
Defines functions npscoef.formula npscoef

Documented in npscoef npscoef.formula

npscoef <-
  function(bws, ...){
    args <- list(...)

    if (!missing(bws)){
      if (is.recursive(bws)){
        if (!is.null(bws$formula) && is.null(args$txdat))
        else if (!is.null(bws$call) && is.null(args$txdat))
        else if (!is.call(bws))
      } else {
        UseMethod("npscoef", NULL)
    } else {
      UseMethod("npscoef", NULL)

npscoef.formula <-
  function(bws, data = NULL, newdata = NULL, y.eval = FALSE, ...){

    tt <- terms(bws)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
               names(bws$call), nomatch = 0)
    tmf <- bws$call[c(1,m)]
    tmf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    tmf[["formula"]] <- tt
    umf <- tmf <- eval(tmf, envir = environment(tt))

    tydat <- model.response(tmf)
    txdat <- tmf[, bws$chromoly[[2]], drop = FALSE]
    if (!(miss.z <- !(length(bws$chromoly) == 3)))
      tzdat <- tmf[, bws$chromoly[[3]], drop = FALSE]

    if ((has.eval <- !is.null(newdata))) {
      if (!y.eval){
        tt <- delete.response(tt)

        orig.class <- sapply(eval(attr(tt, "variables"), newdata, environment(tt)),class)
        ## delete.response clobbers predvars, which is used for timeseries objects
        ## so we need to reconstruct it

        if(all(orig.class == "ts")){
          args <- (as.list(attr(tt, "variables"))[-1])
          attr(tt, "predvars") <- as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), args))))
        }else if(any(orig.class == "ts")){
          arguments <- (as.list(attr(tt, "variables"))[-1])
          arguments.normal <- arguments[which(orig.class != "ts")]
          arguments.timeseries <- arguments[which(orig.class == "ts")]

          ix <- sort(c(which(orig.class == "ts"),which(orig.class != "ts")),index.return = TRUE)$ix
          attr(tt, "predvars") <- bquote(.(as.call(c(quote(cbind),as.call(c(quote(as.data.frame),as.call(c(quote(ts.intersect), arguments.timeseries)))),arguments.normal,check.rows = TRUE)))[,.(ix)])
          attr(tt, "predvars") <- attr(tt, "variables")
      umf <- emf <- model.frame(tt, data = newdata)

      if (y.eval)
        eydat <- model.response(emf)
      exdat <- emf[, bws$chromoly[[2]], drop = FALSE]
      if (!miss.z)
        ezdat <- emf[, bws$chromoly[[3]], drop = FALSE]

    ev <-
      eval(parse(text=paste("npscoef(txdat = txdat, tydat = tydat,",
                   ifelse(miss.z, '','tzdat = tzdat,'),
                   ifelse(has.eval,paste("exdat = exdat,",
                                         ifelse(y.eval,"eydat = eydat,",""),
                                         ifelse(miss.z,'', 'ezdat = ezdat,')),""),
                   "bws = bws, ...)")))

    ev$omit <- attr(umf,"na.action")
    ev$rows.omit <- as.vector(ev$omit)
    ev$nobs.omit <- length(ev$rows.omit)

    ev$mean <- napredict(ev$omit, ev$mean)
    ev$merr <- napredict(ev$omit, ev$merr)

        ev$resid <- naresid(ev$omit, ev$resid)

npscoef.call <-
  function(bws, ...) {
    eval(parse(text = paste('npscoef(txdat = eval(bws$call[["xdat"]], environment(bws$call)),',
                 'tydat = eval(bws$call[["ydat"]], environment(bws$call)),',
                 ifelse(!is.null(bws$zdati), 'tzdat = eval(bws$call[["zdat"]], environment(bws$call)),',''),
                 'bws = bws, ...)')))

npscoef.default <- function(bws, txdat, tydat, tzdat, ...) {
  sc <- sys.call()
  sc.names <- names(sc)

  ## here we check to see if the function was called with tdat =
  ## if it was, we need to catch that and map it to dat =
  ## otherwise the call is passed unadulterated to npudensbw

  bws.named <- any(sc.names == "bws")
  txdat.named <- any(sc.names == "txdat")
  tydat.named <- any(sc.names == "tydat")
  tzdat.named <- any(sc.names == "tzdat")

  no.bws <- missing(bws)
  no.txdat <- missing(txdat)
  no.tydat <- missing(tydat)
  no.tzdat <- missing(tzdat)

