source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
RwarnLevel <- options('warn')$warn
options(warn = 1)
nimbleVerboseSetting <- nimbleOptions('verbose')
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)
nimbleProgressBarSetting <- nimbleOptions('MCMCprogressBar')
nimbleOptions(MCMCprogressBar = FALSE)
## testing dcar_normal sampling
test_that('dcar_normal sampling', {
cat('===== Starting MCMC test dcar_normal sampling. =====')
code <- nimbleCode({
alpha0 ~ dflat()
S[1:N] ~ car.normal(adj[1:L], weights[1:L], num[1:N], 3)
for(i in 1:N)
mu[i] <- alpha0 + S[i]
for(i in 1:2) {
log(lambda[i]) <- mu[i]
Y[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i])
Y[3] ~ dnorm(mu[3], 3)
ymean4 <- 5*mu[4]
Y[4] ~ dnorm(ymean4, 7)
ymean5 <- 2*mu[5]
Y[5] ~ dnorm(ymean5, 1)
constants <- list(N = 6,
num = c(3,4,4,3,2,2),
adj = c(2,3,4, 1,3,5,6, 1,2,4,5, 1,3,6, 2,3, 2,4),
weights = rep(1, 18),
L = 18)
data <- list(Y = c(10,12,15,20,24))
inits <- list(alpha0 = 0,
S = c(0,0,0,0,0,0))
Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
niter <- 20
set.seed(0); Rmcmc$run(niter)
set.seed(0); Cmcmc$run(niter)
Rsamples <- as.matrix(Rmcmc$mvSamples)
Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
sampleNames <- colnames(Rsamples)
## As of 2024 (perhaps an Apple Silicon Mac issue?)
## these are not identical.
expect_equal(Rsamples[, sampleNames], Csamples[, sampleNames],
tolerance = 1e-15,
info = 'agreement between R and C sampling of dcar_normal')
expect_lt(max(abs(as.numeric(Csamples[20, sampleNames]) -
c(1.639127, 1.815422, 1.676655, 5.099797, 2.345276, 7.018026, 2.696936))), 1e-6,
label = 'exact sample values for dcar_normal')
## testing dcar_proper density evaluation,
## and generation of default values of C and M
test_that('dcar_proper density evaluation', {
cat('===== Starting test dcar_proper density evaluations. =====')
x <- c(1, 3, 3, 4)
mu <- rep(3, 4)
adj <- c(2, 1,3, 2,4, 3)
num <- c(1, 2, 2, 1)
lp <- 0.004158475
expect_equal(dcar_proper(x, mu, adj=adj, num=num, tau=1, gamma=0), lp,
info = 'C density evaluation for dcar_proper() omitting C and M')
weights <- rep(1, 6)
CM <- as.carCM(adj, weights, num)
C <- CM$C
M <- CM$M
expect_equal(dcar_proper(x, mu, C, adj, num, M, tau=1, gamma=0), lp,
info = 'C density evaluation for dcar_proper() weights all one')
weights <- c(2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4)
CM2 <- as.carCM(adj, weights, num)
C2 <- CM2$C
M2 <- CM2$M
lp2 <- 0.001050636
expect_equal(dcar_proper(x, mu, C2, adj, num, M2, tau=1, gamma=0), lp2,
info = 'C density evaluation for dcar_proper() weights different')
## testing dcar_proper sampling
test_that('dcar_proper sampling', {
cat('===== Starting MCMC test dcar_proper sampling. =====')
code <- nimbleCode({
tau ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.001)
gamma ~ dunif(-1, 1)
x[1:N] ~ dcar_proper(mu[1:N], adj=adj[1:L], num=num[1:N], tau=tau, gamma=gamma)
y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], 1)
y[2] ~ dnorm(3*x[2] + 5, 10)
y[3] ~ dnorm(x[3]^2, 1)
y[4] ~ dnorm(x[4]^2, 10)
mu <- 1:4
adj <- c(2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3)
num <- c(1, 2, 2, 1)
tau <- 1
gamma <- 0
y <- c(3, 6, 8, 10)
x <- rep(0, 4)
constants <- list(mu = mu, adj = adj, num = num, N = 4, L = 6)
data <- list(y = y)
inits <- list(tau = tau, gamma = gamma, x = x)
Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
Cmodel <- compileNimble(Rmodel)
lp <- -574.964
expect_lt(abs(calculate(Rmodel) - lp), 1E-5,
label = 'calculate for dcar_proper()')
expect_lt(abs(calculate(Cmodel) - lp), 1E-5,
label = 'calculate for dcar_proper(), compiled')
weights <- rep(1, 6)
CM <- as.carCM(adj, weights, num)
C <- CM$C
M <- CM$M
Q <- tau * diag(1/M) %*% (diag(4) - gamma*CAR_calcCmatrix(C, adj, num))
lp <- dmnorm_chol(x, mu, chol = chol(Q), prec_param = TRUE, log = TRUE)
expect_equal(calculate(Rmodel, 'x[1:4]'), lp,
info = 'R density evaluation for dcar_proper()')
expect_equal(calculate(Cmodel, 'x[1:4]'), lp,
info = 'C density evaluation for dcar_proper()')
set.seed(0); xnew <- rmnorm_chol(n = 1, mu, chol = chol(Q), prec_param = TRUE)
set.seed(0); simulate(Rmodel, 'x[1:4]')
set.seed(0); simulate(Cmodel, 'x[1:4]')
expect_equal(xnew, Rmodel$x, info = 'R dcar_proper() simulate function')
expect_equal(xnew, Cmodel$x, info = 'R dcar_proper() simulate function')
Rmodel$x <- x
Cmodel$x <- x
conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
Cmcmc <- compileNimble(Rmcmc, project = Rmodel)
niter <- 20
set.seed(0); Rmcmc$run(niter)
set.seed(0); Cmcmc$run(niter)
Rsamples <- as.matrix(Rmcmc$mvSamples)
Csamples <- as.matrix(Cmcmc$mvSamples)
sampleNames <- colnames(Rsamples)
