
Defines functions Pwr

Documented in Pwr

## -> Pwr function
#' Calculates power based on a model fit
#' This function is generic; method functions can be written to handle specific classes of objects.
#' @export
#' @param object an object containing the results returned by a model fitting function (e.g., \code{lme}).
#' @param \dots some methods for this generic function may require additional arguments.
#' @return numeric scalar value.
#' @author Andrzej Galecki and Tomasz Burzykowski
#' @seealso \code{\link{Pwr.lme}}
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'   Pwr (fm1)
#' }
Pwr <-  function(object, ...) UseMethod("Pwr")

## -> Pwr.lme function
#' Performs power calculations
#' This is method for \code{Pwr()} generic function. It works fine for an
#' example given in the book. It may require additional testing, especially for
#' post-hoc power analysis
#' @method Pwr lme
#' @param object an object containing \code{lme} fit, which provides information needed for power calculations
#' @param \dots some additional arguments may be required.
#' @param type an optional character string specifying the type of sum of squares to be used in F-tests 
#'  needed for power calculations. Syntax is the same as for \code{anova.lme()} in \code{nlme} package.
#' @param Terms an optional integer or character vector specifying which terms
#'  in the model should be jointly tested to be zero using a Wald F-test. See
#'  \code{anova.lme} in \code{nlme} package for details.
#' @param L an optional numeric vector or array specifying linear combinations
#'  of the coefficients in the model that should be tested to be zero. See
#'  \code{anova.lme} in \code{nlme} package for details.
#' @param verbose an optional logical value. See \code{anova.lme} in nlme package for details.
#' @param sigma numeric scalar value.
#' @param ddf numeric scalar value. Argument can be used to redefine default number of denominator degrees of freedom
#' @param alpha numeric scalar value. By default 0.05.
#' @param altB matrix/vector containing alternative values for beta parameters
#' @param tol numeric scalar value.
#' @return a data frame inheriting from class Pwr.lme
#' @S3method Pwr lme
#' @author Andrzej Galecki and Tomasz Burzykowski
#' @seealso \code{\link{anova.lme}}
Pwr.lme <- function (object, ...,
    type = c("sequential", "marginal"), 
    Terms, L, verbose = FALSE, sigma, ddf= numeric(0), alpha=0.05,
    altB = NULL, tol = 1e-10) 
## Arguments: 
##  1. object: one object only
#   2. adjustSigma set to FALSE. (Try to explore adjustSigma argument if missing(sigma) 
#   3. Alternative altB name

   .functionName <- "Pwr.lme"                                # Function name
   .traceR <- if (is.null(options()$traceR)) function(...){} else options()$.traceR    

   .traceR(1, lbl = "-> Pwr.lme starts")
   if (!inherits(object, "lme")) {
            stop("Object must inherit from class \"lme\" ")

  Lmiss <- missing(L)
  Tmiss <- missing(Terms)    
  Lx <- !Tmiss || !Lmiss     # Contrasts matrix L can be created 
  fixefs <- object$coefficients$fixed
  fixefNms <- names(fixefs)
  if (!Lx && !missing(sigma)) stop("L or Terms arguments need to be specified with non-missing sigma argument") 
  ### optx <- if (object$sigma < tol) FALSE else TRUE
if (!Tmiss && Lmiss){          # IF 1  (Check this part)
.traceR(101, lbl = "IF1", store = FALSE)
##  Based on Terms argument L matrix is created (with colnames)
##  Colnames assigned

cLnms <- fixefNms
assign <- attr(object$fixDF, "assign")
nTerms <- length(assign)
nX <- length(unlist(assign))
L <- diag(nX)[unlist(assign[Terms]), , drop = FALSE]
colnames(L) <- cLnms 
cLnms <- NULL

if (!missing(sigma)) object <- sigmaTolme(object,  value=sigma) # nlmeU::: 

x <- anova(object, adjustSigma=FALSE,
   test=TRUE,type=type, L=L, verbose=verbose)  # ANOVA results stored in x 

rt <- attr(x,"rt")   ### Check whether rt is needed

ndf <- x[["numDF"]]

ddf2 <- if (length(ddf)) ddf else x[["denDF"]] #  ddf2 is needed
rankL <- ndf

.traceR(20, lbl = "Before if Lx")

if (Lx){ 
.traceR(201, lbl = "if Lx", store = FALSE) 
 ## Terms or L present: cLnms created for later use
dimL <-  if (Lmiss) NULL else dim(L)             # Extract clNms from L argument
condt <- !Lmiss && is.null(dimL)
## cLnms over-written
cLnms <- if (condt) names(L) else colnames(L)  


