
Defines functions errors.character errors.numeric errors estimates.character estimates.numeric estimates parameters.character parameters.numeric parameters .parameters likebut tweak.default runlog.character runlog.numeric runlog .runlog unionRollUp.list unionRollUp depends.default cascade dependsOne depends but.default but like.default like problem.character problem.numeric problem problem_

Documented in but but.default depends depends.default errors errors.character errors.numeric estimates estimates.character estimates.numeric like likebut like.default parameters parameters.character parameters.numeric problem problem_ problem.character problem.numeric runlog runlog.character runlog.numeric tweak.default


#' Identify the Single Model Problem Statement
#' Identifies a single model problem statement.
#' @param x character
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family problem
problem_ <- function(
  y <- read.model(modelfile(x,...))
  p <- y$prob
  p <- p[p != '']
  if(length(p) == 0) stop('no problem information')
  extra <- character(0)
  if(length(p) > 1) extra <- p[2:length(p)]
  if(any(grepl('^\\s*[^;]',extra)))warning('found secondary $PROBLEM lines where first non-space character is not semicolon')
  # if(length(p) != 1)
  #   warning('problem statement does not have exactly one non-blank line')
  p <- p[[1]] # work with first line
  p <- sub('^ +','',p) # remove leading space
  p <- sub(' +$','',p) # remove trailing space
  # impute delimiters for natural language like-but statements
  if(grepl('^like', p, ignore.case = TRUE)){
    p <- sub('like\\s+(\\S+)\\s+but\\s+(.+)','//like/\\1//but/\\2//', p, ignore.case = TRUE)

#' Identify the Model Problem Statement
#' Identifies the model problem statement.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family problem
#' @keywords internal
problem <- function(x,...)UseMethod('problem')

#' Identify the Model Problem Statement for Numeric
#' Identifies the model problem statement for numeric. Coerces to character.
#' @inheritParams problem
#' @export
#' @family problem
#' @keywords internal
problem.numeric <- function(x,...)problem(as.character(x))

#' Identify the Model Problem Statement for Character
#' Identifies the model problem statement for character (model name).
#' @inheritParams problem
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family problem
problem.character <- function(x,...)sapply(x,problem_, ...)

#' Identify What Something is Like
#' Identifies what something is like.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family like
#' @keywords internal
like <- function(x,...)UseMethod('like')

#' Identify the Relevant Reference Model
#' Identifies the relevant reference model, i.e. the 'parent' of x.
#' @inheritParams like
#' @return character
#' @import encode
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family like
like.default <- function(x, ...){
  m <- data.frame(
  v <- m$value[match(x,m$run)]
  c <- encode::codes(v,simplify=FALSE)
  d <- encode::decodes(v,simplify=FALSE)
  l <- sapply(c, function(i)match('like',i))
  s <- seq_along(l)
  f <- function(i){
    where = l[[i]]
    what = d[[i]]
  ans <- sapply(s,f)

#' Identify a Distinctive Feature
#' Identifies a distinctive feature of an object.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family but
#'@keywords internal
but <- function(x,...)UseMethod('but')

#' Identify the Distinctive Feature of a Model
#' Identifies the distinctive feature of a model, i.e. how it differs from its parent (the reference model). x can be a vector.
#' @inheritParams but
#' @return character
#' @export
#' @family but
#'@keywords internal
but.default <- function(x, ...){
  m <- data.frame(
  v <- m$value[match(x,m$run)]
  c <- encode::codes(v,simplify=FALSE)
  d <- encode::decodes(v,simplify=FALSE)
  l <- sapply(c, function(i)match('but',i))
  s <- seq_along(l)
  f <- function(i){
    where = l[[i]]
    what = d[[i]]
  ans <- sapply(s,f)

#' Identify What Something Depends On
#' Identfies that on which something depends.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family depends
#'@keywords internal
depends <- function(x,...)UseMethod('depends')

dependsOne <- function(x,...){
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
cascade <- function(x,...){
  prepend <- function(x,values,after=0)append(x=x,values=values,after=after)
  arg <- x[[1]]
  res <- like(arg,...)
  if(res == arg)return(x)
  x <- prepend(x,res)

