
Defines functions npudistbw.formula npudistbw

Documented in npudistbw npudistbw.formula

npudistbw <- function(...){
  args = list(...)
  if (is(args[[1]],"formula"))
  else if (!is.null(args$formula))

npudistbw.formula <-
  function(formula, data, subset, na.action, call, gdata = NULL, ...){
    orig.class <- if (missing(data))
      sapply(eval(attr(terms(formula), "variables"), environment(formula)),class)
    else sapply(eval(attr(terms(formula), "variables"), data, environment(formula)),class)

    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(mf), nomatch = 0)
    mf <- mf[c(1,m)]

    if(all(orig.class == "ts")){
      args <- (as.list(attr(terms(formula), "variables"))[-1])
      formula <- terms(formula)
      attr(formula, "predvars") <- as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), args))))
      mf[["formula"]] <- formula
    }else if(any(orig.class == "ts")){
      arguments <- (as.list(attr(terms(formula), "variables"))[-1])
      arguments.normal <- arguments[which(orig.class != "ts")]
      arguments.timeseries <- arguments[which(orig.class == "ts")]

      ix <- sort(c(which(orig.class == "ts"),which(orig.class != "ts")),index.return = TRUE)$ix
      formula <- terms(formula)
      attr(formula, "predvars") <- bquote(.(as.call(c(quote(cbind),as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), arguments.timeseries)))),arguments.normal,check.rows = TRUE)))[,.(ix)])
      mf[["formula"]] <- formula
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf <- eval(mf, envir = parent.frame())

    if (attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response") != 0)
      stop("invalid distribution formula")
    dat <- mf[, attr(attr(mf, "terms"),"term.labels"), drop = FALSE]

    if ((has.gval <- !is.null(gdata))) {
      gmf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
      gm <- match(c("formula", "gdata"), names(gmf), nomatch = 0)
      gmf <- gmf[c(1,gm)]
      gmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
      names(gmf)[3] <- "data"
      gmf <- eval(gmf, envir = parent.frame())

      gdat <- gmf[, attr(attr(gmf, "terms"),"term.labels"), drop = FALSE]


    tbw <- eval(parse(text=paste("npudistbw(dat = dat,",
                        ifelse(has.gval,"gdat = gdat,",""),
    tbw$call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    environment(tbw$call) <- parent.frame()
    tbw$formula <- formula
    tbw$terms <- attr(mf,"terms")
    tbw$rows.omit <- as.vector(attr(mf,"na.action"))
    tbw$nobs.omit <- length(tbw$rows.omit)

npudistbw.NULL <-
  function(dat = stop("invoked without input data 'dat'"),
           bws, ...){

    t.names <- NULL
    if(!is.data.frame(dat) && !is.matrix(dat))
      t.names <- deparse(substitute(dat))

    dat = toFrame(dat)
      names(dat) <- t.names

    bws = double(dim(dat)[2])

    tbw <- npudistbw.default(dat = dat, bws = bws, ...)

    ## clean up (possible) inconsistencies due to recursion ...
    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    environment(mc) <- parent.frame()
    tbw$call <- mc


npudistbw.dbandwidth <- 
  function(dat = stop("invoked without input data 'dat'"),
           bws, gdat = NULL, bandwidth.compute = TRUE, nmulti, remin = TRUE, itmax = 10000,
           do.full.integral = FALSE, ngrid = 100,
           ftol = 1.490116e-07, tol = 1.490116e-04, small = 1.490116e-05,
           lbc.dir = 0.5, dfc.dir = 3, cfac.dir = 2.5*(3.0-sqrt(5)), initc.dir = 1.0, 
           lbd.dir = 0.1, hbd.dir = 1, dfac.dir = 0.25*(3.0-sqrt(5)), initd.dir = 1.0, 
           lbc.init = 0.1, hbc.init = 2.0, cfac.init = 0.5, 
           lbd.init = 0.1, hbd.init = 0.9, dfac.init = 0.375, 
           scale.init.categorical.sample=FALSE, memfac = 500.0, ...){

    dat = toFrame(dat)

    nofi <- missing(do.full.integral)
    nogi <- missing(ngrid)
    if (missing(nmulti)){
      nmulti <- min(5,dim(dat)[2])

    if (length(bws$bw) != dim(dat)[2])
      stop(paste("length of bandwidth vector does not match number of columns of",

    ccon = unlist(lapply(as.data.frame(dat[,bws$icon]),class))
    if ((any(bws$icon) && !all((ccon == class(integer(0))) | (ccon == class(numeric(0))))) ||
        (any(bws$iord) && !all(unlist(lapply(as.data.frame(dat[,bws$iord]),class)) ==
                               class(ordered(0)))) ||
        (any(bws$iuno) && !all(unlist(lapply(as.data.frame(dat[,bws$iuno]),class)) ==
      stop(paste("supplied bandwidths do not match", "'dat'", "in type"))

      stop("distribution bandwidth selection does not support unordered data types")

    dat <- na.omit(dat)
    rows.omit <- unclass(na.action(dat))

    nrow = dim(dat)[1]
    ncol = dim(dat)[2]

