- lm3
  ## Functional Form 4: Exponential
  # Test if lm4.flag is still true. To make sure exponential values are not infinity
  lm4.flag <- all(exp(Var.v[!is.na(Var.v)]) != Inf)
  if (lm4.flag) {
    Rel4 <- paste0(Resp, "~", "exp(", Var, ")")
    lm4 <- do.call("lm", list(Rel4, data = as.name("x")))
    adj.R2[4] <- summary(lm4)$adj.r.squared
    model.res[[4]] <- lm4
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "Exp"]] <- lm4
  } else {
    adj.R2[4] <- -Inf
    model.res[[4]] <- NA
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "Exp"]] <- NA
  ## Functional Form 5: Log
  lm5.flag <- all(Var.v > 0 & Var.v < Inf, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (lm5.flag) {
    Rel5 <- paste0(Resp, "~", "log(", Var, ")")
    lm5 <- do.call("lm", list(Rel5, data = as.name("x")))
    adj.R2[5] <- summary(lm5)$adj.r.squared
    model.res[[5]] <- lm5
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "Log"]] <- lm5
  } else {
    adj.R2[5] <- -Inf
    model.res[[5]] <- NA
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "Log"]] <- NA
  # This is to be able to turn off these two functional forms
  if (str) {
    # Beginning of if(str)
    ## Functional Form 6: SquareRoot (no linear term)
    lm6.flag <- all(Var.v > 0 & Var.v < Inf, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (lm6.flag) {
      Rel6 <- paste0(Resp, "~", "I(", Var, "^0.5)")
      lm6 <- do.call("lm", list(Rel6, data = as.name("x")))
      adj.R2[6] <- summary(lm6)$adj.r.squared
      model.res[[6]] <- lm6
      cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "SQRoot"]] <- lm6
    } else {
      adj.R2[6] <- -Inf
      model.res[[6]] <- NA
      cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "SQRoot"]] <- NA
    ## Functional Form 7: Inverse SquareRoot (no linear term)
    lm7.flag <- all(Var.v > 0 & Var.v < Inf, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (lm7.flag) {
      Rel7 <- paste0(Resp, "~", "I(1/(", Var, "^0.5))")
      lm7 <- do.call("lm", list(Rel7, data = as.name("x")))
      adj.R2[7] <- summary(lm7)$adj.r.squared
      model.res[[7]] <- lm7
      cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "ISQRoot"]] <- lm7
    } else {
      adj.R2[7] <- -Inf
      model.res[[7]] <- NA
      cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "ISQRoot"]] <- NA
  } # End of if(str)
  ## Functional Form 8: nls
  ## if(Resp == "G" & Var == "time") browser()
  Rel8 <- paste0(Resp, " ~ ", "a1 + a2 * exp(a3 * ", Var, ")")
  model8 <- NA
  SSE <- NA
  ## Find the best (if any) nls models from all initial values
  for (i in 1:nrow(nlsInits)) {
    nls1 <-
        # Error Handling. Stores error message & output value.
        do.call("nls", list(
          data = as.name("x"),
          start = list(
            a1 = nlsInits[i, 1],
            a2 = nlsInits[i, 2],
            a3 = nlsInits[i, 3]
      }, error = function(e)
    if (inherits(nls1, "nls")) {
      # Check for "class" consistency
      ## If model8 is still NA, initialize it
      if (!inherits(model8, "nls")) {
        model8 <- nls1
        SSE <- sum(residuals(nls1) ^ 2)
        init <- nlsInits[i, ]
      } else {
        newSSE <- sum(residuals(nls1) ^ 2)
        if (newSSE < SSE) {
          model8 <- nls1
          SSE <- newSSE
          init <- nlsInits[i, ]
        } else {
  # This is needed to be able to drop out the 'str' functional forms
  #  and still have nls save into the cRes.all object correctly.
  # It will be '8' if the 'str' offs occupy '6' and '7',
  #  but otherwise it will be '6'.
  if (str) {
    nlsNum <- 8
  } else {
    nlsNum <- 6
  ## Assign result
  if (!inherits(model8, "nls")) {
    adj.R2[nlsNum] <- -Inf
    model.res[[nlsNum]] <- NA
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "nls"]] <- NA
  } else {
    R2s <-
      nlsR2(model8, y = x[[Resp]], p = 3)  ## Apply 'nlsR2' function
    adj.R2[nlsNum] <- R2s$adjR2
    model.res[[nlsNum]] <- model8
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "nls"]] <- model8
  ## Functional Form 9: Change Point
  cpNum <- nlsNum + 1
  lm9 <-
      lm(Resp.v ~ Var.v, data = x),
      seg.Z = ~ Var.v,
      psi = NA,
      control = seg.control(
        K = 1,
        fix.npsi = FALSE,
        n.boot = 0,
        it.max = 20
  lm9.flag <-
    all(summary(lm9)$adj.r.squared == summary(lm1)$adj.r.squared) # Evaluate logical condition
  if (lm9.flag)
    adj.R2[cpNum] <- -Inf
    model.res[[cpNum]] <- NA
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "CP"]] <- NA
    adj.R2[cpNum] <- summary(lm9)$adj.r.squared
    model.res[[cpNum]] <- lm9
    cRes.all[[iVar, iResp, "CP"]] <- lm9
  ## Choose the best model, if no model works, write -1.
  ## Populate the 'table' item in function return.
  ## Populate the 'bestModels' item in function return.
  if (max(adj.R2, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0.001) {
    step <- attributes(cRes.best)$Step[iResp] + 1
    attributes(cRes.best)$Step[iVar] <-
      min(step, attributes(cRes.best)$Step[iVar])
    attributes(cRes.best)$diag.Step[iVar, iResp] <- step
    nbest <- which.max(adj.R2) # Location of best model
    cRes.best[iVar, iResp] <- modelNames[nbest]
    ## A row for the print table
    table1r <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = nRes)
    colnames(table1r) <-
    table1r <- as.data.frame(table1r)
    table1r[1, c("endogenous", "Variable")] = c(Resp, Var)
    table1r[1, c("Model")] <- modelNames[nbest]
    ## if(modelNames[nbest] == "nls") browser()
    ## Best model from Resp ~ Var
    finalModel <- model.res[[nbest]]
    if (inherits(finalModel, "lm"))
      model <- summary(finalModel)
      table1r[1, c("R-Sqr", "adj-R-Sqr", "Pval1", "Pval2")] <-
        c(model$r.sq, model$adj.r.sq, model$coef[1, 4], model$coef[2, 4])
      if (modelNames[nbest] == "Quad" | modelNames[nbest] == "CP")
        table1r[1, "Pval3"] <- model$coeff[3, 4]
        table1r[1, "Pval3"] <- NA
    else if (inherits(finalModel, "nls"))
      table1r[1, c("R-Sqr", "adj-R-Sqr", "Pval1", "Pval2", "Pval3")] <-
        c(R2s$R2, R2s$adjR2, NA, NA, NA)
    cRes.print <- rbind(cRes.print, table1r)
  } # Check if max adj.R2 >=0.001
    # If not assign -1 for indicating no model
    cRes.best[iVar, iResp] <- -1
  return(list(cRes.all, cRes.best, cRes.print))

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