#' Identify Model Dependencies
#' Identify those models in the lineage of models in x.
#' @inheritParams depends
#' @return character
#' @importFrom rlang UQS
#' @export
#' @family depends
depends.default <- function(x, ...){
  res <- lapply(x,dependsOne,...)
unionRollUp <- function(x,...)UseMethod('unionRollUp') 
unionRollUp.list <- function(x,...){
  if(length(x)==1) return(x[[1]])
  if(length(x)==0) return(x)
  # x has at least two positions
  #x <- rev(x)
  x[[2]] <- union(x[[1]],x[[2]])
  x <- x[-1]
  #x <- rev(x)

.runlog <- function(x,...){
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  p <- parameters(x,...)
  p <- filter(p, symbol %in% c('min','cov','like','feature','npar','ofv'))
  names(p) <- c('symbol','x') # rlang::expr(spread(p, symbol, UQS(syms(x)))) seems right but gives "Invalid column specification
  p <- tidyr::spread(p,symbol,x)
  p <- mutate(p, run = x)
  p <- select(p, run,like,feature,min,cov,npar,ofv)

#' Create a Runlog
#' Creates a runlog.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @seealso \code{\link{runlog.character}}
#' @export
#' @family runlog
#' @keywords internal
runlog <- function(x,...)UseMethod('runlog')

#' Create a Runlog for Numeric
#' Creates a runlog for numeric by coercing to character.
#' @inheritParams runlog
#' @export
#' @family runlog
#' @keywords internal
runlog.numeric <- function(x,...)runlog(as.character(x),...)

#' Create a Runlog for Character
#' Creates a Runlog for character by treating x as modelname(s).  
#' @inheritParams runlog
#' @param dependencies whether to log runs in lineage(s) as well
#' @param digits significance for parameters
#' @param places rounding for objective function
#' @return data.frame
#' @seealso \code{\link{likebut}}
#' @export
#' @family runlog
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' options(project = system.file('project/model',package='nonmemica'))
#' # likebut(2001,'2 cmt', 2002)              # edit manually, then ...
#' # likebut(2002,'add. err.', 2003)          # edit manually, then ...
#' # likebut(2003,'allo. WT on CL',2004)      # edit manually, then ...
#' # likebut(2004,'estimate allometry', 2005) # edit manually, then ...
#' # likebut(2005,'SEX on CL', 2006)          # edit manually, then ...
#' # likebut(2006,'full block omega', 2007)   # edit manually, then run all

#' 2007 %>% runlog(dependencies = TRUE)
runlog.character <- function(
  dependencies = FALSE,
  digits = 3,
  places = 0,
  mods <- sapply(x, modelfile, ...)
  x <- x[file.exists(mods)]
  stopifnot(length(x) > 0)
  if(dependencies) x <- depends(x)
  dummy <- data.frame(
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    run = character(0),
    like = character(0),
    feature = character(0),
    min = character(0),
    cov = character(0),
    ofv = character(0),
    delta = numeric(0)
  safe <- function(x,...)tryCatch(
        'skipping ', x, 
        call.= FALSE, 
        immediate. = TRUE,
        noBreaks. = TRUE
  r <- lapply(x,safe,digits=digits,places=places,...)
  b <- do.call(bind_rows,r)
  b <- mutate(b, delta = as.numeric(ofv) - as.numeric(ofv)[match(like,run)])

