
Defines functions update.reStruct summary.reStruct solve.reStruct recalc.reStruct print.reStruct needUpdate.reStruct Names.reStruct model.matrix.reStruct logLik.reStruct logDet.reStruct Initialize.reStruct isInitialized.reStruct getGroupsFormula.reStruct formula.reStruct coef.reStruct as.matrix.reStruct pdMatrix.reStruct pdFactor.reStruct corMatrix.reStruct reStruct

Documented in as.matrix.reStruct coef.reStruct corMatrix.reStruct formula.reStruct getGroupsFormula.reStruct Initialize.reStruct logDet.reStruct logLik.reStruct model.matrix.reStruct Names.reStruct needUpdate.reStruct pdFactor.reStruct pdMatrix.reStruct print.reStruct recalc.reStruct reStruct solve.reStruct summary.reStruct update.reStruct

###      Methods for the class of random-effects structures.
### Copyright 2006-2020 The R Core team
### Copyright 1997-2003  Jose C. Pinheiro,
###                      Douglas M. Bates <bates@stat.wisc.edu>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

##*## Generics that should be implemented for any reStruct class

###*# Constructor

reStruct <-
  function(object, pdClass = "pdLogChol", REML = FALSE, data = sys.frame(sys.parent()))
  ## object can be:
  ## 1) a named list of formulas or pdMats with grouping factors as names
  ##    (assume same order of nesting as order of names)
  ## 2) a formula of the form ~ x | g or ~ x | g1/g2/../gn
  ## 3) a list of formulas like ~x | g
  ## 4) a formula like ~x, a pdMat object, or a list of such
  ##    formulas or objects . In this case, the data used to
  ##    initialize the reStruct will be required to inherit from class
  ##    "groupedData"
  ## 5) another reStruct object
  ## parametrization specifies the pdMat constructor to be used for all
  ## formulas used in object

  if (inherits(object, "reStruct")) {	# little to do, return object
    if (!missing(REML)) attr(object, "settings")[1] <- as.integer(REML)
    object[] <- lapply(object, pdMat, data=data)
  plen <- NULL
  if (inherits(object, "formula")) {	# given as a formula
    if (is.null(grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(object, asList = TRUE))) {
      object <- list( object )
    } else {
      if (length(object) == 3) {        # nlme type of formula
        object <-
          eval(parse(text = paste(deparse(getResponseFormula(object)[[2]]),
                       deparse(getCovariateFormula(object)[[2]], width.cutoff=500),
                     sep = "~")))
      } else {
        object <- getCovariateFormula(object)
      object <- rep( list(object), length( grpForm ) )
      names( object ) <- names( grpForm )
  } else if (inherits(object, "pdMat")) { # single group, as pdMat
    if (is.null(formula(object))) {
      stop("\"pdMat\" element must have a formula")
    object <- list(object)
  } else {
      stop("'object' must be a list or a formula")
    ## checking if nlme-type list - unnamed list of 2-sided formulas
    if (is.null(names(object)) &&
                   function(el) inherits(el, "formula") && length(el) == 3,
                   NA))) {
      object <- list(object)
    } else {
      ## checking if elements are valid
      object <- lapply(object,
                       function(el) {
                         if (inherits(el, "pdMat")) {
                           if (is.null(formula(el))) {
                             stop("\"pdMat\" elements must have a formula")
                         if (inherits(el, "formula")) {
                           grpForm <- getGroupsFormula(el)
                           if (!is.null(grpForm)) {
                             el <- getCovariateFormula(el)
                             attr(el, "grpName") <- deparse(grpForm[[2]])
                         } else {
                           if (is.list(el) &&
                               all(vapply(el, function(el1) {
                                 inherits(el1, "formula") && length(el1) == 3
                               }, NA))) { return(el) }
                           else {
                 stop("elements in 'object' must be formulas or \"pdMat\" objects")
    if (is.null(namObj <- names(object))) {
      namObj <- rep("", length(object))
    aux <- unlist(lapply(object,
			 function(el) {
			   if (inherits(el, "formula") &&
			       !is.null(attr(el, "grpName"))) {
			     attr(el, "grpName")
			   } else ""
    auxNam <- namObj == ""
    if (any(auxNam)) {
      namObj[auxNam] <- aux[auxNam]
    names(object) <- namObj