.traceR(202, lbl = "ifLxBefore")
if (!is.null(altB) && Lx){ # START
.traceR(210, lbl = "IF 4", store = FALSE)

 if (!Lmiss && is.null(dimL))  {
.traceR(211, lbl = "IF 3", store = FALSE)
   #print("if here 2")
   dim(L) <- c(1,length(L))  # L is matrix
   colnames(L) <- cLnms
.traceR(215, lbl = "altB")
  ### Go through altB
  altBdt <- as.data.frame(altB)
  altBnrow <- nrow(altBdt)
  altBnms  <- names(altBdt)
  fixefx <- object$coefficients$fixed
  dt1 <- data.frame(matrix(rep(fixefx, altBnrow), nrow= altBnrow, byrow = TRUE))
  names(dt1) <- fixefNms
  dt1[, altBnms] <- altBdt

##  Trimming dimensions
vcovb <- object$varFix
  if (length(cLnms) < length(fixefNms)){
  vcovb <- vcovb[cLnms,cLnms]
  dt1efs  <- as.matrix(dt1[cLnms])
.traceR(216, lbl = "altB")

Fstat <- function(bx) {
   b1 <- L %*% bx
   res0 <- t(b1) %*% solve( L %*% vcovb %*% t(L)) %*% b1
   # Return Lcontrasts i.e. b1 vector together with res0

FstatAll <- apply(dt1efs, 1, Fstat)
.traceR(217, lbl = "FstatAll")
#dtAll1  <- data.frame(dt1,  numDF = ndf, denDF = ddf2, 
#          Fvalue = FstatAll)

dtAll2 <- within(dt1, {
   numDF <- ndf
   denDF <- ddf2
   Fvalue <- FstatAll
   Fcrit <- qf(1-alpha, numDF, denDF)
   nc   <- Fvalue * numDF
   Power <- 1- pf(Fcrit, numDF,denDF,nc)
.traceR(218, lbl = "EXITdtAll2")
}  # END
.traceR(21, lbl = "ifLx After")
Fcrit <- qf(1-alpha, ndf, ddf2)

ncx <- x[["F-value"]]*ndf  # Rescaling not needed

Power <- 1- pf(Fcrit, ndf, ddf2, ncx) 

F0val <- x[["F-value"]] 
.traceR(25, lbl=  "F0val")

ret <- data.frame(x$numDF, ddf2, F0val, ncx, Power) #Fcrit omitted

    varNames <- c("numDF", "denDF","F-value", "nc", "Power")  # Fcrit omitted
          vcovb <- object$varFix 

    .traceR(30, lbl=  "if attr(x,L) before")
          if (!is.null(axL <- attr(x, "L"))) {  # L mtx specified
            .traceR(301, lbl= "IF5", store = FALSE)      
          if (!Tmiss) lab <- paste("Power calculations for effect(s):", 
               paste(Terms, collapse = ", "), "\n",
               " represented by linear combination: \n")
          if (!Lmiss)  lab <- "Power calculations for a linear combination: \n"
            dimL <- dim(L)
            if (is.null(dimL)) names(L) <- cLnms
            attr(ret,"L") <- L
          names(ret) <- varNames
          } else {   #  L not-specified. Effects tested one by one.
         .traceR(302, lbl= "ELSE5", store = FALSE)       
            # lab <- paste("Power calculations for effect(s):", Terms,"\n")  
           dimnames(ret) <- list(rownames(x),varNames)  ## ???
   .traceR(30, lbl=  "if attr(x,L) after")  
  ### Modify lab.
  ### if alpha= ne 0.05 then paste(lab, alpha=)
  ### if ddf is NULL then warning ddf2 incorrect
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "label"))) {  
      attr(ret,"label") <- lab 
      } else {
      attr(ret,"label") <- "Power calculations: \n" 
attr(ret, "coefficients") <- object$coefficients$fixed
attr(ret,"varFixed")   <- vcovb
attr(ret,"alpha") <- alpha
attr(ret,"rt") <- rt

class(ret)  <- c("Pwr.lme","data.frame")
.traceR(1, lbl="Pwr.lme ENDS <-")

#' @S3method print Pwr
print.Pwr <- function (x, verbose = attr(x, "verbose"), ...) 
    if ((rt <- attr(x, "rt")) == 1) {
        if (!is.null(lab <- attr(x, "label"))) {
            if (!is.null(L <- attr(x, "L"))) {
        ## cat("??print \n")
        pval <- format(round(x[, "Power"], 4))
        pval[as.double(pval) == 0] <- "<.0001"
        x[, "F-value"] <- format(zapsmall(x[, "F-value"]))
        x[, "nc"] <- format(zapsmall(x[, "nc"]))
        ## x[, "Fcrit"] <- format(zapsmall(round(x[, "Fcrit"], 3)))
        x[, "Power"] <- pval

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nlmeU documentation built on May 2, 2022, 5:07 p.m.