
## This test file also serves as a demo for experimental features: calling externally compiled code, and calling R functions from compiled nimbleFunctions.
## It covers rough draft functionality for calling external compiled functions and calling arbitrary R functions from within compiled nimbleFunction (including BUGS) code.

source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))

RwarnLevel <- options('warn')$warn
options(warn = 1)

## Calling external C:

## Say we want a C function that adds 1.5 to a vector of values:
## We can only give non-scalars results by pointer argument.
## Any NIMBLE non-scalar can become a double* of contiguously allocated memory.
## Like in LAPACK or similar low-level libraries, you need a separate argument to say how long the allocated memory is.
test_that("external calls", {
extern "C" {
  void my_internal_function(double *p, double*ans, int n);
#include <cstdio>
#include "add1p5.h"

void my_internal_function(double *p, double *ans, int n) {
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    ans[i] = p[i] + 1.5;
    ## A major limitation is that we cannot have compiled code return anything except a scalar.  So returned non-scalars will have to be via arguments.  That meansto use this in BUGS code we'll have to wrap it in another nimbleFunction.  It will make sense below.
    ## compile that to .o
    ## I am not an expert on all compilation twists, but on my system I need to do it with g++ instead of gcc (even though it is pure C) in order for the linker to be later happy linking it to compiled C++ from NIMBLE.  
    system('g++ add1p5.cpp -c -o add1p5.o')

    ## now to create a nimbleFunction that interfaces to add1p5:

    expect_silent(Radd1p5 <- nimbleExternalCall(function(x = double(1), ans = double(1), n = integer()){}, returnType = void(), Cfun = 'my_internal_function', headerFile = 'add1p5.h', oFile = 'add1p5.o'))
    ## The first argument uses the format of a nimbleFunction with argument type declarations, but the body of the function can be empty ('{}')
    ## You can choose any names for the arguments in R. They don't have to match the C code.
    ## Ignore the warning here and later warnings
    ##Radd1p5 ## this is a nimbleFunction with some internal special sauce, but from here on out it should behave like a nimbleFunction
    ## We'll wait to use it in BUGS code


    ## Radd1p5 doesn't return anything and would only be able to return a scalar, so we can wrap it like this:
    wrappedRadd1p5 <- nimbleFunction(
        run = function(x = double(1)) {
            ans <- numeric(length(x))
            Radd1p5(x, ans, length(x))
    ## calling an R function
    ## Say we want an R function that adds 2.5 to every value in a vector
    add2p5 <- function(x) {
        x + 2.5 ## This can be pure R
    ## now create a nimbleFunction that interfaces to add2p5, not necessary when running uncompiled but necessary when running compiled
    expect_silent(Radd2p5 <- nimbleRcall(function(x = double(1)){}, Rfun = 'add2p5', returnType = double(1)))
    ## Similar to above.  The function prototype and the returnType represent a promise that add2p5 will always take and return these types.  Also an environment is needed and it defaults to R's global environment but I'm showing it explicitly.
    ## Again, ignore the more extensive warnings
    ##Radd2p5 ## this is also a nimbleFunction with more special sauce
    ## Now let's use these in a model
    demoCode <- nimbleCode({
        for(i in 1:4) {x[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)} ## just to get a vector
        y[1:4] <- wrappedRadd1p5(x[1:4])
        z[1:4] <- Radd2p5(x[1:4])
        ## It is important to be sure they work with non-contiguous array slices
        for(i in 1:4) {
            for(j in 1:5) {
                a[i, j] ~ dnorm(0,1)
            b[i,1:5] <- wrappedRadd1p5(a[i, 1:5])
            d[i,1:5] <- Radd2p5(a[i, 1:5])
    ## building model will test uncompiled execution.
    demoModel <- nimbleModel(demoCode, inits = list(x = rnorm(4)), calculate = FALSE)
    ## Again ignore the error during checking.  We'll have to trap and handle that, but right now I'm focused on core functionality.
    CdemoModel <- compileNimble(demoModel, dirName = '.') ## last arg puts the C++ code in your working directory so you c2an look at it if you like

    expect_equal(CdemoModel$y - CdemoModel$x, rep(1.5, 4), info = 'external C call works in compiled BUGS code')
    expect_equal(CdemoModel$z - CdemoModel$x, rep(2.5, 4), info = 'external R call works in compiled BUGS code')
    ## next test alternate modes of providing arguments
test_that('external calls 2', {
extern "C" {
  double my_internal_function(double *p, double*ans, int n);
#include <cstdio>
#include "add1p5b.h"

double my_internal_function(double *p, double *ans, int n) {
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    ans[i] = p[i] + 1.5;
    system('g++ add1p5b.cpp -c -o add1p5b.o')
    Radd1p5b <- nimbleExternalCall(list(nimbleType(name = 'x', type = 'double', dim = 1),
                                        nimbleType(name = 'ans', type = 'double', dim = 1),
                                        nimbleType(name = 'n', type = 'integer', dim = 0)),
                                   Cfun = 'my_internal_function', headerFile = 'add1p5b.h', oFile = 'add1p5b.o',
                                   returnType = nimbleType(name = 'NOTUSED', type = 'double', dim = 0))
    Cadd1p5b <- compileNimble(Radd1p5b, dirName = '.')
    x <- rnorm(5)
    expect_equal(Cadd1p5b(x, numeric(length(x)), length(x)), 1.23, info = "return scalar and nimbleType arguments for external call work.")

test_that('external calls 3', {
    sumXY <- function(x, y) {
        sum(x * y) ## This can be pure R
    expect_silent(RsumXY <- nimbleRcall(
                          nimbleType(name = 'x', type = 'double', dim = 1),
                          nimbleType(name = 'y', type = 'integer', dim = 1)),
                      Rfun = 'sumXY',
                      returnType = nimbleType(name = 'UNUSED', type = 'double', dim = 0)))
    CsumXY <- compileNimble(RsumXY, dirName = '.')
    x <- rnorm(5)
    y <- as.integer(rbinom(5, size = 10, prob = .5))
    expect_equal(sumXY(x, y), CsumXY(x, y), info = "nimbleType arguments to nimbleRcall work.")

options(warn = RwarnLevel)

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