
Defines functions npplregbw.formula npplregbw

Documented in npplregbw npplregbw.formula

npplregbw <-
    args = list(...)
    if (is(args[[1]],"formula"))
    else if (!is.null(args$formula))

npplregbw.formula <-
  function(formula, data, subset, na.action, call, ...){
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(mf), nomatch = 0)
    mf <- mf[c(1,m)]

    if(!missing(call) && is.call(call)){
      ## rummage about in the call for the original formula
      for(i in 1:length(call)){
        if(tryCatch(class(eval(call[[i]])) == "formula",
                    error = function(e) FALSE))
      mf[[2]] <- call[[i]]

    mf.xf <- mf
    mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    mf.xf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    ## mangle formula ...
    chromoly <- explodePipe(mf[["formula"]])

    if (length(chromoly) != 3) ## stop if malformed formula
      stop("invoked with improper formula, please see npplregbw documentation for proper use")

    ## make formula evaluable, then eval
    bronze <- lapply(chromoly, paste, collapse = " + ")

    mf.xf[["formula"]] <- as.formula(paste(" ~ ", bronze[[2]]),
                                    env = environment(formula))

    mf[["formula"]] <- as.formula(paste(bronze[[1]]," ~ ", bronze[[3]]),
                                  env = environment(formula))

    formula.all <- terms(as.formula(paste(" ~ ",bronze[[1]]," + ",bronze[[2]], " + ",bronze[[3]]),
                                  env = environment(formula)))

    orig.class <- if (missing(data))
      sapply(eval(attr(formula.all, "variables"), environment(formula.all)),class)
    else sapply(eval(attr(formula.all, "variables"), data, environment(formula.all)),class)

    arguments.mfx <- chromoly[[2]]
    arguments.mf <- c(chromoly[[1]],chromoly[[3]])

    mf[["formula"]] <- terms(mf[["formula"]])
    mf.xf[["formula"]] <- terms(mf.xf[["formula"]])
    if(all(orig.class == "ts")){
      arguments <- (as.list(attr(formula.all, "variables"))[-1])
      attr(mf[["formula"]], "predvars") <- bquote(.(as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), arguments)))))[,.(match(arguments.mf,arguments)),drop = FALSE])
      attr(mf.xf[["formula"]], "predvars") <- bquote(.(as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), arguments)))))[,.(match(arguments.mfx,arguments)),drop = FALSE])
    }else if(any(orig.class == "ts")){
      arguments <- (as.list(attr(formula.all, "variables"))[-1])
      arguments.normal <- arguments[which(orig.class != "ts")]
      arguments.timeseries <- arguments[which(orig.class == "ts")]

      ix <- sort(c(which(orig.class == "ts"),which(orig.class != "ts")),index.return = TRUE)$ix
      attr(mf[["formula"]], "predvars") <- bquote((.(as.call(c(quote(cbind),as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), arguments.timeseries)))),arguments.normal,check.rows = TRUE)))[,.(ix)])[,.(match(arguments.mf,arguments)),drop = FALSE])
      attr(mf.xf[["formula"]], "predvars") <- bquote((.(as.call(c(quote(cbind),as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), arguments.timeseries)))),arguments.normal,check.rows = TRUE)))[,.(ix)])[,.(match(arguments.mfx,arguments)),drop = FALSE])
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    mf.xf <- eval(mf.xf,parent.frame())

    ydat <- model.response(mf)
    xdat <- mf.xf
    zdat <- mf[, chromoly[[3]], drop = FALSE]

    tbw <- npplregbw(xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat, zdat = zdat, ...)

    ## clean up (possible) inconsistencies due to recursion ...
    tbw$call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    environment(tbw$call) <- parent.frame()
    tbw$formula <- formula
    tbw$rows.omit <- as.vector(attr(mf,"na.action"))
    tbw$nobs.omit <- length(tbw$rows.omit)
    tbw$terms <- attr(mf,"terms")
    tbw$xterms <- attr(mf.xf,"terms")
    tbw$chromoly <- chromoly

    tbw <-
      updateBwNameMetadata(nameList =
                           list(ynames =
                                attr(mf, "names")[attr(tbw$terms, "response")]),
                           bws = tbw)


npplregbw.NULL =
  function(xdat = stop("invoked without data `xdat'"),
           ydat = stop("invoked without data `ydat'"),
           zdat = stop("invoked without data `zdat'"),
           bws, ...){

    ## maintain x names and 'toFrame'
    xdat <- toFrame(xdat)

    ## maintain z names and 'toFrame'
    zdat <- toFrame(zdat)

    ## bandwidths

    bws = matrix(data = 0, nrow = 1+ncol(xdat), ncol = ncol(zdat))

    tbw <- npplregbw.default(xdat = xdat, ydat = ydat, zdat = zdat,
                             bws = bws, ...)

