### buildNimbleFxnInterface(refname, symbolTable, basePtrCall)
### This is a function which builds a new reference class around
### a function which returns a pointer to a NimbleFxn.
### refname will be the name of the new class
### symbolTable will be a used to determine element types
### basePtrCall is the C++ call which builds the C++ object
### i.e. in R .Call(basePtrCall) should return the pointer
### to our NimbleFunction Class
### IMPORTANT NOTE: symbolTable MUST match form object pointed to by
### basePtrCall! In particular, if the symbolTable says an element is a
### scalar (i.e. nDims = 0) and it's really a NimArr (or vice versa),
### attempting to access this element will cause R to crash!
### Once the new class is built, a new object is create via refname$new()
### Access to the elements is provided through nimbleFxnObject$Varname
makeNFBindingFields <- function(symTab, cppNames) {
fieldList = list(.DUMMY = "ANY") # We use this .DUMMY field to trick R into not mistakenly printing
# error. See initialization function inside buildNimbleFxnInterface
vNames <- if(missing(cppNames)) names(symTab$symbols) else cppNames
for(vn in vNames) {
thisSymbol <- symTab$getSymbolObject(vn)
if(is.null(thisSymbol)) next
if(thisSymbol$type == 'model' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolNodeFunctionVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolNodeFunctionVector_nimDerivs' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolModelVariableAccessorVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolModelValuesAccessorVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolCopierVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolIndexedNodeInfoTable') next ## skip models and NodeFunctionVectors and modelVariableAccessors
ptrName = paste0(".", vn, "_Ptr")
fieldList[[ptrName]] <- "ANY" ## "ANY"
## Model variables:
if(inherits(thisSymbol,'symbolNimArrDoublePtr')) { ## copy type 'modelVar'
fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
function(x) {
else {
if(!inherits(x, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing ptr ', VPTRname, '.'), call. = FALSE)
##message('setting a modelVar')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VPTRname = ptrName ) ) )
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolVecNimArrPtr')){ ## copy type 'modelValuesPtr'
fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
function(x) {
else {
if(!inherits(x, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing ptr ', VPTRname, '.'), call. = FALSE)
##message('setting a modelValuesPtr')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VPTRname = ptrName ) ) )
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNumericList') ) { ## copy type 'numericList' -- has fallen out of support
fieldList[[vn]] <- 'ANY'
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleList')) { ## copy type 'nimbleList'
className <- thisSymbol$nlProc$cppDef$name
nlName <- paste0(".",vn,"_CnimbleList")
fieldList[[nlName]] <- "ANY" ## This will have the ref class object that interfaces to the C++ nimbleList
fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
function(x) {
if(missing(x)) {
} else {
if(is.list(x)) { ## can be a list with first element a CmultiNimbleFunction object and second element an index
## Still need to support this in case an extant nimbleList object was part of compilation using multi-interface
if(!inherits(x[[1]], 'CmultiNimbleListClass')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer for nimbleFunction from a CmultiNimbleList object ', NFNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
ptrToPtr <- x[[1]]$ptrToPtrList[[ x[[2]] ]]
##message('setting a nimbleFunction for a multiInterface')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setSmartPtrFromDoublePtr(VPTR, ptrToPtr, dll = dll)
} else {
nimbleInternalFunctions$setSmartPtrFromDoublePtr(VPTR, x$.ptrToPtr, dll = dll)
## Even if assigned from a multiInterface, we generate a full interface for correct behavior
if(inherits(NLNAME, "uninitializedField")) {
nestedRgenerator <- nimbleProject$nlCompInfos[[CLASSNAME]]$cppDef$Rgenerator
if(is.list(x)) {
newNLinterface <- nestedRgenerator( dll = x[[1]]$dll,
existingExtPtrs = list(x[[1]]$ptrToSmartPtrList[[ x[[2]] ]],
x[[1]]$ptrToPtrList[[ x[[2]] ]]) )
} else {
newNLinterface <- nestedRgenerator( dll = x$dll,
existingExtPtrs = list(x$.ptrToSmartPtr, x$.ptrToPtr) )
assign(NLNAMECHAR, newNLinterface, inherits = TRUE) ## avoids <<- warnings
}, list(VPTR =, CLASSNAME = className, NLNAME =, NLNAMECHAR = nlName) ) )
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleFunction')) { ## copy type 'nimbleFunction'
nfName <- paste0(".",vn,"_CnimbleFunction")
fieldList[[nfName]] <- "ANY" ## This will have the ref class object that interfaces to the C++ nimbleFunction
fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
function(x) {
else {
if(is.list(x)) { ## can be a list with first element a CmultiNimbleFunction object and second element an index
if(!inherits(x[[1]], 'CmultiNimbleFunctionClass')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer for nimbleFunction from a CmultiNimbleFunction object ', NFNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
basePtr <- x[[1]]$basePtrList[[ x[[2]] ]]
##message('setting a nimbleFunction for a multiInterface')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, basePtr, dll = dll) ## check field name
} else {
if(!inherits(x, 'CnimbleFunctionBase')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimbleFunction ', NFNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
if(!inherits(x$.basePtr, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer for nimbleFunction ', NFNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
##message('setting a nimbleFunction for a regular interface')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x$.basePtr, dll = dll) ## check field name
assign(NFNAMECHAR, x, inherits = TRUE) ## avoids <<- warnings
}, list(VPTR =, NFNAME =, NFNAMECHAR = nfName) ) )
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelValues')) { ## copy type 'modelValues' ## similar behavior to symbolNimArrDoublePtr
mvName <- paste0(".", vn, "_CmodelValues")
fieldList[[mvName]] <- "ANY" ## This will have the CmodelValues object
fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
function(x) {
else {
if(!inherits(x, 'CmodelValues')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing modelVaues ', MVNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
if(!inherits(x$extptr, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer for modelValues ', MVNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
##message('setting a modelValues')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x$extptr, dll = dll)
assign(MVNAMECHAR, x, inherits = TRUE) ## THIS WAY TO AVOID refClass "<<-" warnings
}, list(VPTR =, MVNAME =, MVNAMECHAR = mvName ) ) )
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimPtrList')) { ## copy type 'nimPtrList' ## for nimbleFunctionList, set up with some partial generality but not all the way
nflName <- paste0(".",vn,"_CnimbleFunctionList")
accessorPtrName <- paste0(".", vn, "_setter_Ptr") ## "_setter" part must match nimbleDSL_class_symbolTable symbolNimPtrList
fieldList[[accessorPtrName]] <- "ANY"
fieldList[[nflName]] <- "ANY"
fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
function(x) {
else {
if(!inherits(x, 'nimPointerList')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimPointerList (nimbleFunctionList) ', NFLNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
if(!nimbleInternalFunctions$checkNimbleFunctionListCpp(x)) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimbleFunctionList ', NFLNAMECHAR, '. Something is not valid in this list. It may be the contains (base class) value of one or more functions in the list.'), call. = FALSE)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setPtrVectorOfPtrs(ACCESSPTR, CONTENTSPTR, length(x$contentsList), dll = dll)
for(i in seq_along(x$contentsList)) {
if(is.list(x[[i]])) { ## case of list(CmultiNimbleFunction, index)
basePtr <- x[[i]][[1]]$basePtrList[[ x[[i]][[2]] ]]
} else { ## case of CnimbleFunction
basePtr <- x[[i]]$.basePtr
if(!inherits(basePtr, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer ', i, ' of nimPointerList (nimbleFunctionList) ', NFLNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
##message('setting a nimbleFunctionList')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setOnePtrVectorOfPtrs(ACCESSPTR, i, basePtr, dll = dll)
assign(NFLNAMECHAR, x, inherits = TRUE)
## getter: return the nimPointerList set up with the list of CinterfaceObjects
## setter: call setPtrVectorOfPtrs(accessorExtPtr, contentsExtrPtr. Then iterate and call setOnePtrVectorOfPtrs(accessorPtr, i, nimPtrList[[i]]$.basePtr)
if(thisSymbol$type == "character") { ## cpp copy type 'character' : 2 sub-cases (vector and scalar)
