
Defines functions rdiffnet rdiffnet_multiple rdiffnet_check_seed_graph rdiffnet_make_threshold

Documented in rdiffnet rdiffnet_multiple

#' Random diffnet network
#' Simulates a diffusion network by creating a random dynamic network and
#' adoption threshold levels.
#' @param n Integer scalar. Number of vertices.
#' @param t Integer scalar. Time length.
#' @param seed.nodes Either a character scalar or a vector. Type of seed nodes (see details).
#' @param seed.p.adopt Numeric scalar. Proportion of early adopters.
#' @param seed.graph Baseline graph used for the simulation (see details).
#' @param rgraph.args List. Arguments to be passed to rgraph.
#' @param rewire Logical scalar. When TRUE, network slices are generated by rewiring
#' (see \code{\link{rewire_graph}}).
#' @param rewire.args List. Arguments to be passed to \code{\link{rewire_graph}}.
#' @param threshold.dist Either a function to be applied via \code{\link{sapply}},
#' a numeric scalar, or a vector/matrix with \eqn{n} elements. Sets the adoption
#' threshold for each node.
#' @param exposure.args List. Arguments to be passed to \code{\link{exposure}}.
#' @param name Character scalar. Passed to \code{\link{as_diffnet}}.
#' @param behavior Character scalar. Passed to \code{\link{as_diffnet}}.
#' @param stop.no.diff Logical scalar. When \code{TRUE}, the function will return
#' with error if there was no diffusion. Otherwise it throws a warning.
#' @return A random \code{\link{diffnet}} class object.
#' @family simulation functions
#' @details
#' Instead of randomizing whether an individual adopts the innovation or not, this
#' toy model randomizes threshold levels, seed adopters and network structure, so
#' an individual adopts the innovation in time \eqn{T} iff his exposure is above or
#' equal to his threshold. The simulation is done in the following steps:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item Using \code{seed.graph}, a baseline graph is created.
#'  \item Given the baseline graph, the set of initial adopters is defined
#'  using \code{seed.nodes}.
#'  \item Afterwards, if \code{rewire=TRUE} \eqn{t-1} slices of the network are created
#'  by iteratively rewiring the baseline graph.
#'  \item The \code{threshold.dist} function is applied to each node in the graph.
#'  \item Simulation starts at \eqn{t=2} assigning adopters in each time period
#'  accordingly to each vertex's threshold and exposure.
#' }
#' When \code{seed.nodes} is a character scalar it can be \code{"marginal"}, \code{"central"} or \code{"random"},
#' So each of these values sets the initial adopters using the vertices with lowest
#' degree, with highest degree or completely randomly. The number of early adoptes
#' is set as \code{seed.p.adopt * n}. Please note that when marginal nodes are
#' set as seed it may be the case that no diffusion process is attained as the
#' chosen set of first adopters can be isolated. Any other case will be considered
#' as an index (via \code{\link{[<-}} methods), hence the user can manually set the set of initial adopters, for example
#' if the user sets \code{seed.nodes=c(1, 4, 7)} then nodes 1, 4 and 7 will be
#' selected as initial adopters.
#' The argument \code{seed.graph} can be either a function that generates a graph
#' (Any class of accepted graph format (see \code{\link{netdiffuseR-graphs}})), a
#' graph itself or a character scalar in which the user sets the algorithm used to
#' generate the first network (network in t=1), this can be either "scale-free"
#' (Barabasi-Albert model using the \code{\link{rgraph_ba}} function, the default),
#' \code{"bernoulli"} (Erdos-Renyi model using the \code{\link{rgraph_er}} function),
#' or \code{"small-world"} (Watts-Strogatz model using the \code{\link{rgraph_ws}}
#' function). The list \code{rgraph.args} passes arguments to the chosen algorithm.
#' When \code{rewire=TRUE}, the networks that follow t=1 will be generated using the
#' \code{\link{rewire_graph}} function as \eqn{G(t) = R(G(t-1))}, where \eqn{R}
#' is the rewiring algorithm.
#' If a function, the argument \code{threshold.dist} sets the threshold for each vertex in the graph.
#' It is applied using \code{sapply} as follows
#' \preformatted{
#' sapply(1:n, threshold.dist)
#' }
#' By default sets the threshold to be random for each node in the graph.
#' If \code{seed.graph} is provided, no random graph is generated and the simulation
#' is applied using that graph instead.
#' \code{rewire.args} has the following default options:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{p}          \tab \code{.1} \cr
#'   \code{undirected} \tab \code{getOption("diffnet.undirected", FALSE)} \cr
#'   \code{self}       \tab \code{getOption("diffnet.self", FALSE)}
#' }
#' \code{exposure.args} has the following default options:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{outgoing} \tab \code{TRUE} \cr
#'   \code{valued} \tab \code{getOption("diffnet.valued", FALSE)} \cr
#'   \code{normalized} \tab \code{TRUE}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Asimple example -----------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(123)
#' z <- rdiffnet(100,10)
#' z
#' summary(z)
#' # A more complex example: Adopt if at least one neighbor has adopted --------
#' y <- rdiffnet(100, 10, threshold.dist=function(x) 1,
#'     exposure.args=list(valued=FALSE, normalized=FALSE))
#' # Re thinking the Adoption of Tetracycline ----------------------------------
#' newMI <- rdiffnet(seed.graph = medInnovationsDiffNet$graph,
#'  threshold.dist = threshold(medInnovationsDiffNet), rewire=FALSE)
#' @author George G. Vega Yon
#' @name rdiffnet