#' Tweak a Model by Default
#' Tweaks a model by jittering initial estimates. Creates a new model directory
#' in project context and places the model there. Copies helper files as well.
#' Expects that x is a number. Assumes nested directory structure (run-specific directories).
#' @inheritParams tweak
#' @param project project directory (can be expression)
#' @param ext file extension for control streams
#' @param start a number to use as the first modelname
#' @param n the number of variants to generate (named start:n)
#' @param include regular expressions for files to copy to new directory
#' @param ... pass ext to over-ride default model file extension
#' @return character: vector of names for models created
#' @family tweak
#' @export
tweak.default <- function(
  project = getOption('project', getwd()),
  ext = getOption('modex','ctl'),
  include = '.def$',
  project <- eval(project)
  nested <- getOption('nested',TRUE)
  if(is.function(nested))stop('tweak assumes nested directory structure')
  if(!nested)stop('tweak assumes nested directory structure')
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1) # a run number
  path <- modelfile(x, project = project, ...)
  ctl <- read.model(path)
  ctl$problem <- paste0('   ',encode::encode(c('like','but'),c(x,'tweaked initials')))
  if(is.null(start)) start <- max(as.numeric(dir(project)),na.rm=TRUE) +1
  for(i in seq(from=start,length.out=n)) dir.create(file.path(project,i))
  for(i in seq(from=start,length.out=n)) write.model(tweak(ctl),file.path(project,i,paste(i,ext,sep='.')))
  out <- seq(from=start,length.out=n)
  for(i in out) 
    for(p in include){
      srcdir <- file.path(project,x)
      target <- file.path(project,i)
      files <- dir(srcdir,pattern = p)
      as <- sub(x,i,files)

#' Modify a Model
#' Makes a copy of a model in a corresponding directory.  Problem statement is
#' updated to reflect that the model is LIKE the reference model BUT different
#' in some fundamental way. 
#' @param x a model name, presumably interpretable as numeric
#' @param but a short description of the characteristic difference from x
#' @param y optional name for model to be created, auto-incremented by default
#' @param project project directory (can be expression)
#' @param nested model files nested in run-specific directories
#' @param overwrite whether to overwrite y if it exists
#' @param ext extension for the model file
#' @param include regular expressions for files to copy to new directory
#' @param update use final estimates of x as initial estimates of y
#' @param ... passed arguments, including PsN runrecord elements (experimental)
#' @return the value of y
#' @seealso \code{\link{runlog.character}}
#' @export
#' @family likebut
#' @examples
#' # Create a working project.
#' source <- system.file(package = 'nonmemica','project')
#' target <- tempdir()
#' target <- gsub('\\\\','/',target) # for windows
#' source
#' target
#' file.copy(source,target,recursive = TRUE)
#' project <- file.path(target,'project','model')
#' # Point project option at working project
#' options(project = project)
#' library(magrittr)
#' # Derive models.
#' 1001 %>% likebut('revised',y = 1002, overwrite=TRUE )
#' # At this point, edit 1002.ctl to match whatever 'revised' means.
#' # Then run it with NONMEM.
likebut <- function(
  project = getOption('project', getwd() ),
  nested = getOption('nested', TRUE),
  ext = getOption('modex','ctl'),
  include = '\\.def$',
  update = FALSE,
  project <- eval(project)
  onested <- nested # for passing forward
  stopifnot(is.logical(update), length(update) == 1)
      nested <- function(...)TRUE
    } else {
      nested <- function(...)FALSE
      d <- dir(project, pattern = paste0('\\.',ext,'$'))
      d <- basename(d)
      d <- text2decimal(d)
      d <- dir(project)
      suppressWarnings(d <- as.numeric(d)) # text2decimal?
    d <- d[is.defined(d)]
    d <- max(as.numeric(d)) + 1
    d <- padded(d)
    y <- d
  mod <- modelfile(y, project = project, nested = nested, ext = ext, ... )
  if(file.exists(mod))if(!overwrite)stop(mod,' already exists')
  srcdir <- modeldir(x, project = project, nested = nested, ...)
  target <- modeldir(y, project = project, nested = nested, ...)
  for(p in include){
    pattern = if(nested(p)) p else paste0(x,p)
    files  <- dir(srcdir,pattern = pattern)
    as     <- sub(x,y,files)
  c <- read.model(modelfile(x, project = project, nested = nested, ext = ext,...))
  like <- x
  natural <- grepl('\\s*like',c$problem[[1]], ignore.case = TRUE)
  c$problem[[1]] <- encode::encode(c('like','but'),c(like,but),...)
  if(natural)c$problem[[1]] <- paste('like', like, 'but', but)
  if(nchar(c$problem[[1]]) > 58)warning('problem statement more than 40 chars')
  # update runrecord elements
  elements <- list(...)
  key <- c(
    'Based on',
    'Structural model',
    'Covariate model',
    'Interindividual variability',
    'Interoccasion variability',
    'Residual variability',
  elements <- elements[names(elements) %in% key]
  if(length(elements)){ # incoming elements
    existing <- attr(c$problem,'runrecord')
    if(is.null(existing)) existing <- list()
    for(nm in names(elements)) existing[[nm]] <- elements[[nm]]
    if(!length(existing)) existing <- NULL
    attr(c$problem, 'runrecord') <- existing
    existing <- attr(c$problem,'runrecord')
    existing['Based on'] <- like
    existing['Description'] <- but
    attr(c$problem, 'runrecord') <- existing
    initial(c) <- estimates(x, project = project, nested = onested, ...)
  write.model(c,modelfile(y, project = project, nested = nested, ext = ext,...))
.parameters <- function(x,digits=3,places=0,...){
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  p <- partab(x, verbose=F,digits=digits)
  # parfile <- paste(sep='/',getOption('project'),x,paste0(x,'.par'))
  if(!'symbol' %in% names(p))stop('symbol not defined in control stream nor *.def')
  need <- filter(p, is.na(symbol))$parameter
  if(length(need))warning('symbols undefined for ', paste(need, collapse=', '))
  p <- select(p, symbol,estimate)
  p$estimate <- as.character(p$estimate)
  p <- rename(p, value = estimate)
  min <- xpath(x, '//termination_status')
  if(length(min) == 0) min <- NA
  cov <- xpath(x, '//covariance_status/@error')
  if(length(cov) == 0) cov <- NA
  ofv <- xpath(x, '//final_objective_function')
  #ofv <- round(digits=places,xpath(x, '//final_objective_function'))
  if(length(ofv) == 0){
    ofv <- NA
    ofv <- round(digits=places, ofv)
  npar <- sum(!fixed(as.model(x)))
  if(length(npar) == 0) npar <- NA
  dat <- datafile(x)
  if(length(datafile) == 0) datafile <- NA
  like <- like(x,...)
  but <- but(x,...)
  met <- data.frame(
    stringsAsFactors = F,
    symbol = c('min','cov','like','ofv','npar','dat','feature'),
    value = c(min,cov,like,ofv,npar,dat,but)
  p <- bind_rows(p, met)