if(thisSymbol$nDim > 0) { ## character vector (nDim can only be 0 or 1)
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
##nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetCharacterVector(VPTR, VARNAME, x, dll = dll)
if(missing(x) )
nimbleInternalFunctions$getCharacterVectorValue(VPTR, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setCharacterVectorValue(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VARNAME = vn) ) )
} else { ## character scalar
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
if(missing(x) )
nimbleInternalFunctions$getCharacterValue(VPTR, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setCharacterValue(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VARNAME = vn) ) )
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolBase')) { ## All numeric and logical cases ## cpp copy type 'numeric': 4 sub-cases
if(thisSymbol$nDim > 0) { ## Anything vector
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
if(missing(x) )
nimbleInternalFunctions$getNimValues(VPTR, dll = dll)
else {
##message('setting a numeric via setNimValues')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setNimValues(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VARNAME = vn) ) )
if(thisSymbol$type == "double"){ ## Scalar double
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
if(missing(x) )
nimbleInternalFunctions$getDoubleValue(VPTR, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoubleValue(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VARNAME = vn) ) )
if(thisSymbol$type == "integer"){ ## Scalar int
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
if(missing(x) )
nimbleInternalFunctions$getIntValue(VPTR, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setIntValue(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VARNAME = vn) ) )
if(thisSymbol$type == "logical"){ ## Scalar logical
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
if(missing(x) )
nimbleInternalFunctions$getBoolValue(VPTR, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setBoolValue(VPTR, x, dll = dll)
}, list(VPTR =, VARNAME = vn) ) )
warning("Warning: scalar datatype not current supported for variable ", vn, "\n", call. = FALSE)
warning('Warning in trying to build interface: symbol ', vn, ' not understood.', call. = FALSE)
makeNimbleListBindingFields <- function(symTab, cppNames, castFunName) {
fieldList = list(.DUMMY = "ANY")
vNames <- if(missing(cppNames)) names(symTab$symbols) else cppNames
for(vn in vNames) {
thisSymbol <- symTab$getSymbolObject(vn)
if(is.null(thisSymbol)) next
if(thisSymbol$type == 'model' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolNodeFunctionVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolNodeFunctionVector_nimDerivs' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolModelVariableAccessorVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolModelValuesAccessorVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolCopierVector' ||
thisSymbol$type == 'symbolIndexedNodeInfoTable') next
## if(inherits(thisSymbol,'symbolNimArrDoublePtr')) { ## copy type 'modelVar' ##NOT NEEDED
## if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolVecNimArrPtr')){ ## copy type 'modelValuesPtr'##NOT NEEDED
##if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleFunction')) { ##NOT NEEDED
##if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelValues')) {
## NOT NEEDEDif(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimPtrList')) {
castFunCall <- parse(text = paste0(".Call(dll$", castFunName, ", .ptrToPtr)"), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleList')) { ## copy type 'nimbleList'
className <- thisSymbol$nlProc$cppDef$name
castToPtrPairName <- thisSymbol$nlProc$cppDef$ptrCastToPtrPairFun$name
DLLcode <- if(isTRUE( thisSymbol$nlProc$cppDef$predefined ))
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x) {
namedObjectsPtr <- CASTFUNCALL ##.Call(dll$CASTFUN, .ptrToPtr)
extPtrNL <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(namedObjectsPtr, VARNAME, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetNimbleList(vptr = extPtrNL, name = VARNAME, value = x, cppDef = symTab$getSymbolObject(VARNAME)$nlProc$cppDef, dll = DLL )
}, list(VARNAME = vn, CASTFUNCALL = castFunCall, CLASSNAME = className, CASTTOPTRPAIRNAME = castToPtrPairName, DLL = DLLcode) ) ) ##CASTFUN = castFunName,
if(thisSymbol$type == "character") { ## cpp copy type 'character' : 2 sub-cases (vector and scalar)
if(thisSymbol$nDim > 0) { ## character vector (nDim can only be 0 or 1)
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x) {
namedObjectsPtr <- CASTFUNCALL ##.Call(dll$CASTFUN, .ptrToPtr)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetCharacterVector(VARNAME, value = x, namedObjectsPtr, dll = dll)
}, list(VARNAME = vn, CASTFUNCALL = castFunCall) ) )
} else { ## character scalar
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x) {
namedObjectsPtr <- CASTFUNCALL ##.Call(dll$CASTFUN, .ptrToPtr)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetCharacterScalar(VARNAME, value = x, namedObjectsPtr, dll = dll)
}, list(VARNAME = vn, CASTFUNCALL = castFunCall) ) )
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolBase')) { ## All numeric and logical cases ## cpp copy type 'numeric': 4 sub-cases
if(thisSymbol$nDim > 0) { ## Anything vector
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x) {
namedObjectsPtr <- CASTFUNCALL ##.Call(dll$CASTFUN, .ptrToPtr)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetNumericVector(VARNAME, value = x, namedObjectsPtr, dll = dll)
}, list(VARNAME = vn, CASTFUNCALL = castFunCall) ) )
if(thisSymbol$type == "double"){ ## Scalar double
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x) {
namedObjectsPtr <- CASTFUNCALL ##.Call(dll$CASTFUN, .ptrToPtr)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetDoubleScalar(VARNAME, value = x, namedObjectsPtr, dll = dll)
}, list(VARNAME = vn, CASTFUNCALL = castFunCall) ) )
if(thisSymbol$type == "integer"){ ## Scalar int
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x) {
namedObjectsPtr <- CASTFUNCALL ##.Call(dll$CASTFUN, .ptrToPtr)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetIntegerScalar(VARNAME, value = x, namedObjectsPtr, dll = dll)
}, list(VARNAME = vn, CASTFUNCALL = castFunCall) ) )
if(thisSymbol$type == "logical"){ ## Scalar logical
eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x) {
namedObjectsPtr <- CASTFUNCALL ##.Call(dll$CASTFUN, .ptrToPtr)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getSetLogicalScalar(VARNAME, value = x, namedObjectsPtr, dll = dll)
}, list(VARNAME = vn, CASTFUNCALL = castFunCall) ) )
warning("Warning: scalar datatype not current supported for variable ", vn, "\n", call. = FALSE)
## This simply looks in the dll and then looks everywhere
## It is a band-aid solution for the problem that predefined nimbleLists can have their functions in the sessionSpecificDll
## but what may be at hand is the project dll
nimbleTryGetNativeSymbolInfo <- function(symName, dll) {
ans <- try(getNativeSymbolInfo(symName, dll), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(ans, 'try-error')) {
ans <- try(getNativeSymbolInfo(symName), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(ans, 'try-error')) stop(paste0('Unable to find compiled function ', symName,'.'), call.=FALSE)
#### functions that are similar to what is created in makeNFBindingFields but are standalone and look up pointers each time
getSetNimbleList <- function(vptr, name, value, cppDef, dll) {
## When missing value, we need the cppDef from the symTab of the assignment target
## from this we can get the castFun and the catToPtrPairFun
## When receiving value, we don't need anything more
if(missing(value)) {
## This simply looks in the dll and then looks everywhere
## It is a band-aid solution for the problem that predefined nimbleLists can have their functions in the sessionSpecificDll
## but what may be at hand is the project dll
nativeSymInfo <- nimbleTryGetNativeSymbolInfo(cppDef$ptrCastToPtrPairFun$name, dll)
dllToUse <- if(!is.null(nativeSymInfo$package)) nativeSymInfo$package else dll
existingExtPtrs <- eval(call('.Call', nativeSymInfo, vptr) )
cppDef$Rgenerator( dll = dllToUse, existingExtPtrs = existingExtPtrs )
} else {
if(is.list(value)) {
ptrToPtr <- value[[1]]$ptrToPtrList[[ value[[2]] ]]
} else {
ptrToPtr <- value$.ptrToPtr
nimbleInternalFunctions$setSmartPtrFromDoublePtr(vptr, ptrToPtr, dll = dll)
getSetModelVarPtr <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) { ## This only deals with a pointer member data. It doesn't return or set the model's actual values.