  ## if bws was passed in explicitly, do not compute bandwidths

    txdat <- toFrame(txdat)

  ## if(tydat.named)
  ## tydat <- toFrame(tydat)

    tzdat <- toFrame(tzdat)

  sc.bw <- sc
  sc.bw[[1]] <- quote(npscoefbw)

    sc.bw$bandwidth.compute <- FALSE

  ostxy <- c('txdat','tydat','tzdat')
  nstxy <- c('xdat','ydat','zdat')
  m.txy <- match(ostxy, names(sc.bw), nomatch = 0)

  if(any(m.txy > 0)) {
    names(sc.bw)[m.txy] <- nstxy[m.txy > 0]
  tbw <- eval.parent(sc.bw)

  ## because of some ambiguities in how the function might be called
  ## we only drop up to two unnamed arguments, when sometimes dropping
  ## three would be appropriate.  also, for simplicity, we don't allow
  ## for inconsistent mixes of named/unnamed arguments so bws is named
  ## or unnamed, and t[xyz]dat collectively either named or unnamed

  tz.str <- ifelse(tzdat.named, ",tzdat = tzdat",
                   ifelse(no.tzdat, "", "tzdat"))

    tx.str <- ",txdat = txdat"
    ty.str <- ",tydat = tydat"
  } else {
    tx.str <- ifelse(txdat.named, ",txdat = txdat","")
    ty.str <- ifelse(tydat.named, ",tydat = tydat","")
    if((!bws.named) && (!txdat.named)){
      ty.str <- ifelse(tydat.named, ",tydat = tydat",
                       ifelse(no.tydat, "", "tydat"))

  eval(parse(text=paste("npscoef(bws = tbw", tx.str, ty.str, tz.str, ",...)")))


npscoef.scbandwidth <-
           txdat = stop("training data 'txdat' missing"),
           tydat = stop("training data 'tydat' missing"),
           tzdat = NULL,
           residuals = FALSE,
           errors = TRUE,
           iterate = TRUE,
           maxiter = 100,
           tol = .Machine$double.eps,
           leave.one.out = FALSE,
           betas = FALSE, ...){

    miss.z <- missing(tzdat)

    miss.ex = missing(exdat)
    miss.ey = missing(eydat)

    ## if miss.ex then if !miss.ey then ey and tx must match, to get
    ## oos errors alternatively if miss.ey you get is errors if
    ## !miss.ex then if !miss.ey then ey and ex must match, to get oos
    ## errors alternatively if miss.ey you get NO errors since we
    ## don't evaluate on the training data

    txdat <- toFrame(txdat)

    if (!(is.vector(tydat) | is.factor(tydat)))
      stop("'tydat' must be a vector or a factor")

    if (!miss.z)
      tzdat <- toFrame(tzdat)

    if (!miss.ex){
      exdat <- toFrame(exdat)

      if (!miss.z)
        ezdat <- toFrame(ezdat)

      if (! txdat %~% exdat )
        stop("'txdat' and 'exdat' are not similar data frames!")

      if (!miss.ey){
        if (dim(exdat)[1] != length(eydat))
          stop("number of evaluation data 'exdat' and dependent data 'eydat' do not match")

    } else if(!miss.ey) {
      if (dim(txdat)[1] != length(eydat))
        stop("number of training data 'txdat' and dependent data 'eydat' do not match")

    if(iterate && !is.null(bws$bw.fitted) && !miss.ex){
      warning("iteration is not supported for out of sample evaluations; using overall bandwidths")
      iterate = FALSE

    ## catch and destroy NA's
    goodrows = 1:dim(txdat)[1]
    rows.omit =
      eval(parse(text = paste("attr(na.omit(data.frame(txdat, tydat",
                   ifelse(miss.z,'',',tzdat'),')), "na.action")')))

    goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

    if (all(goodrows==0))
      stop("Training data has no rows without NAs")

    txdat = txdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
    tydat = tydat[goodrows]
    if (!miss.z)
      tzdat <- tzdat[goodrows,, drop = FALSE]

    if (!miss.ex){
      goodrows = 1:dim(exdat)[1]
      rows.omit = eval(parse(text=paste('attr(na.omit(data.frame(exdat',
                               ifelse(miss.z, "",",ezdat"),
                               ')), "na.action")')))

      goodrows[rows.omit] = 0

      exdat = exdat[goodrows,,drop = FALSE]
      if (!miss.ey)
        eydat = eydat[goodrows]
      if (!miss.z)
        ezdat <- ezdat[goodrows,, drop = FALSE]

      if (all(goodrows==0))
        stop("Evaluation data has no rows without NAs")

