source(system.file(file.path('tests', 'testthat', 'test_utils.R'), package = 'nimble'))
RwarnLevel <- options('warn')$warn
options(warn = 1)
nimbleVerboseSetting <- nimbleOptions('verbose')
nimbleOptions(verbose = TRUE)
## If you do *not* want to write to results files
## comment out the sink() call below. And consider setting verbose = FALSE
## To record a new gold file, nimbleOptions('generateGoldFileForMCMCtesting') should contain the path to the directory where you want to put it
## e.g. nimbleOptions(generateGoldFileForMCMCtesting = getwd())
## Comparison to the gold file won't work until it is installed with the package.
allModels <- c(# vol1
'blocker', 'bones', 'dyes', 'equiv', 'line', 'pump', 'rats',
# vol2
## Until NIMBLE 0.6-6, providing an unnecessary variable in data
## generated an error. Now it generates a warning. This test
## checks that unwanted data does not generate an error.
test_that('unnecessary data do not break model building', {
data <- list(a = 1, unwantedVariable = 2)
## This use of try() within a test is done carefully.
## The following expectations determine if an error was thrown.
## Otherwise we would need additional infrastructure.
toyModel <-
a ~ dnorm(0,1)
data = data
expect_false(inherits(toyModel, 'try-error'),
'nimbleModel stopped due to unnecessary data.')
expect_true(inherits(toyModel, 'modelBaseClass'),
'nimbleModel turned out wrong.')
out <- sapply(allModels, testBUGSmodel, useInits = TRUE)
testBUGSmodel('oxford', useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = "'tau' has initial values but is not")
## special cases in vol1: 'epil', 'leuk', 'salm', 'seeds'
## Problem cases
## dinterval, I(), T(), random indexing:
## kidney, litters, lsat, mice
## data preparation issue in data block: inhaler (has (k+):(k) style indexing
## various cases where we need to refer to a differently-named .bug file:
testBUGSmodel('epil', model = 'epil2.bug', inits = 'epil-inits.R',
data = 'epil-data.R', useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = "'tau.b' has initial values but is not")
testBUGSmodel('epil', model = 'epil3.bug', inits = 'epil-inits.R',
data = 'epil-data.R', useInits = TRUE)
testBUGSmodel('seeds', model = 'seedsuni.bug', inits = 'seeds-init.R',
data = 'seeds-data.R', useInits = FALSE)
testBUGSmodel('seeds', model = 'seedssig.bug', inits = 'seeds-init.R',
data = 'seeds-data.R', useInits = FALSE)
testBUGSmodel('birats', model = 'birats1.bug', inits = 'birats-inits.R',
data = 'birats-data.R', useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = "'Omega.beta' has initial values but is not")
testBUGSmodel('birats', model = 'birats3.bug', inits = 'birats-inits.R',
data = 'birats-data.R', useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = "'Omega.beta' has initial values but is not")
testBUGSmodel('ice', model = 'icear.bug', inits = 'ice-inits.R',
data = 'ice-data.R', useInits = TRUE)
testBUGSmodel('beetles', model = 'beetles-logit.bug', inits = 'beetles-inits.R',
data = 'beetles-data.R', useInits = TRUE)
testBUGSmodel('birats', model = 'birats2.bug', inits = 'birats-inits.R',
data = 'birats-data.R', useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = "'tau.beta' has initial values but is not")
## various cases where we need to modify the BUGS code, generally the indexing
## test of leuk; needs var info on Y and dN since these are used in data block
writeLines(c("var", "Y[N,T],", "dN[N,T];"), con = file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug"))
##system(paste0("echo 'var\nY[N,T],\ndN[N,T];' >> ", file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")))"cat leuk.bug >>", file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")), dir = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','leuk', package = 'nimble'))
##system(paste("cat", system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','leuk','leuk.bug', package = 'nimble'), ">>", file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")))
## need nimStep in data block as we no longer have step"sed -i -e 's/step/nimStep/g'", file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")))
##system(paste("sed -i -e 's/step/nimStep/g'", file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug")))
testBUGSmodel('leuk', dir = "", model = file.path(tempdir(), "leuk.bug"), data = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','leuk','leuk-data.R', package = 'nimble'), inits = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','leuk','leuk-init.R', package = 'nimble'), useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = "'tau' has initial values but is not")
## salm: need dimensionality of logx
writeLines(c("var","logx[doses];"), con = file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug"))
##system(paste0("echo 'var\nlogx[doses];' >> ", file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug")))"cat salm.bug >>", file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug")), dir = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','salm', package = 'nimble'))
