
Defines functions getR0 getDynamicOld getDynamic getCumulative cumulativeInfected numberInfectedBGW numberInfectedStates numberInfected summary.nosoiSim nosoiSummary

Documented in cumulativeInfected getCumulative getDynamic getR0 nosoiSummary numberInfected numberInfectedBGW numberInfectedStates summary.nosoiSim

#This file holds all the functions related to parsing & dealing with the output of nosoi (epidemiological side).

#' @title Summarizes the epidemiological features of a \code{nosoi} simulation
#' @description This function provides summary information about the simulation (number of infected hosts, R0, etc.) as a list.
#' @param object Output of a nosoi simulation (object of class \code{\link{nosoiSim}}).
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.

#' @return All computed data is provided in a list:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{R0}{Provides a sublist with number of inactive hosts at the end of the simulation \code{N.inactive}, mean R0 \code{R0.mean}, and R0 distribution \code{R0.dist}. For more details, see \code{\link{getR0}}.}
#'    \item{dynamics}{\code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} with the count of currently infected (i.e. active) hosts at each time step of the simulation (by state if the simulation was in a discrete structured host population). For more details, see \code{\link{getDynamic}}.}
#'    \item{cumulative}{\code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} with the cumulative count of infected hosts at each time step of the simulation. For more details, see \code{\link{getCumulative}}.}
#'    }
#' @seealso You can directly compute each elements of the list without using the summarise function. See \code{\link{getR0}}, \code{\link{getDynamic}} and \code{\link{getCumulative}}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'t_incub_fct <- function(x){rnorm(x,mean = 5,sd=1)}
#'p_max_fct <- function(x){rbeta(x,shape1 = 5,shape2=2)}
#'p_Exit_fct  <- function(t){return(0.08)}
#'proba <- function(t,p_max,t_incub){
#'  if(t <= t_incub){p=0}
#'  if(t >= t_incub){p=p_max}
#'  return(p)
#'time_contact <- function(t){round(rnorm(1, 3, 1), 0)}
#'test.nosoi <- nosoiSim(type="single", popStructure="none",
#'                       length=40,
#'                       max.infected=100,
#'                       init.individuals=1,
#'                       nContact=time_contact,
#'                       param.nContact=NA,
#'                       pTrans = proba,
#'                       param.pTrans = list(p_max=p_max_fct,
#'                                           t_incub=t_incub_fct),
#'                       pExit=p_Exit_fct,
#'                       param.pExit=NA)
#' nosoiSummary(test.nosoi)
#' @export nosoiSummary

nosoiSummary <- function(object){

  #Get R0
  R0 <- getR0(object)

  #Get Dynamics
  Dynamics <- getDynamic(object)

  #Get Cumulative
  Cumulative <- getCumulative(object)

  summary.nosoi = list(R0 = R0,
                       dynamics = Dynamics,
                       cumulative = Cumulative)


#' @rdname nosoiSummary
#' @export
#' @method summary nosoiSim
summary.nosoiSim <- function(object, ...){

#' @title Number of active infected hosts at time t
#' @description
#' For a given time t, this function returns the number of infected active units.
#' @param table.hosts host table, result of function \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @param t time (integer)
#' @return Number of infected units at time t
#' @seealso \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @keywords internal
numberInfected <- function(table.hosts, t) {
  # Attention: need to test that t < t_max
  already_infected <- table.hosts$inf.time < t  # Strict  inequality: if infected at time t, becomes active at time t + 1
  still_infected <- table.hosts$out.time > t    # Strict inequality: if out at time t, not active for generation t
  still_infected[is.na(still_infected)] <- TRUE # NA means till the end
  return(sum(already_infected & still_infected))

#' @title Number of active infected hosts at time t
#' @description
#' For a given time t, this function returns the number of infected active units.
#' @param table.states state table, result of function \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @param t time (integer)
#' @return Number of infected units at time t
#' @seealso \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @keywords internal
numberInfectedStates <- function(table.states, t) {
  # Attention: need to test that t < t_max
  already_infected <- table.states$time.from < t  # Strict  inequality: if infected at time t, becomes active at time t + 1
  still_infected <- table.states$time.to > t    # Strict inequality: if out at time t, not active for generation t
  still_infected[is.na(still_infected)] <- TRUE # NA means infected till the end
  return(sum(already_infected & still_infected))