    ## convert tydat, eydat to numeric, from a factor with levels from the y-data
    ## used during bandwidth selection.

    if (is.factor(tydat)){
      tydat <- adjustLevels(as.data.frame(tydat), bws$ydati)[,1]
      tydat <- (bws$ydati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(tydat)]
      tydat <- as.double(tydat)

    if (miss.ey)
      eydat <- double()
    else {
      if (is.factor(eydat)){
        eydat <- adjustLevels(as.data.frame(eydat), bws$ydati)[,1]
        eydat <- (bws$ydati$all.dlev[[1]])[as.integer(eydat)]
        eydat <- as.double(eydat)

    ## re-assign levels in training and evaluation data to ensure correct
    ## conversion to numeric type.

    txdat <- adjustLevels(txdat, bws$xdati)
    if (!miss.z)
      tzdat <- adjustLevels(tzdat, bws$zdati)

    if (!miss.ex){
      exdat <- adjustLevels(exdat, bws$xdati)
      if (!miss.z)
        ezdat <- adjustLevels(ezdat, bws$zdati)

    ## grab the evaluation data before it is converted to numeric
      teval <- txdat
      if (!miss.z)
        teval <- list(exdat = txdat, ezdat = tzdat)
    } else {
      teval <- exdat
      if (!miss.z)
        teval <- list(exdat = exdat, ezdat = ezdat)

    ## put the unordered, ordered, and continuous data in their own objects
    ## data that is not a factor is continuous.

    txdat <- toMatrix(txdat)

    if (!miss.ex){
      exdat <- toMatrix(exdat)

    ## from this point on txdat and exdat have been recast as matrices
    ## construct 'W' matrix

    W.train <- W <- as.matrix(data.frame(1,txdat))
    yW <- as.matrix(data.frame(tydat,1,txdat))

    if (miss.z){
      tzdat <- txdat
      if (!miss.ex)
        ezdat <- exdat

    tww <- eval(parse(text=paste("npksum(txdat = tzdat, tydat = yW, weights = yW,",
                    ifelse(miss.ex, "", "exdat = ezdat,"),
                    "bws = bws, leave.one.out = leave.one.out)$ksum")))

    tyw <- tww[-1,1,,drop=FALSE]
    dim(tyw) <- dim(tyw)[-2]
    tww <- tww[-1,-1,,drop=FALSE]

    tnrow <- nrow(txdat)
    enrow <- ifelse(miss.ex, nrow(txdat), nrow(exdat))

    if (!miss.ex)
      W <- as.matrix(data.frame(1,exdat))

    ## ridging jracine Jan 28 2009

    maxPenalty <- sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax)
    coef.mat <- matrix(maxPenalty,ncol(W),enrow)
    epsilon <- 1.0/enrow
    ridge <- double(enrow)
    doridge <- !logical(enrow)

    nc <- ncol(tww[,,1])

    ridger <- function(i) {
      doridge[i] <<- FALSE
      ridge.val <- ridge[i]*tyw[,i][1]/NZD(tww[,,i][1,1])
               error = function(e){
                 ridge[i] <<- ridge[i]+epsilon
                 doridge[i] <<- TRUE

      iloo <- (1:enrow)[doridge]
      coef.mat[,iloo] <- sapply(iloo, ridger)

    if (do.iterate <- (iterate && !is.null(bws$bw.fitted) && miss.ex)){
      resid <- tydat - sapply(1:enrow, function(i) { W[i,, drop = FALSE] %*% coef.mat[,i] })

      i = 0
      max.err <- .Machine$double.xmax
      aydat <- abs(tydat) + .Machine$double.eps

      n.part <- (ncol(txdat)+1)

      while((max.err > tol) & ((i <- i + 1) <= maxiter)){
        resid.old <- resid
        for(j in 1:n.part){
          ## estimate partial residuals
          partial <- W[,j] * coef.mat[j,] + resid