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
if(missing(value)) {
} else {
##message('setting from getSetModelVarPtr')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(vptr, value, dll = dll)
getSetModelValuesPtr <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
##message('setting from getSetModelValuesPtr')
getSetModelVarPtr(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll)
getSetNimbleFunction <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
if(missing(value)) {
warning('getSetNimbleFunction does not work for getting but was called without value.', call. = FALSE)
} else {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
##message('setting from getSetNimbleFunction')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(vptr, value, dll = dll) ## previously value$.basePtr
getSetModelValues <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
if(missing(value)) {
warning('getSetModelValues does not work for getting but was called without value.', call. = FALSE)
} else {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
##message('setting from getSetModelValues')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(vptr, value$extptr, dll = dll)
getSetNimPtrList <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
if(missing(value)) {
warning('getSetNimPtrList does not work for getting but was called without value.', call. = FALSE)
} else {
if(!inherits(value, 'nimPointerList')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimPointerList (nimbleFunctionList) ', name, '.'), call. = FALSE)
if(!nimbleInternalFunctions$checkNimbleFunctionListCpp(value)) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimbleFunctionList ', name, '. Something is not valid in this list. It may be the contains (base class) value of one or more functions in the list.'), call. = FALSE)
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
accessptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, paste0(name, '_setter'), dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setPtrVectorOfPtrs(accessptr, vptr, length(value$contentsList), dll = dll)
for(i in seq_along(value$contentsList)) {
if(is.list(value[[i]])) { ## case of list(CmultiNimbleFunction, index)
basePtr <- value[[i]][[1]]$basePtrList[[ value[[i]][[2]] ]]
} else { ## case of CnimbleFunction
basePtr <- value[[i]]$.basePtr
if(!inherits(basePtr, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer ', i, ' of nimPointerList (nimbleFunctionList) ', name, '.'), call. = FALSE)
##message('setting from getSetNimPtrList')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setOnePtrVectorOfPtrs(accessptr, i, basePtr, dll = dll)
getSetCharacterVector <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) { ##basePtr, dll) {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getCharacterVectorValue(vptr, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setCharacterVectorValue(vptr, value, dll = dll)
getSetCharacterScalar <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getCharacterValue(vptr, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setCharacterValue(vptr, value, dll = dll)
getSetNumericVector <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getNimValues(vptr, dll = dll)
else {
##message('setting from getSetNumericVector')
nimbleInternalFunctions$setNimValues(vptr, value, dll = dll)
getSetDoubleScalar <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getDoubleValue(vptr, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setDoubleValue(vptr, value, dll = dll)
getSetIntegerScalar <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getIntValue(vptr, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setIntValue(vptr, value, dll = dll)
getSetLogicalScalar <- function(name, value, basePtr, dll) {
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$getBoolValue(vptr, dll = dll)
nimbleInternalFunctions$setBoolValue(vptr, value, dll = dll)
#' Class \code{CnimbleFunctionBase}
#' @aliases CnimbleFunctionBase
#' @export
#' @description
#' Classes used internally in NIMBLE and not expected to be called directly by users.
CnimbleFunctionBase <- setRefClass('CnimbleFunctionBase',
fields = list(
dll = "ANY",
.basePtr = 'ANY',
.namedObjectsPtr = 'ANY', ## points to same object as .basePtr but cast to C++ base class (confusing b/c .basePtr points to the C++ derived class type)
.finalizationPtr = 'ANY',
compiledNodeFun = 'ANY',
Robject = 'ANY', ## this should be the refClassObject, not the function
cppNames = 'ANY',
cppCopyTypes = 'ANY',
neededObjects = 'ANY', ## A list of things like modelValues objects, if they don't already exist
nimbleProject = 'ANY'
methods = list(
finalizeInternal = function() {
neededObjects <<- nimbleInternalFunctions$clearNeededObjects(Robject, compiledNodeFun, neededObjects)
vPtrNames <- paste0(".", cppNames, "_Ptr")
for(vn in seq_along(cppNames) ){
.self[[vPtrNames[vn]]] <- NULL
.basePtr <<- NULL
.namedObjectsPtr <<- NULL
.finalizationPtr <<- NULL
nimbleProject <<- NULL
finalize = function() {
initialize = function(dll = NULL, project = NULL, test = TRUE, ...) {
neededObjects <<- list()
if(!test) {
dll <<- dll
if(is.null(project)) {
warning('Missing project argument in CnimbleFunctionBase, from a nimbleFunction C++ interface. Could crash if there are member objects with project information needed.', call.=FALSE)
nimbleProject <<- project
getDefinition = function()
setRobject = function(Robj) {
if( Robject <<- nimble:::nf_getRefClassObject(Robj)
else Robject <<- Robj
Robject$.CobjectInterface <<- .self
lookupSymbol = function(symname) {
stop("No DLL for this object")
getNativeSymbolInfo(symname, dll)
CnimbleListBase <- setRefClass('CnimbleListBase',
fields = list(
dll = "ANY",
.basePtr = 'ANY',
.finalizationPtr = 'ANY',
.ptrToSmartPtr = 'ANY',
.ptrToPtr = 'ANY',
Robject = 'ANY', ## this should be the refClassObject, not the function
symTab = 'ANY'
methods = list(
finalizeInternal = function() {
.ptrToPtr <<- NULL
.ptrToSmartPtr <<- NULL
.finalizationPtr <<- NULL
finalize = function() {
if(!is.null(.finalizationPtr)) nimbleInternalFunctions$nimbleFinalize(.finalizationPtr)
lookupSymbol = function(symname) {
stop("No DLL for this object")
getNativeSymbolInfo(symname, dll)
getMemberDataPtr = function(name) {
nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(getNamedObjectsPtr(), name, dll = dll)
makeNimbleFxnCppCopyTypes <- function(symTab, cppNames) {
ans <- list()
vNames <- if(missing(cppNames)) names(symTab$symbols) else cppNames
for(vn in vNames) {
thisSymbol <- symTab$getSymbolObject(vn)
if(is.null(thisSymbol)) next
if(thisSymbol$type == 'Ronly') next ## skip models
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolIndexedNodeInfoTable')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'indexedNodeInfoTable'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimArrDoublePtr')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelVar'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNodeFunctionVector')) { ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nodeFxnVec'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNodeFunctionVector_nimDerivs')) { ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nodeFxnVec_nimDerivs'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelVariableAccessorVector')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelVarAccess';next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelValuesAccessorVector')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelValuesAccess';next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelValues')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelValues'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleFunction')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nimbleFunction'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleList')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nimbleList'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolVecNimArrPtr')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelValuesPtr'; next} ## from a singleModelValuesAccessClass, from e.g. mv[i, 'x']