## As of 2024 (perhaps an Apple Silicon Mac issue?)
## these are not identical.
expect_equal(Rsamples[, sampleNames], Csamples[, sampleNames],
tolerance = 1e-15,
info = 'agreement between R and C sampling of dcar_proper')
expect_lt(max(abs(as.numeric(Csamples[20, sampleNames]) -
c(-0.86201288, 0.07689823, 2.04074467, 0.24380342, 3.00405982, -3.25336913))), 1e-6,
label = 'exact sample values for dcar_proper')
## testing dcar_proper distribution gives correct
## likelihood evaluation, when Cmatrix is singular
test_that('dcar_proper gives correct likelihood with singular Cmatrix', {
nHabRows <- nHabCols <- 6 # Changed from 5 to avoid weird MacOS test failure (issue 1456).
adj <- NULL
numadj <- NULL
numHabWindows <- nHabRows * nHabCols
for(i in 1:numHabWindows){
lenadj <- length(adj)
if(i == 1) adj <- c(adj, c(2, nHabCols + 1))
else if((2 <= i) & (i <= nHabCols - 1)) adj <- c(adj, c(i-1, i+1, i+nHabCols))
else if(i == nHabCols) adj <- c(adj, c(i-1, i+nHabCols))
else if(i %in% c(1:(nHabRows-2)*nHabCols+1)) adj <- c(adj, c(i-nHabCols, i+1, i+nHabCols))
else if(i %in% c(2:(nHabRows-1)*nHabCols)) adj <- c(adj, c(i-nHabCols, i-1, i+nHabCols))
else if(i == (nHabRows-1)*nHabCols+1) adj <- c(adj, c(i-nHabCols, i+1))
else if(((nHabRows-1)*nHabCols+2 <= i) & (i <= nHabCols*nHabRows-1)) adj <- c(adj, c(i-nHabCols, i-1, i+1))
else if(i == nHabCols*nHabRows) adj <- c(adj, c(i-nHabCols, i-1))
else adj <- c(adj, c(i-nHabCols, i-1, i+1, i+nHabCols))
numadj[i] <- length(adj) - lenadj
num <- numadj
tau <- 1
gamma <- 0.5
mu <- rep(0, numHabWindows)
x <- rep(0, numHabWindows)
C <- CAR_calcC(adj, num)
M <- CAR_calcM(num)
Cmatrix <- CAR_calcCmatrix(C, adj, num)
## dmvnorm
## function (x, mean = rep(0, p), sigma = diag(p), log = FALSE)
## cov = (I-gamma*Cmatrix)^-1* %*% Mmatrix / tau )
CovMatrix <- solve(diag(numHabWindows) - gamma*Cmatrix) %*% diag(M) / tau
## dmvnorm(x, mean = mu, sigma = CovMatrix) ## 0.00009134347
## (2pi)^(-N/2) * |Cov|^(-1/2) * exp(-1/2 * (x-mu)' %*% Cov^-1 %*% (x-mu))
lp_true <- (2*pi)^(-numHabWindows/2) * det(CovMatrix)^(-1/2) ## 0.00009134347
lp_dcar <- dcar_proper(x, mu = mu, adj = adj, num = num, tau = tau, gamma = gamma)
expect_equal(lp_true, lp_dcar)
xnew <- rcar_proper(n = 1, mu = mu, adj = adj, num = num, tau = tau, gamma = gamma)