    ## clean up (possible) inconsistencies due to recursion ...
    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    environment(mc) <- parent.frame()
    tbw$call <- mc

    tbw <-
      updateBwNameMetadata(nameList = list(ynames = deparse(substitute(ydat))),
                           bws = tbw)


npplregbw.plbandwidth =
  function(xdat = stop("invoked without data `xdat'"),
           ydat = stop("invoked without data `ydat'"),
           zdat = stop("invoked without data `zdat'"),
           bws, nmulti, ...){

    ## n observations
    ## rows are observations, columns are variables
    ## x is n x k
    ## y is n x 1
    ## z is n x p

    if (missing(nmulti)){
      nmulti <- min(5,dim(zdat)[2])
    xdat = toFrame(xdat)
    zdat = toFrame(zdat)

    ## catch and destroy NA's
    goodrows = 1:dim(xdat)[1]
    rows.omit = na.action(na.omit(data.frame(xdat,ydat,zdat)))
    goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

    if (all(goodrows==0))
      stop("Training data has no rows without NAs")

    xdat = xdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
    ydat = ydat[goodrows]
    zdat = zdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]

    ## y on z
    total.time <-
        bws$bw$yzbw  <- npregbw(xdat = zdat, ydat = ydat,
                                bws = bws$bw$yzbw, nmulti = nmulti, ...)
        ## x on z

        for (i in 1:ncol(xdat)){
          bws$bw[[i+1]] <- npregbw(xdat=zdat, ydat=xdat[,i],
                  bws = bws$bw[[i+1]], nmulti = nmulti, ...)
    bws <- plbandwidth(bws = bws$bw,
                       regtype = bws$regtype,
                       bwmethod = bws$method,
                       bwscaling = bws$scaling,
                       bwtype = bws$type,
                       ckertype = bws$ckertype,
                       ckerorder = bws$ckerorder,
                       ukertype = bws$ukertype,
                       okertype = bws$okertype,
                       xdati = bws$xdati,
                       ydati = bws$ydati,
                       zdati = bws$zdati,
                       xnames = bws$xnames,
                       ynames = bws$ynames,
                       znames = bws$znames,
                       nobs = bws$nobs,
                       rows.omit = rows.omit,
                       total.time = total.time)


npplregbw.default = 
  function(xdat = stop("invoked without data `xdat'"),
           ydat = stop("invoked without data `ydat'"),
           zdat = stop("invoked without data `zdat'"),
           bws, ...,
           bandwidth.compute = TRUE,
           nmulti, remin, itmax,
           ftol, tol, small){

    ## maintain x names and 'toFrame'
    xdat <- toFrame(xdat)

    ## maintain z names and 'toFrame'
    zdat <- toFrame(zdat)

    plband = list()
    plband$yzbw = npregbw(xdat = zdat, ydat = ydat,
      bws = bws[1,], ..., bandwidth.compute = FALSE)

    for (i in 1:dim(xdat)[2])
      plband[[i+1]] = npregbw(xdat = zdat, ydat = xdat[,i],
              bws = bws[i+1,], ..., bandwidth.compute = FALSE)

    tbw <- plbandwidth(bws = plband,
                       nobs = dim(xdat)[1],
                       xdati = untangle(xdat),
                       ydati = untangle(data.frame(ydat)),
                       zdati = untangle(zdat),
                       xnames = names(xdat),
                       ynames = deparse(substitute(ydat)),
                       znames = names(zdat),
                       bandwidth.compute = bandwidth.compute)

    mc.names <- names(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE))
    margs <- c("nmulti", "remin", "itmax", "ftol", "tol", "small")
    m <- match(margs, mc.names, nomatch = 0)
    any.m <- any(m != 0)

    if (bandwidth.compute)
      tbw <- eval(parse(text=paste("npplregbw.plbandwidth(xdat=xdat, ydat=ydat, zdat = zdat, bws=tbw",
                          ifelse(any.m, ",",""),
                          paste(mc.names[m], ifelse(any.m,"=",""), mc.names[m], collapse=", "),

    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    environment(mc) <- parent.frame()
    tbw$call <- mc


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np documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:41 p.m.