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNumericList')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'numericList'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimPtrList')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nimPtrList'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolCopierVector')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'copierVector'; next}
if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolString')) {
if(thisSymbol$nDim > 0)
ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'characterVector'
ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'characterScalar'
if(thisSymbol$nDim > 0) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'numericVector'; next}
if(thisSymbol$type == 'double') {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'doubleScalar'; next}
if(thisSymbol$type == 'integer') {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'integerScalar'; next}
if(thisSymbol$type == 'logical') {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'logicalScalar'; next}
stop(paste0('Confused in assigning a cpp copy type for ',thisSymbol$name), call. = FALSE)
makeNimbleFxnInterfaceCallMethodCode <- function(compiledNodeFun, includeDotSelfAsArg = FALSE, embedInBrackets = FALSE) {
ans <- if(!embedInBrackets) quote(list()) else quote({})
numFuns <- length(compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs)
if(numFuns == 0) return(ans)
funNames <- names(compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs)
for(i in seq_along(compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs)) {
## note that the className is really used as a boolean: any non-NULL value triggers treatment as a class, but name isn't needed
ans[[i+1]] <- compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs[[i]]$buildRwrapperFunCode(className = compiledNodeFun$nfProc$name, includeLHS = FALSE, returnArgsAsList = FALSE, includeDotSelf = '.basePtr', includeDotSelfAsArg = includeDotSelfAsArg)
if(embedInBrackets) ans[[i+1]] <- substitute(THISNAME <- FUNDEF, list(THISNAME =[i]), FUNDEF = ans[[i+1]]))
if(!embedInBrackets) names(ans) <- c('', funNames)
clearNeededObjects <- function(Robj, compiledNodeFun, neededObjects) {
if(inherits(compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$neededObjectNames, 'uninitializedField'))
for(iName in compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$neededObjectNames) {
thisObj <- Robj[[iName]]
if(inherits(thisObj, 'modelValuesBaseClass')) {
## We skip over CmodelValues for now because they should be cleared by nimbleProject$clearCompiled
## otherwise we don't have a good way to look them up from the project except by index, which isn't known
if( {
RCO <- nf_getRefClassObject(thisObj)
if(!(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface))) {
neededObjects[[iName]] <- NULL
if( {
RCO <- thisObj
if(!(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface))) {
neededObjects[[iName]] <- NULL
if(inherits(thisObj, 'nimbleFunctionList')) {
for(i in seq_along(thisObj$contentsList)) {
RCO <- nf_getRefClassObject(thisObj[[i]])
if(!(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface))) {
neededObjects[[iName]][[i]] <- NULL
thisObj$CobjectInterface <- NULL
neededObjects[[iName]] <- NULL
buildNeededObjects <- function(Robj, compiledNodeFun, neededObjects, dll, nimbleProject) {
for(iName in compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$neededObjectNames) {
thisObj <- Robj[[iName]]
if(inherits(thisObj, 'modelValuesBaseClass')) {
if(inherits(thisObj$CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(thisObj$CobjectInterface)) {
neededObjects[[iName]] <- nimbleProject$instantiateCmodelValues(thisObj, dll)
if( {
RCO <- nf_getRefClassObject(thisObj)
if(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface)) {
neededObjects[[iName]] <- nimbleProject$instantiateNimbleFunction(thisObj, dll, asTopLevel = getNimbleOption('buildInterfacesForCompiledNestedNimbleFunctions'))
if( {
RCO <- thisObj
if(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface)) {
neededObjects[[iName]] <- nimbleProject$instantiateNimbleList(thisObj, dll, asTopLevel = getNimbleOption('buildInterfacesForCompiledNestedNimbleFunctions'))
if(inherits(thisObj, 'nimbleFunctionList')) {
neededObjects[[iName]] <- nimPointerList(thisObj$baseClass, length(thisObj$contentsList))
for(i in seq_along(thisObj$contentsList)) {
RCO <- nf_getRefClassObject(thisObj[[i]])
if(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface)) {
neededObjects[[iName]][[i]] <- nimbleProject$instantiateNimbleFunction(thisObj[[i]], dll, asTopLevel = getNimbleOption('buildInterfacesForCompiledNestedNimbleFunctions'))
} else {
neededObjects[[iName]][[i]] <- RCO$.CobjectInterface ## either CnimbleFunction or list(CmultiNimbleFunction, index)
names(neededObjects[[iName]]$contentsList) <- names(thisObj$contentsList)
thisObj$CobjectInterface <- neededObjects[[iName]]
warning('Warning: object ',iName,' not of a type that can be built.', call. = FALSE)
copyFromRobjectViaActiveBindings <- function(Robj, cppNames, cppCopyTypes, .self, dll) {
if( isNL <- TRUE
else isNL <- FALSE
for(v in cppNames) {
if(is.null(cppCopyTypes[[v]])) next
if(is.null(Robj[[v]])) {
warning("Problem in copyFromRobject. There is an object to be copied that is NULL. Going to browser.", call. = FALSE)
if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelVar') {
modelVar <- Robj[[v]] ## this is a singleVarAccessClass created by replaceModelSingles
Cmodel <- modelVar$model$CobjectInterface
varName <- modelVar$var
.self[[v]] <- eval(call('.Call', nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll$getModelObjectPtr, Cmodel$.basePtr, varName))
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nimbleFunction') {
modelVar <- Robj[[v]]
Cnf <- nf_getRefClassObject(modelVar)$.CobjectInterface ##environment(modelVar)$.CobjectInterface
## Cnf coule be old format (CnimbleFunction) or a list(CmultiNimbleFunction, index)
.self[[v]] <- Cnf
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nimbleList') {
modelVar <- Robj[[v]]
Cnl <- modelVar$.CobjectInterface
.self[[v]] <- Cnl
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nimPtrList') {
if(is.null(Robj[[v]]$contentsList)) {
warning('Problem in copying a nimPtrList to C++ object. The contentsList is NULL. Going to browser', call. = FALSE)
if(any(unlist(lapply(Robj[[v]]$contentsList, is.null)))) {
warning('Problem in copying a nimPtrList to C++ object. The contentsList is NULL')
modelVar <- Robj[[v]] ## This is a nimPtrList
Cmv <- modelVar$CobjectInterface ## This was created above in build neededObjects
.self[[v]] <- Cmv
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelValues') { ## somewhat similar to modelVar
rModelValues <- Robj[[v]]
Cmv <- rModelValues$CobjectInterface
if(!Cmv$initialized) {
##cat('We are copying modelValues during copyFromRobjectViaActiveBindings\n')
k = getsize(rModelValues)
resize(Cmv, k)
vNames = rModelValues[['varNames']]
for(vN in vNames)
Cmv[vN,] <- rModelValues[vN,]
Cmv$symTab <- rModelValues$symTab
Cmv$initialized <- TRUE
.self[[v]] <- Cmv
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nodeFxnVec') {
populateNodeFxnVecNew(fxnPtr = .self$.basePtr, Robject = Robj, fxnVecName = v, dll = dll)
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nodeFxnVec_nimDerivs') {
populateNodeFxnVecNew_nimDerivs(fxnPtr = .self$.basePtr, Robject = Robj, fxnVecName = v, dll = dll)
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelVarAccess'){
populateManyModelVarMapAccess(fxnPtr = .self$.basePtr, Robject = Robj, manyAccessName = v, dll = dll)
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelValuesAccess'){
populateManyModelValuesMapAccess(fxnPtr = .self$.basePtr, Robject = Robj, manyAccessName = v, dll = dll)
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == "modelValuesPtr"){
curObj <- Robj[[v]]
mvPtr = curObj$modelValues$CobjectInterface$componentExtptrs[[curObj$var]]
.self[[v]] <- mvPtr
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'numericList'){
stop('numericList is not working\n')
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'indexedNodeInfoTable') {
populateIndexedNodeInfoTable(fxnPtr = .self$.basePtr, Robject = Robj, indexedNodeInfoTableName = v, dll = dll)