## Comment out check of exact values given use 6x6 now rather than 5x5.
## Not sure there is much point in checking exact values; leaving the `rcar_proper`
## generation in just so that we know no errors occur in simulation.
## expect_true(all(round(xnew, 8) == c(0.60896921, -0.18071413, 0.86723430, 0.87426463, 0.66326831, -0.95558320, -0.56113360, -0.22185377, 0.14990019, 1.37682998, 0.32056427, -0.48639310, -0.65728773, -0.16961897, -0.30264915, -0.23875949, 0.10629314, -0.40382663, 0.18898157, -0.72969397, -0.09361655, 0.25556273, 0.16314071, 0.46935282, -0.04233136)))
test_that('CAR conjugacy checking new skipExpansionsNode system', {
code <- nimbleCode({
S[1:N] ~ dcar_normal(adj[1:L], weights[1:L], numneighbours[1:N], 1)
for(i in 1:K) {
beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
for(i in 1:N){
eta[i] <- inprod(beta[1:K], x[1:K])
mu[i] <- S[i] + eta[i]
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i], 1)
N <- 3
L <- 4
K <- 7
constants <- list(N=N, L=L, K=K, adj=c(2,1,3,2), weights=rep(1,L), numneighbours=c(1,2,1))
data <- list(y = rep(0,N))
inits <- list(S = rep(0,N), beta = rep(0,K), x=1:K)
Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants, data, inits)
conf <- configureMCMC(Rmodel)
Rmcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
expect_true(class(Rmcmc) == 'MCMC')
expect_true(conf$samplerConfs[[1]]$name == 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear')
expect_true(conf$samplerConfs[[7]]$name == 'conjugate_dnorm_dnorm_linear')
expect_true(conf$samplerConfs[[8]]$name == 'CAR_normal')
expect_true(class(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[8]]$componentSamplerFunctions$contentsList[[1]]) == 'CAR_scalar_conjugate')
expect_true(class(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[8]]$componentSamplerFunctions$contentsList[[2]]) == 'CAR_scalar_conjugate')
expect_true(class(Rmcmc$samplerFunctions$contentsList[[8]]$componentSamplerFunctions$contentsList[[3]]) == 'CAR_scalar_conjugate')
compiledList <- compileNimble(list(model=Rmodel, mcmc=Rmcmc))
Cmodel <- compiledList$model; Cmcmc <- compiledList$mcmc
set.seed(0); Rsamples <- runMCMC(Rmcmc, 10)
set.seed(0); Csamples <- runMCMC(Cmcmc, 10)
expectedSamples <- c(0.97357331, 0.07601302, 0.10439196, -0.37719856, 0.15912985, 0.03509085, -0.01162275, 0.17958068, -0.34811805, 0.10319592)
Rcolnames <- colnames(Rsamples)
expect_true(all(round(as.numeric(Rsamples[10,Rcolnames]),8) == expectedSamples))
expect_true(all(round(as.numeric(Csamples[10,Rcolnames]),8) == expectedSamples))
test_that('rcar_normal errors out from uncompiled command line execution', {
adj <- c(2, 1,3, 2,4, 3)
weights <- adj/adj
num <- c(1, 2, 2, 1)
expect_error(rcar_normal(n = 1, adj, weights, num))
model <- 4
expect_error(rcar_normal(n = 1, adj, weights, num))
test_that('CAR models compile and run when derivs enabled', {
code <- nimbleCode({
tau ~ dunif(0,5)
s[1:4] ~ dcar_normal(adj[1:L],weights[1:L],num[1:N],tau, zero_mean=0)
for(i in 1:N)
y[i] ~ dnorm(s[i], 1)
constants <- list(N=4,L=6, weights=rep(1,6), num=c(1,2,2,1), adj=c(2,1,3,2,4,3))
data <- list(y=c(1,1.2,.9,.4))
inits <- list(tau = 1, s = c(1,1.1,1.2,1.3))
m <- nimbleModel(code, data=data, constants=constants, inits=inits, buildDerivs=TRUE)
conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = 'tau')
conf$addSampler('s[1:4]', 'RW_block')
mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc,project=m)
expect_silent(out <- runMCMC(cmcmc,niter=10))
code <- nimbleCode({
tau ~ dunif(0,5)
mu ~ dnorm(0, sd=10)
muvec[1:N] <- mu*ones[1:N]
gamma ~ dunif(-1,1)
s[1:N] ~ dcar_proper(muvec[1:N], adj = adj[1:L], num = num[1:N], tau = tau, gamma = gamma)
for(i in 1:N)
y[i] ~ dnorm(s[i], 1)
constants$ones <- rep(1, 4)
inits$mu <- 0; inits$gamma <- 0.95
m <- nimbleModel(code, data=data, constants=constants, inits=inits, buildDerivs=TRUE)
conf <- configureMCMC(m, nodes = c('tau','gamma','mu'))
conf$addSampler('s[1:4]', 'RW_block')
mcmc <- buildMCMC(conf)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
cmcmc <- compileNimble(mcmc,project=m)
expect_silent(out <- runMCMC(cmcmc,niter=10))
options(warn = RwarnLevel)
nimbleOptions(verbose = nimbleVerboseSetting)
nimbleOptions(MCMCprogressBar = nimbleProgressBarSetting)
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