##system(paste("cat", system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','salm','salm.bug', package = 'nimble'), ">>", file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug")))
##system(paste("sed -i -e 's/logx\\[\\]/logx\\[1:doses\\]/g'", file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug"))) ## alternative way to get size info in there
testBUGSmodel('salm', dir = "", model = file.path(tempdir(), "salm.bug"), data = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','salm','salm-data.R', package = 'nimble'), inits = system.file('classic-bugs','vol1','salm','salm-init.R', package = 'nimble'), useInits = TRUE)
out <- file.copy(system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','air','air.bug', package = 'nimble'), file.path(tempdir(), "air.bug"), overwrite=TRUE)"sed -i -e 's/mean(X)/mean(X\\[\\])/g' air.bug", dir = tempdir())
##system(paste("cat", system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','air','air.bug', package = 'nimble'), ">>", file.path(tempdir(), "air.bug")))
##system(paste("sed -i -e 's/mean(X)/mean(X\\[\\])/g'", file.path(tempdir(), "air.bug")))
testBUGSmodel('air', dir = "", model = file.path(tempdir(), "air.bug"), data = system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','air','air-data.R', package = 'nimble'), inits = system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','air','air-inits.R', package = 'nimble'), useInits = TRUE)
## need the next line or gives error:
##1: In replaceConstantsRecurse(x, constEnv, constNames) :
## Code age was given as known but evaluates to a non-scalar. This is probably ## not what you want."sed 's/mean(age)/mean(age\\[1:M\\])/g' jaw-linear.bug > ", file.path(tempdir(), "jaw-linear.bug")), dir = system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','jaw', package = 'nimble')) ## alternative way to get size info in there
##system(paste("sed 's/mean(age)/mean(age\\[1:M\\])/g'", system.file('classic-bugs','vol2','jaw','jaw-linear.bug', package = 'nimble'), ">", file.path(tempdir(), "jaw-linear.bug"))) ## alternative way to get size info in there
testBUGSmodel('jaw', dir = "", model = file.path(tempdir(), "jaw-linear.bug"), inits = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'jaw','jaw-inits.R', package = 'nimble'), data = system.file('classic-bugs', 'vol2', 'jaw','jaw-data.R', package = 'nimble'), useInits = TRUE, expectModelWarning = "'beta2' has initial values but is not")
testBUGSmodel('dipper', dir = system.file('classic-bugs', 'other', 'dipper', package = 'nimble'), useInits = FALSE)
## various simple tests of multivariate nodes
## simple test of dmnorm/wishart
K <- 2
y <- c(.1, .3)
model <- function() {
y[1:K] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:K], prec[1:K,1:K]);
for(i in 1:K) {
mu0[i] <- 0
R[1,1] <- .01
R[2,2] <- .01
R[1,2] <- 0
R[2,1] <- 0
Omega[1,1] <- .01
Omega[2,2] <- .01
Omega[1,2] <- 0
Omega[2,1] <- 0
mu[1:K] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:K], Omega[1:K,1:K])
prec[1:K,1:K] ~ dwish(R[1:K,1:K], 5)
inits <- list(mu = c(0,0), prec = matrix(c(.005,.001,.001,.005), 2))
data <- list(K = K, y = y)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'testN', dir = "",
model = model, data = data, inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
### Repeat simple test of dmnorm/wishart with a tweak
## to test that copyIfNeeded operates correctly for a non-complete matrix
K <- 2
y <- c(.1, .3)
model <- function() {
y[1:K] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:K], prec[1:K,1:K]);
for(i in 1:(K+1)) {
mu0[i] <- 0
R[1:3, 1:3] <- 0.01 * diag(3)
Omega[1:3, 1:3] <- 0.01 * diag(3)
cholR[1:3, 1:3] <- chol(R[1:3, 1:3])
mu[1:K] ~ dmnorm(mu0[1:K], Omega[1:K,1:K])
## one shouldn't chop up a cholesky matrix like this,
## but it is diagonal and the only purpose here is to test
## the copyIfNeeded mechanism
prec[1:K,1:K] ~ dwish(cholesky = cholR[1:K,1:K], df = 5, scale_param = 1)
inits <- list(mu = c(0,0), prec = matrix(c(.005,.001,.001,.005), 2))
data <- list(K = K, y = y)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'testN', dir = "",
model = model, data = data, inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
## test multi/Dirichlet
n <- 100
alpha <- c(10, 30, 15, 60, 1)
K <- length(alpha)
if(require(nimble)) {
p <- rdirch(1, alpha)
y <- rmulti(1, n, p)
} else {
p <- c(.12, .24, .10, .53, .01)
y <- c(rmultinom(1, n, p))
model <- function() {
y[1:K] ~ dmulti(p[1:K], n);
p[1:K] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K]);
for(i in 1:K) {
log(alpha[i]) ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100);
## log(alpha) ~ dmnorm(0, .001)
inits <- list(p = rep(1/K, K), alpha = rep(1/K, K))
data <- list(n = n, K = K, y = y)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'test', dir = "",
model = model, data = data, inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
