#' Standardize NFL Team Abbreviations
#' This function standardizes NFL team abbreviations to nflverse defaults.
#' This helps for joins and plotting, especially with the new nflplotR package!
#' @param abbr a character vector of abbreviations
#' @param current_location If `TRUE` (the default), the abbreviation of the most
#' recent team location will be used.
#' @param keep_non_matches If `TRUE` (the default) an element of `abbr` that can't
#' be matched to any of the internal mapping vectors will be kept as is. Otherwise
#' it will be replaced with `NA`.
#' @return A character vector with the length of `abbr` and cleaned team abbreviations
#' if they are included in [`team_abbr_mapping`] or [`team_abbr_mapping_norelocate`]
#' (depending on the value of `current_location`). Non matches may be replaced
#' with `NA` (depending on the value of `keep_non_matches`).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{.for_cran()}
#' x <- c("PIE", "LAR", "PIT", "CRD", "OAK", "SL")
#' # use current location and keep non matches
#' clean_team_abbrs(x)
#' # keep old location and replace non matches
#' clean_team_abbrs(x, current_location = FALSE, keep_non_matches = FALSE)
clean_team_abbrs <- function(abbr, current_location = TRUE, keep_non_matches = TRUE) {
m <- if (isTRUE(current_location)) nflreadr::team_abbr_mapping else nflreadr::team_abbr_mapping_norelocate
a <- unname(m[toupper(abbr)])
if (any( && getOption("nflreadr.verbose", default = interactive())) {
cli::cli_warn("Abbreviations not found in `nflreadr::team_abbr_mapping`: {paste(utils::head(abbr[], 10), collapse = ', ')}")
if (isTRUE(keep_non_matches)) a <- a %c% abbr
#' Create Player Merge Names
#' Applies some name-cleaning heuristics to facilitate joins. These heuristics may include:
#' - removing periods and apostrophes
#' - removing common suffixes, such as Jr, Sr, II, III, IV
#' - converting to lowercase
#' - using `ffscrapr::dp_name_mapping` to do common name substitutions, such as Mitch Trubisky to Mitchell Trubisky
#' Equivalent to the operation done by `ffscrapr::dp_clean_names()` and uses the same player name database.
#' @param player_name a character vector of player names
#' @param lowercase defaults to FALSE - if TRUE, converts to lowercase
#' @param convert_lastfirst defaults to TRUE - converts names from "Last, First" to "First Last"
#' @param use_name_database uses internal name database to do common substitutions (Mitchell Trubisky to Mitch Trubisky etc)
#' @param convert_to_ascii If `TRUE`, will transliterate to latin-ascii via the
#' stringi package. Defaults to `TRUE` if the stringi package is installed.
#' @return a character vector of cleaned names
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{.for_cran()}
#' clean_player_names(c("A.J. Green", "Odell Beckham Jr. ", "Le'Veon Bell Sr."))
#' clean_player_names(c("Trubisky, Mitch", "Atwell, Chatarius", "Elliott, Zeke", "Elijah Moore"),
#' convert_lastfirst = TRUE)
#' @export
clean_player_names <- function(player_name,
lowercase = FALSE,
convert_lastfirst = TRUE,
use_name_database = TRUE,
convert_to_ascii = rlang::is_installed("stringi")){
n <- player_name
# squish internal whitespace
n <- gsub(pattern = "\\s+", replacement = " ", x = n)
# trim whitespace
n <- gsub(pattern = "^\\s|\\s$", replacement = "", x = n)
# convert Last, First
if(isTRUE(convert_lastfirst)) n <- gsub(pattern = "^(.+), (.+)$", replacement = "\\2 \\1", x = n)
# suffix removal
n <- gsub(pattern = " Jr\\.$| Sr\\.$| III$| II$| IV$| V$|'|\\.|,",
replacement = "",
x = n, = TRUE)
# transliterate to latin-ascii if stringi is available
if(isTRUE(convert_to_ascii)) {
rlang::check_installed("stringi", "to convert text to latin-ascii")
n <- stringi::stri_trans_general(n, "latin-ascii")
if(isTRUE(use_name_database)) n <- unname(nflreadr::player_name_mapping[n] %c% n)
if(isTRUE(lowercase)) n <- tolower(n)
#' Clean Home/Away in dataframes into Team/Opponent dataframes
#' This function converts dataframes with "home_" and "away_" prefixed columns to "team_" and "opponent_", and doubles the rows. This makes sure that there's one row for each team (as opposed to one row for each game).