  ## converting elements in object to pdMat objects
  object <- lapply(object,
		   function(el, pdClass, data) {
#                     if (data.class(el) == "pdSymm")
#                       warning("class pdSymm may cause problems if using analytic gradients")
		     pdMat(el, pdClass = pdClass, data = data)
		   }, pdClass = pdClass, data = data)

  object <- rev(object)			# inner to outer groups
  if (all(vapply(object, isInitialized, NA))) {
    plen <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el) length(coef(el))))
  pC <- unlist(lapply(object, data.class)) ## FIXME! Wrong by design
  pC <- match(pC, c("pdSymm", "pdDiag", "pdIdent", "pdCompSymm",
                    "pdLogChol"), 0L) - 1L
#  if (any(pC == -1)) {                 # multiple nesting
#    pC <- -1
#  }
  ## at this point, always require asDelta = TRUE and gradHess = 0
  attr(object, "settings") <- c(as.integer(REML), 1L, 0L, pC)
  attr(object, "plen") <- plen
  class(object) <- "reStruct"

###*# Methods for pdMat generics

corMatrix.reStruct <-
  function(object, ...)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
  as.list(rev(lapply(object, corMatrix)))

pdFactor.reStruct <-
  unlist(lapply(object, pdFactor))

pdMatrix.reStruct <-
  function(object, factor = FALSE)
  if (!isInitialized(object)) {
    stop("cannot access the matrix of uninitialized objects")
  as.list(rev(lapply(object, pdMatrix, factor)))

###*# Methods for standard generics

as.matrix.reStruct <-
  function(x, ...) pdMatrix(x)

coef.reStruct <-
  function(object, unconstrained = TRUE, ...)
  unlist(lapply(object, coef, unconstrained))

"coef<-.reStruct" <-
  function(object, ..., value)
  if (is.null(plen <- attr(object, "plen"))) {
    stop("cannot change the parameter when ength of parameters is undefined")
  if (length(value) != sum(plen)) {
    stop("cannot change parameter length of initialized objects")
  ends <- cumsum(plen)
  starts <- 1 + c(0, ends[-length(ends)])
  for (i in seq_along(object)) {
    coef(object[[i]]) <- value[(starts[i]):(ends[i])]

formula.reStruct <-
  function(x, asList = FALSE, ...)
  as.list(lapply(x, formula, asList))

getGroupsFormula.reStruct <-
  function(object, asList = FALSE, sep)
  if (is.null(val <- rev(formula(object)))) {
    stop("cannot extract groups formula without a formula")
  if (is.null(nVal <- names(val))) return(NULL)
  if (asList) {
    for(i in nVal) {
      val[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = paste("~",i)))
  } else {
    val <- eval(parse(text = paste("~",paste(nVal, collapse = "/"))))

isInitialized.reStruct <-
  function(object) all(unlist(lapply(object, isInitialized)))

Initialize.reStruct <-
  function(object, data, conLin, control = list(niterEM = 20), ...)
  ## initialize reStruct object, possibly getting initial estimates
  seqO <- seq_along(object)
  ## check if names are defined
  lNams <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el) length(Names(el)))) == 0
  if (any(lNams)) {			# need to resolve formula names
    aux <- seqO[lNams]
    object[aux] <- lapply(object[aux],
			  function(el, data) {
			    pdConstruct(el, el, data = data)
			  }, data = data)
  ## obtaining the parameters mapping
  plen <- unlist(lapply(object, function(el)
			  if (isInitialized(el)) {
			  } else {
			    matrix(el) <- diag(length(Names(el)))
  if (!all(plen > 0)) {
    stop("all elements of a \"reStruct\" object must have a non-zero size")
  attr(object, "plen") <- plen

  ## checking initialization
  isIni <- vapply(object, isInitialized, NA)
  if (!all(isIni)) {			# needs initialization
    dims <- conLin$dims
    Q <- dims$Q
    qvec <- dims$qvec[1:Q]
    auxInit <-
      lapply(split(0.375^2 * colSums((conLin$Xy[, 1:sum(qvec), drop = FALSE])^2) /
                   rep(dims$ngrps[1:Q], qvec), rep(1:Q, qvec)),
	     function(x) diag(x, length(x)))
  for(i in seqO) {
    if (isIni[i]) {
      object[[i]] <- solve(object[[i]])	#working with precisions
    } else {
      matrix(object[[i]]) <- auxInit[[i]]
  MEEM(object, conLin, control$niterEM) # refine initial estimates with EM

logDet.reStruct <- function(object, ...)  vapply(object, logDet, numeric(1))