## Repeat test of multi/Dirichlet using Km1 for length of p (and y).
## This forces additional check in copyIfNeeded
n <- 100
alpha <- c(10, 30, 15, 60, 1)
K <- length(alpha)
Km1 <- K-1
if(require(nimble)) {
p <- rdirch(1, alpha[1:Km1])
y <- rmulti(1, n, p)
} else {
p <- c(.12, .24, .10, .53)
p <- p/sum(p)
y <- c(rmultinom(1, n, p))
model <- function() {
y[1:Km1] ~ dmulti(p[1:Km1], n);
p[1:Km1] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:Km1]);
for(i in 1:K) {
log(alpha[i]) ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100);
## log(alpha) ~ dmnorm(0, .001)
inits <- list(p = rep(1/Km1, Km1), alpha = rep(1/K, K))
data <- list(n = n, K = K, y = y, Km1 = Km1)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'test', dir = "",
model = model, data = data, inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
## simple test of dt()
model <- function() {
y ~ dt(1, mu, 1)
mu ~ dt(3, 0, 1)
inits <- list(mu = 0)
data <- list(y = 3)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'testt', dir = "",
model = model, data = data, inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
## simple test of negbin
model <- function() {
y ~ dnegbin(p, n)
p ~ dbeta(3,3)
data = list(n = 10, y = 3)
inits <- list(p = 0.5)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'testnb', dir = "",
model = model, data = data, inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
## test of multivariate data nodes as rows of 3-d array
## and of multivariate latent nodes as rows of matrix
n <- 100
m <- 10
g <- 3
alpha <- c(10, 30, 15, 60, 1)
K <- length(alpha)
p <- matrix(0, g, K)
y <- array(0, c(m, g, K))
for(i in seq_len(g))
p[i, ] <- rdirch(1, alpha)
## We had this for when NIMBLE not available but not clear why that would ever be the case.
## p[1,] <- c(.12, .24, .10, .53, .01)
## p[2,] <- c(.2, .3, .05, .2, .25)
## p[3,] <- c(.05, .05, .10, .3, .5)
## rmulti <- rmultinom
for(i in seq_len(g))
for(j in seq_len(m))
y[j, i, ] <- rmulti(1, n, p[i, ])
model <- function() {
for(i in 1:g)
for(j in 1:m)
y[j, i, 1:K] ~ dmulti(p[i, 1:K], n);
for(i in 1:g)
p[i, 1:K] ~ ddirch(alpha[1:K]);
for(i in 1:K) {
log(alpha[i]) ~ dnorm(0, sd = 100);
inits <- list(p = matrix(1/K, g, K), alpha = rep(1/K, K))
data <- list(g =g, m = m, n = n, K = K, y = y)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'test', dir = "",
model = model, data = data, inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
## test handling of lumped data and constants, and overwriting of
## data by inits
test_that("test of distinguishing lumped data and constants:", {
code <- nimbleCode({
x ~ dnorm(mu,sig)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
y ~ dunif(0,1)
xVal <- 0.5
m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(sig = 1, x = xVal, y = 0.1))
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), TRUE, info = "'x' not set as data in first test")
expect_equal(c(m$x), xVal, info = "value of 'x' not correctly set in first test")
expect_equal('sig' %in% m$getVarNames(), FALSE, info = "sig not set as constant in first test")
code <- nimbleCode({
x ~ dnorm(mu,1)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(x = xVal))
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), TRUE, info = "'x' not set as data in second test")
expect_equal(c(m$x), xVal, info = "value of 'x' not correctly set in second test")
code <- nimbleCode({
x ~ dnorm(mu,1)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(x = xVal))
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), TRUE, info = "'x' not set as data in third test")
expect_equal(c(m$x), xVal, info = "value of 'x' not correctly set in third test")
code <- nimbleCode({
y[1] ~ dnorm(beta*x[1], 1)
y[2] ~ dnorm(beta*x[2], 1)
beta ~ dnorm(0, 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = c(1, 2), x = c(1, 5)))
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), c(TRUE, TRUE), info = "'x' not set as data in fourth test")
expect_equal('x' %in% m$getVarNames(), TRUE, info = "'x' is not set as variable in fourth test")
expect_equal(sum(c("x[1]", "x[2]") %in% m$getNodeNames()), 0, info = "'x[1]' appears incorrectly in nodes in fourth test")
test_that("test of preventing overwriting of data values by inits:", {
code <- nimbleCode({
x[1] ~ dnorm(mu,1)
x[2] ~ dnorm(mu,1)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
xVal <- c(3, NA)
xInit <- c(4, 4)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(x = xVal), inits = list(x = xInit)), "Ignoring non-NA values in `inits` for data nodes")