rdiffnet_make_threshold <- function(x, n) {

  # Using sapply to compute the threshold
  if (inherits(x, "function")) {

    thr <- sapply(1:n, x)

  } else if ((length(x)==1) && is.numeric(x)) {

    thr <- rep(x, n)

  } else {
    # Setting depending on class
    if (any(class(x) %in% c("data.frame", "matrix"))) {

      thr <- as.vector(as.matrix(x))

      # Must match the length of n
      if (length(thr) != n)
        stop("Incorrect length for -threshold.dist- (",length(x),")",
             ". It should be a vector of length ",n,".")

    } else if (is.vector(x)) {

      thr <- x

      # Must match the length of n
      if (length(thr) != n)
        stop("Incorrect length for -threshold.dist- (",length(x),")",
             ". It should be a vector of length ",n,".")

    } else {

      stop("-threshold.dist- must be either a numeric vector of length -n-, a numeric scalar, or a function.")



rdiffnet_check_seed_graph <- function(seed.graph, rgraph.args, t, n) {

  test <- class(seed.graph)

  if ("function" %in% test) {

    # Does it returns a graph
    test <- seed.graph()
    # Coercing into appropiate type
    if (inherits(test, "dgCMatrix")) {
      sgraph <- test
    } else if (inherits(test, "matrix")) {
      sgraph <- methods::as(test, "dgCMatrix")
    } else if (inherits(test, "array")) {
      sgraph <- apply(test, 3, function(x) methods::as(x, "dgCMatrix"))
    } else if (inherits(test, "diffnet")) {
      sgraph <- test$graph
    } else if (inherits(test, "list")) {

      sgraph <- test


    # In the case of calling a function
  } else if ("character" %in% test) {

    # Scale-free networks ------------------------------------------------------
    if (seed.graph == "scale-free") {

      if (!length(rgraph.args$m0))
        rgraph.args$t <- n-1L

      sgraph <- do.call(rgraph_ba, rgraph.args)

      # Bernoulli graphs ---------------------------------------------------------
    } else if (seed.graph == "bernoulli") {

      rgraph.args$n <- n

      sgraph <- do.call(rgraph_er, rgraph.args)

      # Small-world network ------------------------------------------------------
    } else if (seed.graph == "small-world") {

      rgraph.args$n <- n
      if (!length(rgraph.args$k)) rgraph.args$k <- 2L
      if (!length(rgraph.args$p)) rgraph.args$p <- .1

      sgraph <- do.call(rgraph_ws, rgraph.args)

    } else
      stop("Invalid -seed.graph-. It should be either ",
           "'scale-free\', \'bernoulli\' or \'small-world\'.")