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'characterVector' || cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'characterScalar') {
.self[[v]] <- Robj[[v]]
else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] %in% c('numericVector','doubleScalar','integerScalar','logicalScalar')) {
.self[[v]] <- Robj[[v]]
else if(!(cppCopyTypes[[v]] %in% c('copierVector'))) {
warning(paste0("Note: cppCopyTypes not recognized. Type = ", cppCopyTypes[[v]], "\n"), call. = FALSE)
## second pass is for initializations that require everything from first pass be done
for(v in cppNames) {
if(is.null(cppCopyTypes[[v]])) next
if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'copierVector') {
populateCopierVector(fxnPtr = .self$.basePtr, Robject = Robj, vecName = v, dll = dll)
copyFromRobject <- function(Robj, cppNames, cppCopyTypes, basePtr, symTab, dll,
useCompiledCopyMethod = FALSE) {
for(v in cppNames) {
copyType <- cppCopyTypes[[v]]
if(is.null(copyType)) next
if(copyType == 'modelVarAccess')
processModelVarAccess(Robj, v)
if(copyType == 'modelValuesAccess')
processModelValuesAccess(Robj, v)
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
## Copy some elements from C++ copyFromRobject method
## Currently this includes various numeric types as well as and nodeFxnVector
## There is a problem creating the C++ method for predefined nimbleLists,
## so currently useCompiledCopyMethod will be FALSE for (all) nimbleLists
## use eval() to avoid R CMD check issue with registration
eval(call('.Call', nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll$copyFromRobject, basePtr, Robj))
## .Call(nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll$copyFromRobject, basePtr, Robj)
for(v in cppNames) {
if(is.null(cppCopyTypes[[v]])) next
if(is.null(Robj[[v]])) {
warning("Problem in copyFromRobject. There is an object to be copied that is NULL. Going to browser.", call. = FALSE)
'modelVar' = {
modelVar <- Robj[[v]] ## this is a singleVarAccessClass created by replaceModelSingles
Cmodel <- modelVar$model$CobjectInterface
varName <- modelVar$var
getSetModelVarPtr(v, eval(call('.Call', nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll$getModelObjectPtr, Cmodel$.basePtr, varName)), basePtr, dll = dll)
'nimbleFunction' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
modelVar <- Robj[[v]]
Cnf <- nf_getRefClassObject(modelVar)$.CobjectInterface ##environment(modelVar)$.CobjectInterface
if(is.list(Cnf)) {
valueBasePtr <- Cnf[[1]]$basePtrList[[ Cnf[[2]] ]]
} else {
valueBasePtr <- Cnf$.basePtr
getSetNimbleFunction(v, valueBasePtr, basePtr, dll = dll)
'nimbleList' = {
modelVar <- Robj[[v]]
Cnl <- modelVar$.CobjectInterface
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, v, dll = dll)
cppDef <- symTab$getSymbolObject(v)$nlProc$cppDef
getSetNimbleList(vptr, v, Cnl, cppDef, dll = dll)
'nimPtrList' = {
if(is.null(Robj[[v]]$contentsList)) {
warning('Problem in copying a nimPtrList to C++ object. The contentsList is NULL. Going to browser', call. = FALSE)
if(any(unlist(lapply(Robj[[v]]$contentsList, is.null)))) {
warning('Problem in copying a nimPtrList to C++ object. The contentsList is NULL')
modelVar <- Robj[[v]] ## This is a nimPtrList
Cmv <- modelVar$CobjectInterface ## This was created above in build neededObjects
getSetNimPtrList(v, Cmv, basePtr, dll = dll)
'modelValues' = { ## somewhat similar to modelVar
rModelValues <- Robj[[v]]
Cmv <- rModelValues$CobjectInterface
if(!Cmv$initialized) {
k = getsize(rModelValues)
resize(Cmv, k)
vNames = rModelValues[['varNames']]
for(vN in vNames)
Cmv[vN,] <- rModelValues[vN,]
Cmv$symTab <- rModelValues$symTab
Cmv$initialized <- TRUE
getSetModelValues(v, Cmv, basePtr, dll = dll)
'nodeFxnVec' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
populateNodeFxnVecNew(fxnPtr = basePtr, Robject = Robj, fxnVecName = v, dll = dll)
'nodeFxnVec_nimDerivs' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
populateNodeFxnVecNew_nimDerivs(fxnPtr = basePtr, Robject = Robj, fxnVecName = v, dll = dll)
'modelVarAccess' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
populateManyModelVarMapAccess(fxnPtr = basePtr, Robject = Robj, manyAccessName = v, dll = dll)
'modelValuesAccess' = {
populateManyModelValuesMapAccess(fxnPtr = basePtr, Robject = Robj, manyAccessName = v, dll = dll)
"modelValuesPtr" = {
curObj <- Robj[[v]]
mvPtr = curObj$modelValues$CobjectInterface$componentExtptrs[[curObj$var]]
getSetModelValuesPtr(v, mvPtr, basePtr, dll = dll)
'numericList' = {
stop('numericList is not working\n')
'indexedNodeInfoTable' = {
populateIndexedNodeInfoTable(fxnPtr = basePtr, Robject = Robj, indexedNodeInfoTableName = v, dll = dll)
'characterVector' = {
getSetCharacterVector(v, Robj[[v]], basePtr, dll = dll)
'characterScalar' = {
getSetCharacterScalar(v, Robj[[v]], basePtr, dll = dll)
'numericVector' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
getSetNumericVector(v, Robj[[v]], basePtr, dll = dll)
'doubleScalar' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
getSetDoubleScalar(v, Robj[[v]], basePtr, dll = dll)
'integerScalar' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
getSetIntegerScalar(v, Robj[[v]], basePtr, dll = dll)
'logicalScalar' = {
if(useCompiledCopyMethod) {
} else {
getSetLogicalScalar(v, Robj[[v]], basePtr, dll = dll)
{ ## default:
if(!(cppCopyTypes[[v]] %in% c('copierVector'))) {
warning(paste0("Note: cppCopyTypes not recognized. Type = ", cppCopyTypes[[v]], "\n"), call. = FALSE)
## second pass is for initializations that require everything from first pass be done
for(v in cppNames) {
if(is.null(cppCopyTypes[[v]])) next
if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'copierVector') {
populateCopierVector(fxnPtr = basePtr, Robject = Robj, vecName = v, dll = dll)
buildNimbleListInterface <- function(refName, compiledNimbleObj, basePtrCall, where = globalenv()){
## This interface is for a "permanent" nimbleList, like one in nimbleFunction member data or simply global environment
## But if the element of a nimbleList is another nimbleList, we have to return that interface dynamically, since it may be ephemeral.
## It's tempting to fill in interface objects with their pointers still to be filled, but there would be a danger of infinite recursion
defaults <- list()
if(inherits(compiledNimbleObj, 'symbolTable')) {
symTab <- compiledNimbleObj
defaults$cnf <- NULL
warning('No compiled node function provided, so interface will be incomplete')
castFunName <- 'dummyCastingFunction'
} else {
symTab <- compiledNimbleObj$nimCompProc$getSymbolTable()
defaults$cnf <- compiledNimbleObj
castFunName <- compiledNimbleObj$ptrCastFun$name
castToPtrPairFunName <- compiledNimbleObj$ptrCastToPtrPairFun$name
isListObj <- inherits(compiledNimbleObj, 'cppNimbleListClass')
if(!isListObj) stop('compiledNimbleObj must be a nimbleList')
## The following is really equivalent, because it comes *directly* from the place that generates the C++ code
cppNames <- compiledNimbleObj$objectDefs$getSymbolNames()
NLBF <- makeNimbleListBindingFields(symTab, cppNames, castFunName)
defaults$cppCT <- makeNimbleFxnCppCopyTypes(symTab, cppNames)
defaults$basePtrCall <- basePtrCall
defaults$extPtrTypeIndex <- compiledNimbleObj$getExtPtrTypeIndex()
defaults$cppNames <- cppNames
defaults$nimbleProject <- compiledNimbleObj$nimbleProject
defaults$symTab <- symTab
methodsList <- quote(list())
fun <- substitute(function(nfObject, defaults, dll = NULL, existingExtPtrs = NULL, ...) {
callSuper(dll = dll, ...)
symTab <<- defaults$symTab
if(is.null(existingExtPtrs)) {
basePtrCall <- if(is.character(defaults$basePtrCall)) {
if(inherits(dll, "uninitializedField") | is.null(dll)) stop("Error making a nimbleFxnInterface object: no dll provided")
} else defaults$basePtrCall
## avoid R CMD check problem with registration. basePtrCall is already the result of getNativeSymbolInfo from the dll, if possible from cppDefs_nimbleFunction.R
## .basePtr
newObjPtrs <- eval(parse(text = ".Call(basePtrCall)"))
.ptrToSmartPtr <<- newObjPtrs[[1]] ## nimSmartPtrBase* pointing to a smartPtr<derived_nimbleList_class>
#Use .ptrToSmartPtr to get to smartPtr operations. use for finalizer.
