
Defines functions npconmode.default npconmode.call npconmode.formula npconmode

Documented in npconmode npconmode.call npconmode.default npconmode.formula

npconmode <-
  function(bws, ...){
    args <- list(...)

    if (!missing(bws)){
      if (is.recursive(bws)){
        if (!is.null(bws$formula) && is.null(args$txdat))
        else if (!is.null(bws$call) && is.null(args$txdat))
        else if (!is.call(bws))
      } else {
        UseMethod("npconmode", NULL)
    } else {
      UseMethod("npconmode", NULL)

npconmode.formula <-
  function(bws, data = NULL, newdata = NULL, ...){

    tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

    tydat <- tmf[, bws$variableNames[["response"]], drop = FALSE]
    txdat <- tmf[, bws$variableNames[["terms"]], drop = FALSE]

    if ((has.eval <- !is.null(newdata))) {
      has.ey <- succeedWithResponse(tt, newdata)

      if (has.ey){
        umf <- emf <- model.frame(tt, data = newdata)
        eydat <- emf[, bws$variableNames[["response"]], drop = FALSE]
      } else {
        umf <- emf <- model.frame(formula(bws)[-2], data = newdata)

      exdat <- emf[, bws$variableNames[["terms"]], drop = FALSE]
    ev <-
      eval(parse(text=paste("npconmode(txdat = txdat, tydat = tydat,",
                   ifelse(has.eval,paste("exdat = exdat,",ifelse(has.ey,"eydat = eydat,","")),""),
                   "bws = bws, ...)")))

    ev$omit <- attr(umf,"na.action")
    ev$rows.omit <- as.vector(ev$omit)
    ev$nobs.omit <- length(ev$rows.omit)

    ev$conmode <- napredict(ev$omit, ev$conmode)
    ev$condens <- napredict(ev$omit, ev$condens)
    ev$conderr <- napredict(ev$omit, ev$conderr)


npconmode.call <-
  function(bws, ...) {
    npconmode(txdat = eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)),
              tydat = eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call)),
              bws = bws, ...)

npconmode.conbandwidth <-
  function (bws,
            txdat = stop("invoked without training data 'txdat'"),
            tydat = stop("invoked without training data 'tydat'"),
            exdat, eydat,

    txdat = toFrame(txdat)
    tydat = toFrame(tydat)

    no.ex = missing(exdat)
    no.ey = missing(eydat)

    if (!no.ex)
      exdat = toFrame(exdat)

    if (!no.ey)
      eydat = toFrame(eydat)

    ## catch and destroy NA's
    goodrows = 1:dim(txdat)[1]
    rows.omit = attr(na.omit(data.frame(txdat,tydat)), "na.action")
    goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

    if (all(goodrows==0))
      stop("Tranining data has no rows without NAs")

    txdat = txdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
    tydat = tydat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]

    if (!no.ex){
      goodrows = 1:dim(exdat)[1]
      rows.omit = eval(parse(text=paste('attr(na.omit(data.frame(exdat',
                               ifelse(no.ey,"",",eydat"),')), "na.action")')))

      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      exdat = exdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]

      if (!no.ey)
        eydat = eydat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Evaluation data has no rows without NAs")

    tnrow = dim(txdat)[1]
    enrow = ifelse(no.ex, tnrow, dim(exdat)[1])

    if (!no.ey & no.ex)
      stop("npconmode: invalid invocation: 'eydat' provided but not 'exdat'")

    if (bws$yndim != 1 | bws$yncon > 0)
      stop("'tydat' must consist of one (1) discrete variable")

    mdens = double(enrow)
    tdens = double(enrow)
    tf = logical(enrow)
    indices = integer(enrow)

      efac <- factor(bws$ydati$all.lev[[1]],levels = bws$ydati$all.lev[[1]], ordered = is.ordered(tydat[,1]))
      efac <- factor(union(bws$ydati$all.lev[[1]], levels(eydat[,1])),
                     levels = union(bws$ydati$all.lev[[1]], levels(eydat[,1])), ordered = is.ordered(tydat[,1]))