    ## at this stage, data to be sent to the c routines must be converted to
    ## numeric type.

    odat <- dat
    dat = toMatrix(dat)

    duno = dat[, bws$iuno, drop = FALSE]
    dcon = dat[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE]
    dord = dat[, bws$iord, drop = FALSE]

    tbw <- bws

    mysd <- EssDee(dcon)
    nconfac <- nrow^(-1.0/(1.0+bws$ckerorder))
    ncatfac <- nrow^(-2.0/(1.0+bws$ckerorder))

    ## these are the points where we evaluate the CDF
    ## for now we default to the training points (hence cdf_on_train = TRUE below)
      gdat <- toFrame(gdat)
        stop("na's not allowed to be present in cdf gdata")
      gdat <- toMatrix(gdat)

      guno = gdat[, bws$iuno, drop = FALSE]
      gord = gdat[, bws$iord, drop = FALSE]
      gcon = gdat[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE]
      cdf_on_train = FALSE
      nog = nrow(gdat)
    } else {
      if(do.full.integral) {
        cdf_on_train = TRUE
        nog = 0
        guno = data.frame()
        gord = data.frame()
        gcon = data.frame()
      } else {
        cdf_on_train = FALSE
        nog = ngrid
        probs <- seq(0,1,length.out = nog)
        ev <- odat[1:nog,,drop = FALSE]
        for(i in 1:ncol(ev)){
          ev[,i] <- uocquantile(odat[,i], probs)

        ev <- toMatrix(ev)
        guno = ev[, bws$iuno, drop = FALSE]
        gord = ev[, bws$iord, drop = FALSE]
        gcon = ev[, bws$icon, drop = FALSE]

    if (bandwidth.compute){
      myopti = list(num_obs_train = dim(dat)[1],
        num_obs_eval = nog,
        iMultistart = ifelse(nmulti==0,IMULTI_FALSE,IMULTI_TRUE),
        iNum_Multistart = nmulti,
        int_use_starting_values = ifelse(all(bws$bw==0),USE_START_NO, USE_START_YES),
        int_LARGE_SF = ifelse(bws$scaling, SF_NORMAL, SF_ARB),
        BANDWIDTH_den_extern = switch(bws$type,
          fixed = BW_FIXED,
          generalized_nn = BW_GEN_NN,
          adaptive_nn = BW_ADAP_NN),
        itmax=itmax, int_RESTART_FROM_MIN=ifelse(remin,RE_MIN_TRUE,RE_MIN_FALSE), 
        int_MINIMIZE_IO=ifelse(options('np.messages'), IO_MIN_FALSE, IO_MIN_TRUE), 
        bwmethod = switch(bws$method,
          cv.cdf = DBWM_CVLS),
        ckerneval = switch(bws$ckertype,
          gaussian = CKER_GAUSS + bws$ckerorder/2 - 1,
          epanechnikov = CKER_EPAN + bws$ckerorder/2 - 1,
          uniform = CKER_UNI,
          "truncated gaussian" = CKER_TGAUSS),
        ukerneval = switch(bws$ukertype,
          aitchisonaitken = UKER_AIT,
          liracine = UKER_LR),
        okerneval = switch(bws$okertype,
          wangvanryzin = OKER_WANG,
          liracine = OKER_NLR),
        cdf_on_train = cdf_on_train,
        nuno = dim(duno)[2],
        nord = dim(dord)[2],
        ncon = dim(dcon)[2],
        int_do_tree = ifelse(options('np.tree'), DO_TREE_YES, DO_TREE_NO),
        scale.init.categorical.sample = scale.init.categorical.sample,
        dfc.dir = dfc.dir)
      myoptd = list(ftol=ftol, tol=tol, small=small,
        lbc.dir = lbc.dir, cfac.dir = cfac.dir, initc.dir = initc.dir, 
        lbd.dir = lbd.dir, hbd.dir = hbd.dir, dfac.dir = dfac.dir, initd.dir = initd.dir, 
        lbc.init = lbc.init, hbc.init = hbc.init, cfac.init = cfac.init, 
        lbd.init = lbd.init, hbd.init = hbd.init, dfac.init = dfac.init, 
        nconfac = nconfac, ncatfac = ncatfac, memfac = memfac)

      if (bws$method != "normal-reference"){
        total.time <-
          system.time(myout <- 
          .C("np_distribution_bw", as.double(duno), as.double(dord), as.double(dcon),
             as.double(guno), as.double(gord), as.double(gcon), as.double(mysd),
             as.integer(myopti), as.double(myoptd), 
             bw = c(bws$bw[bws$icon],bws$bw[bws$iuno],bws$bw[bws$iord]),
             fval = double(2), fval.history = double(max(1,nmulti)),
             timing = double(1),
             PACKAGE="np" )[c("bw","fval","fval.history","timing")])[1]
      } else {
        nbw = double(ncol)
        gbw = bws$ncon
        if (gbw > 0){
          nbw[1:gbw] = 1.587
        myout= list( bw = nbw, fval = c(NA,NA) )
        total.time <- NA