#' @title Number of infected hosts at time t (BGW)
#' @description
#' For a given time t, this function returns the number of infected active units.
#' The difference with \code{\link{numberInfected}} is that it counts an "out"
#' individual as still there, but with no children.
#' This is for comparison with the BGW process, should be internal only.
#' @param table.nosoi result of function \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @param t time (integer)
#' @return Number of infected units at time t
#' @seealso \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @keywords internal
numberInfectedBGW <- function(table.nosoi, t) {
  already_infected <- table.nosoi$inf.time <= t  # Non strict inequality: if infected at time t, counts as a member of generation t
  still_infected <- table.nosoi$out.time > t    # Strict inequality: if out at time t, not active for generation t
  still_infected[is.na(still_infected)] <- TRUE
  return(sum(already_infected & still_infected))

#' @title Cumulative number of infected hosts at time t
#' @description
#' For a given time t, this function returns the cumulative number of infected units since the start of the simulation.
#' @param table.nosoi result of function \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @param t time (integer)
#' @return Number of infected units at time t
#' @seealso \code{\link{nosoiSim}}
#' @keywords internal
cumulativeInfected  <- function(table.nosoi, t) {
  already_infected <- table.nosoi$inf.time < t  # Strict  inequality: if infected at time t, becomes active at time t + 1

#' @title Gets the cumulative number of infected hosts for the full length of the simulation
#' @description This function computes from the output of a \code{nosoiSim} simulation the cumulative count of infected hosts at each time step of the simulation. The output is a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}}.
#' @param nosoi.output Output of a nosoi simulation (object of class \code{\link{nosoiSim}}).
#' @return The output is a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{t}{Time-step (integer).}
#'    \item{Count}{Cumulative number of infected hosts at given time-step.}
#'    \item{type}{Host-type, identified by its user-defined prefix.}
#'    }
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.nosoiSim}}
#' @export getCumulative

getCumulative <- function(nosoi.output) {

  if (nosoi.output$type == "single"){
    results.cumulative <- data.table()
    for(t in 0:(nosoi.output$total.time +1)){
      temp <- list(t=t, Count = cumulativeInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts, t),type=nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host)
      results.cumulative <- rbindlist(list(results.cumulative,temp))

  if (nosoi.output$type == "dual"){
    results.cumulative <- data.table()
    for(t in 0:(nosoi.output$total.time +1)){
      temp <- list(t=t, Count = cumulativeInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts, t),type=nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host)
      tempB <- list(t=t, Count = cumulativeInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.B$table.hosts, t),type=nosoi.output$host.info.B$prefix.host)
      results.cumulative <- rbindlist(list(results.cumulative,temp,tempB))

#' @title Gets the current number of infected hosts for the full length of the simulation
#' @description This function computes from the output of a \code{nosoiSim} simulation the dynamic count of infected hosts at each time step (and each state if discrete structure) of the simulation. The output is a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}}.
#' @param nosoi.output Output of a nosoi simulation (object of class \code{\link{nosoiSim}}).
#' @return The output is a \code{\link[data.table]{data.table}} with the following structure:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{state}{(only when discrete structure) Given state}
#'    \item{Count}{Current number of infected hosts at given time-step.}
#'    \item{type}{Host-type, identified by its user-defined prefix.}
#'    \item{t}{Time-step (integer).}
#'    }
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.nosoiSim}}
#' @export getDynamic
getDynamic  <- function(nosoi.output) {
  Count <- NULL
  state <- NULL
  type <- NULL

  tt <- 0:((nosoi.output$total.time + 1))