.ptrToPtr <<- newObjPtrs[[2]] ## void* that is really a **derived_nimbleList_class
#Call the ptrCastFun with .ptrToPtr to get a pointer cast as NamedObjects*
.finalizationPtr <<- .ptrToSmartPtr
.finalizationPtr, ##.basePtr,
dll[['handle']], 'CnimbleList'))
} else {
## Unchecked
.ptrToSmartPtr <<- existingExtPtrs[[1]]
.ptrToPtr <<- existingExtPtrs[[2]]
.finalizationPtr <<- NULL##.ptrToSmartPtr
if(!missing(nfObject)) { ## for a nimbleList, nfObject could be validly missing
if(!is.null(existingExtPtrs)) {
oldCobjectInterface <- nfObject$.CobjectInterface
if(!is.list(oldCobjectInterface)) stop('Problem promoting nimbleFunction interface from CmultiInterface to full interface')
Robject <<- nfObject
Robject$.CobjectInterface <<- .self
if(!is.null(existingExtPtrs)) {
oldCobjectInterface[[1]]$clearInstance( oldCobjectInterface[[2]] )
} else {
nimbleInternalFunctions$copyFromRobjectViaActiveBindings(Robject, defaults$cppNames, defaults$cppCT, .self, dll)
}, list(ABC = NULL))
# if we just have the name of the routine and haven't resolved it, arrange to resolve it when this initialization
# function is called. So change the .Call('name') to .Call(lookupSymbol('name')) which will use this objects
# dll field.
methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- fun
names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'initialize'
className <- compiledNimbleObj$name
methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- substitute(function() {
writeLines(paste0("Derived CnimbleListBase object (compiled nimbleList) created by buildNimbleListInterface for nimbleList with class ",
}, list(CLASSNAME = className))
names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'show'
resetExtPtrsFun <- substitute(
function(VPTR) {
.ptrToSmartPtr <<- newPtrs[[1]]
.ptrToPtr <<- newPtrs[[2]]
.finalizationPtr <<- NULL
}, list(RESETPTRCALL = parse(text = paste0(".Call(dll$",castToPtrPairFunName,", VPTR)"), keep.source=FALSE )[[1]] )##RESETPTRFUN = castToPtrPairFunName)
methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- resetExtPtrsFun
names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'resetExtPtrs'
getNamedObjectsPtr <- substitute(
function() {
}, list(CASTFUNCALL = parse(text = paste0(".Call(dll$", castFunName, ", .ptrToPtr)"), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]] ))##CASTFUNNAME = castFunName))
methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- getNamedObjectsPtr
names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'getNamedObjectsPtr'
eval(substitute( newClass <- setRefClass(refName,
fields = FIELDS,
contains = 'CnimbleListBase',
methods = ML,
where = where),
list(FIELDS = NLBF, ML = methodsList ) ) )
ans <- function(nfObject, dll = NULL, project, existingExtPtrs = NULL) {
newClass$new(nfObject, defaults, dll = dll, existingExtPtrs = existingExtPtrs) ##get project from defaults now
buildNimbleObjInterface <- function(refName, compiledNimbleObj, basePtrCall, where = globalenv()){
defaults <- list()
if(inherits(compiledNimbleObj, 'symbolTable')) {
symTab <- compiledNimbleObj
defaults$cnf <- NULL
warning('No compiled node function provided, so interface will be incomplete')
} else {
symTab <- compiledNimbleObj$nimCompProc$getSymbolTable()
defaults$cnf <- compiledNimbleObj
## The following is really equivalent, because it comes *directly* from the place that generates the C++ code
cppNames <- compiledNimbleObj$objectDefs$getSymbolNames()
NFBF <- makeNFBindingFields(symTab, cppNames)
defaults$cppCT <- makeNimbleFxnCppCopyTypes(symTab, cppNames)
defaults$basePtrCall <- basePtrCall
defaults$extPtrTypeIndex <- compiledNimbleObj$getExtPtrTypeIndex()
nlClassName <- compiledNimbleObj$name
methodsList <- makeNimbleFxnInterfaceCallMethodCode(compiledNimbleObj) ##, compiledNodeFun$nfProc)
# substitute on parsed text string to avoid CRAN issues with .Call registration
fun <- substitute(function(nfObject, defaults, dll = NULL, project = NULL, existingExtPtrs = NULL, ...){ #cModel removed from here
defaults$cnf$nfProc$evalNewSetupLinesOneInstance(nfObject, check = TRUE)
callSuper(dll = dll, project = project, test = FALSE, ...)
if(is.null(existingExtPtrs)) {
basePtrCall <- if(is.character(defaults$basePtrCall)) {
if(inherits(dll, "uninitializedField") | is.null(dll)) stop("Error making a nimbleFxnInterface object: no dll provided")
} else defaults$basePtrCall
# avoid R CMD check problem with registration. basePtrCall is already the result of getNativeSymbolInfo from the dll, if possible from cppDefs_nimbleFunction.R
## .basePtr
regLabel <- try(get('name', envir = nfObject), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(regLabel, 'try-error') | is.null(regLabel)) regLabel <- environment(nfObject)$className
newObjPtrs <- eval(parse(text = ".Call(basePtrCall)"))
.basePtr <<- newObjPtrs[[1]] ## pointer to *derived* C++ class
.namedObjectsPtr <<- newObjPtrs[[ defaults$extPtrTypeIndex['NamedObjects'] ]]
.finalizationPtr <<- .namedObjectsPtr
.finalizationPtr, ##.basePtr,
dll[['handle']], regLabel))
} else {
.basePtr <<- existingExtPtrs[[1]]
.namedObjectsPtr <<- existingExtPtrs[[ defaults$extPtrTypeIndex['NamedObjects'] ]]
if(is.null(.namedObjectsPtr)) stop('Error finding correct pointers')
.finalizationPtr <<- .namedObjectsPtr
# .basePtr <<- .Call(basePtrCall)
cppNames <<- eval(call('.Call', nimbleUserNamespace$sessionSpecificDll$getAvailableNames, .namedObjectsPtr))##.basePtr))
cppCopyTypes <<- defaults$cppCT
compiledNodeFun <<- defaults$cnf
vPtrNames <- paste0(".", cppNames, "_Ptr")
for(vn in seq_along(cppNames) ){
.self[[vPtrNames[vn]]] <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(.namedObjectsPtr, cppNames[vn], dll = dll) ##.basePtr
if(!missing(nfObject)) { ## I don't know when nfObject could be missing in a correct usage
if(!is.null(existingExtPtrs)) {
oldCobjectInterface <- nfObject$.CobjectInterface
if(!is.list(oldCobjectInterface)) stop('Problem promoting nimbleFunction interface from CmultiInterface to full interface')
if(!is.null(existingExtPtrs)) {
neededObjects <<- oldCobjectInterface[[1]]$getNeededObjects( oldCobjectInterface[[2]] )
oldCobjectInterface[[1]]$clearInstance( oldCobjectInterface[[2]] )
else {
neededObjects <<- nimbleInternalFunctions$buildNeededObjects(Robject, compiledNodeFun, neededObjects, dll, nimbleProject)
nimbleInternalFunctions$copyFromRobjectViaActiveBindings(Robject, cppNames, cppCopyTypes, .self, dll)
}, list())