#' Get Parameters
#' Gets parameters.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family parameters
#' @keywords internal
parameters <- function(x,...)UseMethod('parameters')

#' Get Parameters for Numeric
#' Gets parameters for numeric by coercing to character.
#' @inheritParams parameters
#' @export
#' @family parameters
#' @keywords internal
parameters.numeric <- function(x,...)parameters(as.character(x),...)

#' Get Parameters for Character
#' Gets parameters, treating character as model names. If x is length one, 
#' slightly more details are returned such as datafile, reference model, and feature.
#' Otherwise results are bound together, one model per column.
#' See \code{\link{estimates}} and \code{\link{errors}} for a more formal interface to model estimates and asymptotic standard errors.
#' @inheritParams parameters
#' @param simplify if x is length one and simplify is TRUE, return a named vector
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @family parameters
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' options(project = system.file('project/model',package='nonmemica'))
#' 1001 %>% parameters
parameters.character <- function(x, simplify = FALSE, ...){
  run <- function(x,...){
    y <- .parameters(x,...)
    y$run <- x
  m <- lapply(x,run,...)
  m <- bind_rows(m)
  if(length(x) > 1) m <- filter(m, !symbol %in% c('dat','like','feature'))
  m <- mutate(m, symbol = factor(symbol,levels=unique(symbol)))
  m$run <- factor(m$run,levels = unique(m$run))
  m <- tidyr::spread(m, run,value)
  if(length(x) == 1 && simplify){
    o <- m[,2]
    names(o) <- m[,1]

######### ESTIMATES
#' Get Estimates
#' Gets estimates
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @family estimates
#' @keywords internal
estimates <- function(x,...)UseMethod('estimates')

#' Get Estimates for Numeric
#' Gets estimates for numeric by coercing to character.
#' @inheritParams estimates
#' @export
#' @family estimates
#' @keywords internal
estimates.numeric <- function(x,...)estimates(as.character(x,...))