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), c(TRUE, FALSE), info = "'x' data flag is not set correctly in fourth test")
expect_equal(m$x, c(xVal[1], xInit[2]), info = "value of 'x' not correctly set in fourth test")
expect_equal(c('x[1]','x[2]') %in% m$getNodeNames(), c(TRUE, TRUE), info = "'x' nodes note correctly set in fourth test")
code <- nimbleCode({
x[1] ~ dnorm(mu,1)
x[2] ~ dnorm(mu,1)
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(x = xVal), inits = list(x = xInit)), "Ignoring non-NA values in `inits` for data nodes")
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), c(TRUE, FALSE), info = "'x' data flag is not set correctly in fifth test")
expect_equal(m$x, c(xVal[1], xInit[2]), info = "value of 'x' not correctly set in fifth test")
expect_equal(c('x[1]','x[2]') %in% m$getNodeNames(), c(TRUE, TRUE), info = "'x' nodes note correctly set in fifth test")
test_that("test of using dimensions of inits when dimension information not available:", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[k[i]], 1)
k[i] ~ dcat(p[1:5])
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rep(1, 3))), info = "expected error because dimension of mu is unknown")
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rep(1, 3)), inits = list(k = rep(1, 3), mu = 1:5))
expect_equal(m$modelDef$dimensionsList$mu, 5, info = "dimension for mu not equal to that given in inits")
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rep(1, 3)), inits = list(k = rep(1, 3), mu = 1:8), dimensions = list(mu = 5)), "Inconsistent dimensions between inits and dimensions")
test_that("test of using dimensions of data when dimension information not available:", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[k[i]], 1)
k[i] ~ dcat(p[1:5])
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rep(1, 3))), info = "expected error because dimension of mu is unknown")
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rep(1, 3), mu = 1:5), inits = list(k = rep(1, 3)))
expect_equal(m$modelDef$dimensionsList$mu, 5, info = "dimension for mu not equal to that given in data")
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rep(1, 3), mu = 1:8), inits = list(k = rep(1, 3)), dimensions = list(mu = 5)), info = "expected error because of dimension mismatch") # error emitted by setData() and warning by assignDimensions()
nimbleOptions(verbose = TRUE)
test_that("test of the handling of missing covariates:", {
code <- nimbleCode({
y[1] ~ dnorm(beta*x[1], 1)
y[2] ~ dnorm(beta*x[2], 1)
beta ~ dnorm(0, 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = c(1, 2)), constants = list(x = c(1, NA)))
expect_equal('x' %in% m$getVarNames(), FALSE, info = "'x' is not set as constant in first test")
code <- nimbleCode({
y[1] ~ dnorm(beta*x[1], 1)
y[2] ~ dnorm(beta*x[2], 1)
beta ~ dnorm(0, 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = c(1, 2), x = c(1, NA)))
expect_equal('x' %in% m$getVarNames(), TRUE, info = "'x' is not set as variable in second test")
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), c(TRUE, FALSE), info = "'x' data flags are not set correctly in second test")
expect_equal(sum(c("x[1]", "x[2]") %in% m$getNodeNames()), 0, info = "'x' appears incorrectly in nodes in second test")
code <- nimbleCode({
y[1] ~ dnorm(beta*x[1], 1)
y[2] ~ dnorm(beta*x[2], 1)
beta ~ dnorm(0, 1)
x[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = c(1, 2)), constants = list(x = c(1, NA)))
expect_equal('x' %in% m$getVarNames(), TRUE, info = "'x' is not set as variable in second test")
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), c(TRUE, FALSE), info = "'x' data flags are not set correctly in second test")
expect_equal(sum("x[1]" %in% m$getNodeNames()), 0, info = "'x[1]' appears incorrectly in nodes in second test")
expect_equal(sum("x[2]" %in% m$getNodeNames()), 1, info = "'x[2]' does not appears in nodes in second test")
code <- nimbleCode({
y[1] ~ dnorm(beta*x[1], 1)
y[2] ~ dnorm(beta*x[2], 1)
beta ~ dnorm(0, 1)
x[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = c(1, 2), x = c(1, NA)))
expect_equal('x' %in% m$getVarNames(), TRUE, info = "'x' is not set as variable in second test")
expect_equal(m$isData('x'), c(TRUE, FALSE), info = "'x' data flags are not set correctly in second test")
expect_equal(sum("x[1]" %in% m$getNodeNames()), 0, info = "'x[1]' appears incorrectly in nodes in second test")