    # Creating t duplicates
    graph <- rep(list(sgraph), t)

  } else if (any(c("matrix", "dgCMatrix", "array") %in% test)) {

    # If not dgCMatrix
    if (("array" %in% test) & !("matrix" %in% test))
      sgraph <- apply(seed.graph, 3, function(x) methods::as(x, "dgCMatrix"))
      sgraph <- methods::as(seed.graph, "dgCMatrix")

  } else if ("list" %in% test) {

    sgraph <- seed.graph

  } else if ("diffnet" %in% test) {

    sgraph <- seed.graph$graph

  } else
    stop("Invalid argument for -seed.graph-. No support for objects of class -",test,"-.")


#' @rdname rdiffnet
#' @export
#' @param R Integer scalar. Number of simulations to be done.
#' @param statistic A Function to be applied to each simulated diffusion network.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{rdiffnet}.
#' @param ncpus Integer scalar. Number of processors to be used (see details).
#' @param cl An object of class \code{\link[parallel:makeCluster]{c("SOCKcluster", "cluster")}}
#' (see details).
#' @details
#' The function \code{rdiffnet_multiple} is a wrapper of \code{rdiffnet} wich allows
#' simulating multiple diffusion networks with the same parameters and apply
#' the same function to all of them. This function is designed to allow the user
#' to perform larger simulation studies in which the distribution of a particular
#' statistic is observed.
#' When \code{cl} is provided, then simulations are done via
#' \code{\link[parallel:parSapply]{parSapply}}. If \code{ncpus} is greater than
#' 1, then the function creates a cluster via \code{\link[parallel:makeCluster]{makeCluster}}
#' which is stopped (removed) once the process is complete.
#' @return \code{rdiffnet_multiple} returns either a vector or an array depending
#' on what \code{statistic} is (see \code{\link{sapply}} and
#' \code{\link[parallel:parSapply]{parSapply}}).
#' @examples
#' # Simulation study comparing the diffusion with diff sets of seed nodes -----
#' # Random seed nodes
#' set.seed(1)
#' ans0 <- rdiffnet_multiple(R=50, statistic=function(x) sum(!is.na(x$toa)),
#'     n = 100, t = 4, seed.nodes = "random", stop.no.diff=FALSE)
#' # Central seed nodes
#' set.seed(1)
#' ans1 <- rdiffnet_multiple(R=50, statistic=function(x) sum(!is.na(x$toa)),
#'     n = 100, t = 4, seed.nodes = "central", stop.no.diff=FALSE)
#' boxplot(cbind(Random = ans0, Central = ans1), main="Number of adopters")
rdiffnet_multiple <- function(
  ncpus = 1L,
  cl    = NULL
) {

  # Checking the type of answer that it returns

  # Calling parallel
  if ((ncpus > 1) | length(cl)) {

    # Creating the cluster
    if (!length(cl)) {
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncpus)

      # Loading R packages
      parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(netdiffuseR))

    # Calling the function
    parallel::parSapply(cl, X=seq_len(R), function(i, statistic, ...) {
    }, statistic = statistic, ...)

  } else {

    # If no parallel apply
    sapply(X=seq_len(R), function(i, statistic, ...) {
    }, statistic = statistic, ...)


#' @rdname rdiffnet
#' @export
rdiffnet <- function(
  seed.nodes     = "random",
  seed.p.adopt   = 0.05,
  seed.graph     = "scale-free",
  rgraph.args    = list(),
  rewire         = TRUE,
  rewire.args    = list(),
  threshold.dist = runif(n),
  exposure.args  = list(),
  name           = "A diffusion network",
  behavior       = "Random contagion",
  stop.no.diff   = TRUE
  ) {

  # Checking options
  if (!length(rewire.args[["p"]])) rewire.args[["p"]] <- .1
  if (!length(rewire.args[["undirected"]])) rewire.args[["undirected"]] <- getOption("diffnet.undirected", FALSE)
  if (!length(rewire.args[["self"]])) rewire.args[["self"]] <- getOption("diffnet.self", FALSE)

  if (!length(exposure.args[["outgoing"]])) exposure.args[["outgoing"]] <- TRUE
  if (!length(exposure.args[["valued"]])) exposure.args[["valued"]] <- getOption("diffnet.valued", FALSE)
  if (!length(exposure.args[["normalized"]])) exposure.args[["normalized"]] <- TRUE