    tdensE <- parse(text = paste("npcdens(txdat = txdat, tydat = tydat,",
                      "exdat = ", ifelse(no.ex, "txdat", "exdat"), ",",
                      "eydat = rep(efac[i], enrow),",
                      "bws = bws)$condens"))

    for(i in 1:nlevels(efac)){
        tdens <- eval(tdensE)
        tf = tdens >= mdens
        indices[tf] = i
        mdens[tf] = tdens[tf]

    con.mode <- eval(parse(text = paste("conmode(bws = bws,",
                             "xeval = ", ifelse(no.ex, "txdat", "exdat"), ",",
                             ifelse(no.ey & !no.ex, "",
                                    paste("yeval = ", ifelse(no.ey, "tydat",
                                                             "eydat"), ",")),
                             "conmode = efac[indices],",
                             "condens = mdens, ntrain = nrow(txdat),",
                             "trainiseval = no.ex)")))
    if (!(no.ey & !no.ex)){
      confusion.matrix <- 
        table(factor(if (no.ex) tydat[,1] else eydat[,1], exclude = NULL),
              factor(con.mode$conmode,exclude = NULL), dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))

      cj <- match(levels(factor(if (no.ex) tydat[,1] else eydat[,1], exclude = NULL)),
                  levels(factor(con.mode$conmode,exclude = NULL)), nomatch = 0)
      rj <- cj > 0

      t.diag <- cj
      t.diag[rj] <-  diag(confusion.matrix[rj,cj,drop=FALSE])
      CCR.overall <- sum(t.diag)/enrow
      CCR.byoutcome <- t.diag/rowSums(confusion.matrix)
      names(CCR.byoutcome) <- levels(factor(if (no.ex) tydat[,1] else eydat[,1], exclude = NULL))

      con.mode$confusion.matrix <- confusion.matrix
      con.mode$CCR.overall <- CCR.overall
      con.mode$CCR.byoutcome <- CCR.byoutcome

      confusion.matrix <- confusion.matrix/enrow
      t.diag <- t.diag/enrow

      fit.mcfadden <- sum(t.diag) - (sum(confusion.matrix^2)-sum(t.diag^2))
      con.mode$fit.mcfadden <- fit.mcfadden

npconmode.default <- function(bws, txdat, tydat, ...){
  sc <- sys.call()
  sc.names <- names(sc)

  ## here we check to see if the function was called with tdat =
  ## if it was, we need to catch that and map it to dat =
  ## otherwise the call is passed unadulterated to npudensbw

  bws.named <- any(sc.names == "bws")
  txdat.named <- any(sc.names == "txdat")
  tydat.named <- any(sc.names == "tydat")

  no.bws <- missing(bws)
  no.txdat <- missing(txdat)
  no.tydat <- missing(tydat)

  ## if bws was passed in explicitly, do not compute bandwidths
    txdat <- toFrame(txdat)

    tydat <- toFrame(tydat)

  sc.bw <- sc
  sc.bw[[1]] <- quote(npcdensbw)

    sc.bw$bandwidth.compute <- FALSE

  ostxy <- c('txdat','tydat')
  nstxy <- c('xdat','ydat')
  m.txy <- match(ostxy, names(sc.bw), nomatch = 0)

  if(any(m.txy > 0)) {
    names(sc.bw)[m.txy] <- nstxy[m.txy > 0]
  tbw <- eval.parent(sc.bw)

  ## convention: drop 'bws' and up to two unnamed arguments (including bws)
    tx.str <- ",txdat = txdat"
    ty.str <- ",tydat = tydat"
  } else {
    tx.str <- ifelse(txdat.named, ",txdat = txdat","")
    ty.str <- ifelse(tydat.named, ",tydat = tydat","")    
    if((!bws.named) && (!txdat.named)){
      ty.str <- ifelse(tydat.named, ",tydat = tydat",
  eval(parse(text=paste("npconmode(bws = tbw", tx.str, ty.str, ",...)")))

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np documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:41 p.m.