expect_equal(sum("x[2]" %in% m$getNodeNames()), 1, info = "'x[2]' does not appears in nodes in second test")
test_that("test of error trapping for indexes that are zero or less:", {
code <- nimbleCode( {
for(i in 1:n)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[n-i], 1)})
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n=3)), 'index value of zero or less')
## test of use of alias names for distributions
test_that("use of dbin/dbinom and dnegbin/dnbinom are identical", {
model <- function() {
y ~ dnbinom(p, n)
p ~ dbeta(3,3)
yalt ~ dnegbin(p, n)
y2 ~ dbin(p2, n)
p2 ~ dbeta(3,3)
yalt2 ~ dbinom(p2, n)
data = list(y = 3, yalt = 3, y2 = 3, yalt2 = 3)
constants = list(n = 10)
inits <- list(p = 0.5, p2 = 0.5)
testBUGSmodel(example = 'test_dist_aliases', dir = "",
model = model, data = c(constants, data), inits = inits,
useInits = TRUE)
m <- nimbleModel(body(model), constants = constants, inits = inits, check = FALSE)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
simulate(m, c('y','y2'))
simulate(m, c('yalt','yalt2'))
simulate(cm, c('y','y2'))
simulate(cm, c('yalt','yalt2'))
expect_equal(m$y, m$yalt, info = "simulate gives different results for dnegbin and dnbinom")
expect_equal(getLogProb(m, 'y'), getLogProb(m, 'yalt'),
info = "calculate gives different results for dnegbin and dnbinom")
expect_equal(m$y2, m$yalt2, info = "simulate gives different results for dbin and dbinom")
expect_equal(getLogProb(m, 'y2'), getLogProb(m, 'yalt2'),
info = "calculate gives different results for dbin and dbinom")
expect_equal(cm$y, cm$yalt, info = "compiled simulate gives different results for dnegbin and dnbinom")
expect_equal(getLogProb(cm, 'y'), getLogProb(cm, 'yalt'),
info = "compiled calculate gives different results for dnegbin and dnbinom")
expect_equal(cm$y2, cm$yalt2, info = "compiled simulate gives different results for dbin and dbinom")
expect_equal(getLogProb(cm, 'y2'), getLogProb(cm, 'yalt2'),
info = "compiled calculate gives different results for dbin and dbinom")
test_that("test of using data frame as 'data' in model:", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
for(j in 1:2)
y[i,j] ~ dnorm(0, 1)
mu ~dnorm(0,1)
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = data.frame(a = 1:3, b = c('a','b','c')))), info = "expected error because data frame entry to data is non-numeric")
y <- data.frame(a = rnorm(3), b = rnorm(3))
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = y))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
y <- as.matrix(y); dimnames(y) <- NULL
expect_identical(m$y, y, info = "input data frame as data not handled correctly")
expect_identical(cm$y, y, info = "input data frame as data not handled correctly")
expect_error(m$setData(list(y = data.frame(a = 1:3, b = c('a','b','c')))))
test_that("test of using ragged arrays in a model:", {
mc <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:2) {
Z[i, 1:n[i]] <- 2*X[i, 1:n[i]]
n <- c(2, 3)
X <- matrix(1:6, nrow = 2)
constants <- list(n = n, X = X)
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)
expect_silent(m <- nimbleModel(mc, constants = constants))
nimbleOptions(verbose = TRUE)
test_that("warnings for multiply-defined model nodes:", {
code <- nimbleCode({
tmp ~ dnorm(0,1)
for(i in 1:3) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
mu ~ dnorm(mu0[i],1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code), "Multiple definitions", fixed = TRUE)
code <- nimbleCode({
tmp ~ dnorm(0,1)
for(i in 1:3) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
mu ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code), "Multiple definitions", fixed = TRUE)
code <- nimbleCode({
tmp ~ dnorm(0,1)
for(i in 1:3) {
for(j in 1:3)
mu[i+2,1] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code), "Multiple definitions", fixed = TRUE)
code <- nimbleCode({
tmp ~ dnorm(0,1)
for(i in 1:3) {
for(j in 1:3)
for(k in 1:3)
mu[i+2,1,1] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code), "Multiple definitions", fixed = TRUE)
test_that("handling of missing indexes of expressions:", {
code = nimbleCode({
mn[1:2] <- (X[1:2,1:2] %*% beta[1:2,1:2])[,1]
y[1:2] ~ dmnorm( mn[1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
m = nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rnorm(2)),
inits = list(X = matrix(1, 2,2), beta = matrix(2,2,2), pr = diag(2)))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