logLik.reStruct <- function(object, conLin, ...)
  if(any(!is.finite(conLin$Xy))) return(-Inf)
  ## 17-11-2015; Fixed sigma patch; SH Heisterkamp; Quantitative Solutions
  dims <- conLin$dims
  settings <- as.integer(attr(object, "settings"))
  REML <- settings[[1L]]
  val <- .C(mixed_loglik,
     settings, ## == c(REML, asDelta {= 1L}, gradHess {= 0L}, pdClass {= pC})
     loglik = double(1),
     lRSS = double(1),

  if (conLin$sigma > 0 && REML == 1) {
     ## nc <- dims$ncol; p <- nc[dims$Q + 1]
     N <- dims$N
     aux <- N * log(conLin$sigma) - exp(val[["lRSS"]]) /  (2*conLin$sigma)
     val[["loglik"]] + aux
  } else {

"matrix<-.reStruct" <-
  function(object, value)
  if (data.class(value) != "list") value <- list(value)
  if (length(value) != length(object)) {
    stop("cannot change the length of 'object'")
  value <- rev(value)                   # same order as object
  for(i in seq_along(object)) {
    matrix(object[[i]]) <- value[[i]]

model.matrix.reStruct <-
  function(object, data, contrast = NULL, ...)
  if (is.null(form <- formula(object, asList = TRUE))) {
    stop("cannot extract model matrix without formula")
  form1 <- asOneFormula(form)
  if (length(form1) > 0) {
    data <- model.frame(form1, data = data)
  } else {
    data <- data.frame("(Intercept)" = rep(1, nrow(data)))
  any2list <- function( object, data, contrast ) {
    form2list <- function(form, data, contrast) {
      if (length(asOneFormula( form )) == 0) {# the ~ 1 case
        return(list("(Intercept)" = rep(1, dim(data)[1])))
                                         model.frame(form, data),
    if (inherits( object, "formula" )) {
      return( form2list( object, data, contrast ) )
    if (is.list( object ) ) {
      return( unlist(lapply(object, form2list, data = data, contrast = contrast),
                     recursive = FALSE ) )
    return( NULL)
  value <- as.list(lapply(form, any2list,
                          data = data, contrast = contrast))
  ## save the contrasts currently in effect for later predictions
  contr <- as.list(lapply( as.data.frame(data), function(x)
                  if( inherits( x, "factor" ) &&
                     length(levels(x)) > 1) contrasts(x) else NULL ))
  contr[names(contrast)] <- contrast

  ncols <- lengths(value)
  nams <- if (length(value) == 1) {
  } else {
    paste(rep(names(value), ncols), unlist(lapply(value, names)), sep = ".")
  structure(matrix(unlist(value), nrow = nrow(data),
		   dimnames = list(row.names(data), nams)),
	    ncols = ncols,
	    nams = lapply(value, names),
	    contr = contr)

Names.reStruct <-
    function(object, ...)
    as.list(lapply(object, Names))

"Names<-.reStruct" <-
  function(object, ..., value)
  if (length(object) != length(value)) {
    stop("incompatible lengths for object names")
  for(i in seq_along(object)) {
    Names(object[[i]]) <- value[[i]]

needUpdate.reStruct <-
  function(object) FALSE

print.reStruct <-
  function(x, sigma = 1, reEstimates, verbose = FALSE, ...)
  ox <- x
  if (isInitialized(x)) {
    nobj <- length(x)
    if (is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- nobj:1
    aux <- t(array(rep(names(x), nobj), c(nobj, nobj)))
    aux[lower.tri(aux)] <- ""
    x[] <- rev(x)
    names(x) <-
      rev(apply(aux, 1, function(x) paste(x[x != ""], collapse = " %in% ")))
    cat("Random effects:\n")
    for(i in seq_along(x)) {
      print(summary(x[[i]]), sigma, Level = names(x)[i],
            resid = (i == length(x)), ...)
      if (verbose) {
	cat("Random effects estimates:\n")
  } else {
    cat("Uninitialized random effects structure\n")

recalc.reStruct <-
  function(object, conLin, ...)
  conLin[["logLik"]] <- conLin[["logLik"]] + logLik(object, conLin)

solve.reStruct <-
  function(a, b, ...)
  a[] <- lapply(a, solve)

summary.reStruct <- function(object, ...) object

update.reStruct <- function(object, data, ...) object

"[.reStruct" <- function(x, ...)
  val <- NextMethod()
  if (length(val)) class(val) <- "reStruct"

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