# if we just have the name of the routine and haven't resolved it, arrange to resolve it when this initialization
# function is called. So change the .Call('name') to .Call(lookupSymbol('name')) which will use this objects
# dll field.
methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- fun
names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'initialize'
showTxt <- "Function"
methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- substitute(function() {
writeLines(paste0("Derived CnimbleFunctionBase object (compiled nimbleFunction) for nimbleFunction with class ",
}, list(CLASSNAME = nlClassName)) ## former subs removed, left substitute call for future modifications
names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'show'
eval(substitute( newClass <- setRefClass(refName,
fields = FIELDS,
contains = 'CnimbleFunctionBase',
methods = ML,
where = where),
list(FIELDS = NFBF, ML = methodsList ) ) )
ans <- function(nfObject, dll = NULL, project, existingExtPtrs = NULL) {
wrappedInterfaceBuild <- newClass$new
wrappedInterfaceBuild(nfObject, defaults, dll = dll, project = project, existingExtPtrs = existingExtPtrs) ## Only purpose of wrappedInterfaceBuild is to have a helpful name for Rprof that is not "new"
# newClass$new(nfObject, defaults, dll = dll, project = project)
## New class for interfacing multiple compiledNimbleFunctions of the same class
CmultiNimbleObjClass <- setRefClass('CmultiNimbleObjClass',
fields = list(nimbleProject = 'ANY',
finalizationPtrList = 'ANY',
cppNames = 'ANY',
cppCopyTypes = 'ANY',
cppNamesOneByOne = 'ANY',
cppCopyTypesOneByOne = 'ANY',
basePtrCall = 'ANY',
dll = 'ANY',
RobjectList = 'ANY',
compiledNodeFun = 'ANY' ## a cppNimbleFunctionClass or cppNimbleListClass
methods = list(
initialize = function(compiledNodeFun, basePtrCall, ##copyFromRobjectCall,
project, ...) { ## need to set dll, nimbleProject
nimbleProject <<- project
finalizationPtrList <<- list()
RobjectList <<- list()
dll <<- NULL
compiledNodeFun <<- compiledNodeFun
## basePtrCall is the result of getNativeSymbolInfo with the dll if possible from cppDefs_nimbleFunction.R
basePtrCall <<- basePtrCall
symTab <- compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$getSymbolTable()
cppNames <<- compiledNodeFun$objectDefs$getSymbolNames()
cppCopyTypes <<- makeNimbleFxnCppCopyTypes(symTab, cppNames)
finalize = function() {
for(i in seq_along(finalizationPtrList)) {
if(!is.null(finalizationPtrList[[i]])) {
memberDataInternal = function(basePtr, index, name, value) { ## value can be missing
## This isn't very useful as written for many names because it just gets and sets the external pointers. It doesn't wrap them in an interface objec
ans <- switch(cppCopyTypes[[name]],
modelVar = {##message('switch modelVar');
getSetModelVarPtr(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll)}, ## only makes sense internally
nimbleFunction ={##message('switch nimbleFunction');
getSetNimbleFunction(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll)}, ## ditto
nimbleList ={##message('switch nimbleList');
valueSymbol <- compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$getSymbolTable()$getSymbolObject(name)
vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
getSetNimbleList(vptr, value, valueSymbol$nlProc$cppDef, dll = dll)
}, ## ditto
nimPtrList = {##message('switch nimPtrList');
getSetNimPtrList(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll)}, ## ditto
modelValues = {##message('switch modelValues');
getSetModelValues(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll)}, ## ditto
characterVector = {
## vptr <- nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(basePtr, name, dll = dll)
getSetCharacterVector(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll)
characterScalar = getSetCharacterScalar(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll),
numericVector ={##message('switch numericVector');
getSetNumericVector(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll)},
doubleScalar = getSetDoubleScalar(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll),
integerScalar = getSetIntegerScalar(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll),
logicalScalar = getSetLogicalScalar(name, value, basePtr, dll = dll),
'Could not get or set a value for this variable')
CmultiNimbleFunctionClass <- setRefClass('CmultiNimbleFunctionClass',
contains = 'CmultiNimbleObjClass',
fields = list(
basePtrList = 'ANY', ## List of pointers cast as derived C++ class
namedObjectsPtrList = 'ANY', ## List of pointers cast as base C++ NamedObjects class
neededObjectsList = 'ANY',
extPtrTypeIndex = 'ANY',
callEnv = 'ANY'
methods = list(
show = function() {
cat(paste0('CmultiNimbleFunctionClass object\n'))
initialize = function(compiledNodeFun, basePtrCall,
project, ...) { ## need to set dll, nimbleProject
callSuper(compiledNodeFun = compiledNodeFun,
basePtrCall = basePtrCall,
project = project, ...)
boolCopyOneByOne <- !(as.character(cppCopyTypes) %in% c('nimbleFunction',
namesForCopyOneByOne <- names(cppCopyTypes)[ boolCopyOneByOne ]
cppNamesOneByOne <<- cppNames[ cppNames %in% namesForCopyOneByOne ]
cppCopyTypesOneByOne <<- cppCopyTypes[boolCopyOneByOne]
neededObjectsList <<- list()
basePtrList <<- list()
namedObjectsPtrList <<- list()
extPtrTypeIndex <<- compiledNodeFun$getExtPtrTypeIndex()
callCode <- makeNimbleFxnInterfaceCallMethodCode(compiledNodeFun, includeDotSelfAsArg = TRUE, embedInBrackets = TRUE)
callEnv <<- new.env()
eval(callCode, envir = callEnv)
finalizeInstance = function(index) {
if(!is.null(finalizationPtrList[[index]])) { ## previously basePtrList
neededObjectsList[[index]] <<- nimbleInternalFunctions$clearNeededObjects(RobjectList[[index]], compiledNodeFun, neededObjectsList[[index]])
RobjectList[index] <<- list(NULL)
basePtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
namedObjectsPtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
finalizationPtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
addInstance = function(nfObject, dll = NULL) { ## role of initialize
if(!is.null(.self$dll)) {
if(!identical(dll, .self$dll)) stop('Can not addInstance of a compiled nimbleFunction from different DLLs', call. = FALSE)
} else {
if(is.null(dll)) stop('In addInstance, DLL was not set and so must be provided when calling', call. = FALSE)
dll <<- dll ## should only occur first time addInstance is called
if(is.character(basePtrCall)) {
updatedBasePtrCall <- try( getNativeSymbolInfo(basePtrCall, dll) )
if(!inherits(updatedBasePtrCall, 'try-error'))
basePtrCall <<- updatedBasePtrCall
isNF <-
if(isNF) compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$evalNewSetupLinesOneInstance(nfObject, check = TRUE)
# avoid R CMD check problem with registration:
newObjPtrs <- eval(call('.Call', basePtrCall))
newBasePtr <- newObjPtrs[[1]] ## terminology confusing because this is the derived C++ class
newNamedObjectsPtr <- newObjPtrs[[ extPtrTypeIndex['NamedObjects'] ]] ## this is the base C++ class
if(is.null(newNamedObjectsPtr)) stop('Problem: Cannot find right external pointer information')
regLabel <- try(get('name', envir = nfObject), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(regLabel, 'try-error') | is.null(regLabel)) regLabel <- environment(nfObject)$className