expect_true(is.numeric(cm$calculate('y')), "incorrectly not dealing with missing index in ()[] expression")
code = nimbleCode({
mn[1:2] <- (X[1:2,] %*% beta[1:2,1:2])[,1]
y[1:2] ~ dmnorm( mn[1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
m = nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rnorm(2)),
inits = list(X = matrix(1, 2,2), beta = matrix(2,2,2), pr = diag(2)))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
expect_true(is.numeric(cm$calculate('y')), "incorrectly not dealing with missing index in ()[] expression")
code = nimbleCode({
mn[1:2] <- (X[1:2,] %*% beta[1:2,1:2])[,1]
y[1:2] ~ dmnorm( mn[1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rnorm(2)),
inits = list(beta = matrix(2,2,2), pr = diag(2))),
"missing indices", info = "not catching missing indices")
code = nimbleCode({
mn[1:2] <- (X[1:2,] %*% beta[1:2,1:2])[,1]
y[1:2] ~ dmnorm( mn[1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
## Having trouble with consistency in whether output or message is produced,
## so just run nimbleModel and test_that should fail if error occurs.
m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rnorm(2)),
inits = list(beta = matrix(2,2,2), pr = diag(2)),
dimensions = list(X = c(2,2)))
## "model building finished",
## info = "incorrectly handling missing indices with dims present")
code = nimbleCode({
mn[1:2] <- (X[1:2,1:2] %*% beta[1:2,1:2])[k[,1],1]
y[1:2] ~ dmnorm( mn[1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rnorm(2)),
inits = list(X = matrix(1, 2, 2), beta = matrix(2,2,2), pr = diag(2))),
"missing indices", info = "not catching missing indices in model variable within indexing of ()")
code = nimbleCode({
mn[1:2] <- (X[1:2,1:2] %*% beta[1:2,1:2])[k[,1],1]
y[1:2] ~ dmnorm( mn[1:2], pr[1:2,1:2])
m = nimbleModel(code, data = list(y = rnorm(2)),
inits = list(X = matrix(1, 2, 2), beta = matrix(2,2,2), pr = diag(2)),
dimensions = list(k = c(2,2)))
cm <- compileNimble(m) # if compilation fails, test_that should catch this; having trouble using expect_message as behavior of whether a message is detected seems to differ when running tests locally versus Travis.
test_that("handling of missing indexes of expressions, part 2:", {
## Testing that case like `myfun()[,1]` handled similarly to the above case.
myfun0 <- nimbleFunction(
run = function() {
out = matrix(3.1, 3, 3)
myfun1 <- nimbleFunction(
run = function(x = double(0)) {
out = matrix(x, 3, 3)
myfun2 <- nimbleFunction(
run = function(x = double(1), y = double(0)) {
out = matrix(x[1], 3, 3)
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- myfun0()[,1]
m <- nimbleModel(code)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- (myfun0())[,1]
m <- nimbleModel(code)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- myfun1(b)[,1]
m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(b = 3.1))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- myfun2(b[1:3, 1], 7)[,1]
m <- nimbleModel(code)
cm <- compileNimble(m)
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- myfun2(b[ , 1], 7)[,1]
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code), "missing indices")
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- myfun2(b[1:3, 1], 7)[,1]
m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(b = matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- myfun0()[k[,1],1]
m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k=matrix(2, 3,3)))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
code <- nimbleCode({
a[1:3] <- myfun0()[k[,1],1]
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code), "missing indices")
test_that("warning when RHS only nodes used as dynamic indexes", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[k[i]+1], 1)
for(i in 1:3)
mu[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(k = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)
expect_silent(m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(k = rep(1,3))))
nimbleOptions(verbose = TRUE)
myfun <- nimbleFunction(run = function(x = double()) {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[myfun(k[i])], 1)
for(i in 1:3)
mu[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[k[j[i]]+1], 1)
for(i in 1:3)
mu[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3)), constants = list(j=1:3)), "Detected use of non-constant indexes")
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3), j=1:3)),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