#' Get Estimates for Character
#' Gets model parameter estimates in canonical order, treating character as model names. 
#' See \code{\link{parameters}} for a less formal interface.
#' @param x character (modelname)
#' @param xmlfile path to xml file
#' @param strip.namespace whether to strip e.g. nm: from xml elements for easier xpath syntax
#' @param digits passed to signif
#' @param ... dots
#' @return numeric
#' @seealso nms_canonical errors
#' @export
#' @family estimates
#' @import magrittr
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' options(project = system.file('project/model',package='nonmemica'))
#' 1001 %>% estimates
estimates.character <- function(
  xmlfile = modelpath(x, ext = 'xml',...),
  digits = 3,
  y <- as.xml_document(x, strip.namespace=strip.namespace,verbose=FALSE,file = xmlfile,...)
  theta   <- val_name(y, 'theta',  'theta','estimate')
# thetase <- y %>% val_name('thetase','theta','se')
  sigma   <- row_col(y,'sigma',   'sigma','estimate')
# sigmase <- y %>% row_col(y, 'sigmase', 'sigma','se')
  omega   <- row_col(y, 'omega',   'omega','estimate')
# omegase <- y %>% row_col('omegase', 'omega','se')
  # theta %<>% left_join(thetase,by='parameter')
  # omega %<>% left_join(omegase,by=c('parameter','offdiag'))
  # sigma %<>% left_join(sigmase,by=c('parameter','offdiag'))
  theta <- mutate(theta, offdiag = 0)
  param <- rbind(theta,omega,sigma)
  nms <- nms_canonical(x)
  res <- with(param, estimate[match(nms,parameter)])
  res <- signif(res, digits)

#' Get Errors
#' Gets errors.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export 
#' @family errors
#' @keywords internal
errors <- function(x,...)UseMethod('errors')

#' Get Errors for Numeric
#' Gets errors for numeric by coercing to character.
#' @inheritParams errors
#' @export
#' @family errors
#' @keywords internal
errors.numeric <- function(x,...)errors(as.character(x,...))

#' Get Errors for Character
#' Gets model asymptotic standard errors in canonical order, treating character as model names. 
#' See \code{\link{parameters}} for a less formal interface.
#' @param x character (modelname)
#' @param xmlfile path to xml file
#' @param strip.namespace whether to strip e.g. nm: from xml elements for easier xpath syntax
#' @param digits passed to signif
#' @param ... dots
#' @return numeric
#' @seealso nms_canonical errors
#' @export
#' @family errors
#' @import magrittr
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' options(project = system.file('project/model',package='nonmemica'))
#' 1001 %>% errors
errors.character <- function(
  xmlfile = modelpath(x, ext = 'xml', ...),
  digits = 3,
  y <- as.xml_document(x, strip.namespace=strip.namespace,verbose=FALSE,file=xmlfile,...)
  # theta   <- y %>% val_name('theta',  'theta','estimate')
  thetase <- val_name(y, 'thetase','theta','se')
  # sigma   <- y %>% row_col('sigma',   'sigma','estimate')
  sigmase <- row_col(y, 'sigmase', 'sigma','se')
  # omega   <- y %>% row_col('omega',   'omega','estimate')
  omegase <- row_col(y, 'omegase', 'omega','se')
  # theta %<>% left_join(thetase,by='parameter')
  # omega %<>% left_join(omegase,by=c('parameter','offdiag'))
  # sigma %<>% left_join(sigmase,by=c('parameter','offdiag'))
  thetase <- mutate(thetase, offdiag = 0)
  param <- rbind(thetase,omegase,sigmase)
  nms <-  nms_canonical(x)
  res <- with(param, se[match(nms,parameter)])
  res <- signif(res,digits)

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