  #get type and pop structure

  if (nosoi.output$type == "single" &&
      (nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "none" || nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "continuous")) {
    results.dynamic <-  data.table(t = tt,
                                   Count = sapply(tt,function(t) numberInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts, t)),
                                   type = nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host)

  if (nosoi.output$type == "single" &&
      nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "discrete") {
    results.dynamic <- nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.state[, list(Count = sapply(tt, function(t) numberInfectedStates(.SD, t)),
                                                                   type = nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host,
                                                                   t = tt), by = "state"]
    results.dynamic <- results.dynamic[Count > 0]
    results.dynamic <- results.dynamic[order(t, state)]

  if (nosoi.output$type == "dual" &&
      (nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "none" || nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "continuous") &&
      (nosoi.output$host.info.B$popStructure == "none" || nosoi.output$host.info.B$popStructure == "continuous")) {
    results.dynamic <-  data.table(t = c(tt, tt),
                                   Count = c(sapply(tt,function(t) numberInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts, t)),
                                             sapply(tt,function(t) numberInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.B$table.hosts, t))),
                                   type = rep(c(nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host,
                                                nosoi.output$host.info.B$prefix.host), each = length(tt)))
    results.dynamic <- results.dynamic[order(t)]

  if (nosoi.output$type == "dual" &&
      nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "discrete" &&
      nosoi.output$host.info.B$popStructure == "discrete") {
    results.dynamicA <- nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.state[, list(Count = sapply(tt, function(t) numberInfectedStates(.SD, t)),
                                                                    type = nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host,
                                                                    t = tt), by = "state"]
    results.dynamicB <- nosoi.output$host.info.B$table.state[, list(Count = sapply(tt, function(t) numberInfectedStates(.SD, t)),
                                                                    type = nosoi.output$host.info.B$prefix.host,
                                                                    t = tt), by = "state"]
    results.dynamic <- rbindlist(list(results.dynamicA, results.dynamicB))
    results.dynamic <- results.dynamic[Count > 0]
    results.dynamic <- results.dynamic[order(t, type, state)]


# Old version, using dplyr and a loop
#' @keywords internal
getDynamicOld  <- function(nosoi.output) {
  if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package 'dplyr', is needed for 'getDynamicOld'.",
         call. = FALSE)
  #get rid of some notes linked to the use of dplyr
  time.from <- NULL
  time.to <- NULL
  state <- NULL
  hosts.ID <- NULL

  #get type and pop structure

  if (nosoi.output$type == "single" & (nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "none" | nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "continuous")){
    for(t in 0:(nosoi.output$total.time + 1)){
      temp <- list(t = t,
                   Count = numberInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts, t),
                   type = nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host)
      results.dynamic <- rbindlist(list(results.dynamic,temp))

  if (nosoi.output$type == "single" & nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "discrete"){
    for(t in 0:(nosoi.output$total.time + 1)){
      table.state.temp <- subset(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.state,
                                 (time.from < t & (is.na(time.to)|time.to > t)))
      table.state.temp <- dplyr::group_by(table.state.temp, state)
      table.state.temp <- dplyr::summarise(table.state.temp, Count=length(hosts.ID))
      table.state.temp <- dplyr::mutate(table.state.temp, type=nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host,  t=t )
      table.state.temp <- data.table(table.state.temp)

      results.dynamic <- rbindlist(list(results.dynamic,table.state.temp))

  if (nosoi.output$type == "dual" && (nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "none" | nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "continuous") &&
      (nosoi.output$host.info.B$popStructure == "none" || nosoi.output$host.info.B$popStructure == "continuous")){
    for(t in 0:(nosoi.output$total.time +1)){
      temp <- list(t=t, Count = numberInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts, t),type=nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host)
      tempB <- list(t=t, Count = numberInfected(nosoi.output$host.info.B$table.hosts, t),type=nosoi.output$host.info.B$prefix.host)
      results.dynamic <- rbindlist(list(results.dynamic,temp,tempB))

  if (nosoi.output$type == "dual" && nosoi.output$host.info.A$popStructure == "discrete" && nosoi.output$host.info.B$popStructure == "discrete"){
    for(t in 0:(nosoi.output$total.time +1)){
      table.state.tempA <- subset(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.state, (time.from < t & (is.na(time.to)|time.to > t)))
      table.state.tempA <- dplyr::group_by(table.state.tempA, state)
      table.state.tempA <- dplyr::summarise(table.state.tempA, Count=length(hosts.ID))
      table.state.tempA <- dplyr::mutate(table.state.tempA, type=nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host,  t=t )
      table.state.tempA <- data.table(table.state.tempA)

      table.state.tempB <- subset(nosoi.output$host.info.B$table.state, (time.from < t & (is.na(time.to)|time.to > t)))
      table.state.tempB <- dplyr::group_by(table.state.tempB, state)
      table.state.tempB <- dplyr::summarise(table.state.tempB, Count=length(hosts.ID))
      table.state.tempB <- dplyr::mutate(table.state.tempB, type=nosoi.output$host.info.B$prefix.host,  t=t )
      table.state.tempB <- data.table(table.state.tempB)

      results.dynamic <- rbindlist(list(results.dynamic,table.state.tempA,table.state.tempB))