basePtrList[[length(basePtrList)+1]] <<- newBasePtr
namedObjectsPtrList[[length(namedObjectsPtrList)+1]] <<- newNamedObjectsPtr
finalizationPtrList[[length(finalizationPtrList)+1]] <<- newNamedObjectsPtr
dll[['handle']], regLabel))
if(isNF) newRobject <- nimble:::nf_getRefClassObject(nfObject)
else newRobject <- nfObject
newRobject$.CobjectInterface <- list(.self, length(basePtrList)) ## second element is its index
RobjectList[[length(RobjectList)+1]] <<- newRobject
newNeededObjects <- nimbleInternalFunctions$buildNeededObjects(newRobject, compiledNodeFun, list(), dll, nimbleProject)
neededObjectsList[[length(neededObjectsList) + 1]] <<- newNeededObjects
symTab = compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$getSymbolTable(),
useCompiledCopyMethod = TRUE)
if(getNimbleOption('clearNimbleFunctionsAfterCompiling')) compiledNodeFun$nfProc$clearSetupOutputs(newRobject)
list(.self, length(basePtrList)) ## (this object, index)
clearInstance = function(index) { ## this is called when a Cmulti interface was built and later needs to be replaced with a full interface
## But we cannot remove entries from the lists because the indices of remaining objects must not change
## therefore we use the mylist[i] <- list(NULL) method
basePtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
namedObjectsPtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
RobjectList[index] <<- list(NULL)
neededObjectsList[index] <<- list(NULL)
getNeededObjects = function(index) {
getExtPtrs = function(index) {
list(basePtrList[[index]], namedObjectsPtrList[[index]])
callMemberFunction = function(index, funName, ...) {
callEnv[[funName]](..., .basePtr = basePtrList[[index]])
memberData = function(index, name, value) {
if(!(name %in% cppNames)) stop(paste0('Name ', name, ' is not a valid member variable in the requested object.', call.=FALSE))
basePtr <- basePtrList[[index]]
if(!inherits(basePtr, 'externalptr')) stop('Invalid index or basePtr', call. = FALSE)
memberDataInternal(basePtr, index, name, value)
CmultiNimbleListClass <- setRefClass('CmultiNimbleListClass',
contains = 'CmultiNimbleObjClass',
fields = list(
ptrToPtrList = 'ANY',
ptrToSmartPtrList = 'ANY',
finalizationPtrList = 'ANY',
castFunSymbolInfo = 'ANY'
methods = list(
show = function() {
cat(paste0('CmultiNimbleListlass object\n'))
initialize = function(compiledNodeFun, basePtrCall, project, ...) { ## need to set dll, nimbleProject
callSuper(compiledNodeFun = compiledNodeFun, basePtrCall = basePtrCall, project = project, ...)
ptrToPtrList <<- list()
ptrToSmartPtrList <<- list()
finalizeInstance = function(index) {
if(!is.null(finalizationPtrList[[index]])) { ## previously basePtrList
RobjectList[index] <<- list(NULL)
ptrToPtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
ptrToSmartPtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
addInstance = function(nfObject, dll = NULL) { ## role of initialize
if(!is.null(.self$dll)) {
if(!identical(dll, .self$dll)) stop('Can not addInstance of a compiled nimbleFunction from different DLLs', call. = FALSE)
} else {
if(is.null(dll)) stop('In addInstance, DLL was not set and so must be provided when calling', call. = FALSE)
dll <<- dll ## should only occur first time addInstance is called
if(is.character(basePtrCall)) {
updatedBasePtrCall <- try( getNativeSymbolInfo(basePtrCall, dll) )
if(!inherits(updatedBasePtrCall, 'try-error'))
basePtrCall <<- updatedBasePtrCall
castFunSymbolInfo <<- getNativeSymbolInfo(compiledNodeFun$ptrCastFun$name, dll)
newObjPtrs <- eval(call('.Call', basePtrCall))
newPtrToSmartPtr <- newObjPtrs[[1]] ## terminology confusing because this is the derived C++ class
regLabel <- try(get('name', envir = nfObject), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(regLabel, 'try-error') | is.null(regLabel)) regLabel <- environment(nfObject)$className
ptrToSmartPtrList[[length(ptrToSmartPtrList)+1]] <<- newPtrToSmartPtr
ptrToPtrList[[length(ptrToPtrList)+1]] <<- newPtrToPtr <- newObjPtrs[[2]]
newFinalizationPtr <- newPtrToSmartPtr
if(is.null(newFinalizationPtr)) stop('Problem: Cannot find right external pointer information')
finalizationPtrList[[length(finalizationPtrList)+1]] <<- newFinalizationPtr
dll[['handle']], regLabel))
newRobject <- nfObject
newRobject$.CobjectInterface <- list(.self, length(ptrToPtrList)) ## second element is its index
RobjectList[[length(RobjectList)+1]] <<- newRobject
namedObjectsPtr <- eval(call('.Call',castFunSymbolInfo, newPtrToPtr))
symTab = compiledNodeFun$nimCompProc$getSymbolTable(),
useCompiledCopyMethod = FALSE)
list(.self, length(ptrToSmartPtrList)) ## (this object, index)
clearInstance = function(index) { ## this is called when a Cmulti interface was built and later needs to be replaced with a full interface
## But we cannot remove entries from the lists because the indices of remaining objects must not change
## therefore we use the mylist[i] <- list(NULL) method
ptrToPtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
ptrToSmartPtrList[index] <<- list(NULL)
RobjectList[index] <<- list(NULL)
getNamedObjectsPtr = function(index) {
eval(call('.Call', castFunSymbolInfo, ptrToPtrList[[index]]))
getMemberDataPtr = function(index, name) {
nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(getNamedObjectsPtr(index), name, dll = dll)
memberData = function(index, name, value) {
if(!(name %in% cppNames)) stop(paste0('Name ', name, ' is not a valid member variable in the requested object.', call.=FALSE))
##ptrToPtr <- ptrToPtrList[[index]]
##if(!inherits(ptrToPtr, 'externalptr')) stop('Invalid index or ptrToPtr', call. = FALSE)
##namedObjectsPtr <- .Call(castFunSymbolInfo, .ptrToPtr)
vptr <- getMemberDataPtr(index, name) ##nimbleInternalFunctions$newObjElementPtr(namedObjectsPtr, name, dll = dll)
memberDataInternal(vptr, index, name, value)
#' get or set value of member data from a compiled nimbleFunction using a multi-interface
#' Most nimbleFunctions written for direct user interaction allow standard R-object-like access to member data using \code{$} or \code{`[[`}. However, sometimes compiled nimbleFunctions contained within other compiled nimbleFunctions are interfaced with a light-weight system called a multi-interface. \code{valueInCompiledNimbleFunction} provides a way to get or set values in such cases.
#' @param cnf Compiled nimbleFunction object
#' @param name Name of the member data
#' @param value If provided, the value to assign to the member data. If omitted, the value of the member data is returned.
#' @author Perry de Valpine
#' @details The member data of a nimbleFunction are the objects created in \code{setup} code that are used in \code{run} code or other member functions.
#' Whether multi-interfaces are used for nested nimbleFunctions is controlled by the \code{buildInterfacesForCompiledNestedNimbleFunctions} option in \code{\link{nimbleOptions}}.
#' To see an example of a multi-interface, see \code{samplerFunctions} in a compiled MCMC interface object.
#' @export
valueInCompiledNimbleFunction <- function(cnf, name, value) { ## value can be missing
cnf[[1]]$memberData(cnf[[2]], name, value)
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