## We don't detect when deterministic node intervenes.
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[k[i]+1], 1)
k[i] <- kk[i] + 1
for(i in 1:5)
mu[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
## Checking that no warning; if this were to warn, it would cause error
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)
expect_silent(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3)), constants = list(kk = 1:3)))
expect_silent(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3), kk = 1:3)))
nimbleOptions(verbose = TRUE)
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[2, k[i]+j[i]],1)
for(i in 1:3)
for(ii in 1:4)
mu[i, ii] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3), j = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3)), constants = list(j = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[k[i]+1, k[i]+j[i]],1)
for(i in 1:3)
for(ii in 1:4)
mu[i, ii] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3), j = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3)), constants = list(j = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
y[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:2, k[i]], prec[1:2,1:2])
for(i in 1:3)
mu[1:2, i] ~ dmnorm(z[1:2], prec[1:2,1:2])
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(k = rep(1,3))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
## Checking that no warning; if this were to warn, it would cause error
nimbleOptions(verbose = FALSE)
expect_silent(m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(k = rep(1,3))))
nimbleOptions(verbose = TRUE)
## To test for problem raised in issue #996
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:5)
y[i] ~ dnorm(X[idx[i, 1],idx[i, 2]]*X[idx[i, 1], idx[i, 4]], 1)
for(i in 1:6)
for(j in 1:6)
X[i,j] ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y=rnorm(5), idx = matrix(rep(1:6), 6, 6))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, data = list(y=rnorm(5)), inits = list(idx = matrix(rep(1:6), 6, 6))),
"Detected use of non-constant indexes")
test_that("handling of contiguous blocks", {
## Before issue 1015 fixed, this would error out.
code <- nimbleCode({
R[1:n,1:n] <- exp(-dist[1:n, 1:n])
for(i in 1:n)
y[i] ~ dnorm(0, sd = R[i,i])
n <- 4
dd <- matrix(1, n, n); dd[1,4] <- dd[4,1] <- dd[2,3] <- dd[3,2] <- sqrt(2)
diag(dd) <- 0
model <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(n = n), inits = list(dist = dd))
indArr <- matrix(1, 3, 3)
diag(indArr) <- c(2, 3, 1)
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%3, 1%.s%3]', 'y[1, 1]', 'y[2, 2]'))
indArr <- matrix(1, 3, 3)
diag(indArr) <- c(2, 3, 4)
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%3, 1%.s%3]', 'y[1, 1]', 'y[2, 2]', 'y[3, 3]'))
indArr <- matrix(1, 4, 4)
indArr[2:3, 1:3] <- 2
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%4, 1%.s%4]', 'y[2:3, 1:3]'))
indArr <- matrix(1, 4, 4)
indArr[2:3, c(1,3)] <- indArr[2:3, c(1,3)] <- 2
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%4, 1%.s%4]', 'y[2:3, 1%.s%3]'))
indArr <- array(1, c(3, 3, 3))
indArr[1:2, 1:2, 2] <- 2
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%3, 1%.s%3, 1%.s%3]', 'y[1:2, 1:2, 2]'))
indArr <- array(1, c(3, 3, 3))
indArr[1:2, 1:2, 1:2] <- 2
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%3, 1%.s%3, 1%.s%3]', 'y[1:2, 1:2, 1:2]'))
indArr <- array(1, c(3, 3, 3))
indArr[1, 1, 1] <- indArr[2, 2, 1] <- 2
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%3, 1%.s%3, 1%.s%3]', 'y[1%.s%2, 1%.s%2, 1]'))
indArr <- array(1, c(3, 3, 3))
indArr[1, 1, 1] <- indArr[2, 2, 2] <- 2
out <- nimble:::makeVertexNamesFromIndexArray2(indArr, varName = 'y')
expect_identical(out$names, c('y[1%.s%3, 1%.s%3, 1%.s%3]', 'y[1%.s%2, 1%.s%2, 1%.s%2]'))
## Another case that would formerly error out
code <- nimbleCode({
R[1:3,1:3] <- exp(-dist[1:3, 1:3])
y[1] ~ dnorm(0, sd = R[1,1])
y[2] ~ dnorm(0, sd = R[1,2])
y[3] ~ dnorm(0, sd = R[2,1])
y[4] ~ dnorm(0, sd = R[2,3])
y[5] ~ dnorm(0, sd = R[3,2])
y[6] ~ dnorm(0, sd = R[3,3])
n <- 4
dd <- matrix(1, n, n); dd[1,4] <- dd[4,1] <- dd[2,3] <- dd[3,2] <- sqrt(2)
diag(dd) <- 0
model <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(dist = dd[1:3,1:3]))
test_that("error produced when variable used in index", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:2)
y[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
m <- nimbleModel(code)
idx <- 1
## Check introduced in v0.10.1 disabled because not robust; see NCT issue 293
expect_failure(expect_error(m$expandNodeNames("y[idx]"), "parseEvalNumericMany: a variable was found"))