#' @param dataframe dataframe
#' @param invert a character vector of columns that gets inverted when referring to the away team (e.g. home spread = 1 gets converted to away_spread = -1)
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{.for_cran()}
#' # a small example dataframe
#' s <- data.frame(
#' game_id = c("2020_20_TB_GB", "2020_20_BUF_KC", "2020_21_KC_TB"),
#' game_type = c("CON", "CON", "SB"),
#' away_team = c("TB", "BUF", "KC"),
#' away_score = c(31L, 24L, 9L),
#' home_team = c("GB", "KC", "TB"),
#' home_score = c(26L, 38L, 31L),
#' location = c("Home", "Home", "Neutral"),
#' result = c(-5L, 14L, 22L),
#' spread_line = c(3, 3, -3)
#' )
#' clean_homeaway(s, invert = c("result","spread_line"))
#' @return a dataframe with one row per team (twice as long as the input dataframe)
#' @export
clean_homeaway <- function(dataframe, invert = NULL){
dataframe$.row_order <- seq_len(nrow(dataframe))
home <- dataframe
away <- dataframe
names(home) <- gsub(x = names(home), pattern = "^home_", replacement = "team_")
names(home) <- gsub(x = names(home), pattern = "^away_", replacement = "opponent_")
names(home) <- gsub(x = names(home), pattern = "_home$", replacement = "")
names(home) <- gsub(x = names(home), pattern = "_away$", replacement = "_opponent")
names(home) <- gsub(x = names(home), pattern = "team_team", replacement = "team")
names(home) <- gsub(x = names(home), pattern = "opponent_team", replacement = "opponent")
# The location variable depends on if there is location in input. If yes, preserve
# "neutral" otherwise just set to home/away
home$location <- if ("location" %in% names(home)){
data.table::fifelse(home$location == "Neutral", "neutral", "home", "home")
} else {
names(away) <- gsub(x = names(away), pattern = "^away_", replacement = "team_")
names(away) <- gsub(x = names(away), pattern = "^home_", replacement = "opponent_")
names(away) <- gsub(x = names(away), pattern = "_away$", replacement = "")
names(away) <- gsub(x = names(away), pattern = "_home$", replacement = "_opponent")
names(away) <- gsub(x = names(away), pattern = "team_team", replacement = "team")
names(away) <- gsub(x = names(away), pattern = "opponent_team", replacement = "opponent")
# The location variable depends on if there is location in input. If yes, preserve
# "neutral" otherwise just set to home/away
away$location <- if ("location" %in% names(away)){
data.table::fifelse(away$location == "Neutral", "neutral", "away", "away")
} else {
if(!is.null(invert)){ data.table::setDF(away); away[,c(invert)] <- away[,c(invert)] * -1 }
.row_order <- NULL
out <- data.table::rbindlist(list(home,away), use.names = TRUE)[order(.row_order),-c(".row_order")]
# we want to preserve the input class(es)
class(out) <- class(dataframe)
# input attributes shall be presrved mostly so we gotta do some acrobatic
# and combine input attributes with new attributes
df_attrs <- attributes(dataframe)
df_attrs <- df_attrs[setdiff(names(df_attrs), c("row.names","names",".internal.selfref"))]
out_attrs <- attributes(out)[c("names","row.names",".internal.selfref")]
attributes(out) <- c(out_attrs, df_attrs)
# the input may or may not have the nflverse_type attribute
# if it is available, we'll add "by team" to make clear it's a different
# nflverse_type
if ("nflverse_type" %in% names(attributes(out))){
attr(out, "nflverse_type") <- paste(attr(out, "nflverse_type"), "by team")
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