  # Step 0.0: Creating the network seed ----------------------------------------
  # Checking the class of the seed.graph
  sgraph <- rdiffnet_check_seed_graph(seed.graph, rgraph.args, t, n)

  # Checking baseline graph --------------------------------------------------
  meta <- classify_graph(sgraph)

  # Was n set?
  if (!missing(n) && n != meta$n) {
    warning("While the user set n=",n,", nnodes(seed.graph)=", meta$n,". The later will be used.")
    n <- meta$n
  if (missing(n)) n <- meta$n

  # If static, t must be provided, otherwise t should be missing
  if (meta$nper == 1) {

    if (missing(t))
      stop("When -seed.graph- is static, -t- must be provided.")
      sgraph <- rep(list(sgraph), t)

  } else {

    if (!missing(t))
      warning("When -seed.graph- is dynamic, -t- shouldn't be provided.")

    t <- meta$nper


  # Step 0.1: Rewiring or not ------------------------------------------------

  # Rewiring
  if (rewire)
    sgraph <- do.call(rewire_graph, c(list(graph=sgraph), rewire.args))

  sgraph <- lapply(sgraph, `attr<-`, which="undirected", value=NULL)

  # Number of initial adopters
  if ((seed.p.adopt > 1) | (seed.p.adopt < 0)) {
    stop("The proportion of initial adopters should be a number in [0,1]")
  if (n*seed.p.adopt < 1)
    warning("Set of initial adopters set to 1.")

  n0 <- max(1, n*seed.p.adopt)

  # Step 0.1: Setting the seed nodes -------------------------------------------
  cumadopt <- matrix(0L, ncol=t, nrow=n)
  toa      <- matrix(NA, ncol=1, nrow= n)

  if (length(seed.nodes) == 1) {

    if (seed.nodes %in% c("central","marginal")) {

      # Creating a degree ranking
      d <- dgr(sgraph)[,1,drop=FALSE]
      decre <- ifelse(seed.nodes == "central", TRUE, FALSE)
      d <- rownames(d[order(d, decreasing = decre),,drop=FALSE])
      d <- d[1:floor(n0)]
      d <- as.numeric(d)

    } else if (seed.nodes == "random") {

      d <- sample.int(n, floor(n0))

    } else
      stop("Unsupported -seed.nodes- value. It must be either \"central\", \"marginal\", or \"random\"")

  } else if (!inherits(seed.nodes, "character")) {

    d <- seed.nodes

  } else
    stop("Unsupported -seed.nodes- value. See the manual for references.")

  # Setting seed nodes via vector
  toa[d]       <- 1L
  cumadopt[d,] <- 1L

  # Step 3.0: Thresholds -------------------------------------------------------
  thr <- rdiffnet_make_threshold(threshold.dist, n)

  # Running the simulation
  for (i in 2:t) {

    # Computing exposure
    exposure.args[c("graph", "cumadopt")] <- list(sgraph[i], cumadopt[,i,drop=FALSE])
    expo <- do.call(exposure, exposure.args)

    whoadopts <- which( (expo >= thr) & is.na(toa))
    toa[whoadopts] <- i
    cumadopt[whoadopts, i:t] <- 1L
  reachedt <- max(toa, na.rm=TRUE)

  # Checking the result
  if (reachedt == 1) {
    if (stop.no.diff)
      stop("No diffusion in this network (Ups!) try changing the seed or the parameters.")
      warning("No diffusion in this network.")

  # Checking attributes
  isself <- any(sapply(sgraph, function(x) any(Matrix::diag(x) != 0) ))

  # Creating diffnet object
    graph      = sgraph,
    toa        = as.integer(toa),
    self       = isself,
    t0         = 1,
    t1         = t,
    vertex.static.attrs = data.frame(real_threshold=thr),
    name       = name,
    behavior   = behavior

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