          ## use to calculate new beta implicitly

          twww <- npksum(txdat=tzdat,
                         tydat=cbind(partial * W[,j],W[,j]^2),
                         weights=cbind(partial * W[,j],1),

          coef.mat[j,] <- twww[1,2,]/NZD(twww[2,2,])

          ## estimate new full residuals
          resid <- partial - W[,j] * coef.mat[j,]
          ## repeat for consistency ?
        max.err <- max(abs(resid.old - resid)/aydat)
      if (max.err > tol)
        warning(paste("backfit iterations did not converge. max err= ", max.err,", tol= ", tol,", maxiter= ", maxiter, sep=''))
      mean <- tydat - resid
    } else {
      mean <- sapply(1:enrow, function(i) { W[i,, drop = FALSE] %*% coef.mat[,i] })

    if (!miss.ey) {
      RSQ = RSQfunc(eydat, mean)
      MSE = MSEfunc(eydat, mean)
      MAE = MAEfunc(eydat, mean)
      MAPE = MAPEfunc(eydat, mean)
      CORR = CORRfunc(eydat, mean)
      SIGN = SIGNfunc(eydat, mean)
    } else if(miss.ex) {
      RSQ = RSQfunc(tydat, mean)
      MSE = MSEfunc(tydat, mean)
      MAE = MAEfunc(tydat, mean)
      MAPE = MAPEfunc(tydat, mean)
      CORR = CORRfunc(tydat, mean)
      SIGN = SIGNfunc(tydat, mean)

    if(errors | (residuals & miss.ex)){

      tywtm <- npksum(txdat = tzdat,
                      tydat = yW,
                      weights = yW,
                      bws = bws,
                      leave.one.out = leave.one.out)$ksum

      tyw <- tywtm[-1,1,]
      tm <- tywtm[-1,-1,]

      mean.fit <- rep(maxPenalty,nrow(txdat))
      epsilon <- 1.0/nrow(txdat)
      ridge.tm <- double(nrow(txdat))
      doridge <- !logical(nrow(txdat))

      nc <- ncol(tm[,,1])

      ridger <- function(i) {
        doridge[i] <<- FALSE
        ridge.val <- ridge.tm[i]*tyw[,i][1]/NZD(tm[,,i][1,1])
        W.train[i,, drop = FALSE] %*% tryCatch(solve(tm[,,i]+diag(rep(ridge.tm[i],nc)),
                      error = function(e){
                        ridge.tm[i] <<- ridge.tm[i]+epsilon
                        doridge[i] <<- TRUE

        ii <- (1:nrow(txdat))[doridge]
        mean.fit[ii] <- sapply(ii, ridger)

      u2.W <- (resid <- tydat - mean.fit)^2


      ## kernel^2 integrals
      k <- (int.kernels[switch(bws$ckertype,
                               "truncated gaussian" = CKER_TGAUSS,
                              gaussian = CKER_GAUSS + bws$ckerorder/2 - 1,
                              epanechnikov = CKER_EPAN + bws$ckerorder/2 - 1,
                              uniform = CKER_UNI)+1])^length(bws$bw)

      u2.W <- sapply(1:tnrow, function(i) { W.train[i,, drop=FALSE]*u2.W[i] })
      u2.W <- t(u2.W)

      V.hat <- eval(parse(text = paste("npksum(txdat = tzdat, tydat = W.train, weights = u2.W,",
                            ifelse(!miss.ex, "exdat = ezdat,", ""), "bws = bws, leave.one.out = leave.one.out)$ksum")))

      ## asymptotics rely on positive definite nature of tww (ie. M.eval) and V.hat
      ## so choleski decomposition is used to assure their veracity
      merr <- sqrt(sapply(1:enrow, function(i){
        cm <- chol2inv(chol(tww[,,i]+diag(rep(ridge[i],nc))))
        k*(W[i,,drop=FALSE] %*% cm %*% V.hat[,,i] %*% cm %*% t(W[i,,drop=FALSE]))


    eval(parse(text=paste("smoothcoefficient(bws = bws, eval = teval",
                 ", mean = mean,",
                 ifelse(errors & !do.iterate,"merr = merr,",""),
                 ifelse(betas, "beta = t(coef.mat),",""),
                 ifelse(residuals, "resid = resid,",""),
                 "residuals = residuals, betas = betas,",
                 "ntrain = nrow(txdat), trainiseval = miss.ex,",
                 ifelse(miss.ey && !miss.ex, "",


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