#' @title Gets R0 from a \code{nosoi} simulation
#' @description Gets an estimate of secondary cases (what R0 usually tries to estimate) and its distribution from the output of a \code{nosoiSim} simulation. The actual calculation is based on inactive hosts at the end of the simulation to avoid bias introduced by hosts that have not finished their transmission potential.
#' @details Current getR0 (after and including version 1.1.0) is a corrected version. In previous versions (prior to 1.1.0), the output included in its computation hosts that should not have been counted (still active).
#' @param nosoi.output Output of a nosoi simulation (object of class \code{\link{nosoiSim}}).
#' @return A list with the following items:
#' \describe{
#'    \item{N.inactive}{Number of inactive hosts at the end of the simulation.}
#'    \item{R0.mean}{Mean R0 based on the distribution (see below).}
#'    \item{R0.dist}{Distribution for each host of the secondary cases it generated (in case of dual-hosts, then the secondary cases of the same host-type).}
#'    }
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.nosoiSim}}
#' @export getR0
getR0  <- function(nosoi.output) {
  #To avoids notes (use of data.table functions)
  inf.by.y <- NULL
  host.type <- NULL
  hosts.ID <- NULL
  active <- NULL

  if(nosoi.output$type == "single") {
    output.full <- nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts[,c("hosts.ID", "inf.by","active")]
    n.Inactive <- sum(output.full[["active"]] == 0)
    Sec.cases.A <- NA
    if(n.Inactive > 0) {
      Sec.cases <- output.full[, .N, by = "inf.by"]                  # count occurences of each host in "inf.by"
      Sec.cases <- Sec.cases[output.full, on = "inf.by == hosts.ID"] # re-order by hosts.ID
      Sec.cases.A <- Sec.cases[active == FALSE, ][["N"]]             # Keep only non active, and column N
      Sec.cases.A[is.na(Sec.cases.A)] <- 0                           # NAs to 0

    return(list(N.inactive = n.Inactive,
                R0.mean = mean(Sec.cases.A),
                R0.dist = Sec.cases.A))

  if(nosoi.output$type == "dual"){
    outputA <- nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts[,c("hosts.ID", "inf.by","active")]
    outputA$host.type <- nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host
    outputB <- nosoi.output$host.info.B$table.hosts[,c("hosts.ID", "inf.by","active")]
    outputB$host.type <- nosoi.output$host.info.B$prefix.host

    output.full = rbindlist(list(outputA,outputB))

    #number of hosts inactive (have done their full cycle)
    N.inactive.A <- nrow(subset(nosoi.output$host.info.A$table.hosts,active==0))
    N.inactive.B <- nrow(subset(nosoi.output$host.info.B$table.hosts,active==0))

    Sec.cases <- output.full[, .N, by = "inf.by"]                  # count occurences of each host in "inf.by"
    Sec.cases <- Sec.cases[output.full, on = "inf.by == hosts.ID"] # re-order by hosts.ID
    Sec.cases.A <- Sec.cases[active == FALSE & host.type == nosoi.output$host.info.A$prefix.host, ][["N"]]             # Keep only non active, and column N
    Sec.cases.A[is.na(Sec.cases.A)] <- 0                           # NAs to 0
    Sec.cases.B <- Sec.cases[active == FALSE & host.type == nosoi.output$host.info.B$prefix.host, ][["N"]]             # Keep only non active, and column N
    Sec.cases.B[is.na(Sec.cases.B)] <- 0                           # NAs to 0

    return(list(N.inactive.A = N.inactive.A,
                R0.hostA.mean = mean(Sec.cases.A),
                R0.hostA.dist = Sec.cases.A,
                N.inactive.B = N.inactive.B,
                R0.hostB.mean = mean(Sec.cases.B),
                R0.hostB.dist = Sec.cases.B))

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nosoi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9 a.m.