      rorder = numeric(ncol)
      rorder[c((1:ncol)[bws$icon], (1:ncol)[bws$iuno], (1:ncol)[bws$iord])]=1:ncol

      tbw$bw <- myout$bw[rorder]

      tbw$fval = myout$fval[1]
      tbw$ifval = myout$fval[2]
      tbw$fval.history <- myout$fval.history
      tbw$timing <- myout$timing
      tbw$total.time <- total.time
    tbw$sfactor <- tbw$bandwidth <- tbw$bw
    if (tbw$nuno > 0){
        tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iuno] <- tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iuno]*ncatfac
      } else {
        tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iuno] <- tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iuno]/ncatfac
    if (tbw$nord > 0){
        tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iord] <- tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$iord]*ncatfac
      } else {
        tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iord] <- tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$iord]/ncatfac

    if (tbw$ncon > 0){
      dfactor <- mysd*nconfac

      if (tbw$scaling) {
        tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$icon] <- tbw$bandwidth[tbw$xdati$icon]*dfactor
      } else {
        tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$icon] <- tbw$sfactor[tbw$xdati$icon]/dfactor

    tbw <- dbandwidth(bw = tbw$bw,
                      bwmethod = tbw$method,
                      bwscaling = tbw$scaling,
                      bwtype = tbw$type,
                      ckertype = tbw$ckertype,
                      ckerorder = tbw$ckerorder,
                      ukertype = c("aitchisonaitken"),
                      okertype = tbw$okertype,
                      fval = tbw$fval,
                      ifval = tbw$ifval,
                      fval.history = tbw$fval.history,
                      nobs = tbw$nobs,
                      xdati = tbw$xdati,
                      xnames = tbw$xnames,
                      sfactor = tbw$sfactor,
                      bandwidth = tbw$bandwidth,
                      rows.omit = rows.omit,
                      nconfac = nconfac,
                      ncatfac = ncatfac,
                      sdev = mysd,
                      bandwidth.compute = bandwidth.compute,
                      timing = tbw$timing,
                      total.time = tbw$total.time)

npudistbw.default <-
  function(dat = stop("invoked without input data 'dat'"),
           bws, gdat, bandwidth.compute = TRUE,
           ## dummy arguments for later passing into npudistbw.bandwidth
           nmulti, remin, itmax, do.full.integral, ngrid, ftol, tol, small,
           lbc.dir, dfc.dir, cfac.dir, initc.dir, 
           lbd.dir, hbd.dir, dfac.dir, initd.dir, 
           lbc.init, hbc.init, cfac.init, 
           lbd.init, hbd.init, dfac.init, 
           scale.init.categorical.sample, memfac,
           ## dummy arguments for later passing into bandwidth()
           bwmethod, bwscaling, bwtype,
           ckertype, ckerorder, okertype,

    t.names <- NULL
    if(!is.data.frame(dat) && !is.matrix(dat))
      t.names <- deparse(substitute(dat))

    dat <- toFrame(dat)
      names(dat) <- t.names

    ## first grab dummy args for bandwidth() and perform 'bootstrap'
    ## bandwidth() call

    mc.names <- names(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))
    margs <- c("bwmethod", "bwscaling", "bwtype", "ckertype", "ckerorder",

    m <- match(margs, mc.names, nomatch = 0)
    any.m <- any(m != 0)

    tbw <- eval(parse(text=paste("dbandwidth(bws",
                        ifelse(any.m, ",",""),
                        paste(mc.names[m], ifelse(any.m,"=",""), mc.names[m], collapse=", "),
                        ", nobs = dim(dat)[1], xdati = untangle(dat),",
                        "xnames = names(dat),",
                        "bandwidth.compute = bandwidth.compute)")))

    ## next grab dummies for actual bandwidth selection and perform call

    mc.names <- names(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))
    margs <- c("gdat","bandwidth.compute", "nmulti", "remin", "itmax",
               "do.full.integral", "ngrid", "ftol", "tol",
               "small", "lbc.dir", "dfc.dir", "cfac.dir", "initc.dir", 
               "lbd.dir", "hbd.dir", "dfac.dir", "initd.dir", 
               "lbc.init", "hbc.init", "cfac.init", 
               "lbd.init", "hbd.init", "dfac.init", 
               "scale.init.categorical.sample", "memfac")
    m <- match(margs, mc.names, nomatch = 0)
    any.m <- any(m != 0)

    tbw <- eval(parse(text=paste("npudistbw.dbandwidth(dat=dat, bws=tbw",
                        ifelse(any.m, ",",""),
                        paste(mc.names[m], ifelse(any.m,"=",""), mc.names[m], collapse=", "),

    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    environment(mc) <- parent.frame()
    tbw$call <- mc


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