test_that("dmvt usage", {
code <- nimbleCode({
y1[1:n] ~ dmvt(z[1:n], pr[1:n, 1:n], 4)
y2[1:n] ~ dmvt(z[1:n], scale = pr[1:n, 1:n], df = 4)
n <- 3
m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(pr = diag(rep(2,n))), constants = list(n = n))
expect_identical(m$getParam('y1[1:3]', 'prec'), diag(rep(2, n)))
expect_equal(m$getParam('y2[1:3]', 'prec'), diag(rep(0.5, n)))
test_that("bad size or dimension of initial values", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:3)
z[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
a[1:3,1:2] <- b[1:3,1:2]
## Bad dim for nimbleModel
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(z = matrix(rnorm(9), 3))),
"inconsistent dimensionality")
m <- nimbleModel(code)
expect_message(m$setInits(list(z = matrix(rnorm(9), 3))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
expect_output(cm <- compileNimble(m), "Incorrect number of dimensions")
expect_identical(cm$z, rep(0, 3))
expect_message(cm$setInits(list(z = matrix(rnorm(9), 3))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(b = rnorm(2))),
"inconsistent dimensionality")
m <- nimbleModel(code)
expect_message(m$setInits(list(b = rnorm(2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
expect_output(cm <- compileNimble(m), "R object of different size")
expect_identical(cm$b, matrix(0, 3, 2))
expect_message(cm$setInits(list(b = rnorm(2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
## Too many values
## For better or worse, length of 5 gets baked in based on inits.
## TODO: do we want to reconsider whether this should error out?
m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(z = rnorm(5)))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
expect_identical(m$z, cm$z)
m <- nimbleModel(code)
expect_message(m$setInits(list(z=rnorm(5))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
expect_output(cm <- compileNimble(m), "R object of different size")
expect_identical(cm$z, rep(0, 3))
expect_message(cm$setInits(list(z=rnorm(5))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
### matrix
## For better or worse, 4x2 gets baked in based on inits.
## TODO: do we want to reconsider whether this should error out?
m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(b = matrix(rnorm(8),4,2)))
cm <- compileNimble(m)
expect_identical(m$b, cm$b)
m <- nimbleModel(code)
expect_message(m$setInits(list(b = matrix(rnorm(8),4,2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
expect_output(cm <- compileNimble(m), "R object of different size")
expect_identical(cm$b, matrix(0, 3, 2))
expect_message(cm$setInits(list(b = matrix(rnorm(8),4,2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
## Too few values
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(z = rnorm(2))),
"dimensions specified are smaller")
m <- nimbleModel(code)
expect_message(m$setInits(list(z=rnorm(2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
expect_output(cm <- compileNimble(m), "R object of different size")
expect_identical(cm$z, rep(0, 3))
expect_message(cm$setInits(list(z=rnorm(2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
### matrix
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code, inits = list(b = matrix(rnorm(4),2,2))),
"dimensions specified are smaller")
m <- nimbleModel(code)
expect_message(m$setInits(list(b = matrix(rnorm(4),2,2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
expect_output(cm <- compileNimble(m), "R object of different size")
expect_identical(cm$b, matrix(0, 3, 2))
expect_message(cm$setInits(list(b = matrix(rnorm(4),2,2))), "Incorrect size or dimension")
test_that("Example of splitVertices bug from Issue 1268 works.", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for (i in 1:2) {
for (j in 1:2){
b[i,j] <- X[i, index[j]]
for (i in 1:2) {
y[i] <- sum(a[1:2, index[i]])
expect_no_error(Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(index=c(1,1))))
test_that("Reserved keywords as model vars are trapped.", {
code <- nimbleCode({
double ~ dnorm(0,1)
expect_error(m <- nimbleModel(code), "Found variable name that conflicts")
test_that("Warning printed when indexing info in user environment.", {
code <- nimbleCode({
for(i in 1:N)
y[i] ~ dnorm(0,1)
N <- 3
expect_message(m <- nimbleModel(code, constants = list(foo=3)),
"Information has been found in the user's environment")
options(warn = RwarnLevel)
nimbleOptions(verbose = nimbleVerboseSetting)
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